Why does pointing out the truth trigger pissbaby manchildren so much?

Why does pointing out the truth trigger pissbaby manchildren so much?

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The ass pain in that thread on Twitter was magnificent.

People that care what other people do with their free time are honestly more pathetic.

Because no matter how much they try to convince themselves by proudly shouting how much they love their child-free, polyamorous, open marriage, cuck, raising-pets-as-humans anti-traditional lifestyle, these quislings know it is wrong and lose their shit at the slightest criticism because they have no idea on how to defend it and no arguments to use to their benefit

Because the kind of people the article is talking about go to these parks almost every weekend and spend all their money there. They shape their lives around these parks, of course they'd be pissed at an article telling them they are weirdos.


Do little kids even want to go to Disneyland?
The films have been shit since brother bear.

>proud child hating degenerates
>spend time at family theme park filled with children

some of us don't have a choice in the matter and just want to have fun. everyone does alone anyway. there's no company in the dark.
why does it even matter how people spend their own time and money?

It’s weird, little kids LOVE Mickey Mouse, but I never fucking see new Mickey Mouse cartoons.
Also the op is about disneyworld, not Disneyland, try not to confuse them.
Becuase Disneyland have magic and is amazing. Disney world is just a cheap fake copy that has no magic

yeh they're called pedos and the democrat party is full of them

>tfw love disney world for nostalgia's sake and escapism
>tfw fat kissless 31 year old NEET
>tfw my sister has 2 kids, 2 and 4
>say to her "hey wouldn't it be fun to go to disney world with them like we used to"
My plan worked

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I will not be brow-beaten into having one of those expensive little shits. I have too much nice stuff to break.
If going to Disney World childless makes me weird so be it.


>but I never fucking see new Mickey Mouse cartoons.
Have you tried watching any of the various Disney channels?

This. As someone who lives in SoCal everyone here is a complete mindless zombie for Disneyland. They all freak out at the fact I don’t really care for it and would hate going more than once a year if at all.

Instead of wasting all of my money on renewing annual passes every year and all the money spent going to Disneyland I would rather go somewhere outside of California or have nicer things. I would also like to further extend that purchase power by getting the hell out of this shithole state. Something that they couldn’t possibly understand.

>but muh Disneyland
>but muh mountains and surfing in one day
>but muh beach
>but muh perfect weather

More like

>too expensive to own a house here
>too expensive to have a family here
>everyone lives inland where its as hot as Arizona
>Colorado has better snow and there are better beaches all over the world

>wanting to be broke, no time for yourself, and burdened with child expenses in your 20s

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>As someone who lives in SoCal everyone here is a complete mindless zombie for Disneyland.
lol what. I live in SoCal too and everyone around here hates Disneyland and calls it overpriced tourist trap

Disneyland is shit period.

Yep! This user gets it!

Spending your money on toys and entertainment is a far better use of your time then actually taking any responsibility for anything in your life!

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Also every Yea Forums regular is just as much of a faggot as Mousecucks.

Poor cope my friend. Post more laughing pictures maybe you can convince yourself

>Have you tried intentionally scarring yourself by watching any of the various Disney channels?

Disney Land sucks. Id rather take turns fucking Lola with Bugs at Six Flags than let Donald faggot Duck attempt to rape me

This is like saying boomers who go to Batman movies without their kids are weird.

that's right, nothing spells success like wine aunt post-wall roastie in her 40s who spends her days ranting about blumpf and climate change on twitter. lol

Are the kids half black, where is their father ?

I have a job. That's my responsibility.
Enjoy falling for the nuclear family meme

Liar. Jump on any freeway and you’ll see stickers on almost any car for annual pass holders. Go on any dating website and it’s filled with ugly girls who want to date someone with an AP because they love Disney so much. Try going to Disneyland on any given day and it will be flooded with people from California who use it as a mall to hangout to the point where the main park hits capacity and you’re stuck at California adventures all day.

the difference is that it's a lifestyle for millennials, mass media pop culture is their identity

Well that's a pretty big generalization, user.

>children are expensive

Like how? The first year they literally just eat from the tit so you don’t even have to buy them food.

half asian actually,. That'll be great material for all the Bruce posting around here lately

You lives will never amount to anything.

You will vacation your way through life without anything to show for it.

You will die alone.

None of your rationalizations will kill that niggling feeling of uselessness.

The only thing in your lives will be media. Consuming products put out by people who see you as a dollar sign.

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Breastfeeding is likely at an all time low. It's easier for women to just mix some powder that way they can get back to their camchat.

I was curious too: twitter.com/nypost/status/1154862448081547264

What exactly is a "meme" about the backbone of civilization?


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>unless you're black

I'd rather be in a marriage, constantly worryng about the literal coin flip that is divorce rates (initiated by women 70% of the time).
Where I can get anally raped in court and have my children be raised to hate me while I also go broke over alimony.

