Incel loser who lives with his mom can't get a white girlfriend

>incel loser who lives with his mom can't get a white girlfriend
>swallows the yellowpill and travels to asia to get an asian waifu
>thought he was going to swim in kpop lookalike pussy instead has to settle with 4' goblina
What did they mean by that?

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Other urls found in this thread:

/fit/ the movie
pretty kino t b h

how the fuck is that guy an incel, I'm greying at 27 and fat and I've fucked 5 different women and am dating one

Social awkwardness. If I remember, a woman comes onto him early in the film and he totally fumbles it. Oh, and he was raised by a neurotic single mother which fucked his self esteem

incel literally just means not a woman

Is this achievable natty?

He is a big guy

watch it, it sums up the insecure body builder autist perfectly

what movie is this

dennis/teddy bear
it's danish

ding ding ding

Personality makes all the difference

If a guy like that can't get laid what fucking hope do the rest of us have?

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>>incel loser who lives with his mom can't get a white girlfriend
>>swallows the yellowpill and travels to asia to get an asian waifu
>>thought he was going to swim in kpop lookalike pussy instead has to settle with 4' goblina


well this explains everything

Just b urself

But is he happy now?

Why would he be? Women don't make you happy. Only incels believe that.

That's why I'm asking.

fucking literal 2/10s while drunk and high at house parties in your hick boonie town doesn't merit you as a slayer

This shit looks kino as fuck, thanks user. Watching.

B urself if you are an approachable, not awkward person ;)

>Women don't make you happy
Unironically this is exactly what incels are saying, coping incel. HAVE SEX AHAHAHA

Anyone else felt that the movie didn't even come CLOSE to the Dennis short? This whole Thailand thing completely ruined everything.

I never claimed to be a slayer, but I look like shit compared to this guy and I've banged girls. One was even a model and she dumped me a month later.

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Incels think having a gf will fix everything about themselves and their life

And how do you not be awkward?

just b urself

You can get laid if you make the effort. Like I don't get laid and that's cause I do not try to get chicks. I flirt with girls at work and that's about it. I'm not getting MeToo'd.

But i'm not interesting.

No they don't, they're just women haters and all their whining derives from inherent misogyny

then die

Why don't Danish people use consonants when speaking? Everything time I hear something Danish it's mumbled.

This guy gets it.


It would greatly help a lot of incels no doubt

He looks more like a Russian

dont listen to him user
dont die pls

what do you know about danes

Incels are right, but they're right for the wrong reason.

No, it won't. I mean they'll get laid which is pretty based but that only fixes not getting laid. An incel probably had problems beyond just not getting laid, but had made not getting laid their primary problem without identifying the cause.

not the act of sex itself but the social experience

There's nothing in particular you get from a relationship, except perhaps experience in how to avoid pissing off your women daily.

Incels SHOULD interact with the public more; a retail job is excellent as it gives you plenty of time to bullshit with customers and get to know the regulars. Anything where you converse with people is of benefit. If they're assholes there might be no helping them.

Skinny blond blue eyed fags and shitskins

so nothing, cheers.

nice humblebrag


getting laid is a basic need, when your basic needs arent meant you cant focus on higher tier achievements

porn and prostitutes are just a bandaid that arent enough if you dont have super focus

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yeah, he's clearly gay as well which makes it even more /fit/

Guys. Don't do dinner on the first date. Save that for later. If you absolutely must have food cook it yourself. But sitting across from a stranger and eating has zero sex appeal.

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No way the guy on OP's pic is an incel unless he's 5'5 or something

Has a chad face and wide shoulders

>basic need
>posts pic
>is literally a psychological need
>maslow was a hack
yeah if you want more than just to bang chicks than maybe you have a problem. OR an opportunity. you can bang random whores AND cultivate friendships with regular women. combine the best of both!

ill take any more advice you've got

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in real life he's married with kids
Yea Forums just thinks movies are real, simple as

Still my point is if you look like the guy in pic related you have no excuse for being a virgin. If I can fuck so can he.

What first date has sex appeal?

Wash your filthy body and scrub your wordhole. Every cranny. Really get in there. If you don't floss and brush you'll get nowhere except with literally homeless people. Carry mints. Don't be a prick.

You'll get laid if you take care of yourself and stop caring so much. Strange yet true, got my first real gf after I gave up trying.

