How common are hair transplants in Hollywood?
How common are hair transplants in Hollywood?
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>formerly bald
Why can’t they clone hair yet??
About as common as nosejobs and jaw/chin implants
Barber here that's just growth and style
Why hasn't he had a hair transplant yet?
His clear hair just regained some color.
because like Jude Law, he's good enough to pull it
Because he can simply let people cgi hair on him
Or CGI it off of him
Why hasn't he had a hair transplant yet?
In like 100 years baldness will be completely solved. What an absolute shit time to be alive.
Transplants work now
Must be a fucking shitty barber then
Why would you want to live 100 years?
would be to obvious atm he'll just keep taking his fin and get it once the roles start dying down
except their like 15k
>Royal family.
>Highly educated.
>Served in the BAF and army.
>Married a qt.
>Has kids.
>Tons of money.
Why would he ever give a fuck?. he should shave that shit off tho.
Not for bald spot on the back of the head
And yes, they are extremely common. If your career depended on your looks and you could easily afford it, you would definitely do it too.
In the future you’ll be able to modify your own genetics
It seems only American actors care enough to do such a thing. Whereas British actors can actually act, and will get work relying on their talent alone.
Yeah looks great
Some people are confident enough to go with the balding look. You have to be a strong person to do so. Like me. Just accept your imperfections, the world will hate you for it (imperfections) cause in a world where (impossible) perfection is praised the imperfect (almost EVERYONE) will be looked down upon. Think CGI/hair transplants/stam cell treatment/plastic surgery/make up/photoshop.
Perfection is EXTREMELY rare, it does exist, but 99.99% of the time it is just recreated/emulated/artificially created and not real.
>japan not listed
What does it mean?
pretty common
>Bradley Cooper
>Matthew McConaughey
>James Franco
>John Travolta
and I'm not sure about Chris Evans and Ben Stiller.
Do they really expect India to become that big? Do people not die over there?
No one does this shit anymore
There will probably be another black death before 2100, so no.
Evans def did it
What do people do?
jesus on the left pic he looks like a poor slav working at a construction site, unreal how much a receding hairline changes the look of a guy so much.
dubs of truth. why are yanks so self-conscious. just be yourself, brah,
He looks like homelander on the right.
Pretty sure he had a nose job as well
Because yanks have no talent.
Extremely common, I'd say they're on 50% of actors below 30, and 95% of actors above 30. Same as roids.
Travolta wears a wig
Evans admitted to using a partial hairpiece for when he plays Cap.
Whith how rampant balding even among men under 30 has become extremely common.
In fact most lead actors got them.
From sad to chad!
FUE transplants, Folicular Unit Extration.
Hundreds of hard to see small dot shaped scars instead of a Frankensteinian line scar.
Theres also a therapy now where they extract blood from healthy parts of scalp, spin them and extract platelets and inject them into balding parts to encourage growth, but it only lasts a year at a time.
Ben used to have longer hair in the 90's not since then so very possible
how the mighty have fallen
its funny because he didn't get roles until after if not for that he would be doing Talk Soup still
Actors that don't have plugs:
Bruce Willis
Jude Law
Billy Zane
Vincent Diesel
The Wayne "The Rock" John's son
Actors with plugs:
the rest
100% pure, unadulterated cope
It’s this the greatest follicular tragedy of modern times? I say yes.
not anymore at least
Very, and why shouldn’t they be? I’ll never understand this meme of poorfag baldcels being jealous of wealthy men correcting their baldness.
They're common for anyone who has the money to do something about being bald.
To vain men who look better than average and are used to pulling women, losing hair is a nightmare because the women they are used to will lose interest.
Oh yeah add him to this list
>Vincent Diesel
it's as if he sacrificed his eyebrows for hair upstairs.
a fair trade
This. We’re right around the corner from curing fucking HIV. This is a great time to be alive, you fags.
wtf he natty
>Like me
you fucking wish. i bet you cry yourself to sleep every night because of your baldness
who told you do that? maybe the old techniques
>curing the one thing keeping fags in check
>a good thing
The guy is Greek, he was always gonna lose it and every Greek knows it, they get some of the best beard genetics in the world in trade for an almost guaranteed loss of hair and that's the way it has always been for them.
Bruce Willis didn't take it like a man, supposedly he got fake stubble tattooed onto his head to make it look better, and that's cheating.