Marriage is 300% a meme and children aren't worth it

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None of this makes any sense. I have a job, a gf, a car (paid off), a family to take care of, gfs family to enjoy, and plenty or friends. Tell me again why a child is the only thing worth living for again?

>waiting until your late 20s to raise a family when you're financially stable means you are polyamorous cuckolds with pets and hate tradition
why do I get the feeling whoever writes these posts is a single guy that only fantasizes about one day actually being in a trad relationship?


>Having children automatically gives you a sense of responsibility
Please explain our deadbeat parents then

this. and i mean, do they enjoy Disney? why not go to Disney World? what is it about today's society that has everyone divided and judging others for the most inane, inconsequential bullshit instead of worrying about things that actually matter?

>my job is my responsibility
>i will always be able to rely on my girlfriends family
>heh, your actually wrong about how my life will only be revolved around products because i own a car

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>implying having kids will give your life any more meaning than rolling a rock up a hill.

holy shit the /r/childfree freaks are here

your not your parents, grow a spine and start taking some responsibility in your life instead of blaming them
false equivalency kid, try again

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Yeah, perpetuating some dumbcunt mutty bloodline and having zero freedom in life sure sounds like a based thing to do.

>He thinks you only buy food for a baby
Ok, you just gonna let crawl naked, shitting everywhere and sleep on the floor? Why don't you just buy a dog instead of considering having kids.

Unless you're a scientist or an artist your life is meaningless too.
Keep pretending all the roasties are wasting their money vacationing while you amass vacation time working for Mr Goldman 9-5.
You may eventually cash out that time when you're made redundant at 60, completely burned out and without the hunger for travel left in your body.

Can an American explain the appeal of visiting Disneyland without children? I've never been but it sounds kinda gay to do it as an adult

Who is relying on anything? I mean i get to work on cars with her father, eat dinner with her family and see them happy because their daughter is happy. I pay for anything my gfs needs or wants.

I get the fulfilment children can bring but marriages fuck up way too easily and it's a very heavy investment.

It's literally just security for women, a useless rock on a finger and a very expensive day

YOU get nothing out of it.

>carrying on your genetic bloodline isn't based
you sound pretty butt-blasted about what I said kid

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Everyone dies alone you dumbcunt faggot. Hope your shitty kid dies of blood cancer.

A lot of the attractions are designed for adults, there are even bars.
Retards complaining about it just think it's characters in costumes and the spinning teacups.

Your post reeks of cognitive dissonance.
>n-n-no im happy! My wifes son gives my life meaning! Seriously!

Lmao you keep digging yourself a deeper hole you retard
>my life isn't shallow because i do whatever makes my gf happy
just wait until she wants to try an open relationship, cuck motherfucker

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I never blamed them for anything, the fuck? I only said being a parent does not automatically make you responsible. You just are, or you aren't having a child won't change that

Let's be honest, millennials hate children because they have no concept of personal responsibility in their lives. they have the mentality of pre-pubescent children, which is why they love cats so much

Why are they white? only shitskins and niggers go to Disneyland to start fights and fuck their sisters

For starters, 90% of the population should be disallowed to have children in the first place.

>you can't develop responsibility

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Yeah, this thread proves it.

>attacking their readership

Let me guess, you don't have a gf who loves you and wants to plan for a stable future together?

>umm sweetie don't you know that breeding is the only thing that matters?
>me? well I'm definitely going to have loads of white kids as soon as I meet my pure white wife, I just need to keep self-improving heheh Mr Peterson said if I clean my room I'll get married one day

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He posts wojak garbage so of course he doesn't.

I hate children because they're loud and annoying

The universe doesn't care. You're just playing a pointless game you think matters more than other equally pointless games.

>I'm going to keep replying to you but your the one that is seething
I am a homosexual
Who the fuck is mr peterson cuck?

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I only went as a teenager, but if you go with friends and have an anneal pass it used to be a realtive cheap way to hang out. You hang out in line, same as if you were in a car or hanging out on the street, expect after awhile you hit a ride.
I don’t know how people do it now though with the AP being so expensive and not including parking.
But more than that Disneyland is magic. And the staff smiles all the time and it gives you a nice pleaset feeling being there if you let it.

Yeah, you can't if you've already past adolescence. Most people are already set in their ways by then.

I don't hate children, rather the parents, who by and large make kids for the wrong reasons yet paint it off as some accomplishment, whereas in actuality it is the most primal and niggerish thing to do.

Like your lineage.

>ohhhh just you wait until open relationship, cuck motherfucker!
>Pretends he's not a virgin filled with rage

I want to have kids soon, but having kids doesn’t make you special and everybody dies alone.

>admits to being a faggot
Damn, this post is truly a study on mental illness.

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What's worse is many men want to start a family but cant because they are rejected all the time while there are couples like these who choose not to have kids for no reason other than not wanting to stop their hedonistic lifestyle

Since I'm a sperm donor, no.


