Zombie outbreak

>Zombie outbreak
>Trapped in a mall
Is there a more comfier scenario?

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How long would it take for a girl in this scenario to just become a sex slave

All niggers and muzzies disappear, leaving nothing but the fresh scent of lavender in their place

>Trapped in a mall with niggers is the kind of "comfy" scenario for Americanmutts redditors

>Is there a more comfier scenario?
There being no zombie outbreak and not being trapped in a mall

yeah, one without the darkies

who said anything about black people?

pictures speak a thousand words, dumb fuck

rent free

this ain't section 8, "homey"

Great comeback, dumb redditor.

The original was better. Everyone in the remake was pants on the head retarded.

its depends if the mens outnumber the girls, if they are equitative i guess some rape could happend, but i think couples would form organically thanks to alcohol and spending too much time trying to survive togheter

its kind of gay that all zombie apocalypse scenarios don't do this. men would outnumber women 50-1 in a zombie outbreak and at that point all morality would go out the window to use and abuse these little sluts they way god intended

>men would outnumber women 50-1 in a zombie outbreak
you based your conclusions in what? i think depending on the type of zombie outbreak it would depend more in the person being in the right place at the right time than if its a woman or a man (also having proper equipement at hand and such, like weaponds)

>Zombie outbreak
>Trapped in a farmhouse
more comfy.

based on the fact that men are more physically capable. what are you a faggot or something.

Does that make a difference? A zombie is going to bite your ass whether it's 7' or 4'.

you''d be raped first fucking tranny, but I bet that is your fantasy you sodomite


I was here last night. Where we at with the rope and heavy rock store in the mall?

you thought that was like a woke point I tried to make? no I'm not a tranny dude i'm a perv

>only women would become sex slaves
Your butthole would have a rude awakening

>great comeback
Glass houses you ignorant fuck

since women are fucking retarded and can't be left to their own devices and their existence is vital for the future of humanity it would be very very fast.
its a wonder how modern women don't manage to get themselves killed constantly.

Projection:the post

The amount of angry virgins seems higher than usual.

have you never seen that video where they dump women on an island and tell them to survive for a week

Whatever happened to Sarah Polley

Those dumbfucks never should have tried to leave the mall desu.
If you watch the DVD special edition stuff it has a clip showing how the zombies all rotted away after a couple weeks.
They wouldn't have died if they stayed and waited.


I got raped and abused by older women as a child so fuck you I am not a virgin idiot. I am just angry. At women.
Not my fault they're functionally retarded.

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The alpha men would take the women and protect them from rape because a man wants his own woman.
That's how women escaped rape before.

zombie shit never works for me unless the zombies are controlled by some kind of necromancer, there is no way a human body like that could walk around for years like the walking dead does.

>zombie outbreak
>trapped in Zeattle

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You're making no difference.

Was this movie the peak zombie kino? Literal unkillable zombies who are living in non stop agony is spookier than any other zombie concept. Even its attempts to be humorous and campy couldn't overrule the terror of this concept.

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>Is there a more comfier scenario?
Getting those cool mutations from a different brand of T-virus and make a deal with Umbrella corp. while listening to Leon's banter.

I'm with you but in a few series like this Day of the Dead and also Shaun of the Dead where the zombies do rot away or get exterminated after only a short time.

A farmhouse doesn't have arcade machines, food courts, and lingerie stores.

go to sleep Nathan

>Not Island Mountain cabins.

Pic related is the best ideal place to hide from a zombie outbreak. Unlimited supply of fish and many zombies can't swim.

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It even has Linnea Quigley tits.

you know what else a farmhouse doesn't have? black fellas

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a lot of the zombie types are strongher than any normal person, as i say it would come down more to being in the right place at the right time than anything else
i guess individual capabilitys would play a role in survival and give you an adventage in a lot of things, but living or not will not be determined by how strongh/skilled/capable you are as it wouldnt really matter if you are traped in an apartament whit overpowered zombies that also outnumber you

as i say it depends more of being in the right place AND the type of zombie (is it one that you can deafet with strenght alone? outrun maybe?)

also communitys and groups working togheter would be much more eficient than individuals, so the proporcions between men and woman wouldt really be that diferent

That's why they're called allegories, kid.

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>this nigga

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doesn't count

That dude was blackface. You can tell by the pixels. And the fact that he didn't sound like an ignorant jungle bunny.

