haha what a cute froggy
>it's real
Holy based
Lifelong Madrid fan here
So proud rn
I love my team till the day I die
Cultured anime artist
i'm so confused. i thought pepe was an alt-right meme that only terrorists posted. do normies frogpost now? is it OK to assume everyone uses Yea Forums now?
I think that one is the spastic and kosher version from twitch or something
Everyone activly jackposts on the college WhatsApp group, some Yea Forums memes just break barriers
what's jackposting?
I always forget the wo
They have sóy duels in the WhatsApp group
i only use two boards here, on one any kind of frogpost gets deleted on sight, and on the other i can't imagine the discussion without smug club pepes. it's like two different worlds.
>spic flags in this post
Spics are the biggest Halal customers
actually sounds good, jackposting
i have a college whatsapp group and it evolved to 90% of the content being porn and nude dumps
That's the mexicans, who are soulless by their very nature
The rest of us have our own teams in our local league
>it's real
That's the mexicans, who are soulless by their very nature
The rest of us have our own teams in our local league
It's all center and north americans, I fucking hate them
>That's the mexicans, who are soulless by their very nature
kys mostaza
This site is pretty mainstream now
The concept of keeping Yea Forums inside Yea Forums was lost long ago and now zoomers just steal memes from here and post them elsewhere for attention
This roncero deserves a pepe edit
Pepe and Apu belong to the radical left now ^_^
That's me btw
I saw normies sharing Yea Forums pittbull-infant memes yesterday
Pepe has been popular for longer than a decade now
It's literally the only way around, only normalfags use Pepe unironically now.
chinese people love posting the frog. one of my chinese friends includes the frog in almost all her wechat posts
kek they're having a fun childhood
>when your grandma frogposts you a right wing meme
pepe was always cringe and only exploded around 2015, lyl and kornheiser are Yea Forumss memes.
/pol/ and 2016 broke Yea Forums
thats it, i want liverpool to win now
LMfao based Yea Forumstards
Fucking hell that image is an abomination
>it's a Spanish media discoveres an international meme about 5 years after everyone else episode
I hope you are aware this is an edit, the image has been floating around with different pictures on their shirts for a decade now. The original image just had white shirts, then people started shopping ragefaces on them. Eventually ragefaces turned into wojaks and pepes.
It was a good edit i thought but i looked closely and the creases at their shirts, particularly the pepe, the image didnt look good
I would KMS if this was my mother, probably the least tradcon thing for a 54 year old woman to do
Yea Forums is leaking. take twitch for example, it's full of pepes and similar memes. But it's mostly because of other boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/. It's very hard to find Yea Forums memes outside of the site and that's a good thing
>noooo some granny is posting in my safe space
That's not pepe, it's peepo
contrarianbros... we have to find something else to post... zoomies have taken over the frogs
Pepe has been a mainstream meme "format" for years now. It's especially popular in certain internet subcultures, for example it's very popular in Nigeria for some reason
pretty sure only boomer midwits like Limmy still associate pepe with the alt-right.
Yea Forums memes are all over plebbit
keyed limmy-hating brit
like? I never see tsuuuuu for example anywhere outside of Yea Forums and it's one of the most well known ones.
Tsuu is on plebbit.
Everything that originates from here (nowadays it's mostly twitter) ends up on every other site eventually.
It's not a secret hideout.
yeah, I also only use Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Basado y sapopildorado
Way too many newfaggots here.
Peepo has been TWITCH (and to a degree, discord) culture for years now.
>used to make fun of people still posting here in their 30s
>now we have literal boomers taking over
Yea Forums banning frogs and wojacks on sight is the most based policy on this entire shithole. Though I for one am proud of our imageboard coming up with Apu Apustaja and Spurdo Spärde.