About to watch this, what am I in for?
About to watch this, what am I in for?
An animal planet fever dream
Talking kangaroo and hip hop
mediocre crime film with a cgi kangaroo in a couple minutes of it.
30 seconds of a talking kangaroo
Who did it better?
Dont. It's all lies.
A lie. Talk about a fucking rip-off and false advertisement.
Did what better?
The kangaroo is not in it longer than a minute as you expect.
Initially the film was titled Down and Under and was shot as an R-rated mob comedy in the style of Midnight Run.[2] The film was shot in Australia in August 2001, and originally included cursing, sex, and violence, and only one scene with a kangaroo. However, when the film's producers saw the first rough cut, they realized that it wasn't working as expected.[3] Inspired by positive response to the kangaroo scene in early test screenings, as well as the marketing campaign behind the recently released Snow Dogs, the production shifted the marketing focus away from that of a dark mafia comedy to that of a family-friendly animal picture. Extensive new footage that replaced the animatronic kangaroo with a new CGI one that rapped was shot, and the film was edited down to a PG-rated family animal comedy.[4]
It's the classic cgi kangaroo movie though.
the blonde girl is cute as fuck
Did the R-Rated cut ever get an official or unofficial release? I'm curious if this "Down and Under" version was better or not
It’s about jacking a kangaroo. It’s premise is in the title. seethingsoijack.jpg millennials keep pushing the false advertisement meme to this very day
I feel like someone should literally go to prison for this advertising campaign.
Fuck You I Liked It core
always gave me a boner as a kid
i didnt like the movie
but the blonde girl made my peepee very hard
The part where he shoots up the mosque was a bit too much to me.
Wrong country.
Kangaroo Jack is probably the biggest lie I was ever told
>me and brother were fucking HYPED by this movie after seeing trailer
>we really, really believed it would be about a rapping Kangaroo
>we used to hop around our bedroom for several hours at a time shouting fake rap lyrics we made up
>nothing offensive just Kangaroo related stuff like 'You,me and daddy are gonna go see Kangaroo Jack; And you, me and daddy are gonna laugh until our hair turns black; and you and me and daddy are gonna see that Kangaroo; and you and me and daddy but not dead mummy too'
>ought fucking kangaroo costumes to go to the cinema and see it
>went in, so excited and the movie plays
>almost no fucking talking Kangaroo whatsoever
>we get so annoyed that we star to actually believe the Kangaroo is talking when on screen and IS rapping even when its just a Kangaroo standing around
>spent weeks telling each other about all the great lines and basically convinced ourselves it was rapping Kangaroo kino and every other line was an awesome Kangaroo rap, even had quotes scratched into our wooden bunk bed
>got the DVD
>remembered the truth
>brother actually started crying as we watched
>>brother actually started crying as we watched