Men would stand a better chance against any kind of zombie.
If it was slow shambling zombies any man who isn't a weak omega male should be able to kill at least 3 by themself if they had any kind of blunt object.
And if it was sprinting zombies men run a lot faster than women and have a lot more stamina. Men can also jump and climb higher and faster. And swim faster. Pretty much do anything faster.

>tfw live in brick house with attached garage full of hand tools, lumber and metal sheets
>9 months of box and canned foods +5 years of dried rice and beans from my stupid prepper days
>3 months of gallons of water
>2 rain collector barrels outside back door
>many funs and ammo
>lots of paper back books
>solar charger for my tablet, can still watch movies and tv show or play my snes emulator
as long as im home, or close to home id be good. i should stock up on some TP though next time i go to costco, and maybe lots of plastic baggies to shit in

t. Agp sissy

>look mommy i said something racist on the 4channel again im so cool and edgy

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The convicts in Dead Rising had the right idea. Grab a couple of pals and go on a fuck-shit-up spree.

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>doesn't count

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>look mommy, i virtue signalled where i don't belong
>did you pick up my estradiol?

i think you've lost your composure, you did not see any black men at a farmhouse, it is a place of work

Fuck those guys. I hated them. And that song.

>zombie shit
you're right it's bullshit but like the other user pointed out it's usually a metaphor for shit like consumerism or political collectivism or any kind of collectivism really
the novelty wore off after the 931892nd zombie movie though and somewhere along the way it just became a very popular meme to just like, consume and speculate about everything "zombie outbreak" which is very ironic when you think about it

His conclusions are based in all reality, retard. You thought were gonna sound smart with your WELL AKSHUALLY argument, but really you just showed what a triggered white knight you are. Shut the fuck up and go back to rebdit where you might electronically encounter a woman, pussy.

Are u calling me an accelerated graphics port you fructose intolerant mammal

Zombies are very appealing because they allow people to fantasize about going on a killing spree of humans without feeling like a nut. If they are dead zombies its not bad that you want to smash peoples faces in.

Boo hoo

I didn't know I was going to have reason to use this picture today.

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not enought to justify a to 50 ratio that you made up, reality would be that the big lot of survivors would come from places that didnt get infected as fast as citys, and even thenin the city is more probable that a group of people working togheter will survive than 1 guy alone by himself
groups in a situation like that would be conformed by everyone that is capable of moving so womens and mens would be in an even ratio probably
yes men would have more odds of surviving individual situations, but that would only count for little situations, and even then you need to count that a lot of times mens act as the fighter of the family, so they would aslo be some of the first to come down
im not saying girl strongh or some bullshit, im saying 50 to 1 is stupid

Maddox ruined this movie for me with his crass, edgy bullshit.

>he thinks the 50 to 1 ratio is made up

Trapped in The Bing
>no windows
>hot girls
>plenty of guns
If supplies run low we can make a run to Satriales

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What kind of retard would go to a giant building with tons of entrances and glass doors during a zombie outbreak?

The zombie outbreak mall would go like:

>I take the control of the mall
>first action is to organize this fighting contest with the males
>fight to death until the SF
>after SF you cant kill your opponent
>champion keeps his balls
>losers are all castrated and made into concubines along the women
>champion can only reproduce once a year (to avoid inbreeding), the rest is mine
>eunuchs and women need to work 48 hours per week to run things

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What I wonder when it comes to the potential of this:

Is it determined by the morality of the men beforehand?

Does doing this actually help in establishing a working and successful survival situation? Does it just come as a product as despair and desperation to seek carnal pleasure before death?


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No u

The zombies in that movie were really stupid. They wouldn't come at you unless they had a direct line of sight on you.


>uploading a picture of yourself

In a survival situation women will cling to the most powerful man they can find. They won't have to be sex slaves because they will willingly give the pussy up for protection.

semi finals

But not her pussy. I watched my dvd one time with director commentary on and when the scene came up with her dancing in the graveyard naked, the guys started talking about how they were made to have an appliance made for her vulva. It’s fucking gay as shit because you wouldn’t have been able to see anything anyway. But yeah she is wearing a fake vulva in that scene.

Americans, obviously.

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Crystal Peak from T3
>fortress dug into a fucking mountain
>made for VIPs
>enough freeze dried food to last you through the outbreak
>can withstand a nuclear strike
>organic crops
yeah fuck everything else, this is oeak comfy

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If black people were actually like they are in the movies- which is to say, if movies were honest- people wouldn’t be prejudiced against them in the first place.

