What is it about superhero media that's allowed it to pervade american culture so often? And is it all just a spectacle and distraction from how truly unhappy we all are?
What is it about superhero media that's allowed it to pervade american culture so often...
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Very wholesome
Capeshit is still gay tho
unironically it seems like it would be pretty fun to dress up as fucking batman or superman and go around helping people out like that to keep their spirits up in a hospital
its my /fit/ motivation now
To be fair, she's actually the target audience. What I mean is that it feels bizarre how intensely rooted in our culture these films are now. For the longest time you'd get spiderman or batman to visit, but not dr. strange or gwen.
Why did jannies prune the thread? Am I missing something?
Its become a lot bigger then it used to be. I grew up in the 90s and superheroes were popular with little boys or halloween costumes, and that was really it.
To say "superheroes are popular" it's more accurate to say MCU developed a formula that perfectly draws in the tastes/sensibilities of modern movie masses. Everyone else tries to copy them and fails.
soulless, brainless instant gratification-based media is just another symptom of the soulless, brainless and instant gratification-based path american society is taking
so basically, yes, american society is rotting and the dumbing down of entertainment media is a symptom
They often just wear musclesuit shit but if you get /fit/ and can do without it even better
because absolute retards who don't care for children or understand their need for attention and validation from their peers and parents scream MUH WOMEN
Wait a minute, what the fuck? A suicide attempt and your family still goes on the vacation without you?
Bitch, ditch that family.
Why do females seem to always survive suicide attempts while men don't?
She's 15. Everytime this gets posted people freak out because "muh attention whoring" but with that kind of family and an attempted suicide at such a young age reddit might be one of her only outlets as sad as that sounds
>to canada
No wonder she tried to kill herself
to reddit
she should have posted it on the chon
Men will tend to use guns while women will tend to use pills. Both of them seem to equally slit wrists. At this age hopefully it's just a cry for help.
hope she gets better. depression sucks. Im not a depression fag but i've seen friends go from normal people to suicidal and its sad and surreal
Well considering how immensely massive reddit has gotten, I feel like more and more kids are getting swept up in it. It also feels like subs where they'd post would be practically "hunting grounds" for pedophiles so to speak. We need to do a better job of protecting our kids.
Why don't men ever cry for help? Why go straight for the shotgun barrel?
Is it because nobody wants to listen to men?
Americans does not have any "culture", only pop one, cheap and souless. Also, super heros are the definition of American lazyness and lack of force of will and real talent, meanwhile animes and European art have characters grown and they need to improve themselves to get the things done. Americans just want things giving to them or be automatically perfects.
Watched a video some time ago that addressed this obsession with super-hero characters in modern society.
It had to do with the fact that modern people have little to no power over their environments (or even their lives), just wage cucking from day to day until you die. Many won't ever even have relationships let alone marriage and children. Religiousness is pretty much dead among Westernized people, so there's no more God/Heaven/Hell fantasies anymore either.
Any traditional hero characters have long since been dismantled by society for political or cultural reasons.
Comic super-heroes fill the gaps left behind by these changes, they are essentially just power fantasies. For an hour or two we can see ourselves as being those characters and being the hero that saves the world. This is why so much emphasis is placed on race and gender when it comes to these characters, because everyone desperately wants their own character to represent them.
It's basically a side-effect of our nihilistic hedonistic existence. It's terrible, but at the same time can you really blame people for craving it in such decrepit society?
they're not trying to die
Men do give cries for help. It just depends on the situation. But culturally also older men are more likely to be berated or isolated for expressing emotions or told to "man up" even in situations where the root problem isn't a lack of discipline or worldview but rather a mental issue.
We still have our historic heros
Is this armoured skeptic and sh0eonhead? Why bother to shop her tits badly when we have her nudes from her Yea Forums days
poor thing, she tried to be an hero and her family went away on vacation
How did she attempt suicide you think?