Here you go soi army bros. I'm sure your ideological views will fit in here

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there's this dude at work (just turned 30) who goes to disneyland all by himself once every year. like what the fuck.

reminder that there are large swathes of white millennial women who have been brainwashed into not having children because they think it will stop climate change, meanwhile the average fertility rate is some sub-saharan countries is 8 children per woman and Africa's population will increase from 1 billion to 4 billion by the end of the century

>not wanting to stop their hedonistic lifestyle
What's wrong with that?

I just don't see the appeal and I'm shocked that more people don't see marriage as the trap it is.

If I knew for sure I wouldn't get divorced and my wife won't inevitably turn into a argumentative cunt after 5 years

Then perhaps I'd be cool with it, but as it currently stands it benefits women more than men

The guys who are bent on having a family always bring it up on the first date like a fucking retard and the guys who don't want kids and get all sorts of girls aren't socially retarded and are self aware. That's the main different.


>"heheheh gottem, now my lineage HAS to be preserved!"
>just gives 100s of lesbians children they have legal ownership of to mutilate
nice try user.
you can't beat the system.

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>implying any donated sperm is actually used

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I know faggot stop reminding me

>there are couples like these who choose not to have kids for no reason other than not wanting to stop their hedonistic lifestyle
What's wrong with that?

Tbh I wish I had my kid in my mid twenties, when he leaves for college I'd be younger and have more time with grandkids.

Look at the picture. Would you really notice it as something weird if there wasn't a huge headline above it?

Poor country more kids
Rich country less

That's just how it is

>You lives will never amount to anything.
Nobody's will. Even if you have kids you will be completely forgotten in a couple generations.

Just have kids without getting married

At least it's only once a year.
Also, why would you care? You're coming off as the bigger weirdo for spreading his business here

progenity is an accomplishment you freak

>all out of cringe comments
>posts reddit
I can feel the heat of rage from this poster. Enjoy spending another night jerking off while i spoon next to my gf before we go walk in the park and feed the ducks tomorrow.

if you're older than a millenial you don't belong here
if you're younger, you should be quiet because your worse than millenials

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Well, luckily what makes us different from animals is that there are many ways we can leave a footprint on this planet without population numbers. Stanely Kubrick will be remembered thousands of years after you and your family(if you ever even have kids, which is doubtful because you post frogs on Yea Forums) die off, so will Mozart, and Shakespeare. Even this fat fuck will leave a greater presence than you lol. Cope all you want but it's true

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Not really. It doesn't take any talent or skill to cum in a broad.

>reject cannot have kids
boohoo, better give these failures some chance at making more inferior people
Yeah man, I honestly don't give a fuck who raises them or what happens to them. Fact is I'll live on, fact is they'll be 50% me, which makes them already better than almost any other kids out there.
I am an attractive, tall, blue eyed, aryan man. Bitches are queueing up for my seed and this is a fact.

The term youre looking for is projection, and no, it doesnt. Thats just your insecurities distorting reality to shield your ever crumbling ego

Yeah I'm not taking anything an r/samandtolki user posts seriously

Go back to being deranged about based Boogster

Not a very impressive one.

>Wanting to hear a woman bark in your ear about not getting her rock
>Because she was brainwashed by the west.

Also pretty sure you'd have to pay for children anyhow if they decided to seperate

When you go on a shooting spree out of sexual frustration please don't be a pussy like these guys. Get a high score.

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Dad here, having a son is better than any material good.

And I'm not even going to give a redditor who knows subs by heart a (You) for this stupid shit. Unironically. Kill yourself.

Literally more impressive than any other feat in existence.

I'm 30 and still live at home. I'm surprised my dad hasn't shot himself.

past a certain age a childless man is a big red flag and the sign of someone with mental health problems

im not sexually frustrated desu but you continue to prove yourself to be a beta retard

I have a month old son sleeping right next to me. Women who have children love the idea of breastfed simply because of the bonding and only do formula if they are unhealthy and can’t do it. Other than that there is this thing called a baby shower where everyone buys everything you need. You would have to be a total shitter to not have any friends or family to help with any of that. Even my stupid millennial friends bought me expensive gifts for the nursery.

Other than that diapers are like $20 a week but I have enough stockpiled from the shower for at least a year. If I need more who cares.

He loves you obviously.

When did newspapers start talking in such a way?
Like, up to a few years back, major papers had a professional, formal way of writing, today, they all look as if they were written by passive agressive teenage girls
How the fuck did that happen?

If you weren't you wouldn't be shit posting like a bitter horny teenager.

What's also fun, I am thinking of doing a bleach project. In Africa, women crave and beg to have "White" children. Might go over at some point and just impregnate a bunch of those topical thotties.

Who actually cares about being remembered? I dont give a fuck and neither should you

>It’s weird, little kids LOVE Mickey Mouse, but I never fucking see new Mickey Mouse cartoons.
That's because Disney isn't marketing Mickey to you. Disney is following the old Chevy model; a car for every stage of a man's life. When you're a young kid they get you early with Mickey Mouse. Once you're a little older they transition you to Marvel and Star Wars. Once you're an adult you watch ESPN and ABC. You then have kids and take them on family vacations to Disney World, and take them to see Pixar movies that are enjoyable for the whole family. In your old age you join the Disney Vacation Club. As for Mickey itself, a new Mickey show came out two years ago.
As you can see, it wasn't aimed at people your age.