The one where you do a fun activity together or you cook for her or otherwise display SMV (kill some muggers).

Fucking chad? im 26 and only had sex with one as late as this year.

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what women are you going cultivate friendships with?
most incels struggle past a hello cause they know viable women look at them as nothing more than npcs.

I just chat up the bitches I work with. I definitely rub some the wrong way but bitches be like that.

Fun activities like what? Most of the stuff specifically designed to be used for that like pottery painting seems to be painfully artificial and anti-fun. And if she's going back to your place on day one it probably doesn't matter what you do regardless, most are trying to figure out how to get to that point.

Hell no I'm a failed normie, actual chads have fucked maybe 50-60 women.

idk man you need to do some homework. there are these things called escape rooms which are alternate reality games; you get "locked up" and have to escape a situation using clues in the environment. sounds fun as fuck, is also a kinetic activity which women really enjoy. they like to DO shit. it gets them all horny.


Just shitskins? Must be rough.



I struggle with girls because I have so little interest in a relationship with one. I can't find any motivation to pretend to be interested in some idiot woman or most people for that matter. I'm pretty much only attracted to lgs.

I can talk effortlessly about computers and anything related to my interests but I have no interest in things women tend to be invested in. It all just ends up meaning that I have no charisma around girls and prople see me as an asshole without a personality. It doesn't help that I'm literally high IQ (perfect GPA engineering honours) and the kinds of perspectives or views people express are utterly boring and banal to me.

I did meet a girl just last week in a class. She was small and short, kind of like a lg despite being around 20 years old. I had a genuine interest in her and flirted and she flirted back. The guys in my class even joked that I was trying to get in there. I later looked her up and found an instagrsm account that only had pictures of her with previous boyfriends... like 5 different guys over 3 years and that's the onoy photos she had... so there goes any motivation for me.


this depends on where you live i find.
In my area theres a high percentage of chads and turbonormies so girls dont bother with anyone below what they can easily get on tinder.

It's just another man who fell for the yellow meme. Most Asian women have Brit tier teeth

m8 why do you want to bang the little girls?

He's a manlet

so you’re a pedophile

Dan Quinn looks like THAT?

Little did he know even asian women don't want to be with ag uy who lives with his mom.

I just want a cunny gf

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Woah. That's libel.

But if someone did want to do that then it would probably because he just loves their innocence, fun personality, the way they look and the size difference. He probably also just started feeling this way when he was younger for no apparent resson.

>It doesn't help that I'm literally high IQ (perfect GPA engineering honours) and the kinds of perspectives or views people express are utterly boring and banal to me.

t.pic related

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Can you fuck 15+ girls and a couple of dudes and still be an incel if you went hardcore MGTOW afterwards?

Get a therapist, that's all the advice I got. Don't go molesting any kids.

>that mom
Women. They call men animals and then they can do this to their own child.

Is life achievable natty?

what a great fucking movie


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He looks happy

something is wrong in my brain, I sperg out in social interactions, I've never tried to get a gf or have sex either, it's too overwhelming to me

At least Dennis found someone. That's arguably better than the alternative.

That's ok man it's not for everyone. Maybe you're just really autistic. Honestly some times I feel I am. People burn me out. I really enjoy balancing social interaction with solitary time.

Hypothetically, that's why he would pursue small-looking legal girls.

I was actually really into fitness when I was younger. So much so that I never learned to properly socialize due to how obsessive I was about it. Here's some pics from when i was 16.

I've gotten fatter and stopped exercising now hence why no recent pics.

It's over bros if this guy can't get a gf there's no hope for me.

Yes. That's literally me, except the part about fucking two dudes.

not just you. Social anxiety disorders are at an all time high and seem to be climbing with the population density. Not everybody is meant to be sociable user, but now you can't even fuck off to a mountain if you wanted to.

yeah it's ok I don't need to feel the warmth and love of a woman anyway

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Goodbye, user.

Honestly, this guy is having 100% more sex than literally 99% of /fit/, and he looks happy with it.

missing the point entirely


Well it sounds like maybe you want to so you should stop being such a pussy

I'm objectively very intelligent with very particular interests and it has harmed me socially. This isn't me trying to cope. It's just me stating what I believe to be true.

And your point is that anybody who thinks this is some pathetic delusional fat weirdo who plays with anime toys. You stereotype people who hold certain views.

accurate post

they really need to legalize prostitution before more of you cucks shoot up a school

>Beta Bucks thinks he's Chad.