You think she'll brag about this in college or when she's trying to make it as a nu-media blogger in a couple of years? Is this what she'll hold over people's heads that she's trying to befriend, that she was the charity case poster child that pulled a bunch of off-broadway out-of-work actors with access to the back of a halloween costume rental shop out of their shared lofts for a day to remind her to eat while she's in the hospital for making a stupid mistake based on nonsensical teenage hormonal imbalances? This? This is her peak? I'd try again if I were her, she didn't learn the right lesson.
The idea that you can magically become special with zero work.
>a stupid mistake based on nonsensical teenage hormonal imbalances
It's downplaying a suicide attempt just a wee bit user
If you're female
The same way all women "attempt" suicide, swallowed too many DXM tablets and had a bad trip.
suicide is boring and her reason was probably boring and her method was probably boring, too. why should I care? this person I've never met, will never meet, who was suddenly given more attention with a fucking lottery ticket for something done to undo people in the thousands every day for far better reasons in far worse ways? why her? why anyone?
I don't have the time to care and it doesn't ever benefit me so why the fuck should I?
Her cry for attention was rewarded, so let’s reward her with more attention.
Then why did you bother writing out an entire paragraph about her
what is it? I heard that they're a replacement for the role mythical heroes had in old societies, or the kind of praise you'd give a wonderful king. It's vicarious fulfillment for a real life figure that none of us have.
Most people in the third world used to like superhero movies when they're young, but moved on as they grew.
Like, I don't regret watching the Spiderman cartoon when I was a kid, but I really don't know how adults keep going with it. Superhero movies are so infantile now that I've a hard time watching.
"Pedophile" doesnt mean "child molester" you absolute faggot.
>For an hour or two we can see ourselves as being those characters and being the hero that saves the world.
Really? I enjoyed the first Iron Man and other half a dozen of Marvel movies, but I never imagined myself as one of the heroes.
He's writing a paragraph about an abstract concept you stupid idiot.
Oh great, the Yea Forums pedophile squadron is out in full force
I routinely complain about superhero movies and basically stopped watching them around Iron Man II. But I still watched the last two avengers movies, just to 'see what the fuss was', because 'why not', and just because i was 'curious'.
As much as i'd like to think i'm above it, i'm clearly not. I don't watch any other films just to see what the fuss is.
How many people ITT have literally not seen Endgame? How many people ITT have seen Endgame, yet still complain about how asinine superhero culture is?
Yep. and this is literally what 'toxic masculinity' is.
Feel like they really missed a golden opportunity there...
You probably don't have a mental disability, then. People who project into entertainment are pretty fucked up. Like that one orange haired goober that shot up the Dark Knight Rises theaters. He saw himself as The Joker, took it home, roosted with it and went nuts.
It's not healthy.
I fell asleep on the last two avengers movies. It's boring, capeshit is boring after a while.
What is wrong with modelling your behavior and thoughts on characters in stories? What if they are for example, loving or heroic. What's wrong with trying to emulate that? Do you think that you're not influenced by anything? That just means you're unaware of your influences.
Or, what's wrong with empathizing with characters in stories when you're seeing them? I would say inability to do that means you are a deficient person, or you're wasting your time on worthless stories. Because if you can't feel any kind of emotional connection with a story there's something wrong with you or with the story.
That's just an excuse. Iron Man was over 10 years ago and you're still watching them. I have told myself the same thing, that I find them boring. But I still watched them. So did you. That's a fact.
Because fuck you, that's why.
I enjoyed Iron Man and Iron Man 2, then I watched the first Avengers and stopped watching capeshit for some time. Time passed and Infinity War came, I watched because I got the impression it was the final episode (nostalgia played a role too). I enjoyed IW, then I watched Endgame that was pure shit and I won't watch another capeshit movie. I'm out.
The list of Marvel movies I watched:
>Iron Man
>Iron Man 2
>Iron Man 3
>Captain America
>Captain America 2
>Spiderman Homecoming
>Infinity War
lol are you only just coming to this conclusion now though? Or is it 'for real' this time?
