Look who i found tv

Look who i found tv

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Hi, Ryan. Who's that guy?

i bet i could kick your ass

Bruce Lee's slightly overweight nephew? Tell him to say he has smarr prenis

Is that one of the Bruce Lee thread posters, Ryan?

This, I'm very confused. While we have your attention, is Drive 2 being planned at all?


He died at the end tho

Did you go to China to find this guy?

Fuck off

I thought Bruce Lee was dead.. wtf

Get a better phone, Ryan. I mean, what am I looking at here? A selfie for ants?

Ryan tryina get in on the bradu pittu meme

Lowkey boomer energy

Wanna fight?

if he didn't die then what do you think happened

The story was over, no need to tell what happened after. However a Driven sequel would be good

Holy frickin crap Lois, it's Jackie Chan!


who’s the chink

my gf

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you found a chink?

Bruce Lee is still alive?

>goose abandons our man Refn to become fraud hack chazelles new husbando in shitty normie movies, replacing miles teller at the last minute
>miles gets revenge by doing 10 hours of pure kino with our autist
>spits on the ground
Fuck you goose

based biebs

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