A lot of them had parents that divorced so they fear having to relive that again as well.

Not really, I've caused massive amounts of stress on their marriage since my mom is constantly keeping him from throwing me out.

"I masturbate how can i be sexually frustrated!!"

Well get your shit together obviously.

Do any of you have even an ounce of self-awareness?

>Bitches are queueing up for my seed and this is a fact.
Doesn't matter if Doctor Weinberg is replacing it with his own lmao

Justifying the outlandish cost of something to make yourself believe it was "worth it" is a textbook example of cognitive dissonance.
No big deal, maybe I just have more time to learn stuff like that.

I blame buzzfeed and other such media. Triggering headlines meant to grasp your attention about nonsensical topics

First time I've seen something by mainstream journalism that is based and redpilled

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It becoming less and less of thing now that those countries as advancing

The easiest are aids ridden and ebola is still a thing
I wouldn't chief

>thinking he will be remembered
you are on Yea Forums acting like a retard, nobody is remembering you for anything significant, your children will toss you in a home at 80 and move on.

This so much this

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I made no justifications in the post you replied too.

The lowest forms of animal life on earth do it. It's not that impressive.

uhh ya? why give yourself more responsibilities? a bloo bloo it makes me a more well rounded person to have more responsibilities. lol suck my cock that shits stupid

>i was just pretending to be retarded
You do know where you are right?

why does this picture not include black crime related mass shootings, which are by far the most common kind of mass shooting?

No, it still is impressive. Thats why it makes childless people so pathetic. Parasites reproduce. Youre literally worse than a parasite

Have sex

I'm moving out within the year as I've been packing away money, needed to make sure I'm stable so I can move twice. Plan on never speaking to either of them again so they can't know where I am.

You forget that Americans HATE being told how to spend their money.

Incel War soon, they are just teasing it. I still to this day will remain Swiss Cheese and be all Lawful Neutral, but i see the tense is rising (up)

I did about a hour ago, im not waking her up to go again.

>leaches off parents til 30
>abandons them
I hope you end up killing yourself before you move out

Have sex

also looking at the picture this looks like some 20 year old dudes hooked up with some jay bee material, so basically they're saying that you should take a cunny with you to go to disneyland. Where do i get them, new york post?

It’s only weird to Boomers who aren’t with “it”. They’ll never be with “it”. “It” for them has come and gone, and what’s “it” now is weird, scary, and something they don’t understand.

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Yikes. You sure put a lot of value on having kids, it would sure be a shame if your life was still pointless anyway.

You gonna say it again? Yeah you are going to say it again.

Its not though because i will live forever through my offspring. And life isnt pointless, if you believed what you typed youd have killed yourself already.
>inb4 cope about experiences and happiness mattering but life not


West is truly a nation of a pathetic cowards and appologists

Because whites are suppose to be the superior race and they can't even beat blacks in murder. It just highlights the absolute losers.


This is basically smoker's "defence" of his habit.
>So, why do you smoke anyway?
Different issue, same mentality.

>I will live forever through my offspring
>But everyone will forget me after two generations at most
Kek. People who believe this are genuinely sad.

>a bunch of childless virgins judging people for not having kids

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Read Camus.

>West is a nation
Based shitskin, "kids are my personal properly, let's shit out 5 at a time so that I can have some spare change when 2 of them die from diftery and the 3rd one gets bombed by my salafist cousin who is also my brother".

I have a book of my family history going back over 700 years. I know all the ancestors within it. As does everyone in my immediate and extended family from that side.

And again, if you truly believed life was pointless and youd be forgotten about you would have killed yourself already. Your lying is obvious cope

It's because they get dozens of you faggots who for some reason care about why they smoke and want them to stop instead of worrying about your own problems.

Was this written by a poor, child-less, early 30's millennial by any chance?

ITT incels with zero chance of reproducing seething

>And life isnt pointless

Life IS effectively pointless, every species' function is to be born, procreate and then die. There is no greater meaning beyond that.

You may as well have as much fun and experience as much as possible in your existence before it's all over.

Again. If it were youd kill yourself. Stop lying you arent fooling anyone

Actually, almost no one dies alone. People end to die in bed with their spouse, in a hospital surrounded by loved ones, at home with their families, or with friends out in the world in case of accident.

Only the lonely die alone.

Either a boomer or a contrarian in her mid 30s that doesn't identify as a millennial despite being one

Life is not pointless, there's loads of fun things to do. Raising kids, however, is at best a desperate attempt at being relevant. It should be classified as a mental illness desu. What self respecting man has a desire to want kids? Are you a fucking woman? Oestrogenic bullshit.

