


Attached: 2019-08-21 12_35_37-West Wing Story _ THE SIMPSONS - YouTube.png (1920x657, 2.13M)

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Cringe. Is this real?


I wonder why they made the 4 literal who women 10 times more hideous than drumpf.
What is their master plan?

>make them look like aggressive sheboons
anyone else would get in trouble for this portrayal

Attached: simpsonsSquad1-640x480.jpg (640x480, 76K)

It's really interesting how the left someone sees these creatures as pretty or empowered or whatever. They hand gestures, their tone, the the things they "sing". There is just something so wrong with them that you just get the urge to place a hammer right in the middle of their faces how did they create something like this and feel like it was a positive portrayal.

>That pic is an actual scene
It looks like the fanart of a dirty beaner. Look how bad Trump is drawn there.

I would cringe if I watched this with other people

Why does everyone hate Trump so much?

he's rayciss

Because it was Her Turn not his

He's a sneedposter.

oh no! it’s the democratic candidates!
hide your children (because they’re all pedophile sex trafficking communists)



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How many times are you going to complain about it?

sore losers


clearly not a raided alt right thread going on here

Funny how they're so fucking great, but everyone good enough to be a Democratic president apparently has no personality whatsoever.

I think they're obviously on the right side of history.

i was about to post a rant, but instead pic related.

Attached: 1521326953981.jpg (807x659, 37K)

Because he says goofy shit and hasn't passed any decent policies and since he doesn't even know how to run the Executive, the GOP has had carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want. Whether that's rolling back environmental regulations that ironically protected coal miners, or giving massive gibs to Goldman Sachs.

there's a pepe laugh for this guy but i don't have it saved

Attached: 2019-08-24 06_23_05-(3) _tv_ - powerful https___youtu.be_ErhaWVG0o1I - Television & Film - 4chan (247x195, 127K)

Simpsons were always leftists. I don't get why mutts seethe so much nowdays with that. Didn't you saw this or what?

Attached: ChJCi8hW0AAlwJ1.jpg (640x240, 43K)

god will smite you down too.

What the fuck?


you can’t even speak english and you’re calling people mutts

>doesn't completely crop out the army of journalists and well-wishers with cameras and iPhones out to hide the fact that this shit's obviously planned

They really hate idea of a wall on the border.

Because I don't give a shit about your shithole.

>the left
No such thing.

>Politicians, they're just like us!
shit like this makes me believe lizard people are a real thing

Yeah that's why you made a whole post about how much NOT CARING you do.

because he's a true genius and all the dunces are arrayed in a confederacy against him

Hope you're not white.

Attached: redpill.jpg (2217x1618, 735K)

Radlibs, whatever. Same shit.

I don't get it

You didn't answer my question tho. The Simpsons were always left-wing. You know that, right?

is youtube's layout fucked for anyone else?

they were not, however, the a full-on propaganda arm for the DNC

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

He is reversing decades of economic processes that screwed the average American over. As a result Democrats, Republicans(covertly since Republican VOTERS support him), the Intelligence Community, the media, tech companies, and other nations(like Xi and Trudeau) are united against him

Can anyone explain this to a European? Who are these women supposed to be? And why does Trump have a picture of them on his desk? I don't understand any of it

In the episode, the elephant walks through the DNC immediately before this and the banners read "We can't govern!" and "We hate life and ourselves". Only nu-simpsons is leftist

These are 4 women representing 4 heavily-Democratic districts in Congress. They are radical and unappealing to the average American so Trump put the spotlight on them on Twitter and forced the Democratic leadership to defend them, hence making them "the face of the Democratic party". Despite the fact that Trump's favorability ratings are much higher than theirs, the media acts as if Trump sours on the public while they are inspiring young women fighting him

Eh. Okay. Still doesn't really explain a lot so I gather the skit is a total mess as well as unfunny

what happened to the animations? this looks shit

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The tv told them to

Attached: orange man bad.gif (600x338, 3.55M)

they know what he knows

If the Democrats seriously run AOC against Trump, they are fucked.

Well they won't, she isn't even running for the nomination. For the next several years they'll keep making noise in Congress and the media to build up their influence and name recognition.

I don't know what you are trying to say that has anything to do with my post...

>double the work force
>double the tax expenditure/revenue

Imagine my shock

Why would you end on this point?

Better than the flash animation look it used to have.

Imagine getting actually brainwashed by American politics?

He's zionist and pedo like Clinton.

Comfy book

This was made by people who want you to vote against democrats, right?

As though having 50 fuckers running is a plus
>Now Trump jumps in because... uh...
>Now he can't be the first to quit because uh...
>Now he fell!
>Joe Biden makes a joke like the left should be in support of him
Where is the joke in any of this?

Leftist media has convinced people that he's racist even though there's no proof of him ever doing anything racist

>She gets the scoop!

>"I have a good relationship with the blacks"
>literally gets in trouble with the Fed for trying to dissaude minority consumers from buying/renting Trump properties
>"Go back to where you came from!" (He says to 3 non-white American citizens
Maybe not exceptionally racist, but he probably is.

