Unironically HOW many mass shootings will this kino cause in america?

Unironically HOW many mass shootings will this kino cause in america?

Attached: joker-movie-fb.jpg (768x432, 18K)

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no one really knows...i do know that i will be the first however. ITS ALMOST TIME GAYMERS

I, for one, am looking forward to the Clown Killings of 2019

>Backstory for a character who's backstory is having no backstory


This. "TWO-FACE" or "MR. FREEZE" would have more reason to exist than this.

Not as many as the sonic movie

We will rise up rise like the waves


We'll rise up and we'll do it a thousand times again

We live in a world that creates jokers. The world itself created his backstory. Now it's time for us humans to see it.

I am absolutely terrified by this perfect storm. How the hell WB and DC consider it a good time to release this whilst Trump is still president, the Incel movement is gathering massive traction and Gamers are still publicly and openly mocked....its literally a powder keg. I’m considering leaving the country for the entire month its in theatres

This. If you dont have a bunker or at least a safe room by now i really dont know what youre doing.
Im already prepped to survive at least the first two weeks but waters gonna be a problem by then so im rigging up a system to collect and filter condensation in the air. Worst case scenario, i run out of oxygen but I'll go into a chemically induced stasis if that happens.

get in Yea Forums skribbl

Can an American explain this to a European.

Why the fuck would anyone shoot up a school/cinema/concert/workplace/garlic festival

Unironic answer: incels genuinely think they're oppressed by normies and brown people.

All depends on the final trailer presentation.


Its literally the end result of having 36 automatic weapons for every citizen of the United States coupled with 78% of heterosexual white males between the ages of 18-34 not having sex

Combination of trumps never-ending screeching and the fact that they want their 15 minutes on tv so they can feel a part of something.

>automatic weapons
Kill yourself retarded nigger

>78% of heterosexual white males between the ages of 18-34 not having sex
There is no way this is true

All you retards leaving a trail of discussions about a possible shooting in this particular movie for months will get our beloved 4channel shut down if a shooting actually happens and the (((media))) starts blaming it on our peace loving online community.

Attached: stop-face[1].jpg (1252x1252, 137K)

It applies to you doesnt it? :3

This response is why I am refusing to see this “movie” in a multiplex

Attached: tenor.gif (220x232, 241K)

around three fiddy


Attached: 57755.png (663x1541, 335K)

Try not to kill anyone, tranny

Attached: trans-shooter.jpg (600x400, 53K)

Online journalism is a dying industry, if they didn't have some stupid Yea Forums article to write they would false flag one for the clickbait

It applies to you probably, incels love calling out other incels

>be american
>get ????

Whenever I shut my eyes I see that scene from the script. It’s nearly October. God

mcdonalds makes ppl literally dumb and voilent by putting chemicals in the water and buns

Because they are

DUDE haha we live in LE society LMAO haha this meme is epic haha

No. I’m 24 and have had sex weekly since I was 18.

Using meme magic is irresponsible, user

I predict we will have at least one copycat shooter.

Attached: Crashed the kinoplex.jpg (567x622, 54K)

t. incel
have sex, dliate, find love, etc

this meme was never funny

Presumably they try to copy the tactics of Muslim terrorists without understanding the underlying strategy of those.
someone post the picture of all the mass shooters to shut these leftists up.

Considering that the FBI defines "mass shooting" as any incident where 4 or more people, shooter included, were injured with a firearm, which includes any drive-by, any time Jamal pulls his problem solver in Josés club, or any white trash sitting in his truck with a couple friends, playing around with his gun and puts a round through the roof, the number is already so high it won't make a difference.

you were never funny

why are lefties so obsessed with sex
were they all abused as children

Because they have nothing else to live for

>tfw "we need brown people to mow our lawns and make our "exotic" (i.e. spicy) food and have sex with" is their only motivation to push for open borders
That and the extinction of whites and straights of course.

Incels killing other mutts is always kino.

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why does he look like a jew