Why are Korean films so much better than H*llywood films?

Why are Korean films so much better than H*llywood films?

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name 10 aspects of this film that make it better and more stand-out than western films

I genuinely don't know. It just is. Like how their light novels and Manhwa(manga) is better. Manhwa like solo leveling and light novels like solo leveling is just better.
Picture related is a powerful film.

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Post more Korean kinos

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For me it's New World (2013)

Japanese cinema > Korean cinema > Chinese cinema

Because you only hear about Korean film when they're truly great and don't have access to the pile of shit their industry must products like every other nations.

They don't sell you their shitty comedy.

they're not

Good, now take the Taiwanese pill

sympathy for mr vengeance is my favorite


Chinese movies are terrible

Because, you consider the same 10 korean films by the same 5 korean directors every single time
It's like saying Hollywood is better than Hong Kong movies and ONLY handpicking New Hollywood era Scorsese
Not that there aren't great Korean filmmakers or movies, of course there are, but
A) Yea Forums is mostly pleb tier so entry level is all that gets recycled
B) there's still a shit ton of SHIT korean movies from Kdramas to fucking abyssmal knock-offs of korean hits

Indeed, however Hong Kong and Taiwan are not China.
You can instantly tell, because they have great movies, whereas Chinese movies are for sub-70 IQ bugmen (see: Chinks)

Zodiac is better. Checkmate weebs

citizens of Hong Kong and Taiwan are chinese
and mainland China has great movies too
stick to your edgy fedora korean shit pleb

why are retards constantly comparing the two?
they have nothing in common beyond the fact that they're both about unsolved serial killer cases

Snore-fest and forgettable.

are there really more than a dozen of worthwhile films outside of Park Chan-wook and Bong Joon-ho? Maybe their greatest films are better than greatest recent western films, but it's like judging taiwanese film by A brighter summer day alone.

>mainland china has great movies too
Exceptions to the rule
>edgy fedora korean shit
My point about Yea Forums recycling and knowing about the same 10 tired korean revenge movies still stands, I see
Also, citizens of Hong Kong and Taiwan are not under chink law nor should they be, they are citizens of sovereign nations, so take your shit with you Chan and get the fuck out
Winnie the Pooh, Tiananmen square and so on

>A brighter summer day
chink Boyhood
only plebs like it

Made me cry

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Finally someone that has seen at least one Taiwanese flick
Yi Yi is better in every way though, so is The Terrorizers and basically anything HHH made before falling for the memes with Millenium Mambo
Also, official current thread theme (unrelated)

iwai is tight, my mom likes his pre chou-chou movies

>citizens of Hong Kong are not under chink law
yes they are
also currently there is no clear distinction between hk, mainland, or taiwan cinema

So when is season 2 coming out?

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Not for long

Your mom has better taste than 99.9% of Yea Forums

>Not for long
mutt wet dreams

I'm a yuroslav

>I'm a yuroslav
still non-white

>has no ending
>gets made anyway
waste of my FUCKING time

thanks, I'll check out the rest of Edward Yang and HHH, although Taipei Story was gigaboring.

Why does every korean film try its damndest to make its viewer cry? it is kind of obnoxious desu.

>the mother never saw her son again
>because he was looking for her in the wrong place
>but he found her grave
>and he was 2 days too late

like fuck off

Taipei story is his worst along with CC (although I saw that one in a VHSrip so that didnt help)

Should I watch pic related or Memories of a murderer to night?

who the fuck cries to made up events?

forgot pic

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I shed a tear at the end of Rocky every single time

>can't handle films with ambiguous endings
>requires narrative spoonfeeding
I think Hollytoddler is more to your speed.

people that have had sex

Based solo levelling bro

that's about to play in a few weeks in a theater near me. how was it?

yeah some of those films can be tough to find
parasite is more fun, but memories makes you think. If you're already familiar with Kang-ho Song, go for parasite, otherwise check out his other films first.

oh i can handle it
but it wasn't entertaining and the coffee bitch with the radio was too much of a coincidence

Very mainstream, surprisingly, solid 7/10
Go watch it regardless, there aren't that many opportunities to support decent arthouse movies

not true. girls have sex all the time and cry at movies

They're not all brilliant like Memories of Murder. I've seen some shockers, including 2 by the same director.
You have taste in your arse. Mainland China is killing it lately. Watch more movies.

