Who was in the wrong here?

>October 6, 2004

>To Trey Parker and Matt Stone,

>I remember a cordial hello when you guys were beginning to be famous guys around Hollywood at some party. I remember several times getting a few giggles out of your humor. I remember not being bothered as you traded on my name among others to appear witty, above it all, and likeable to your crowd. I never mind being of service, in satire and silliness.

>I do mind when anybody who doesn't have a child, doesn't have a child at war, or isn't or won't be in harm's way themselves, is encouraging that there's "no shame in not voting" "if you don't know what you're talking about" (Mr. Stone) without mentioning the shame of not knowing what your talking about, and encouraging people to know. You guys are talented young guys but alas, primarily young guys. It's all well to joke about me or whomever you choose. Not so well, to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation, and death of innocent people throughout the world. The vote matters to them. No one's ignorance, indcluding a couple of hip cross-dressers, is an excuse.

>All best, and a sincere fuck you,

>Sean Penn

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Sean Penn babbles sanctimoniously about politics and then beats his women. He's literally that SNCC guy from Forrest Gump.

Sean Penn is a stupid faggot who thought Dubya's Skull & Bones buddy John Kerry was gonna get America to stop bombing Iraqi children

sean penn is a self righteous libtard loser

Immature is a great parody album, and Cannibal! The Musical is really, really impressive considering it was made on a shoestring budget. Sean Penn is... who is he, again? Madonna's boytoy?

Sean Penn was upset over his portrayal in Stone and Parker's film Team America World police, where he is portrayed as an oversensitive, bleeding heart pussy, and so his reaction like this is to write the letter above.

Penn is a self-righteous Hollywood douche fag, but what nobody in 2004 would have guessed is that by 2019 Matt and Trey would also be just as big if not relatively bigger self-righteous douche fags
I don't agree with Penn here or think what he's saying is clever or good but ultimately I think he was vindicated in if nothing else calling out those two hacks

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He tied her to a chair, and beat her nearly to death. But he says the right things, and makes the right kind of 'woke' movies, so he gets a pat on the back and let off.

pretty based if true

the former Mr Madonna didn't like being made fun of in Team America

so is trey parker

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i don't think he's self righteous

I hate that cuckoldry has been conflated with stepfathers. Being willing to raise another guy's offspring because he's away and the child needs a father, in full awareness of what you're doing, is super-masculine.

>My wife's son.

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because it IS cuckoldry. You are raising the spawn of another man. You are doing the work he should be doing, the work that you should be doing for your OWN child. Not some half-breed son of a literal stripper whore.
even if raising your wife's son isn't cuckoldry, marrying a stripper still is. Either way, trey's a cuck.

Typical Hollywood Jew talking down to nonjews, what has he done at all? He's a bigger meme than he ever was an actor or personality.

The wrong brother died.

every season since the 2016 american election has been self-righteous as fuck.

That seems to happen a lot in hollywood, like pic related and the Farley's.

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South Park has devolved into pure third way self righteous preaching.

I don't think you can discredit someone's work because of what they became. Tesla turned into a raving lunatic before he died, but he's still highly regarded as an intellectual.

Biggest crime here is that fucking suit. Like wtf man have a little self awareness, cunt.

its not "third way" it's "left-liberal way".

You can't say that you don't agree with Penn for saying that if you aren't informed you must obey and listen to what you are told and be the NPC and take fault that the guys he was mad at changed their opinions over the years. I can hate Sean Penn all I want for what he thinks but he's the same guy who beat up Madonna and tied her to a chair. He also went out in a fishing boat and rescued people from floodwaters during Katrina. It is possible to see good in people you disagree with.

>He also went out in a fishing boat and rescued people from floodwaters during Katrina
I bet he beat them all into the ground and they just didn't say anything about it

but nothing you said he did was wrong

>cross dressing used to be a joke punchline
Very problematic, glad we moved on from these ignorant and bigoted dark ages

cut my life into pieces

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why do you care what a bunch of incel racists think of you tho, now that is the real cuckoldry

Because my wife stopped sleeping with me even though I'm raising her son, and started sleeping with the son's father (even though he won't participate in raising him), and I don't want to get a divorce because I don't want to lose access to my real daughter and don't want my finances cut in half, which means that I can't cheat (I don't lie easily and couldn't get away with it, and the courts wouldn't look kindly upon me doing it, even though she can get away with it). This is actually the premise of an autobiographical screenplay I'm in the process of writing, but I have questions about whether it will ever get made.



cucks and single mothers don't get a say in what defines masculinity.

Based and Ænglisc pilled.

why do girls always do that?
>fuck you and have a GREAT day (:
it's so commonplace and it was never funny or clever. are they perpetually 14 and that's the peak of their wit and insults?


>Kobe tattoo

Just have the main character start fucking twinks. You can have a scene where the main character invites his new boy toy to dinner, and the wife has no idea.

Anyone who thinks Sean Penn isnt absolutely right is just an NPC

>are they perpetually 14 and that's the peak of their wit and insults?

Raising another mans child is the most alpha thing you can do. You take their spawn and enforce your will and ideals upon them so your ideals carry on. At that point who gives a fuck about genetics?

>At that point who gives a fuck about genetics?
the entire purpose of life on Earth is to procreate and pass on its genes. life ITSELF gives a fuck about genetics.
ending your own genetic line that goes all the way back to the last universal common ancestor, in favor of raising and nurturing another man's, is the ultimate and final cuck. you're throwing away billions of years of your own personal evolutionary tree, all for the sake of another man's kid. you sicken me.

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Based and enlightenmentpilled.

And that's why no one will remember your name.

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that kid is 12 he wont listen to him about shit also what if he doesn't have a kid with her and only has her kid?

Why do you think it's either-or? One can raise another's child just out of graciousness while also fathering one's own.

i would rather not be remembered at all than be remembered as a man who forewent having his own children in favor of raising another man's children.

the other thing is, we really should not be saving these women from their bad decisions. it's the fact that they can fuck around and have accidental kids, and then rely on some schlub to come in and take care of them after they had their fun that perpetuates this societal problem. in the immortal words of the kid from Identity, "whores don't get a second chance"

There will never be another movie that makes Hollywood seethe as much as Team America

Did Trey really marry a stripper with a niglet spawn?

Everyone except this based mother fucker.

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Mike Stoklasa?

Based Penn putting these two faggot centrists in their place

Yes, yes he did. I think they got divorced this year.

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but Mark Stone is a fashist

Go back to Facebook/reddit

The only alpha way to raise a non-biological son is to kill the father and steal the child for yourself

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> yikes

My condolences, senpai.

pre sure Genghis Khan did that with some Manchurian Kingdom, his wife was kidnapped and raped producing a child and when Genghis saved her, they couldn't find who raped her so he burned the entire kingdom to do the ground save for a temple, and raised the kid in mongolia as a chief

Wait, is her name Boogie?
What the fuck?


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She's not even that pretty what the fuck.



Low self esteem is a double edged sword

sean penn is such a stupid asshole

Kek. You actually posted... seethed about this for a minute ..... then added more of your impotent bitch crying about “whores”. I think we’ve got your childhood pegged.