Oh sweetie.

Imagine being BJ Blazkowicz

We want love not sex.

"Objectively very intelligent"
Have you ever asked yourself what intelligence is?

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It didn't stop Tarrant shooting up a mosque, so why do you think it will do any good for the United States

Rate at which one gains knowledge mixed with capacity for storing and retrieving that knowledge.

that's a pretty slick definition

Sometimes I wonder.

1. You missed the application of said knowledge.
2. What determines whether one person has more intelligence than the other?

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>It doesn't help that I'm literally high IQ

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>4' goblina
What the fuck is wrong with short women you fucking retards?

enjoy your manlet mutt kids

1. The application is fucking irrelevant. There's a million analogies I could give to help you undersrand this.
2. There are primitive ways to measure but it's very difficult to accurately know. Psychometrics is a fairly precise way of measuring these things but the field is still too conflicted. Similarly, people have a general idea what makes someone more intelligent than another but it's difficult to pinpoint why they believe that or whether their perception is accurate.

1. Give me three situations where retaining knowledge, but not applying it, means anything.
2. If you can't accurately measure what intelligence is, and most people who attempt to measure it yield different results, then how can you compare one person to another? If the scientific method gives you multiple answers, then that disproves the theory.
3. Give me definitive evidence of IQ.

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Stop relying on other people to fix your life

That dude looks like a space marine

I don't understand how white men who aren't deformed can even be incels.

Eastern European women are literally 100% okay with you being autistic as long as you are white, honest, and provide a comfortable level of life for them which is like barely middle class by western standards.


I guess we're all equal

No more cringe than white losers breeding with chinks and having autistic selfhating hapa kids.

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I had a long term relationship with a hot chick. I've never been so emotionally wrecked all my life during those years. I never even KNEW that I could feel the pain like the one I felt while dating her. I finally got the guts to break up with her, so now I'm back to being an incel but at least I'm not having emotional breakdowns anymore.

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This level of incel deflection, you always have an answer it’s always someone else’s fault

Slav women barely speak any English and are trashy as fuck.

It's really weird how nerds cope with not getting women.
They literally have to make up a fantasy world where chad doesn't get with a girl.
Get it through your heads, personality does not matter. It's literally just looks.

incels are not real
it's just guys who are overestimating their own looks and are aiming way out of their league.

Do you even know what that means?

"If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… fucking, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls. Everyone wants to fuck young girls!"

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It's not looks, incels literally believe they are "smarter than average but underachivers"

>people see me as an asshole
because you act like one. you come of as Sheldon


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Banging a 13 year old is not the same as fucking little girls.

As a muslim in a somewhat "modern" community, it is really amazing how difficult it is for western people. For us, you just start talking to a girl in instagram or something, get the approval of her father, and a year later you marry her. No touching before marriage just talking. The girls want to marry you at 18 or 19 because they are horny virgins and they don't mind if you are muscular or a dicklet (they can't even compare). The lowest of the losers just get brides from war torn places or from refugees. Autistic guys get matched up with someone and even if the talking is awkward, after forced 10 "dates" even the worst autist will get used to a girl.
Meanwhile in the west you have 16 year old girl after their 10th sexual partner, and each time she meets someone with a bigger dick, she gets used to it and can't go back lower, until eventually she just starts dating blacks so she reliably get an 8 inch schlong inside of her. By 30 she is a single mom with an ape of a son and a missing father. The child will grow up admiring hip hop artists and contribute NOTHING to human progress. GJ western world!

Literally me

then why are you alone?

if being muslim is so great and so easy to get laid then why do those muslim neets blow themselves up for a bullshit promise of 72 virgins in the afterlife?

At least we won't turn our children into opposite genders.

>he hasn't taken the trappill
Volcel if you wouldn't.

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>thought he was going to swim in kpop lookalike pussy instead has to settle with 4' goblina

The incel delusion is real. Your cum brain has been toasted and fried by the internet.
>Muh skin color therefore automatic attraction

This. Dennis also wasn't a bitter fuck just socially awkward.

because good looking traps are even rarer than faithful women

This is actually true, scary/risky things get women more excited. There was a study about this and they saw their date partner in a more positive light because of this.

Well your not gonna get the latter, so...


Are you relatively normal physically?

You must be kind of ugly and have no personality.

