
let’s go Tony


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This is the thread. On-time and mixed martial arts related.

netflix is now blockbuster. schaub predicted all this


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This is the thread

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I heard a schizo is getting hapsploded on Saturday

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waifuposters in shambles

dana shite and the fartitta brothers

building up the arm stamina. chandler is fucked

is this the thread?


I've had covid since Friday and I still feel like shit. Chest congestion, no energy, constantly sweating, no appetite.
I cant believe we're just gonna let China get away with this shit.

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Ya tony is completely flushed and there's no chance he wins. It's a foregone conclusion he probably gets killed in there to be honest I don't even know they would even sanction this fight. I mean did you even see what GODler did against THE dookie dan? fucking scary man. P-Post slip? w-what do you mean gambling is h-haram haha I think maybe we need to get back on topic haha pvz bamhole amirite? haha

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why didn't you wear a mask retard?

>destroying amerilard piggus one neet at a time
based china!

I got over it in 3 days. This is survival of the fittest; you deserve to die.

cringe trying way too hard

Lose weight fatty, I had it unvaxed and didn’t have any symptoms other than a slight fever for a few hours.


tony actually sounds sane in his interviews now, i think he might win this

You were taking 5000-10000 IUs of Vitamin D3 right user?

post your hands I bet you are fat

just take some stevia b

Can i interest you in a risk free investment?

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It's killing fat and old people so which one are you, tubby?

>i've had a made up disease tested with this made up tester

get well soon, pussy

let's go tony

Why are you all so rude

You could say tony is in a hapless situation....

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Gamer vs Arman who you got

it's funny

take your glasses off

it's not the ultimate FEELINGS championship b

I like that bet bruh

You hev glasses

Since it's a good card, what foods are you guys preparing? Thinking pizza, wings, and some sandwiches, probably roast or turkey

beautiful youthfulness tony

If I needed you guys in another thread would you back me up?

Tony vs RDA 2, its time.

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Leg? Chip-free
Walls? Empty
Meds? Not taken
Wife? Dropped restraining order
Boxing? Beautiful.
Let's go Tony. CSO.

I will.

let's cut the bullshit and look at the facts
tony ferguson
>UFC veteran and former champ
>never been knocked out
>never tapped
>freakish reach, educated jab and push kicks
>former wrestler, jiu jitsu black belt, dangerous striker
>second longest winstreak in lightweight history

michael chandler
>bellasnore hero
>knocked out several times
>tapped to strikes (weak minded pussy bitch)
>roided little midget chimp freak, swings overhands wildly
>losing record in the UFC
>purchased two (2) black sons, weirdo


It’s always Buffalo Wings for me. There is this joint a couple blocks down the street from me, the owner I guess is a couple generations removed from the original anchor bar that created Buffalo wings in Buffalo NY. They got the best wings and blue cheese I have EVER had. I usually get like an order of 50 buy two cases of beer and that’s usually good for me and my buddies, we’re basic fight fans.

Is it the Outer Range thread on Yea Forums? Are you trying to explain to those idiots that people dont die from a few pitter patter punches to the face?

I got your back bro

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its a very late card so if im hungry i need something quick
burger or pasta

Khabib ducked.

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I don't post outside of /heem/ sorry

Pizza bu5
Always degrease it

man i thought you got all that shit for yourself at first

Thanks brazzas
I'm good for now but I just needed to know if /heem/ still had my back and were real ones

same thing I eat every time

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Absolutely not.

homemade pizza is on a level

Other threads besides /heem/ exist?

Damn, I don’t know this feel. Here on the east coast of America. These events are always sold as “fight night”. It’s a party bro.

Buying it at a grocery store. A 10 lb bag of wings is like $12. I'm looking to buying the ingredients and making it in my apartment.

Feel like I'm losing it a bit over the past couple weeks

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*enters the thread*

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sperguson never been finished in 3 rounds

I’m really tight this week. I usually buy every PPV because I hate meddling with trying to find reliable alternatives. With that being said, I may have to resort to streaming this Saturday. It’s been a couple years since I’ve even tried. Has streaming got better or worse? Am I doomed to be clicking and changing links all night just for my stream to die right at the best part of the fight?

You make it brah

Fuck Dana

I found loopy's dad

Personally i would just start winning it

He is. All his friends live in his head.


uhmmm chandlerbros? looks like mike found a new motivation. Say hello to Ace Chandler…. see you at the top!

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You're going to die lmao

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based leech dabbing on em

Yeah I’m a jacked Taiwanese boy whatup

Which is why i put the majority of my chandler bet on his money line.

4chams a dangerous place b

/S continues to remain the non degenerate porn board of Yea Forums

>birth of his adopted son

nvm I don't understand retarded american bet metrics
