Oscars 2019

Will Alita win an Oscar? What movie will win Best Picture?

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Shocked she's 34

Imagine the asshurt when Alita wins awards. All the haters will be seething. Its gonna be glorious.

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Yes. I think she will

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Rosa is so fucking ugly without the cgi, disgusting


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She’s so cute, guys. I can’t stand it. :(

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ironic considering she hit the wall in this pic lmao

It has a decent chance at best special effects (unless Endgame gets it as a consolation prize ). The effects are pretty great the designs are odd but the effects aren’t.

If it wasn't a flop maybe, and if Alita was cute it might have had a chance, but alas.

it shouldve been her

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>not cute
pick one

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Grow up.

Are you blind?


Why not both?

>cover 90% of her face in cgi and only then the spic goblina looks cute


Go back to your Discord, tranny


What’s the discord?

msm HATED it
chances are, it will be ignored even for the technical awards it clearly deserves

Ex Machina won that one year and Alita is essentially that times 10, it feels like a shoe-in



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alita haters forced her to quit ;_;


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What happened?

It's official, boys.

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Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

I still dream about this day, its going to happen soon

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Alita should.

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It's not going to happen soon. Rodriguez is producing a movie for netflix right now, Cameron is bussy with Avatars and Terminator, disney stopped all Fox's movies productions, box offiece and bluray sales are mediocre. So they are not going to produce anything this fast, if she had at least Venom's numbers then we would already know about sequel in production.

la creatura...

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Fine by me,
More >la creatura to go around for me.

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>disney stopped all Fox's movies productions

Cameron owns the rights to Alita movies and only used fox as a distributor. They can always use a different distribution source.

low test

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You do realize producers can work on more then one project at once? And Cameron, outside of the notes and storyboarding for a trilogy already completed, isn't needed. And Alita is still topping bluray and dvd sales, so you're wrong on that too.

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The point is that there is nothing o impress new investors. Alita isn't flopped but she's just mediocre. There could be a sequel but not very soon.

I don't think its going to be avatar levels of waiting...but yeah probably not for another 3 years minimum, I'd of thought.

I understand that. I'm just throwing out some info about one of the points you made. I also agree on the sequel being a ways off. I do believe that Captain Marvel left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths due to Brie Larson's anti men, anti white anti whatever escapades. Since Alita is the definition of a "strong female CHARACTER" rather than feminist horse shit Captain Marvel went with, they're flocking to it. If you look at a lot of review sites you see audience scores through the roof along with the fact that it's topping br sales for nearly two months regardless of how mediocre they are. People see "top selling Blu Ray" and they jump on it.

I feel like I'm rambling.

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the alita threads on Yea Forums are the most depressing and pathetic shit I've seen on this board. You guys are just fucking sad.


>/ALITA/ was so bad, literally any other thread on the board was better.

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Cameron is very famous director and producer, his name alone could help, he also can find new stuidos or investors, he obviously have many important links in hollywood so I don't think that his work is done.
> And Alita is still topping bluray and dvd sales, so you're wrong on that too.
We already have numbers and they aren't really great. Mary Poppins Returns sold more disks than Alita and Mary is the most closest in numbers. Movies like Shazam sold far more disks at the same period of time.

Post more of this slut

don't fucking call her that dude

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Yes but the movie didn't perform so hot domestically. So obviously the BR sales domestically won't be as hot as say, mary Poppins which did pretty much double Alita's domestic run...

However I'm sure China and the rest of the world will saves Alita's BR figures, just like before...

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how is she so cute

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She has a short nude sex in Bird Box where she is getting BLEACHED.

I just googled it and that guy is really jewy looking so it doesnt count

based never ever poster

>Brown eyes

Fucking yuck

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Why's this board got to be full of faggots?

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God, I hate china but I'll make an exception this time. We need that sequal, Jimbo!

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What do you guys like about this movie? I just saw it and it was okay. Nothing particularly wrong with it, but it just felt like a typical sci fi romp.

Is this a threat ?

God, let's hope not

MC and story overall were good. Alita is a pefrect example how to build a hero through the story - introducing new world, discovering new power, expirience a failure and etc.
Ido and Alita chemistry is one of the best things in this movie, they are really looked like father and teenager daughter.

This was one of those movies that if it never gets a sequel will drop several points in my estimation of it. It's not a self contained movie, there are several loose threads by the end and the central conflict goes unresolved which is all fine when you're the first part of a trilogy but as a standalone movie that shit is inexcusable.

I would have nominated her boobs

Her eyes are already huge

Brie is going to get another Oscar for her Capeshit movie.

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I read all available alita manga. Original run was good, but ending happened too quick.
The Last Order was fun, I enjoyed world biulding a lot but latter half becomes basically a space tournament with naruto-tier battles, Alita almost becomes a side character but she still faced a very difficult challenges, even existentional crisis. New characters weren't as great as old ones.
Mars Chronicle intrigue me with Erica, necrosoldiers plotline and new Alita's design with sentient berserk cannon, but oh boy, those prequel chapters took too much time. This manga is still releasing and it barely even covered Alita's childhood. Also heavily focused on Erica instead of Alita but I don't mind so far because they are both kids, I much more interested in their cyborg wars.

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Not really, she has a weird face

At this point, Hollywood's domestic Box Office is becoming almost unimportant. Studios are tailoring their output for overseas markets far more than they have done before as that's where the money is.

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Alita 2 when?

Exactly two years from now! (or not)

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3 years from now, early in the year.

This movie had surprisingly good action choreography.

>ain't no wall going to keep us out
that's what my mexican wife says everytime she talks to trump supporter

I love her (and alita)

oscars? no. maybe an MTV movie award for best kiss

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