That's obvious. Look at pictures in recent years and count how many Beckham has a variety of head gear in
they’re not plugs anymore retard
The hair follicle is very complex, it has different stages and they aren't able to make it reproduce all the stages.
Anyone can get HIV you retard. My brother got it in college from fucking a “pansexual” thot that would have sex with pansexual men.
I don't think he has to worry
more like jaw implants
They should unironically harvest hair from dead people just like organs. I would literally kill for a full transplant from some chad dead from a motorcycle accident.
kek I can't believe you bought this shit.
Your brother is a fairy.
I have the same body, what do you call it?
>supposedly he got fake stubble tattooed onto his head to make it look better, and that's cheating.
When? He was balding sine the late 80s and I don't see any tattoos
Lol no.
No just from armpits and shit
God he is such a fucking hot Daddy
The 'doesn't eat garbage but doesn't work out' look
It is statistically impossible to contract HIV that way. Your brother was getting fucked by a dude. Which is fine, no need to lie about it.
Ultra dad bod.
>It is statistically impossible to contract HIV that way
Go away with your gay propaganda.
based retard
Not all actors can be in their 30s with a full head of natural hair, like Robert Pattinson.
I have no idea if I will ever bald, but given how my dad, both grandpas, and my brother that's 3 years younger than me all ended up balding, I will eventually bald at some point.
Doesn't matter when it happens, when I do actually bald, I will most definitely pay the 20k to ensure I keep a full set of hair. Already have the money saved too.
>b-bro... just shave it off like me d-don't be insecure
Yeah you can keep your bald head. I will enjoy my head of hair, even if it means sacrificing a few shekels.
>Robert Pattinson
Steve Carrell obviously got them.
it's actually not in great shape these days, not that it matters
you can see his crown a few times in good time
>tfw in my 30s and still have a thick head of hair
English-Irish here.
Skinny fat with a bit of musculature from some sporadic manual labor.
You're lucky you got those trips.
>projecting this much
I feel sorry for you guys.
Post pics or GTFO.
>A+ list mostly move actor
t. Pattinson's publicist
honeslty I'm glad they got hair transplants to look halfway decent in modern times
God I really want Henry to destroy me
Pattinson is a superior actor to Leo.
true men accept MALE pattern hair loss like a MALE
>can't afford transplant
>don't want to take the castration pill
g-g-guess it's minoxidil for me!
Sure thing he did.
>The guy is Greek, he was always gonna lose it and every Greek knows it, they get some of the best beard genetics in the world in trade for an almost guaranteed loss of hair and that's the way it has always been for them
i'm greek and i
1. have bad beard genetics
2. have beautiful flowing hair like kurt russell
3. am not bald
nope LOL ur bro is a closet fag
what if you got some nasty scars to cover?
just cause they are rich and handsome doesn't mean they bald at a different rate than normal guys
> bushy top
> not bushy anymore
Oh aaaaaand the timeees they are aaaa chaaangin
t. greek (turk)
like Jack Nicholson or Gene Hackman?
also counterpoint would be Connery but he had to wear the peice for Bond, and mocked himself about it in future movies
How much does that FUE procedure cost typically?
They both suck. Leo is fun though
what is manlier than scars? also, can somebody please post the 'custodian ascension' picture? I only saw it posted once and I want to save it
You would have to take meds so that your body didn't reject the follicles, your imune system would be like having AIDS.
on the left the hair is combed straight up, which not only reveals more forehead but hair can look thinner when styled upwards and viewed at most angles. On the right pics you can actually see the shading of the hair swooping over the 'balding spots'.
That being said, probably pretty common
Serves him right for fucking a whore who fucks faggots.
Vivien Leigh won 2 (two) Oscars playing southern American characters.
I have a giant Gorbachev red shit under most of my hair, I'm literally fucked and I dont have more than a few years until it happens.
>worth $115B
What hope is there for me
god I love judi dench.
Did no one ever tell your retarded brother (who is likely a faggot and is feeding you lies) not to stick his dick into crazy?
This goes for all anons: if she identifies as anything but a heterosexual woman, she's definitely psychotic and you should steer clear.
what if she's a lesbian? i doubt many lesbians have aids
Less to do with contacting diseases (which lesbians most definitely have a lot more of than straight women), more to do with keeping your own sanity and general safety as a person.
