looks like a retard... damn
>Nooo don’t turn 25 your so sexy aha
Nooo have lots of children Rose your so sexy aha
>has sex with those most prestigious hotties around the world and makes millions.
what do you do?
He's going to die alone like Jack.
Jack already peaked. He's living out the rest of his life Brando style.
Looks like he’s having a great time.
Anyone you date should be half your age plus 7. Otherwise its rape.
Jack has had long time girlfriends, a super model wife and several kids to carry on his lineage. Leo hasn't even reached the super model wife phase yet.
It’s half plus two retard
No, that would mean 18 year olds could date 12 year olds. Its half plus 7.
>No, that would mean 18 year olds could date 12 year olds.
Wait we can't?
i pity you
literally me
No, you retard. Half plus 7 is 7,5.
Its not me, I'm not a pedo. Its half your age plus 7. If you're a fucking 30 year old and you're dating a 21 year old, you're a nonce. Sorry.
Only a fag gets between a man and his cunny
>I'm not a pedo
that's why you have my pity
i don't get the outrage over this
9+2 is 11.
But 30 and 22 is okay? That's half plus 7.
21 year olds have no childish features. You might call it weird all you want, but it has nothing to do with pedophilia. I'm 22 myself and I'll be fucking 20 year olds as long as I possibly can, preferably up until my death.
it's - your age + 7 idiots
your age - 7
I'm 19. Can I date 16.5 year olds?
fuck your mom and sister on the daily
ffs man. At what point do you just stop giving a fuck and start looking like that? He used to be chad now look at the fucking state of him.
Jokes on you, I have neither.
My age - 7 is the same number as half my age + 7. How old am I?
My girl is half plus 9, I'll take it.
once you hit your 50s you just don't give a fuck aye
go figure
He's, what, 70s? No one could give a fuck at that age. If you do you are strange.
hes like 90
i want to him to have one last hurrah before he dies
Aging, death, and taxes. No way around any of them.
21-7= 14
(21/2)+7= 17.5
for me, it's 11.5 year olds
Clint Eastwood is 7 years older than Jack and still looks like he could kick most of people's ass ITT
28 of course
Very good.
He's from a previous generation that knew so little about health and taking care of yourself that they had no choice but let themselves go.
You and I are going to be different user. I'll be athletic when I'm 70 no doubt about it.