>Champion breaks your fucking back and takes control of the mall

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>get hold of a military vehicle with canon
>baseball still

What do you have against punctuation?

How many times would you have to fight off people trying to break into the mall?

If it's not made up, where are you getting it from?

my brain apparently skipped the obvious answer and went to completely retarded solutions.
thank you lord of the mall

americans have to fight to get into stores anyway

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Did she really wear a fake pussy? I remember watching that with my cousins/aunt as a kid with no idea what I was getting into. wew.

Ever hit mailboxes from a car with a bat?

There are billions of people on the planet so there would be countless individual survival scenarios.
Even in huge crowds its every man and woman for themselves. If zombies broke out in a large populated area and there was a massive rush to flee the city people would be trampled to death and robbed blind by other humans. Many would die but the ones most likely to escape the meat grinder will be the strongest and smartest men. The women who these men may protect are the most likely women to survive if they are lucky.

not enough courage to try

im saying that individual capabilitys would not matter as much as the right place right time
>you are in a mall full of people?
>you are in an hospital full of people?
>you are traped in traffic?
>you are in you house outside of the city, you have a car, food and a pistol?
is that hard to get?

A lot

It'd also require a large amount of people to patrol and secure every entrance with barriers.

A mall would be good only if you could turn it into a mini city with a working society.

I like to think of Logan's Run.

Go back faggot

imagine if it were a present day mall though

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That and it becomes complete anarchy with freedom to do what you want. Of course everyone else is also free to rape and murder you but everything works out in fantasy land.

>zombie mall for the zombie apocalypse

The mightiest of men could escape from the middle of hospital in downtown LA during peak outbreak and survive.

Abandoned malls are so fucking kino holy shit

This is perfect post modern aesthetic.

>rundown mall
>post modern aesthetic
pretty much anything breaking down and decomposing to shit is representative of post modernism

>present day zombie film in america
>380 million guns in the country
>1/5 americans owns an ar15
zombies are in deep shit desu

That’s what they said. I watched Silence of The Lamds when I was twelve. My grandparents were in the room. Shit sucked...
>would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.
>I can smell your cunt

these places not get torn down? I imagine thats a lot of land just waiting to get bought

Only if the had a lucky rabbits foot up their ass

What if the zombies are intelligent, cover a bullet in their spit and then snipe you from across the block?

To be honest, there would be way more families trapped.
Moms and kids together.
Groups of kids.
Not 10 randoms

>1/5 americans owns an ar15
I’m not sure I believe this.

I feel for you senpai. I was like 12 and my cousins were the same age outside one who was like 9. Drunken aunt was like 40 and laughing her ass off every time quigley came on screen.

I chose the movie too. Why why did I pick this.

that particular mall has since been demolished, it was beyond repair
they're building an amazon distribution center in it's place

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I'm American and I have two. One chambered in 5.56 nato and one in 9mm.

>americans shooting guns left right and centre alerting zombies to their presence
>americans in charge of friendly fire

9mm isn't an ar15

Then they aren't zombies, they're malicious undead.

doesn't matter Americans would kill each other eventually.

ORIGIONAL WAS BEST .. zoomers are Cunts .

an my fans dont like that ban , you got 30k Mutts all know where you live .. listen beg an send tits or gtfo . now to late .. you getting raised , an Can Iad your IT , Im Golden try me , Looked after the Royals , top kek , I need you zoomer Cunts to know I coming to oust an stat old chan , an Bloke knows it n I talked to him an we just a OK. , I love how jannies an Mods think they so Righteous anony .. NO .. Not at all .
I wont .. cos telling you .. be wary , Go dark ,

Don't care, saw boobs.

What the fuck does that even accomplish? How fucked up was her pussy to begin with? Obviously it was terribly deformed to require this use of resources of money to make a fake one that looks perfectly real. No one who thought it was real seemed to mind. God, I hate women sometimes

>Is there a more comfier scenario?
gun shop is inside the mall

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I don't think you'd be all too horny in a zombie apocalypse.