Yes? Isn't that his point?

>who the fuck cries to made up events?
>people that have had sex
>not true. girls have sex all the time and cry at movies
Solid reading comprehension, retard

Name 2 consistently good chink directors other than Wang Bing and Zhangke
(Not him btw)

any other dramas as good as this one or better?

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Memoir of a Murderer (OP) and Memories of Murder are two different films

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Script. Acting. Soundtrack. Direction. Lighting. Pacing. Framing. Casting. Editing. Attention to detail in the sets/costumes/locations/period.

Korean? Try Hong Sang-soo flicks although im not a fan

sorry fucked up there. But it does linger on with you for a bit after watching.
tried his films, also not a fan. Nothing happens they're just chilling

Season 1 was too damn short. When the last episode ended I was thinking "oh boy, now it's gonna get good!" But there were no more episodes

Korean cinema is basically Hollywood 2. It's all fedora dog shit. It gives you entry level plebs the ability to say you've seen foreign films and allows you to keep the same type of enjoyment they get from Blockbusters.

God I want to cuddle her AGHHHHHHHHHH

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>Korean cinema is basically Hollywood 2. It's all fedora dog shit. It gives you entry level plebs the ability to say you've seen foreign films and allows you to keep the same type of enjoyment they get from Blockbusters.

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Ok I'm giving you one shot
Name a serious kinosseur cinema movement/country



Shut up and let me troll you stuck up faggot

>It was boring because... It just was.
Plebpion discarded

The type of low IQ numale that says "cosmic horror" and "Drag Me To Hell (seriously it's hilarious)" are the same type to praise entry level korean trash like OP, oldboy, i saw the devil, etc

yeah it's great

>Drag me to hell is bad
I don't think I've ever seen anyone get Pleb filtered this hard before.

You people who think Korean cinema is better than Hollywood but only know the same few popular titles that people have already talked to death about are annoying. You're just young and impressionable. You haven't lived long enough to know better.

Maybe it is bad and you have bad taste.

im heavy into korean kinos, are there any korean tv shows i should watch that are on the same level of how good their movies are?

Because you're only exposed to the very best Korean movies, which is the case with most foreign countries, while you, as (I'm guessing) a person living in North America/British Isles, are far more easily exposed to the bland filler shit that comes out in English-speaking countries, though that same shit still exists in Korea, you're just not in a position to be exposed to shit movies from there as you are in your own country.
Also Sol Kyung-Gu was great in that (as he usually is) and the K-pop star playing his daughter was more solid than I'd have expected, but even though I really like the concept behind his character and a movie based on that, the threat and climax were mostly really big let-downs in comparison I haven't seen it since a bit after it first came out -- can someone remind me if they ever explained why the bad guy had a chunk of his head missing? I don't think you could even be alive if your head's that fucked and I haaaaated the ending, as in literally the last couple minutes of it. Still solid.

In the 21st century:
Korean > Chinese = or > Japanese
In the grand scheme of things:
Japanese >>> Chinese (where exactly China fits in depends if you count pre-handover Hong Kong -- I'm going based on counting HK) > Korean
If you throw Taiwan in with Chinese so you can include stuff like pic related, it's more like Japanese (1.5 >'s) Chinese >>> Korean overall.

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>You people who think Korean cinema is better than Hollywood but only know the same few popular titles that people have already talked to death about are annoying. You're just young and impressionable. You haven't lived long enough to know better.
Don't keep the Mouse waiting. Go back to shilling capeshit.

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The type of low IQ numale that says "cosmic horror" and "Drag Me To Hell (seriously it's hilarious)" are the same type to praise entry level korean trash like OP, oldboy, i saw the devil and capeshit.

Disney really needs to program their bots better

I cried like a bitch.

Anyone saw this pure kino?

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pretty much this

>its another south korean movie criticizing their previous authoritarian governments
shouldn't they at least be grateful for figures like park chunghee who kept their northern communist neighbors ay bay and sped the countries growth and made sure s. korea didnt end up a shithole like vietnam or thailand etc?

I'm sure there's some selection effect going on but does that really explain the quality? There are plenty of countries producing the same or greater number of movies but they're not as good.