There's no way to reconcile watching all those with not enjoying it, being over it or being above it.
If the only thing keeping you alive is stories then you shouldn't be alive. Taking lessons from places is natural and normal but centralizing your life on things made and produced as consumptive and temporary is the kind of autism you see screeching and kicking in grocery stores after 20 years old because they wanted to be at home and not getting their way means the world is breaking apart around them. You don't understand just how unteachable the vast majority audience is that falls into this kind of "I learned how to be X person from Y character" shit. It's the people who preach by quoting from a movie and then act in the exact opposite. It's diabetic fatasses who quote Rocky because they did a push up, then once it's out of their system they sit back down and drone out in front of whatever show they get obsessed with next.
Not everyone breaks that mold or takes lessons in a way that's actually self beneficial. Most people just pretend they are someone else, at the end of that journey, say some quotes and revel in the moments of success. No one pretends to be Spider-Man when he's blood-faced and beaten up from trying and failing, they pretend to be him already successful without doing any of the work. That's the people we're talking about. They aren't praiseworthy at all.
never understood why american culture only loves capeshit,star wars and back to the future, nips have a wide variety of things but the nerd shit is always the same here, it gets so stale
What you're saying is true, but it's not necessarily the case. What i'm disputing is this:
>People who project into entertainment are pretty fucked up
>It's not healthy.
Projecting onto entertainment of course is often fucked up and often unhealthy, or simply pointless and shallow.
But utter inability to ever relate to characters in stories and empathize with them means you're lacking emotional intelligence and empathy. Or that you just waste your time with bad stories.
And if you think all stories and all people's relationships with them are vapid and shallow then I wish you wouldn't post here.
It's just action movies people enjoy watching. It's got something for everyone. Action scenes, character moments, world building for nerds. I get why so many people enjoy Superhero movies.
shonen is as popular and as formulaic
it's essentially the same thing.
bread and circuses
american culture is puritan by default, amerimutts only believe in good vs evil, they think they´re the good guys of course, so power fantasy is their bread and butter
It's a mix of things.
I really enjoyed the first Iron Man and Iron Man 2. Then I watched Captain America and Thor, but these movies were shit. I watched Avengers with friends and it made me lose any hope. Then Iron Man 3 came out and I watched because it's RDJ, the movie was pure shit. People shilled me to watch Captain America 2 because, according to them, it was amazing and what I saw was a shit movie. Then came Infinity War that was a really good movie, so I downloaded Spiderman Homecoming to see how it was and found garbage. Then I watched Endgame to see how it was going to end, only to see a convoluted mess with no logic except that the story must go on forever.
But I agree with you. I wasn't above it.
lol yep
the stories even have lapses of faith to ultimately strengthen their faith and pretend that it's been under doubt and so definitely must be true
>a-are we the good guys
and then obligatary
>of course we're the good guys!
I agree with the user you're replying.
There is some diversity even in shonen that I can't find in capeshit.
not really though lol
not fundamentally so
especially if you blow up the genre of capeshit and include all american action stories with heroes and similar morales and messaging
Like maybe you could say shonen has better character design but that's about it, it doesn't have better characters.
80s nostalgia = Nerd Culture™ in America
Star Trek was seen as too nerdy but they are trying to change that with STD. Failing but trying.
Imagine failing at killing yourself.
Canadians are a joke.
Explain why the Chinese love capeshit so much
30 y/os are children
it's basically only jojo, and moeblobs in japan now.
I nearly died from pneumonia literally no one cared. I passed out because I couldn't breathe.
your typical chinaman likes big action and explosions, that´s why the transformers movies and the fast and furious franchise makes millions there
What I noticed about American stories is how they have "good X bad" or "everyone is a piece of shit". This is present even in their literature with a few exceptions here and there.
As a result of decades of totalitarianism, repression and cultural persecution, Chinese media culture is absolute garbage and they only understand melodrama, basic archetypes and basic stories. Anything like complicated character drama, nuanced relationships, or moral ambiguity goes above their heads. Also cgi fighting and good looking white people.