>Groening makes fun of Trump
>Days later it's found that he formed part of an international group of child traffickers, rapists, murders, satanists who sacrifice children to gain "great evil power"

I like how most of the top comments on the video for this are about his foot massage trip.

All of the cities they come from are shitholes run by their own party for the past 60 years.

Sounds pretty based to me

You mean America, you dumb faggot? And how does that change what I said? Shouldn't you be praising him for being a racist though?

>the Bronx is America
lel okay


The cities they come from are Something like 70% black. And while for the past 60 years the Democrats have done well to diversify(pollute) our racial composition, whites are still a majority nationwide

Great, that doesn't change a thing I said?

>politically radical

this is the end for orange man

nothing will top this


Enormous dense population centers will never be an example of what America is like, thank god. That's why we have the Electoral College, and that's why non-whites were worth 3/5th of a vote back in the day.

Thanks for the info, /pol/. Still doesn't change I thing I said.

He's a kike puppet.

About Trump being racist? God, I hope you're right.


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lol non-whites arent even yellow in the show. Its like they're barely considered human so the show doesnt bother adapting them to the universe. Why doesn't anyone ever get triggered by this?


Success breeds jealousy.

based trump



So you admit he racist then?

Yeah, and that's based

she looks pretty cute flipping burgers desu senpai

Fuck that I wanted Bernie and he got screwed over by DNC cheating

You know that Bernie is in on it right? He doesn't really want to be president, he just gets a fuckton of donations and then sells his enormous voter data to the DNC for plenty of $$$. By the end of his life he will have like 5 mansions

Nice conspiracy theory, /x/. Did you fall for that Breitbart article about tax fraud too?

>is only classified as a billionaire if he sells all of his assets
>Has lost more money than he has ever earned

>>is only classified as a billionaire if he sells all of his assets

>What is net worth

Alright enjoy Bernie rolling over when the DNC targets him again. If you watched the second debate you must have noticed how the central talking point was about Bernie scaring voters away. He of course won't complain because he's in on it

He is a sneed poster

>major macrocosms of literal millions in cities that make more money than entire states combined, don't represent America
We went down this road in the late 1800s, you were monumentally btfo by the North being able to produce 300 times more resources than your entire Cause.

So, you don't have any hard facts? Got it.

user, we dodge a bullet when we elected Trump

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction I am glad to happened this way.jpg (500x375, 52K)

If you believe his net worth is actually a billion dollars, you are a gullible faggot.

They used to represent America when they were WHITE. They're not white anymore, and that's why they turned into shitholes that don't resemble America as it should be

>literally one of the most turbulent peace time administrations
>"This is clearly better than the absolute boring nothing that would happen under Hillary!"

Go cry about it over in your containment field, retard.

>you're just fringe, there's nothing to be concerned about

Attached: 4.png (640x553, 270K)

>most turbulent peace time administrations
PEACE, better peace than war against Russia, China, or Iran.

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction Infimary.jpg (875x657, 58K)

He deported all my hermanos so I'm shitting up this board, fuck you whitey
t.unapologetic mask poster

He's loud and obnoxious enough for people to notice long-standing issues with American presidents and amplify their depravity strictly because it's Trump at the helm this time.

I think Hillary is somewhere on the spectrum because she doesn't seem to understand how to interact with people.

Everyone acts like nobody hated him until he was President when in actuality people have hated him for years. Saturday Night Live did a sketch about him 20 years ago where they basically said he was racist. Then in the 80's they had a sketch where he and his wife were killed by a rocket and people cheered over that. Nobody ever really "liked" him. He was always seen as a joke. People always made fun of him. He was essentially the kim kardashian of the 80's. They hated him but still gave him attention.


Shut up boomer

Reminder that wikileaks confirmed that Hillary had Gaddafi ousted because the Libyan gold dinar would have weakened the CFA franc and Francafrique

If you actually think Clinton wouldn't have started another war when she was practically responsible for turning Libya into a slavery state, then you're simply too far gone and the only solution is for you to dangle from an elm tree when the day comes.

and sneed.


is that supposed to be tulsi? wtf

Trump, for all his many flaws, does not seem keen to start shooting wars. The same could not be said for Hillary "Boots On The Ground" Clinton, who wanted to shoot down the jets of a fellow nuclear power over fucking Syria of all places. The woman thought what happened in Libya was a vindication of her work as Secretary of State. The woman was a war-hungry lunatic.

I just noticed, wtf that is supposed to be Pete Buttigeig? He looks as old as Joe Biden.

If he actually had grey hair like that he would probably go farther.

Only coastal media types hate him. Most normal people agree with him.

>You two will never see Tel Aviv.

What did he mean by this?

>caring about politics in 2019
Im just gonna enjoy what i can until the us becomes a communist craphole and then blow my brains out. Lets just all admit we got maybe 10 years

haha his hair turned into a dog and then back to hair again lolz