What was your favorite movie as a child?

what was your favorite movie as a child?
a movie you might look back at and think it aged badly but you just cant stop loving it.

Attached: 51WhM9qfycL.jpg (338x500, 40K)

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Short Circuit 2

>a movie you might look back at and think it aged badly but you just cant stop loving it
all of them probably

Attached: space jam.jpg (288x406, 37K)

Attached: C6418E01-7E11-4F1A-93D5-CA53EDE10495.jpg (261x381, 22K)

This along with

Total Recall
Terminator 2
Batteries Not Included
Police Academy 1 and 2
Alien and Aliens
Ace Ventura Pet Detective

Attached: Police Academy 2.jpg (1000x1693, 289K)

Easily. I wore out the VHS as a kid.
In my opinion it aged well, but I'm biased obviously.

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I was in my 20's when Braveheart came out :(

So you are in youre 40s now? How is it?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Attached: roger rabbit-3.webm (576x320, 2.94M)

Kinda lame, have a good job, just got divorce last year. No kids. Have QT now in my life in her 30's. Drink too much....guess it's ok.

>The prisoner wishes to say a word.
>(shouts) WHITE POWER!
What did Mel Gibson mean by this?

I wish i had a qt.

Watched it all the time. It's still an awesome animated movie.

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I always thought this part was creepier than the shoe scene

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Jurassic Park.

Attached: Jurassic Park-2.webm (640x347, 2.69M)

Jewish bugs bunny...

found her on Match. Had to suffer through many dates w/ fatties before. try pay dating sites, the quality is much better. Trust me I've tried them all .

That's pretty standard cartoon violence. The shoe scene was creepier because it had live-action elements.


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Will do, thanks.

Let me add Robocop 1 and 2.

Attached: robocop-3.webm (888x481, 2.89M)

Why do you think Braveheart aged badly? I think it is still good.

Not OP but I don't think it aged bad but I do think some of the battle scenes are very sloppy now in hindsight

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