>Old = Good
>remake = bad
>soul / soulless
fuck off boomer, same shitty arguments
>muh nostalgia is better than yours

If you were smart and strong and sneaky like a true warrior then you could evade most of the zombies with stealth and agilitu using your powerful strength to reach difficult places for zombies to traverse and quickly dispatch what zombies you needed to. Of course intelligence would also be needed to find the best paths and moments.
If a man was strong enough he could just kill every single zombie in the hospital and turn the place into his own fort.
But not a woman.

Theres a limit to the nudity you can expose people to before going beyond an R rating.
This is one of the reasons why sharon stone is in any way memorable.

just want a GOOD dead rising game again lads

Is it still necrophelia if the corpses are somewhat sentient and moving

>ends with various flyover civil defence/national guard outposts calling and asking Connor what to do next
How did such a mediocre film have such a kino ending

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Mall would be kind of shit. There wouldn't be that much food to consider staying for a long period of time.

the writing wasn't bad, it was the acting that was terrible

>Is there a comfier scenario
Yeah, trapped in an underground bunker.

Too bad they never got around to making a fallout movie/miniseries before Bethesda ran that shit into the ground.

dont think that scenario ends up well either

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Understood. So even if it convinces the audience, as long as Snyder knows it’s fake, that’s all that counts to THE MAN

>The National Shooting Sports Foundation has estimated that approximately 5 million to 10 million AR-15 style rifles exist in the U.S. within the broader total of the 300 million firearms owned by Americans.
>10 million is 1/5 of 300 million
>American maths

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>lack off sunlight
>probably hot as fuck

Well the MPAA would really prefer if there was movement. So yeah, if speak-to-your-manager mom thinks it’s necrophilia, apparently that’s the standard. #cumskin

Not being trapped?

based child molestation victim

Best place.

>no fuel needed
>can rig solar panels
>fish for food
>stay far away from any zombies and rude humans
>maybe go to shore VERY sparingly for supplies, but again it would be way less chance of getting killed

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>Aryan woman kills mudshark abomination of a baby

What did Snyder mean by this?

where are you going to get drinking water
what if animals can become zombies
fish aren't an adequate diet
boats are the best worst idea

seems like a good idea but you would run low on water and would inevitable go back to land simply out of curiosity

Fuck niggers, trannies, and fags tbqh

>Fuck niggers, trannies, and fags tbqh

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women pushed into this will just do shit to get people killed by zombies
same but for jealous betas

>fresh water
People used to live out of boats. You can have a huge supply of fresh water for years. Basically long enough that it wont matter, because in a few years society will have been so fucked up you can just stroll into an abandoned town and yeet the water supplies.

Also pic related. Build a few dozen of these, anchor them around boat, and slowly replenish/keep up with the fresh water supply.

Fish is good.
Also make the majority of your cabin hydroponics. Use solar panels and lots of car batteries for backup.

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that was unexpected

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>implying zombie-sharks wouldn't kill you

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Offshore island. One large enough to have its own fresh water supply.
>cleanse island of it's super-limited zombie pop.
>survive on stored food till ocean's fish stocks recover from commercial fishing (six months to a year) and you can eat forevermore
>with defence and food/water sorted you can now set about solving the zomproblem/rebuilding the world

The only thing you'd have to worry about is some kinda amphibious zombies.

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Seed and feed

Wait when did the brown haired girl go zombie

Pittsburgh in Land of the Dead seemed comfy, it kinda put a damper on the whole class struggle angle because it just made them seem like a bunch of whiners out of touch with how good they had it.

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What kind of person posts this?

Very last ep.

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Then with her first vision she gets Blaine killed.

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people really never lived on boats for an extended period of time ever. water in the past would go stagnant and rainfall isn't enough.
>fish is good
nigger what exactly do you think caused scurvy

>Is there a more comfier scenario?
Trapped in a Costco or Sams warehouse? Maybe a Walmart.

Where I grew up there was a Lowes right next to a Costco in this little shopping center, I say shopping center but it was really just the Lowe's and Costco there. I always thought that was the ideal place to hold up during a zombie apocalypse.

Attached: costco.jpg (2100x1397, 814K)

This is complete fantasy.
>escape LA

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zombie birds would get him first

person who knows theyre high on the list of potential sex slaves

Your gonna need to maintain that thing. That requires drydocking

bro you cant run 30km in a literal hellscape scenario hah come on bro just cross fit those the costco treehouse is truly the ultimate barrier between you and the horde until they just knock it over

>never should have tried to leave the mall

They had to leave before they ran out of food. Making an emergency escape plan always makes sense. They only left when zombies got into the mall, because the rich fuck wasn't at the door to let them in.