The same pleb praising GOTG is the same pleb praising OLD BOY and even worse trash like THE HOST. You can continue to pretend otherwise and spamming soijacks, but this is all things we've established years ago on Yea Forums
Maybe if you tried name dropping stuff from directors like Hong Sangsoo and Im Kwon-taek then you'd have a chance at not coming off as a cinelet imdb drone

oldboy is a great movie tho

I did, I loved it. Korean films/tv often go deep into issues of memory and identity, which makes me happy

I don't know what genres you like, but Signal and Secret Forest (aka Forest of Secrets) are very good cop mystery dramas. If you like romance maybe try My Love From the Stars, Secret Garden, Coffee Prince.
If you're really serious, try one of the Endless Love dramas. There are 4, Spring Waltz, Summer Scent, Autumn in my Heart, and Winter Sonata. The last is my all time favorite but tastes vary so... All of the last 4 have lots of drama and some tragedy as well.

>the coffee bitch with the radio was too much of a coincidence

I would highly rec pic related (When I watched it, it was called Cruel City, but apparently it varies between being called that and Heartless City)
It might be a bit soap-opera-y at times, but it barely ever crosses into that (there's romance aspects to it but they increasingly take a backseat to the rest of it, so don't let all the kissing in the first trailer I link put you off it) and overall it's just a really well-done Korean-style crime/thriller/drama with all the double-crossing and undercover stuff and people beating the shit out of each other that you'd expect (not to say the show's predictable -- it's not).
If you like those "classic" thrillers of this century from Korea, like The Chaser, Man From Nowhere, A Bittersweet Life (which it reminds me most of now that I'm thinking about it, as far as tone, action, etc. -- not in a carbon-copy way or anything though).
Also it's not a huge time sink because it's only one neatly contained season of 20 episodes, which is a shame since I'd watch more but good because they didn't keep going and start ruining it in some way or other.

These were the only trailers I could find and neither is in English or especially good but I may as well post them. (The first one has that cheesy inception-plus-dark-knight music in it but that's not in the actual show.)

And lastly, this site might seem too sketchy for some people here but it does have the whole series streaming with english subtitles and it's where I watched it all, and I had no issues with it.

btw if any other Korean shows like this, or that are just legitimately good, please share because the only other stuff I ever saw when I looked was nothing but weird romance-drama/comedy and really cheesy looking buddy cop shows with "le unlikely duos," but tbf I haven't given any of them a real chance either.

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Is it about two people in love with each other and one of them died? Back in the 90s, that was the common theme of Korean drama.

thats probably half of all kdramas, but yeah, plus alzheimers

The Wikipedia article said A Moment To Remember was based on a Japanese drama.
It reminds me of that time when I was watching Japanese anti-Korea videos on YouTube. They were bashing Korea for having a culture of copying.

all of those are wrong though

and they shit over japanese films since 25 years ago in a daily basis

Busan is shitty K drama disguised as a zombie movie

Train To Busan is mediocre as hell and is Korean cine for normies. People only talk about it because it's the only Korean film they know

from what I've seen the koreans are more than happy to remake or adapt anything they think is interesting. sometimes the remake is better, sometimes not.

>Busan is shitty K drama disguised as a zombie movie
>Train To Busan is mediocre as hell and is Korean cine for normies

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>People only talk about it because it's the only Korean film they know
Yeah, I'm sure nobody who talks about Train to Busan knows other Korean films. Literally impossible.

Hmm... was searching for this popular Korean TV series from when I was a kid and found it. Autumn in My Heart (2000).
It could be plagiarism of Kana: Little Sister (1999). The brother was carrying the sick sister on his back at the beach and she died while talking to him.

>Train To Busan is mediocre as hell
This is true.
>and is Korean cine for normies. People only talk about it because it's the only Korean film they know
This just makes you look like a massive twat who thinks he has some unique insight that others don't when they could have better knowledge of Korean film than you.

This sucked.

Think of it as a live action adaptation of a comic book. Not so bad now is it?

I don't watch capeshit. Train to Busan is a shit movie.

Walking Dead is not capeshit.

You're right. It's just shit.

weebs mad because Japan can't make good movies

It's just movies. I watch a lot of films and I don't get attached to them. Like a slut who fucks too many guys. However, originality and creativity is important.