This, lmfao
The cardinal rule of being mentally ill is to hide it. I feel bad for those who haven't mastered that.
No one wants to watch you faggot silent movie kino
Vapid mainstream culture in America is mutually beneficial for their counter culture. If you take films like Lady Bird or Moonlight (i'm just using those as examples because you've probably seen them, but basically the entirity of indie filmmaking fits this), then those simple morality tales just aren't there.
I enjoy some characters of some shonens. These characters are better than everything you see on capeshit.
well yes but it is literally for children and shonen characters are literally never like real people.
I'm going to an 80,000 large convention for labor day. It's my big vacation every year. It's a fantasy/sci-fi fan run convention that's basically called the Mardi Gras of cons. 4 days of drinking, drugs, cosplay, and crazy shit. Parties that go on in the middle of the hotel until 5 in the morning.
I've banged two differnt 20 year old girls in the same day. Had a threesome with three instagram thots. Drank with all kind of cool people. Met some pretty fun bros and it's the best time I can have.
I know some people go to spend money on merch and get autographs but I just go to party.
So yeah. I love that America is obsessed with it. It was what I loved as a kid and people made fun of me for it. So having it as an amazing party experience every year is the best.
I love weeb shit man but most Shonen shit is boys screaming about how they wanna be the next Hoekawgay. It ain’t that different from Capeshit being about good guyz good and bad guyz bad.
>but most Shonen shit
"Most" is the word. With capeshit is 100%.
Makes sense.
Oh shit, I want to meet Mexican Dr Strange.
capeshit does the quasi-self aware genre deconstruction but not really that shonen does. There are lots of capeshit like Ragnarok for example which poke fun at how silly a lot of the tropes are.
And 'elevated' shonen like OPM still ultimately descends into being a generic shonen, with only superficial satire covering the fundamental tropes it pretends to be lampooning but that actually make up the bulk of its story. It's basically a bait and switch and for even bigger brainlets than the conventional stuff.
>There are lots of capeshit like Ragnarok for example which poke fun at how silly a lot of the tropes are.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
The difference is that shonen literally translates to "young boy" which means it's made for 10-16 year old kids.
Capeshit is unironically enjoyed and defended by grown as men in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s.
Compare something like Vinland Saga, which is seinen (AKA aimed at adults) to a super hero movie aimed at adults like Deadpool.
There's a pretty significant difference.
why can't women even kill themselves properly?
I always imagine the women who DO kill themselves have a last passing thought before the lights go out
>Noooo NOoooo I didn't mean it! FUCK
I'll give you some examples. In marvel films, the jokes are normally quips, ie, overly witty one liners. But in Ragnarok, the jokes were often improvised, and generally that characters saying overly dumb silly things to each other. Which is the diametric opposite of a quip, and is poking fun at the genre in general because of it.
Or when you reduce the stakes and relationships in a story which is supposed to have 'epic' gravitas and high strung conflicts, into silly interpersonal bickering over nonsense like who is stronger, you're lampooning both the fanbase and tropes of the genre.
But it is still, at its bones, capeshit, with mostly the same conventions tropes and structure.
The same is true of One Punch Man for example, especially the second season.
lol shonen's demographic is younger than that.
capeshit is also made for kids
and many adults watch shonen. Including me. And probably you.
Compare like for like, compare Vinland Saga to Vikings. They're pretty damn similar. Infact I've been disappointed by the nuance of Vinland Saga so far. It's really a rather simple story. The father was an epic fighter and then he renounced the killing for his family and took up non-violence. What's complex about that? That's a very very simple total archetype. There's been no nuance in Vinland Saga sofar. It's just more realistic and depicts more of the reality of fighting and killing. It's not really 'mature' in a literary sense.
Maybe her superpower is invulnerability...
Like what has there been in Vinland Saga, sofar, which unironically makes you think?
