Society has collapsed

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hop in dude

because of pictures no one sees? probably not for any REAL reasons related to television or film?


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>Post modernism
The trifecta corroding the foundations of Western civilisation

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not yet but I wish.

>overweight white nerd posts angry baseless /pol/ shit on entertainment board

thank you, next

Not as collapsed as his bussy will be when I’m done with it.

Ezra Miller:
>beloved by many
>has a lot of sex
>also happens to be non-heterosexual

>probably ugly (post face to prove you aren't)
>seething about him on a Guatemalan apple-picking forum so probably not loved
>probably not having sex
>But hey at least I'm straight right???


It's pretty great, isn't it?
I'm not even saying this to be edgy or sarcastic. I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing everything reach the absolute height of crazyness.
It's like being on this giant sinking ship, lights flickering out, shits on fire, people are screaming and yelling and fighting. Meanwhile i'm just sitting on the balcony, laughing like a fucking nutjob as the sea creeps closer and closer.

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It's a genderfluid person having fun and expressing themself. Grow up.

Like him or not, that's a 10/10 pooper

you're gay if you wouldn't fuck this

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I hope he collapses that ass on my dick, just saying.

*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*

Degenerate Jewish man affecting femininity and aligning himself with pornographers.

where's the pic of him in pink and you can practically see his asshole?

Feels... weird. Specifically the tranny phenomenon. When society and the medical industry indulged their mental delusion and their sexual fetish everything became lost.

As a child, trannies were correctly considered mentally ill sexual freaks. Ace Ventura and Zoolander make this clear and those films were released when I was little. It's been 15 years or not even that since trannies were considered insane.

Imagine a licensed medical doctor saying, yes it is possible to be born in wrong body in regard to sex and that it's also possible to change your sex with a straight face. But it isn't one doctor, it's law makers, pop culture and the entirety of the medical field all saying this. When people try to make you believe in something insane it's akin to gaslighting and makes you crazy as well.

>society has collapsed because I look st gay pictures on the internet
You people are so weird and helpless

Does this picture trigger you, OP?

Is that george miller, maxmoefoe and idubbbztv?

Real talk though, how has this faggot not had leaks yet? I want to see him with ropes of spunk on his ass and you know someone has a picture.

it gets him attention. if he leaves degenerates thirsting for more, he'll continue to reap the attention.

you're not getting nudes because all his artificial interest would evaporate. you'd be left with his Jewish scarred male penis and be off to ejaculate to the next effeminate male that affects womanhood.

post your face timestamped and shirtless timestamped and state your beach 1rpm then we'll assess whether you're inflating the figure

What are you talking about? Ugly feminists have btfo themselves by becoming retardedly leftist, they’re irrelevant thanks to trans women and twinks and real women make up the rest. The scraggy angry cat ladies don’t breed (femcels) and their ideology is dying.

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Yeah it's a shame we're destroying the output of more fag paintings of some flowers or what the fuck ever

He is the perfect man.