Bezos genuinely doesn't care. If he wanted to dump money into finding a cure for being bald he'd be able to do it.
I think I’m gonna do it lads. I should get a bonus this year of around 20k. It’s time.
I'd do it if I could afford it. How does it work tho if you've barely balded? Or do you make up the difference and then have to take fin the rest of your life? God balding sucks. At least I'm not a manlet.
>Or do you make up the difference and then have to take fin the rest of your life?
I’m not really sure. I’ve stopped losing hair so I’m thinking it’s a good time to do it.
>taking fin
Do you live among other Greeks and not notice that past 35 they're all bald and perpetually stubbly? If you are an exception, you don't break the rule.
>those African populations
I don't know how to respond to this.
Should I swear to never have children to spare them this fate or have 18 children to counterbalance it?
How much is a hair transplant anyway?
More on her?
Martha West
It is nearly impossible for a man to get HIV from having sex with a woman unless both of them have an open sore on their hoo-has
When he created Amazon his hairline was almost to the top of his head. Getting a hair transplant after going full-bald is a death sentence because it advertises your lack of confidence.
based illiterate cumbrains
good in the movie creation (2009).
the eternal anglo will always come
I'm almost at the point of no return guys. I've been debating taking fin for a year now. Part of me knows I will look better, the other part thinks that if I'm concerned enough to take a pill every day then I'm reinforcing bitchlike behavior and it will hurt more if I don't respond well to it and have to stop taking it.
There has been several anons in this thread that have stated how much it costs.
ffs the time it took to write this redundant question would be the same amount of time it would take to do a web search with that very post and get an answer.
I don't think you know the meaning of cumbrain
Unlike brits we’re not used to looking at ugly inbreds at every turn
> inb4 you post an Amerilard
Normal people here avert their eyes when they see someone ugly. In England, there’s no such thing as a 7 to distract yourself with, let alone a 10. It’s sad really.
Take it. Get on it ASAP. I wish I had started it sooner
Shut up cumbrain
Doesn't it make you sterile?
>inb4 you won't breed anyway
I want the option to be there
Look who's talking
holy shit the amount of cope in this post. you could have just gracefully accepted the fact that british actors are superior, but no you had to show yourself up and make a fool of yourself.
Idk about sterile I’ve never had that tested but my jizz was a little watery when I first started taking it then I got kinda used to it and now I shoot nice thick loads
frog poster doomer 30 year old bloomer
>buzzword buzwords i have no clue what they mean! mommy i love buzzwords t heyre so funny lol boomer zoomer incel volcel
>Look who's talking
i very intentionally used cumbrain and it seems i was correct in doing so, seeing as i struck a chord
you're goddamn right you struck a chord. i do not like faggots on my board. get he fuck out of here before i rape you
I’ll accept the fact that your actors are better, it’s just hard to look at them is all. It’s hard to watch British people on screen when your first instinct is to put a toothbrush in their mouth
Extremely common, so common that people don't believe it.
Steve Carrell is the most obvious example, bald as fuck in The Office season one but people say it was the makeup department making him bald lol
No they don't lol
How so?
Ummmm you’re literally disproving your own point.
Yes they do, but you have to have realistic expectations. If you're George Costanza tier and expecting a perfect hairline with thick density then its not gonna happen. In my opinion the best way to do a hair transplant is to wait until you're at least in your mid 30's so you have a decent idea of how you're balding pattern is going to progress then get a small transplant to reinforce your existing hairline (if you have a decent one) and fill in any possible crown thinning. If you're already NW5+ in your 30's then its probably best to embrace the bald.
Also getting a hair transplant when you first notice hairline recession is a bad fucking move. The rest of your hair behind the transplant will continue to fall out and you'll be playing catch up for the rest of your life trying to spread out your limited donor hair over a huge balding area.
That's a total meme. It CAN happen to you, but that's a rare side effect. Literally anything you take has potential side effects, so I don't get why this scares people moreso than anything else. I've been on it for a few months now, and I've had literally no bad effects happen. It wouldn't be prescribed so often if the chances were as high as people think they are. If anything, the thing I'd be most afraid of that no one brings up is the possibility of developing gyno. That's a side effect that fin can give you, and knowing my luck, I wouldn't be surprised to see myself have it in a couple years. But overall, you really have no choice other than fin if you want to fight baldness. So you've got to take it or leave it.