Pure cringe.
>muh fun
This is unironically how 7 year olds think. Youre supposed to yknow.. grow up

I was in the Contemporary lobby when the guy suicided not long ago. Ask me anything. YES he did the "Goofy Yodel" on the way down

So fucking what if you die alone. The way you die is endlessly more important.

>I have a book of my family history going back over 700 years. I know all the ancestors within it. As does everyone in my immediate and extended family from that side

Why do people insist on lying on Yea Forums?

It's called embracing the absurd. It's literally chapter 1.

>seething dumb westoid
kek im not from Middle East

>I'm an adult! I do adulting things like never have fun. Take me seriously

30 y/o millennial here. Taking my qt brown gf to disneyworld for 15 days at the end of september.

Good entertainment, good food and lots of hotel sex.

Please tell me why I shouldn't do this, just because we don't have kids yet.

Also, don't cite "money" as an issue, since it's not.

>these quislings know it is wrong
Sometimes it is good that some people don't get kids.

>If it were youd kill yourself


Believing life is pointless isn't the same as not wanting to live user. Like I said you wanna have a good time while you're alive and experience everything you can. There's no special finish line at the end where you get a scorecard based on how you lived your life, it's just over.

I feel absolutely nothing towards my parents so why would I bother keeping in contact? I won't be suiciding since that would make my chick sad.

It most definitely will

at least bring your nephew or niece or something
I know disney has those weird rental houses for couples or some shit but come on man

I have a job and all other normal and functioning adult responsibilites. Life is not always fun, but it is my purpose to try and have as much fun as possible, (whatever fun can mean), and raising a kid is definitely not among that. Have fun raising your dumbcunt kids and throwing away your life. You're probably some Jesus mong, that would explain a lot.

Pretty much this, people who are terrified and have no idea what to do with their lives have children before 30. It's very similar to a mid life crisis but in reverse.

Kek. No you don't what a terrible lie. And even further proves you don't give a shit about muh ancestors.

Wherever irrelevant place you're from, enjoy living in subhuman conditions, and stay tuned cos I will be coming to bleach your women. Unless you're Asian, cos I find Asian women disgusting, and even my strong spermatozoae could not fix a half Asian kid.

>your not your parents
True but i just don't see myself being a good parent. I am alcholic with shit genes.

You do realize you spend your time on an anime image board right

>Be single male
>Go to Legoland
>Staff will allegedly tail you and keep an eye on what you're doing

What did they mean by this?

Most times it's an accident or in some other form unwanted. Then your life is fucked but you have to pretend it's not and live a proxy life through your shitty kid to mask how shitty your life is. There's people like this in this thread and I do feel bad for them, but when they start to gaslight and try and lie about their reality, the only thing I can do is check them and wreck them.

I agree. I just felt the need to correct the previous user. There is a type of person I hate instinctually, and one of the many annoying things they do is insist that everyone dies alone because they heard it on Firefly. Zoomers wouldn't understand.

It's not even worth it. You can see in their eyes they are broken and empty. You just look at them, smile and move on. Picking on the broken and bitter is boring.

>Just stop caring bro
Now that is super pathetic

Sure smells like soi and tranny in here

except your wrong. in order for your scenarios to be correct, everyone in the room would need to die too. everyone enters oblivion alone faggot, and there's nothing you can do about it. cope, christfag little bitch.

sounds like a good way to keep most pedos from diddling kiddos

Wonder what that says about the person writing about that subject.


I care about plenty of things. I just don't waste my time bitching about what other people do with their lives. That's what whiny faggots do.

So what if he turns into loser who lurks Yea Forums all day? Will you still think that?

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Am I the only one who thinks that looks badly edited?

>just stop carring about the behaviour of the people you suppose to form a society with DUDE!

have sneed

Why should i care what other people do? I can't force them to stop the things they do that i don't like. If you had a gf and a healthy sexual relationship you wouldn't care about the stupid shit you are sperging about.

I had my first when I was 21. Best days of my life, hands down. There is no vacation or product that can give me what that experience gave me and continues to give me.

Disney is just a theme park to adults, only really worth it for the rides, but to kids it's a memory they will never forget. If you just bring adults it's kind of a bummer.

Your gfs son isn't your kid you pleb.

If i had a rich family and never had to work for anything in my life i'd probably have a child early but i have to work and save like everyone else.

shes my wife tho and im the only chink in town so try again faggot

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>rich asian
>parents pay for everything
>had a child solely to not shame family
Probably one of the worst case scenarios to live in.

im not rich. i live in a trailer.

