Based or cringe?

Based or cringe?

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started based, not really cringe but not based anymore

His new show sucks ass.

Formerly based

His new show is just....terrible. I'm sorry. 30 minutes is just too fast for the show too. He's better off just doing monologue for the 30 minutes. It was a huge miscalculation on his part to leave NBC. Like so what if your show is going to air at 12 instead of 10 central. NBC got fucked too I guess because they lost the best night host ever. All the other night show hosts suck major ass as well. Kimmel, Fallon etc.. All suck ass. They are not funny, and their monologue isnt funny either.

The only stuff Conan has going for him which is enjoyable is his Conan Abroad stuff.

just another loser with a team of writer asshats producing fake reality for muppet asshole Americans who still watch TV.
Zoned neighborhoods are racist, which means most wealthy white people are racist.
So how funny is it that these news channels just hppen to never talk about themselves and their bosses and their rich asshole friends. No, aggression is always aimed at the poor.

>It was a huge miscalculation on his part to leave NBC

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he was better before he got married and had kids

He was a good host of a show with the best late night writing team in history. Smigel, Louis CK, Brian McCann, Brian Stack, etc.

His show isn't really worth watching, but his podcast can actually be good.

>I guess because they lost the best night host ever.
>best night host ever.

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perfect analysis. next

seems cringe lately especially with the shorter show format

not sure why he wanted to ditch the suits. he looks more soi.


standard corporate comedian

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Cringe, and absolutely btfod by based Leno.

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He should ditch the studio format and just make a travel show with Richter, his assistant, his autistic producer and the rest of his stooges.

>Fallon with no drink in hand

who are they trying to fool

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The last good talk show host there was.

he kept finishing his so after a few times they didn't give him another

He prefers white powder more.

him and fallon are the only ones i wouldn't spit on

um sweetie, why are they all men?

He was based. Especially when he’d do remotes but now he’s awful. He never should’ve left nyc.

None of those faggots are men.


I wouldn't watch his show. I enjoy his remotes, his trips abroad, and selected youtube clips. I like him as a person.

I like his podcast

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serious jibber jabber was good, he should have kept that format. it was like Charley Rose but better

Hey Conan O'Brien, that guy was funny back in the 90s used to have one of those old fashioned late night talk shows, remember those? So what's he up to these days?

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So, i just watched a CURRENT YEAR monologue of Colbert and HOLY FUCK is it terribad. Putting on a TrumpfffH voice is comedy these days by reading tweets?

We need CraigyFerg now more than ever.

Even though Craig might have stood categorically along the pulse of the MSM it would be at the very least... entertaining.

We lost an icon.

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He's a prick but he did write some fantastic shit for the simpsons.

I just saw him in Greenland.

My opinion on Conan? Based.

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I hope he's there to pwn Blumpf, just like that time he went to that highly secure 5 star resort in Haiti to prove it's not a shithole.

Staying in New York was more vital for him than staying at NBC. Completely lost his edge.

There was something about his show that was incredibly off putting to me. I think it's how the cameras were all at or above eye level.
>inb4 autism

Im curious about their ratings when trump is gone eventually