The second season of OPM was criticized even by people who liked it, most saying it was worse than season 1.
You can see how low is the bar for capeshit when a movie like Ragnarök is presented as a good example.
>i just tried to kill myself and end my existence
>because of this i missed a family vacation so they came to visit me isn't that awesome!!!!!
Does nobody else find that to be bizarre? I feel like after a failed suicide attempt you wouldn't be in such a great mood and seeing so much family would be awkward.
Yes but the criticisms almost all took issue with the drop in production value and animation. Which actually highlights my point, that what ultimately draws the audience into the series and makes it up fundamentally, is not the satire of the genre, the jokes and the story, but the archetypes of the genre, the fighting, the animation, the action.
and Ragnarok is a good example. I literally just gave you several specific examples from it. Can you refute them? No.
Yes. It is. We still work 8 hours a day (if you're lucky, there are people who work more than 8 hours) which is from an era when you needed a job at the factory to be able to buy bread for your family. We basically use up our entire life to work, all that time is taken away and given whatever company you're working for so you can have some money. Why do we spend entire days doing something we don't want to do for our entire lives?
So people try to find happiness in something else. Superhero media tend to be a good escape. Easy to consume with low brain activity because you've mentally checked out after a working week.
She's probably bipolar.
some people enjoy their work
having nothing to do is far more suffering
It's one of the big contradictions of capitalist society. Unless you are born into or come to make an amount of money big enough to last for the rest of your life you will either have to work and have enough money, yet enough time to spend self improvement and seld realization or you'll be unemployed and have enough time, yet not enough money to do so.
Personally, I believe it's very much that way by design. And ironically enough, the overarching "theme" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a lot of superhero movies in general is about various people from all kinds of different backgrounds making the world a better place through self realization and self improvement. So maybe they're escapist in that way.
how about if your job is your self improvement and self realization?
Then you're very lucky.
>What is it about superhero media that's allowed it to pervade american culture so often?
Take a look at these people
What do you see?
White people.
It's not a culture issue. It's a race issue.
These fucked up white people...it's in their dna to do this shit.
>hey guys I'm tots sads :(
>we planned this vacation for months, the entire family is coming
>go without me :(((
>okay whatever
>takes two ibuprofens and calls 911
>capeshit spics visist her and her reddit post gets 5000 upvotes and some reddit gold
and such is live for the american girl
Who was in the wrong here? Should he have just gone to the tropical island?
>dudes my mental health, please give me good boy votes or I’ll do it again
>dudes MARVEL!
Nobody cares here, either
how do you almost die from pneumonia nigga this isn't the 19th century
>is it all just a spectacle and distraction from how truly unhappy we all are?
women are horrible at everything
It's the growing secularisation of the populace that's causing it.
As we learn more and more about the human psyche we discover that people, on a subconscious level, have a need to feel like the world around them makes sense in a simplistic parable sort of way, with easily identified good guys and bad guys, and that the good guys will win out and everything in their own lives will be ok. Real life is too chaotic to fall into this simplistic model, so people retreat into storytelling. Whether that storytelling happens a traditional temple of worship or in the cinema is irrelevant.
Only way to stop people praying at the altar of Marvel (or whoever else it'll be in 50 years time) is to fight the trend of secularisation itself.
absolute kino holy fuck
hope you're doing ok but don't worry user, you're here for ever with us
It is much healthier for people to indulge in these narratives in the context of a movie which they know is telling a fictional story than in a church that's expecting them to take them as fact.
What the FUCK are Spidey and Dr Strange doing there?
I wouldn't agree. Society hasn't been made better by people drowning themselves in fantasy and we have clearly reached a hedonistic decline that will eventually lead to global social and economic irrelevancy.
What an utter bitch, she ruins the family's vacation with her self-serving attention seeking. The family should honestly just disown her.