How can one man new so based and redpilled

based boomers calling out millenial manbabies

>not rich
>having a child while living in a trailer
I'm sorry THIS is the worst case scenario. I don't think i've ever seen asian trailer trash before, you might be a rarity.

none of this takes as much money as you think it does. it just takes drive. Which i have and you do not. It's too bad, really. our generation is lost

yes, i live in something i can afford. It's nice, i like it. you would too but you spend all day trying to make yourself feel better. keep trying faggot

lmao an Asian in a trailer. fucking lucky you're a compact, non obese people


God damn
Weird flex but ok

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You can only laugh at all the mombies and fartfeasts (i call fathers this cos they have to eat baby farts all day) getting so triggered by the idea of not having children. Doing something 'because its biologically intended' is the reason and its always fucking dumb and inexcusable. I cannot imagine being such a brainless consumer. You call ME a consumer because I enjoy DISNEY and MARVEL but you are the one who has been convinced by corporations that you must have a child so you can spend thousands on PRODUCTS to raise them, I could visit Disneyland twice a year (and I do) and watch every Marvel movie 5 times (and I do) and still spend less money on products that you do just buying your 'diapers' which are a useless product anyway as they increase the risk of toddler anal cancer, and are basically just for lazy parents. Oooooh mommy lets buy those diapers those have cute packaging, oooohhh daddy I agree and this milk has 20% less sugar lets buy that ooohhh mommy that dinosaur shirt made by slaves in Bangladesh would look cute on Fezreen (this is my brothers sons name lol) how the fuck are you idiots not vapid consumers? I consume for completely thought out and philosophically alligned reasons. You consume because things would look cute on your little Bibsplasher. Just pathetic. The average 'parent' spends more time in conversation about why they don't need to buy any more of the cereal with Dora the Explorer on than they do discussing serious political and emotional matters. They spend half their conversational time trying to explain to a braindead toddler retard why its not OK to eat chocolate that came out of the dog. You are the infants, you literally have to infantalise yourself to speak to your 'precious' children.

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Whoever is behind this post is sobbing uncontrollably at their keyboard.

How is going on a rollercoaster a child only thing?

>coping this hard

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I have a gf and a couple childs also it was my first post on the thread.
You should be concerned by the behaviour of other people because it affect you in a lot of ways
Personnaly I’m worried by the fact that a growing part of the people we live with are becoming mindless sheeps that only think about the next product they will consume.
Life is not about making childrens for the sake of making childrens and I’m not saying that but the Pavlovian reactions that we get here about the mere concept of reproduction really tells a lot

>letting people act like degenerate faggots has no bearing on why our society is so shitty!

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>have a child before even experiencing life
>living pay check to pay check
>no sleep
>no time for anything besides caring for a baby
>forcing a smile when inside you hate yourself for making such a stupid choice
>neglect gets you jailed
>forced to watch your friends enjoy life while cleaning shit
Sounds like a blast where do i sign up?

Have to say I just marathoned this and loved it. Especially the bits about toddler anal cancer and philosophically aligning your consumerisn. Would read again.

Jesus Christ I’m not the type of person who usually say that but have sex pls

You should have spent more time in English class.

anyone else here visited LA without going to disneyland?

>These shit replies
Ok, this settles it. Breeders and tradbeards unequivocally blown the FUCK OUT

So what are you going to do about it? Continue to whiny and moan on an anonymous image board?

what the fuck LEAVE ME ALONE
*buys 10 new figuarts*
*buys a full set of screen-accurate power rangers weapons*

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SeeIt's funny you imagine yourself like Edward Norton stomping a nigger's head and for what? Bitching and moaning all day? Hahah

The virgin low energy parttime buttwipers vs the chad high energy meme master. I bet it didn't even cost him effort, while the other three are drained from reading it alone.

I live in LA


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what part?


It's always fun watching the OP get utterly BTFO in his own thread.

every morning is a quiet morning at galaxy's edge

t. 45th post in the thread

If you can only afford a trailer you aren't ready for children.

Why do incels hate fun?

They don't know what fun is because they have never had sex.

based nihilist faggot

Ah yes, a point I hadnt touched upon yet, how do you fathers cope with your wives ravageds vaginis? Ive fucked some mother. Some were tolerable, but some of them were like fucking a warm damp sandwich. So what you do about this?

I agree with everything you said, but the problem is this idea of not having kids only appeals to white people.
Meaning you will live in a future littered with nonwhite's offspring making your last days on this planet a living hell.
If for nothing else, you have kids to keep the white race alive and strong. That's my reasoning at least.

>a play park by definition for children

Just go to six flags or some other amusement park that isn't based on cartoon IPs.
I hear the rides at six flags are better anyway.

I'm mixed race anyway, white people dying off is an inevitable reality.

The most braindead statement there is

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>no idea on how to defend it and no arguments to use to their benefit
>I do whatever the fuck I want
Gee it wasn't so hard after all.

wrong. sometimes smart people live a little more budget conscious when they are saving money. im sure you wouldnt know about that though

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>"hate" children but get a dog which is the same thing but never grows up
Yeah these childfree freaks are probably just sterile and desperately trying to cope

>many men want to start a family but cant because they are rejected
Have you ever thought that people that can't start a family don't deserve reproduction. It's literally survival of the fittest.

OMG no way friend. You get a tax break!