>zombie outbreak
Now THIS is comfy

90% of your plan requires using shit that you can’t just fix with some twine made from animal anus. You do realize that the people who live out the Alaskan bush get resupplied annually right? These people are survival experts and they require supplies.

Based. Nothing comfier than eating some tryhard survivalist with your buddies.

>accelerated graphics port

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.

True. The only way America falls in a zombie apocalypse is if the virus is airborne. The idea that the military would get their ass kicked by typical zombies is laughable.

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A person who is above the age of five?

>muh guns

Bullshit. You don't need to kill every single zombie to survive. You just need to run faster than the slowest person near you.

>muh weakness and cowardice

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>DVD special edition stuff it has a clip showing how the zombies all rotted away after a couple week
But they were in the mall for weeks, then probably on Steve's boat for another week

For some reason the thought of being locked in my house while shit was hitting the fan outside is really comforting and comfy. Especially in a zombie scenario. Building my house right next to my parents home and there'll be large wall around both buildings.

>Collecting rain water with the dozen large barrels we have
>Using the large yard we have to put a garden.
>Putting blankets over the windows at night
>Lighting our rooms up with candles.
>Ignoring any cries for help we hear from the streets.

Your plan kinda falls apart when you reach a dead end faggot and the zombies eat through your asshole like a lion on the African plains. You have to be lucky every. single. encounter.

>hey we have a comfy fortress here in the town
Yeah and after a few weeks when the alpha survivors band together with ill intent that fortress will look real good. The silver king though is that eventually they would get tired of your tender boy ass and kill you for food.

Crossed did that but with cum. Then again, they aren't zombies.

>remake instead of the original
it's going to be a cringe from me OP

>arcade machines, food courts

Video games without electricity and food courts with a small supply of food going bad without freezers. I'll pass.

id like to see a post apocalypse movie or tv show about a bunch of survivors sailing around on a windjammer

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Didn’t you see the movie? The power remained on... for some inexplicable reason.

cool pants

Maybe because it was just the start of the outbreak. After a few weeks there would be no power.

>If they are dead zombies
What about the zombies that aren't dead like in 28days later? (and left4dead, lastofus, some RE) They're living people thst just so happen to be sick with ultra rabies and other maladies?

you have to go back

Honest to God getting tired of you losers and your "hurr sail boat" retardation

There's no fucking way you can maintain and survive in this without regular resupplies in a port to maintain the work force necessary to sail this thing.

You would fucking die every single time you tried to port or you'd die on the ocean from disease, mutiny, famine.

Stick to watching master and commander you fucking manchild pleb.

>and went to completely retarded solutions.
What were they?

But they were obvious in there for weeks.

Why "Make her a sex slave", if she will choose you as her "man" for being the most badass and strongest. As others have pointed out, women in survival situations quickly become glorified paperweights with the sole purpose to find the strongest man to loyally cling to (until said man isnt the strongest anymore).

Zombies outside...niggers inside

I'll take my chances outside.

Modern western woman have been brainwashed tho.

They'll resist, try to be contributors on equal terms, and even leaders instead of knowing their place in physical survival situations. Only after realty comes down on them in a traumatic event or they're dicked down by the patriarchy will they submit.

Trapped on a farm is better, provided that the zombies don't horde you out.

>Grow your own food.
>Long stretches of land, able to spot zombie and deal with it.
>Can lay traps.
>Can make noise if wanted.
>Ahh, time to drink some tea.
>Make comfy trip to comfy small town for supplies until it runs out.
>Turn comfy town into comfy outpost if wanted.
>ahhh comfy.

>Only after realty comes down on them
Which happens within 10 seconds of being in a survival situation. In fact this happens in modern society everyday. The moment a woman needs a man to carry something heavy, fix something etc. theyll forget their "ideology" within seconds.

Ever been in a "scary" situation with women? They become your sheep and youre the sheepdog.


Have you ever been around women when some bad shit has gone down user? 80% are fucking worthless

>Have you ever been around women when some bad shit has gone down user? 80% are fucking worthless
wha happen

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docking in ports to look for supplies would be the adventure

They make 9mm chambered uppers, noguns

>Mallicious Undead
I want this film.
It can be the final in the Paul Blart: Mall Cop trilogy.