Well that's because you literally suck dicks
Not just receding hair, hair in general. People really underestimate how much your hair can change your entire facial appearance.
>has become
It's always been a thing, most men by their mid 20s will experience receding. Some will experience male pattern baldness.
The only reason anyone cares now is because men act like insecure women in modern times.
Started taking finasteride two weeks ago, AMA
It blocks a hormone that essential for healthy sexual function. How could there not be side effects
>took in for two months and had sides
hows ya dicc
>start taking blood pressure meds
>dick immediately stops working
Never been more terrified in all my life
>tfw Nigeria and Niger add up to roughly 1 billion
>mfw we will have a billion legit NIGGERS alongside the other billions of black monkeys
We need another King Leopold
left looks Chad, right looks like a bitchboy hobbit
>vigin cope vs chad embrace
Transplants do fuck all for diffuse
I don't think he's ever had a proper transplant.
His hairline still looks very receding
now transplant scars are like these.
they are still visible if the transplant doesn't turn out well and you still have to shave your hair
fucking up your immune system and having a greater chance of cancer is totally worth it to have a full head of hair.
Come on, he got more chadness than many of us
Time always wins.
how do we stop 3rd world filth from breeding, like what the fuck kind of future do people envision because i see nothing but disease and violence.
we shouldn't have been feeding them. foreign aid was a huuuuuuge mistake.
>started losing his hair 40+ years ago
>still has his hair
how does he do it?
Mark Strong would look peculiar *with* hair.
well alright
She's so cute
>white heterosexual men so low they’re not even listed
Everyday in Africa approx 92k babies are born. Every single day. Of them, only about 2000 don't reach their first birthday.
So even if ebola returns and kills a million people tonight, they will be replaced by two Thursdays away.
800 million Africans in 2000. 1.2 billion today. Yet women in the west say they won't have kids to 'save the planet'. Lol.
incels get the last laugh
>virgin incels don't realize that a man can get AIDS from fucking a woman in the ass
Anal exists, not that you'd know apparently.
why would you wanna do that if there's perfectly fine p*ssy in the first place
Some Japanese researcher is pretty close. But his company said it's cost $200,000 for the first few years. (He already successfuly cloned and grew human hair on human skin grafter onto a mouse.)
Lmao literally not how it works
>have beautiful flowing hair like kurt russell
If it ain't curly, you ain't genetically greek. Sorry, roach.
>The guy is Greek, he was always gonna lose it and every Greek knows it, they get some of the best beard genetics in the world in trade for an almost guaranteed loss of hair and that's the way it has always been for them.
No one on either side of my family went bald, but I still started losing my hair at 19. Sometimes you just get fucked.
>been on fin for a year
>hair still not quite thick enough in the front of my scalp
>can see scalp through my hair when wet or oily
Is it time for rogaine? God damn it i dont wanna comb greasy yellow shit through my hair twice a day. Even once a day would be preferable, but no it has to be twice a day. I've tried nizoral and desu I don't notice much of a difference if any. Maybe the fin will still thicken it up more for a few more months.
Become a chad and go bald. Women will respect you more than trying to cover your thin,patchy shit genes.
Yeah no that's some major bald cope right there. Women aren't attracted to bald men and don't give me that shit about Jason Statham. I don't have the headshape to go bald.
His hair is literally just brushed forward to hide his hairline. How is this transplants?
>India: 1660
Is that even physically possible? Like, they barely have any place to live *now*
That’s not true I live in America. I like it here.
oh look it's another thread from the HOLY TRINITY OF INSECURE WHITE BOIS
dick size
white bois are insecure as fuck. meanwhile we have good height, great hair (look great bald), and lastly...well, I don't need you white bois to tell you that. You already know about it.
Don't give me that look.
Well that and in the right he's not scruffy and has a creepy jew smile and wearing some sort of gross sweatshirt.
Option 2, the more children you have the more you use up nigmoney.
>in the right
on the left*
Have more children and use up takes that go to 3rd world. Fuck pussy so hard that africa dies.
Realistically, how long does he have before his only redeeming quality starts to go?
I think it's more common to be on Propecia as soon as you're 18 than it is to repair.
He uses public money for his income, can you imagine the outrage if he used 15k of taxpayers money to get a full head of hair?