This is obviously a larp, you wouldn't be a virgin otherwise

But user, as long as you live in a society, to some extent you will always be a consumer. Even the big dick CEOs are consumers, I'd argue some of the biggest consumers in a society.
The issue isn't being a consumer. That's surface level commie brainlet talk. The issue is what kind of consumer you are, and wasting money on carnal desires is very pathetic.
Don't try and misconstrue this post either. The point is to make something of yourself, make sacrifices now and work so that you are rewarded in the long run. This has nothing to do with having kids and everything to do with living a worthwhile existence.

The reason girls reject most guys is because they don't want to be around some clingy moaning faggot who couldn't be arsed to be stop being a bitch and man up. Women like men who don't mope around constantly, it's really annoying.

>>I-I do whatever I want
You're a subhuman beta m8, a real person doesn't need to constantly spout that, they just do what they want and everyone accepts it.
Get the noose out cuck

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>You lives will never amount to anything
No life is worth anything. Everyone and everything will be forgotten with time and nothing that they've done will mean anything.

>You will vacation your way through life without anything to show for it.
Nothing you do will matter anyway. If vacationing brings you happiness so be it. You apparently are not satisfied with it so pick your own path and don't look at other people.

>You will die alone.
Some people don't mind but you are right that is very rarely a preferable choice. This can be changed though.

>None of your rationalizations will kill that niggling feeling of uselessness.
That's projecting my friend. Most people are easily satisfied with achieving attainable goals like getting a good job and raising a family.

>The only thing in your lives will be media. Consuming products put out by people who see you as a dollar sign.
Unfortunately you are probably right about this for a lot of people here but it's never too late to turn around.

Not him but I call shit out as I see it. If someone at work is acting like a faggot, I will tell him.
It really is stunning how much power your word is to some people and how much better you can make your situation by just talking to people.

>tfw you don't want kids, and choose a life of happiness and solitude instead
I'll never understand why people get upset over this.

Shouldn't they be more happy that theres one less resource draining mouth to feed in the gene pool?
Do the angry folks just WANT to see countless families hooked on welfare, unable to support their shrieking little crotch goblins?
Is that the ultimate endgame? Are these people pushing for an overcrowded society unable to naturally support itself?
Did I accidentally swallow a redpill here?

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Literally a faggot term meant as an insult towards straight people.

>a real person doesn't need to constantly spout that
What do you mean by that frogman? When you ask a question you, presumably, expect an answer and I've given it to you.
>they just do what they want and everyone accepts it
You need to get out of this slave mentality. You have to accept what you are doing. It doesn't matter what others think unless you've crossed the line of their group think and are in danger of them stopping you.
>Get the noose out cuck
I suspect this is how you will end considering your crushing insecurities.

i'd like to have kids but i need the girl part first. ive been alone my whole life im pretty bored.

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Of course the sperm donor bit was a larp. Though I would consider doing it. I cannot help it user, I am a very attractive man. It's at the point that my gf complains about going out with me because there's always women checking me out.

Not sure if you have any examples about what you are talking about but most people that get criticized don't give a shit and just continue doing what they want. If anything they will do the opposite of what the person is saying just to piss them off. Then the person was criticized has the power.

Gosh user, you sure know a lot about the homo vernacular and lingo despite being such a straight man.

yes goy-kun. keep pumping out those children. I need more cogs to keep the machine running

Why do I have to go to an amusement park designed for little kids to have fun?
I pack whatever I can carry on my back and enjoy a few nights out in the wilderness. Planning on getting my hunting license in the near future as well. Hell, even just building shit in my garage is fun, I'm currently working on designing and prototyping an electric motor.
You can have fun without resorting to products and activities designed for little kids.

Nah, the article had a woman complaining that a guy bought his girlfriend something like a lollipop, was stupid and weird.

It's an amusement park designed for people of all sorts of ages to enjoy and it isn't some horrible thing for a couple of adults to go there.

>haha, being an incel bitch is totally my choice, you guys :)

Then I'm glad you're not breeding lol

>post on a site dedicated to anime with boards dedicated to My Little Pony and Pokemon
>criticize others on how they spend their free time and lecture people about being a responsible adult

>why arent people rushing into an irreversible, lifelong commitment?

its almost like as people get more educated, they realize there is no rush! how strange.

See I would love to be able to enjoy a life of solitude, but I simply can't. Staying at home with no human interaction drives me insane.
I'm actually jealous of introverts. How they can spend all that time alone and feel 100% fulfilled is a thing I envy. Me? I'm the annoying faggot that costantly tries to make friends and hang out with the current friends I have, hang out with the gf, etc. I can't help it, it's my way of feeling fulfilled.

I don't hate children, I think they're great. Well, at least up until the age when they stop being cute and start being cocky and annoying. But even dogs are too high maintenance for me, I couldn't handle having to look after a kid full time. I'm perfectly happy being alone to do my own thing. I know it sounds like a lonely person in denial, but for me it really is the truth. Maybe my brain is wired wrong.