But to answer and keep on topic; people simply love capeshit because everyone loves heroes. It is simply ingrained in our mind, heroism is cool and always will be. Couple that with some flashy effects, at least somewhat decent chemistry between characters, overarching story (doesn't need to be complicated), adequate marketing, and you will get a rather decent product behind which most people can get behind. It isn't rocket science
>people simply love capeshit because everyone loves heroes. It is simply ingrained in our mind, heroism is cool and always will be.
But that's my point. Religion tells people a story and expect them to accept it as reality. Movies tell people stories and expect them to take them as stories. Religion is what's drowning people in fantasies. Movies might wct as a type of "surrogate drug" for the very same thing but at least then they're experiencing these fantasies in a safe, controlled way they can still seperate from reality. They know a movie isn't some divine truth a but a play performed by actors based on a script written by a normal person.
>sucks that you tried to kill yourself, here's some guys dressed up as comic book guys, hope you feel better, that'll be another 12 grand
It's fantasy, most people live rather boring and shallow lives. So a hint of heroism and inspiration is something that most people dream about. That childish aspiration to simply go around and help people, to be aspired to, and so on is an innocent and pure fantasy reminding people of a simplified version of the world where everything is going to be fine.
I really suck at explaining but if you cannot grasp why people would enjoy these fantasies then you are a certifiable autist :)
when men do it they mean it. women don't and they just wants what happens after the failed attempt
>Movies tell people stories and expect them to take them as stories
Not really. Religion is full of non-literal stories with real life meanings morals and implications. What exactly in Avengers endgame for example, is meant not to be taken seriously in much the same way?
Stories in general are used to communicate ideas. They aren't abstract from our lives.
>And is it all just a spectacle and distraction from how truly unhappy we all are?
Yes. Breads and circuses upped to a billion thanks to corporations.
You say that and I agree with you that a lot of the Bible and other religious texts, when taken as allegory, have some very positive messages and morals but the truth is, people have a tendency to take these texts literally and many religious groups promote exactly that.
The difference between a movie like Avengers Endgame and a book from the Bible is that the god factor doesn't play into it. Endgame wasn't written or produced by some infallible higher authority or a person in tune with it. A religious person reading the Bible assumes that it contains a higher truth. God's truth. A person watching Avengers Endgame knows it was made by people who are just as fallible as themselves. They don't watch it believing that the Russo Brothers or whoever the screenwriters were are prophets or saints relaying messages from God.
While America does put out a lot of shit, the high quality stuff it puts out far surpasses European art.
kek, so true
very rarely do women actually commit suicide
they know swallowing too many pills is unlikely to kill them, that's why they choose that method
most people watching avengers endgame don't know who the russo brothers are or even stop to consider that the film is made by people at all. It just exists, and the ideas that it promotes, of good vs evil, heroism, friendship, and american supremacy, may as well be gospel
Women tend to be worried about how their corpse will look so they pick unreliable methods like pills. Men just shoot themselves in the head or jump off of really high bridges/buildings, which are virtually guaranteed kills.
>Very wholesome
I haven't seen a MCU movie since Civil War, I don't hate them or anything, I just lost interest.
>meanwhile animes and European art have characters grown and they need to improve themselves to get the things done
>the self improvement meme
Which subreddits are you talking about? I gotta warn these kids.
No, I do think people watching a movie know that it was written and directed by a bunch of overpaid dudes somewhere, even when they don't know their names.
Imagine beeing in a hospital and then a fucking Homelander come inside you room.
They know it, but they do not consider it. When Captain America says something, they do not think of it as a line written by a writer, it is to them something being said by Captain America. Who is not a man in a costume, but a hero.
And this is not even a criticism or audiences. Ability to suspend your disbelief and disregard the artifice of a film is essential to being able to enjoy it.
An extreme example is that many actors who play particularly villainous characters will get abused in the street, like Cliff Curtis for years after he played a rapist.
the bad part is when it settles down in a month or two and she goes back to starving for that kind of shower of attention
Is capeshit halal?
Halal means allowed.
Harem means forbidden.