Virtually no outrage, media would heavily push articles about how our royals must look their best
Because actors live off their looks, he does not.
Probably already started given that he's Jewish
That's not a transplant he just grew his hair out and better lighting/angle
Probably extremely common historically but now basically everyone takes finasteride. It's a miracle drug, don't listen to horror stories.
Trust me man keep your hair whatever it takes. Being bald absolutely sucks unless you have a chad tier face and jawline. Since you're on Yea Forums that is most definitely not the case.
As long as he doesn't lose anymore hair he doesn't need one. He looks great right now.
considering his dad is an equally delicious silverfox, never
He could have pulled off the right with the left hairline as well, though. And maybe did.
Wrong, it's still extremely common, simply because you can't transplant enough folleciles with FUE, it's only good for widow peaks not if you have huge bald spots.
You literally can't see the scar when your hair is like half a centimeter long, though, and you can get tattoed to look more like the rest of your skin.
What about beard transplant?
Balding is inherited through the mother's side
his sister sacrificed herself for him
Your father and your mother's mother.
>i look like my grand dad on my mum’s side
>he’s very very old and still has a full head of hair
>my grand dad on my dad’s side has a full head of hair.
>but my dad has been balding since I was born, and I’ve noticed that my brother (in mid 20’s) has begun to have thinning hair.
>tfw I hope that I pull the genes from my mum’s side of the family and keep a full head of hair until I die
Your brother is a fag and a degenerate. Look up transmission rates to men with penis to vagina. Its essentially non-existent.
They are the ones who are coping, they hate themselves so they think everyone else must hate themselves too. Their latent autism only exacerbates this.
Once you hit 35 and have to deal with
>nerve-wrecking job
>all sorts of addictions
>declining health
>kids you never wanted
>fading dreams
you LITERALLY dont give a fuck about your hair anymore. Threads like these are a hilarious reminder that all of you are underage fags
Well, this is also true, but I know some people who never got over it, even after so many years.
I guess if you really value your hair and take pride in it, it remains a touchy subject forever.
>Also getting a hair transplant when you first notice hairline recession is a bad fucking move. The rest of your hair behind the transplant will continue to fall out and you'll be playing catch up for the rest of your life trying to spread out your limited donor hair over a huge balding area.
And that's precisely why transplants are far from the perfect solution. The closest thing to a remedy is finasteride/properica, but it obviously has to have side effects, because fuck you, right?
The best you could hope for is that the Japs perfect the hair cloning formula in a few years.
first gotta find a gf ;_;
>Whereas British actors can actually act, and will get work relying on their talent alone.
Or it could be the suit and makeup on his face in the right pic. Man slme posters on here are fucking dumb.
This. Every man would if it was affordable and more advanced.
Worlds tinniest nips.
This, and has the added bonus of Anglo genes rather than Leo’s effete pig genes
>added bonus of Anglo genes
oh my sides hurt pls stop
No Greeks are turks, but “Turkey” is Greek.
because he's going to be a king and he knows it.
Have kids, discourage people from donating to Africa and never vote left wing.
You’re retarded, using the “bRiTs R iNbReD” meme like a damn Pakistani is you shitting on American history and culture too.
>ou’re retarded, using the “bRiTs R iNbReD” meme like a damn Pakistani
calm down bong lmao
India is the same situation as China but more westernised. If people are actually worried about China becoming so dominant they should have pumped money into India as a competitor.
Because British royals are not supposed to be vain
Yeah right, they have better teeth than Americans, and without falsies and implants too. Here we have an Anglo with pearly white teeth laughing at the yellowish smile of his American boyfriend.
Isn’t bill gates working on that with “vaccines”?
So it’s true gay men are mostly black. That’s the most effete post I’ve ever read on here...
What's his chest visage thinking about I wonder.
When I went to America 95% of the people I saw were even fatter and uglier than the British didn’t think it was possible so I can understand why Americans push this meme it makes them feel better
Not possible at his stage anymore. Not enough donor follicles and usually they don't transplant ass or body hair.
>Do they really expect India to become that big?
India is fascinating because they have the same size and population problem as China, but while China's doing a massive infrastructure overhaul and will probably control the world in 50 years ( they just haven't grasped the whole human rights thing ), India just doesn't give a fuck about anything. They eat drink and breathe shit/pollution, die by the thousands due to everything being utter crap, but just don't give a fuck. The whole country is like a massive cancerous growth.