Lots of family men are closeted gays. A friend of mine is a forest ranger and he constantly has to fetch married men out of the woods. They are sucking each other off there and whatnot. You see a Ford station wagon with a kids seat in the back, parked on the side of the road, and then dad is somewhere in the foliage sucking off another dad who is wearing a blonde wig. Or a refugee kid, they like those too. He always fines them and then they cry because their wife will ask them why the postman delivered a fine for public fucking in a nature preserve.

There's also loads of shitstained used condoms they litter the place with. If I had my way I'd fucking execute them in front of their kids desu.

Haha sure got me there pal, I'm definitely a huuuge faggot

Wait so does that mean I have to knock a bitch up by next year? I'm too young though dude.

>there is no vacation
Got that right.
One of my friend has a year old with his highschool sweetheart. They are happy and I'm happy for them but fuck it sound awful what they are going through with that kid and that's a healthy normal one.

Neither of those types of people should have children. If you don't want kids, don't have them. The world is better off without another generation of people who grew up in loveless, dysfunctional homes.

t. Seething polcel

>some adult children hate kids
>they don't have kids

Why is this a bad thing? I wouldn't want these people anywhere near a child.

I was thinking about that. Like what if I wanted to go to a water park and I don’t got friends and just want to chill? Can’t do that because I’d be a fucking omega nerd.

>it's primal and "niggerish"

You shit and vomit and piss, don't act like you are any less "primal" than any other being on this earth just because they had kids which is part of the natural cycle of life.

idk that sounds pretty fukken metal

You don't sound lonely, you sound like a manchild.

Letting your fear rule your life. Yeah, you should probably sort out your personal issues before you have a child and project onto them like a retard.

Lmao. Even worms, cockroaches, and crackwhores have children. Go work on something actually useful, you brainwashed boomer cunt. Read a fucking book.

so what does that say about you? if the most primitive lifeforms can pull this off why cant you?

More like millennials are faggots who take zero risks and live in their safe space comfort bubbles. This is why the world has deteriorated into a shitty void.

if you find a good woman dont put it off

>equaling kids with piss and vomit and shit
Yes I did make a good point there. From a biological stand point I am in fact better, since while I do shit and piss, I have not put another useless kid on this world. And from a mental point of view I am also better, since I do not give in to any of the massive character defects that cause the majority of people to have children (egomania, fear of death, et cetera).

ps you don't need to reply because this cannot be refuted

>You should live like a parasite because not living like a parasite makes you worse than a parasite!
Nice logical skills, retard.

>Timothy McVeigh
>Anywhere on that list
Absolutely shameful, how dare you. Timothy was a total Chad who was an active duty Marine, got redpilled on the state of the US Govt and as a response to WACO and Ruby Ridge decided to send a message to the Federal Govt.
So he spends months stealing high tech equipment and explosives, builds a massive bomb on wheels and blows up an entire federal building killing nearly 200 “people”, nearly all of them front line federal Law Enforcement personnel.
His Terrorist attack was so successful they literally had to change federal building codes afterwards to prevent future any bombings having such an impact.
Dude was a total Chad, political renegade with an AAA+ rating.
Literally one of the most dramatic terrorist attacks of all time, he’ll be remembered forever. An actual successful version of Guy Fawkes.

Everyone else on that list is small time amateur league compared to Timothy McVeigh. Know your terrorists

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So chads blow shit up out of mentally ill rage and get caught then spend the rest of their lives in jail? Bet he gets tons of pussy on the daily.

never listen to defeatist cucks like these soiboys,they want to see society downward spiral even further down the sewage infested rabbithole

See I can cum inside a pussy and have a kid any time if I want to. But unlike a parasite I actually possess long-term thinking skills and can use it to make rational decisions instead of blindly following my primitive instincts.
You can have as many children as you want, but shaming people who choose not to reveals a pathetic existence where you can't even begin to imagine what people could do with their time other than raising another person. If you can't find value in life other than reproducing you are a literal NPC. I can't imagine what having such a weak mind must feel like. It's like being a blind person.

Yeah, adults going to Disney World is like if adults just went to playgrounds to play and slide on the slides and such. It's just weird, and any adult doing it is probably a pedophile and definitely sad.

>they want to see society in a downward spiral
This is literally what /pol/ wants, so that the great white uprising will happen faster

>concerned about "mindless sheep"
>you should be concerned about what I say you should be concerned about

>being this offended by strangers going to a theme park for a day
Lmao imagine being this sheltered

Bootlicking faggots need not reply to me
>Spending life in prison
Holy fuck you’re literally retarded, he was executed (getting executed by the state for political extremism, Chad as FUCK) only a year after the bombing.
Govt was terrified his actions and manifesto would inspire a revolt against the federal Govt (McVeigh believed his actions would inspire this) so they literally abandoned due process and rushed his execution through ASAP on direct instructions from President Clinton.
Average time on death row is 30 years. McVeigh spent 1 year in prison before getting it.

It sucks that i'll only be a chad in the sense that i have sex

Cope more