>Have you ever been around women

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Look at this bitch


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>implying that driving around as a direct-to-video Mad Max wouldn't be comfier.

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>I really dislike the after credits scene in this movie.

Worked in a pet store for a year, can confirm.
>"all dogs are treated with love and care equally, from pitbull to poodle :)"
>Gentleman of colour brings his pitbull in, starts wrecking displays and dragging this 130lbs melanin man around the store
>I'm on break

Workplace wanted 70% women and 30% men distribution.

>Boats that can be repaired with wood and simple metal parts (of which there would be ample supply in every port) would fall apart the instant they don't get weekly maintenance.

Are you fucking retarded? Cook, Magellan, Drake, Tasman, etc., all did their world-spanning voyages repairing their ships as they sailed along. A sailboat is a more than decent solution to the zombie-infested land problem. Yet you're here trying to make it sound like instant fucking death to go to sea. Hydrophobic mongs.

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power plants are literal fortresses. the infrastructure might be garbage but the actual plants themselves are all walled off castles with snipers on them.
its not insane to think power might stay on for a bit, some retards will prob smash into the lines tho

not sure if it matters but windjammers have iron hulls

because they had no clams? what?

its not instant death to go to sea.
its instant death to stay at sea.
boats are essentially a safe place to sleep and thats it.
you cannot live on a boat.

The scale does not look right.

Epic response, bro. Did you come up with it all by yourself?

This knowledge of shipcraft has been lost.
Since you presumably have to knowledge of how to do this shit, trying to find a person skilled enough that hasn't already set sail and fucked off in a crisis situation would be pretty much impossible.
You'd have to be living by the sea or a river at the very least, have many many years experience not only sailing but maintaining boats. I would think that most peole that own larger boats would have scant knowledge of actually maintaining them because they can afford to have someone skilled do it for them.

absolutely based.
FUCK the landlubbers.
t. Merchant marine

you cant live in a house.
a house is essentially just a safe space to sleep.
the danger is prolonged staying in your house.
you cannot live in a house.

Try 100%. Because even IF women actually manage to "snap out of it" and want to actively help, all theyll do is get in the way of men. Ive seen this happen a few times during fights, after car crashes, or even during simple dangerous situations with wildlife.

Women are useless and thats fine, thats their role.

Its a mall in 2004. Realistically cunnys should outnumber everyone else and the few moids would be labor and sex slave chattel for the queen bee

>Now you too can go from being a 21st century shitoster/trap masturbator to a master sailor/survival expert/ship builder in three easy weeks

thats why i am going to live in a treehouse retard

He's not talking over powering a zombie you moron
He's talking about basic physical strength and logic lending themselves to survival
Plus the fact that having more swinging power greatly affects your ability to kill zombies with melee weapons
Also the fact that women's periods would attract zombies through smell

Women simply aren't capable of surving on their own you simpleton
Men are
Women break down emotionally and are weak af, can't carry things, have low stamina and periods and are also stupid
In the case that people get isolated. Which a large amount of people would when 97% of the population gets infected or killed
All the women that get isolated would likely die
The men would too but far more likely than women to survive solo
You're a retard If you think physical strength and intelligence aren't factors in surviving zombies

Imma already living in the best apocalyptic survival location: souf island of NZ. Hydro electric power to burn, farmland galore, game, fishing, skiing holidays, fresh water all over the place in rivers, lakes and the drier stuff on the mountaintops. Population of 750K which could be cleansed of zombles in short order. The norf island might succumb to its endless hordes of aucklanders but the souf shall thrive. Civilisation would barely falter here.

All we'd really need is a large supply of anti-ship missiles to keep the remnants of the norfern hemisphere navies from chugging their way to us.

Attached: New-Zealand-Itineraries-South-Island-25.jpg (800x450, 111K)

What he's saying is you need food you dummy

you also forgot utterly incapable of working much less existing as a group.
women hate each other to an extent I cannot understand. its like they're biologically programmed to be spiteful and vindictive over the pettiest, often times imaginary shit.

A group of people escaping/infiltrating a secret base.

How are they getting coal? Besides you really don’t seem to understand how the power grid actually works. It’s complicated as fuck and power plants have to communicate with each other. If one goes offline the others have to compensate. If the power demand is still there and plants begin to shut down the other plants will automatically isolate themselves from the grid. It becomes a domino effect.Are you aware that the black out on the east coast of 2003 started from a tree branch on a power line?
Not trying to be a dick here but people in these threads don’t seem to understand that everything is connected. When this fails that goes offline and when that goes offline this industry over here comes to a grinding halt.