>He already successfuly cloned and grew human hair on human skin grafter onto a mouse.
All this so baldies can feel less insecure
posting on this site means you're too old for him tho
>Doesn't it make you sterile?
cope propaganda from loser baldies who were too scared to get on it in the first place and now regret it. take the fucking prescribed amount and no more and you are in no danger
>Balding at 25
>Will never have chad silver fox hair
My only problem with it is that you have to keep taking it forever. Taking a pill once a day for the rest of your days is too big of a commitment.
Anyone who thinks these numbers will ever be reached is retarded. Western societies will collapse before they can afford to feed this many niggers.
user's brother is an assmuncher
>John Travolta
holy shit I want him to plow me so hard
just looking at random pics of him gets the pre-cum running
A lot of things are simply not available to the masses.
how can a girl be 12 and already look like a cumslut
why is his skin so bad? is he 90yo?
Kill yourself, faggot.
Looks like Bryan Singer, got them faggot lips.
Me too. Used to have awesome as fuck hair. Fuck this life. And you NEVER think it's gonna happen to you.
>lmao look at that balding faggot
And next thing you know that faggot is me.
Do hairloss due to stress return, or is it permanent?
it returns, lucky for you
That is certainly, unequivocally, without a doubt, the most beta thing I have ever heard
>mfw all these recent articles published in the west saying that having kids is the worst thing you can do for the environment
Dam they really want us whiteys dead don’t they
This guy is a god.
>**Multi-Award-Winning** Student film
Imagine how much he must've slayed when he was 20
After office season 1 definitely
Daily reminder to train your neck
Literally every man experiences some balding. Just embrace it bros.
Enjoy your dick not working.
Not as much as he would if he wasn't royalty. Their life has a ton of imposed restrictions.
I think I'd agree with you, because even in 2009 it really looks like that's the case. And 2009 is way after the left picture in
>Enjoy your dick not working.
that's finasteride not minoxidil
Because most people don’t go full bald. He started receding heavily, but then it stopped because that’s his mature hairline.
It’s a completely different hairline you dildos
Hair transplants save careers.
On some men, balding can start really early but not do too much damage. My father had his hairline recede in his early 30s but in his late 50s, he has yet to have a bald spot.
Well I also just found out he talked about his transplant in his book. Cost him about 10k. Really, the pic I posted does hint at his receding hairline from the past.
>tfw dad’s bald
>tfw his brother is bald
>tfw I’ll end up bald
>tfw my hair is my only good trait
They say it's transmitted through the maternal line.
Stop fixating on things you'll never have and fixate on things you can achieve lifelet.
it isn't that simple
Wait so I'm supposed to look at my maternal uncle to see how I turn out?
Oh fuck this ain't good news
how do I give reddit gold in this sub?
It's not that complicated but it's also has nothing to do with maternal lines. It's a dominant trait that is expressed as male pattern baldness in men and hair thinning in women. It is also modified by environment in that stress can alter patterns and rate of hair loss.
>tfw im jobless baldlet from east europe who will probably never be able to afford hair transplant
fucking kill me already
Lifelet and a brainlet. What a winning combo.
You can go to Turkey for plugs for 2k€
Truly a miracle solution!
Let's get down to brass tax.
If you are bald, then you are fucked. Women don't respect you, they know because you don't have hair that they can walk all over you. I think bald men make on average 75$ thousand dollars per year less than men with hair. Noone will take you seriously in the work place. If you lose your hair you are fucking done. You must do everything in your power to keep it, or you lose plain and simple.
Until the cure happens everyone must keep this in mind.
I still don't understand how are countries that still support economically the monarchy. Spain had a bunch of crisis for gods sake
he just need a beard, probably saving it for the throne
t. lives in 2009 and has only seen him in twilight
he is actually a decent actor, try watching a movie he stars in
this photo you chose shows the same hair
theres no hair transplant between left to right
>Let's get down to brass tax.
What a doggy dog world we live in, for all intensive purposes.
>tfw 22yo and already balding
Because he'll have a crown to hide it.
What in the literal fuck
not balding, his hairline's just really weird and he cut his hair short. at most he has a patch at the front.
it's just hair, be glad you're alive and stop whining