What kind of movie would you produce for 119999999 dollars?

What kind of movie would you produce for 119999999 dollars?

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10 hours of David Dunchovy checking himself out in a mirror, poking at various moles and wondering if its cancer or not.

A slow low budget film about strange phenomena set in Finland. Then, I would hire Steven Wilson to reunite Porcupine Tree and make the soundtrack, than blow the rest of the money on cars, alcohol and girls.

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Something good


I'd adapt Blood Meridian.


>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"

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One where all the attractive actresses in Hollywood rape me to death in the Swiss Alps

Both very based.

nice dubs!

nice trips


Its not here yet dumb fuck

Just checking

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I would make a movie about my perfect sunday. My perfect sunday is when I wake up in the morning and look out of the window towards a panorama of awe-inspiring mountains. Then I go down into my garage, fire up my motorcycle and drive to my favorite restaurant, ordering their best breakfast package including pancakes, oatmeal, toast, jam and various juices. Then I drive another 10 minutes on the beautiful country towards a beautiful spot where a parkbench overlooks a beautiful landscape. There I sit lazily, letting the sun warm my skin, maybe I take a picture with my analogue Nikon camera on wonderful Kodak Kodachrome film. Because on my perfect sunday, Kodachrome is still something that is being developed. When I get bored of sitting around, I take my bike deeper into the mountains, enjoying driving serpentines and after a while, slowly looking forward to a wonderful steak lunch at my favorite mountain hut restaurant. From there, I contemplate how to go on.

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Bane vs CIA: Dawn of Sneed

A shit one


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We failed bros.

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