You guys are forgetting emotional strength. Women panic easily, they are scared shitless if completely alone and they will literally sit down and just enter a "dreamlike" state of doing nothing.

They're pretty okay at working in a group if men are present
Though usually you need to beat them a lot

Did you notice that at the start of the movie the zombies were all fresh but by the end they looked like shit? They were rotting the whole time. A bit longer and they would have rotted completely.

I honestly can’t tell if you faggots are trolling or don’t know any woman outside of 50’s monster movies.

>families desd
>lol oops we dead now

Maybe for a bitch like you. I could get out of LA. I wouldn't have to leave though. I could set up in tall building with the bottom stairs demolished and climbing as the only way in and out.

Ironic post kiddo, since you clearly have never been in a dangerous situation with women. I have. From dangerous animals, to men stalking a group, to being stuck in the middle of nowhere without a car. Women turn to damsels within milliseconds. And as Ive stated in previous posts, the few women that dont go full Damsel-mode, just get in the way of the men trying to solve the problem/danger.

Try getting out more.

So far the only movie I've saw doing this was "The Divide" with Michael Biehn

Realistically it can happen I think, but most people would be scared as hell of what's outside to think about this

This only happens to white women

>no, leave sophie alone you horrible convicts

Women can cook and take care of small shit

Honestly the only way for them to not fuck up is giving them small and easy tasks, I would never do a supply raid with a Stacey who never used a gun, doing it alone would be less dangerous

>Is there a more comfier scenario?
Yeah, not spending the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH

>demolish the bottom stairs
You're an idiot
Way easier said then done
Good luck finding what you need to demolish the stairs without dying from the literal millions of zombies
And Good luck clearing the building without getting bit
Staying in a city is literally the stupidest thing you can do
We can be certain you'd be one of the first to die



Hell, even finding a parking spot in a crowded area with a woman is a nightmare

You clearly never spend much time with women

You don't need to outrun the zombies, just outrun the slowest of your group aka women.

Not ones that enter catonic states when scared faggot.

Could you leak anymore irony.

Yeah... spotted the virgin
Spend more time with women that aren't your mom and you'll see what we're talking about
You clueless betas really should just stfu and not talk about women ever again
You don't know wtf you're talking about so stfu

>samefagging and thinks I won't notice

I’ve been in dangerous situations with women too you fucking moron. I have never seen a woman enter a “dreamlike state” as described in when scared you fucking idiot. Yes they do panic but catatonia is straight out of an old monster movie faggot and screams “virgin”. I didn’t read past the first couple lines of your post because it’s gay as shit what your saying.

This. Plus anyone that has every had a serious gf, can tell you what happens when there is a noise in the house at 3 am. Any notions of feminism go out the window faster than a 17th century German bureaucrat in Prague.


>they do panic.
But wait, you said they didnt panic? Which one is it?

Fucking moron

Attached: A267C19A-C921-4F67-81BE-F61C12E07796.png (750x1334, 179K)

Empty malls in general are maximum comfy.
There's also something otherworldly about them.

Show me where I said they didn’t panic dipshit..... il wait.

the producers told her shave her pusy because you could "see everything", but then you actually could see everything, so they sperged again and made a robot pusy

For me, its sheep pants

You havent said shit actually. Youre just passive-aggressively making derogatory comments about every post without adding anything of worth. Try getting out more. Women dont bite, unless you ask them to.

>it's just the sensor light and a fucking possum
it's all so tiresome

>hey you said this
>hey you haven’t said anything
Goddamn your a fucking moron. BTW this isn’t passive aggressive retard. It’s pretty direct shit for brains.

Honestly no user, i didnt, but the movie took place over far longer than two weeks and the zombies on the island at the end still seemed intact enough

Ive spent the last 6 years working primarily with women, theyre all back stabbing two faced cunts. Women hate each other far more than they hate men.

Yeah but that would be boring as shit. Mall has all kinds of cool shit to find

kek its always funny when retarded 90s born queers who havent ecen managed to move out of home make posts like this.

>thinks you just need to slap shit on it to maintain a boat

Holy fucking shit you're a cringelord of the highest order