There's literally no "right" way of doing things, you can fuck up pretty badly and if you're not a complete autist you can still get your dick wet.

I've unironically fucked some 30+ women and im autistic as fuck. How do you only fuck 7 women, Ill already smashed 2 different girls multiple times this year

It is absurd to think that a hole can fill the emptiness, user.

You sound like you get your opinions of what Russians look like by watching American media, where most of the actors playing Russians are just some random jacked white guys.

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>. I never even KNEW that I could feel the pain like the one I felt while dating her. I finally got the guts to break up with her

what happened and why did it leave you feeling emotionally wrecked

You probably treat it as a full time job you ugly loser

>barely middle class by western standards.
Implying it's easily achievable

Not him but I've lived in Russia and he does look very Russian.

When you become emotionally attached to someone you pretty much go along for a ride whenever they are going through something, and she kept going through all sorts of shit.

On top of that whenever she would engage in some dumbass behavior that endangered her own well being and refused to correct course, I'd feel like I had absolutely no control over where this fucking rollercoaster was taking me.

It was basically nonstop emotional pain and anxiety and no way I could do anything to stop it. On top of that I felt that if I were to leave her she would probably fuck herself up in some way and I would feel guilt for the rest of my life.

as a sperg i think you might be on spectrum

>where most of the actors playing Russians are just some random jacked white guys.
Which there's a good reason for

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Well I am Russian, and the only thing looks Russian about him is that he is haggard, depressed, and jacked. His face doesn't look Russian though. His features are too sharp/angular, which is more typical of Scandinavians. Russian faces have more rounded edges.

Wasn't Russia started by vikings?

tfw hair is thinning all over
tfw still have acne marks on my face from years ago
tfw don't know how to hold a conversation
tfw don't even have any idea of what people talk about
tfw 26 year old kissless hugless virgin

Who says Yea Forums has no educational value?

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A group of Vikings became the ruling dynasty in Russia, but that's like saying Brits look French because Normans became the ruling dynasty in France long time ago.

>tfw don't even have any idea of what people talk about

weather. work. still feeling short changed?


ruling dynasty in England I mean

Post face

Poor guy

How the fuck does he fuck in in Asia? I've fucked dozens of girls in Korea and Japan just using tinder and I'm a skeleton Italian man.

tfw spoofed location with tinder to japan and only got 2 likes
i must be one ugly motherfucker kek

*Fuck up in Asia.

Post face

no, we're at fault too but its a wicked spiral. When you're denied opportunities as a young man because you didnt have a leg up on looks and athletics you carry that handicap onto adult life from lack of social experience.

Telling someone to 'just talk to girls' is easy from the chad perspective, cause he's been hitting it out of the park from grade school and was likely given windows of opportunities from girls who already liked him and gave him signs from an early age.
The incel got nothing, this discouraged him further and he turned into more of a loser making it even harder to show value in the dating scene.

tell me how to spoof location on tinder. I want to see how much sideways snatch pull I have too.

Bro I'm 19 and I've fucked 2 women. You're just bad at it.

Are you white? Blonde pale foods clean house in Japan, especially with gals (those tanned sluts you see in JAVs). Being browner than most whites is a downer but I get by pretty well with MILFs, Christmas cakes, and Ameriboos.

*Pale doods

Sorry new phone.


i dont have blonde hair but i have blue eyes, what part of the country are the gal girls?

All the worst characteristics of women, concentrated into a single mentally ill man.

What about brown hair, green eyes, 6'1"?

God I'm so fucking glad I don't have to date anymore and have found the love of my life after so many hard years of awkward frustration.

Good luck to you guys who haven't even begun this journey. It sucks. Enjoy.

They're everywhere but are concentrated in Shibuya/Harajuku. Being blue eyed is a plus. White people are worshiped by girls here. Even military guys, who you would think would be hated here are popular.

Non brown eyes, tall height is a plus here.

This shit made me so fucking sad I just want to meet a nice mentally stable girl to keep me company she doesnt even have to be pretty or skinny just nice and cares about me

Fredrick Brennan is going to have babies with his Filipino wife.

Just IMAGINE the carnage that the little fucker is going to bring. He'll start the incel revolution. Absolute holocaust. Annihilation. Black dicks everywhere. Women in cages. Schools will become shooting training for incel warriors.

How much can you bench?

Havent been to a gym in 3 years

then why do middle eastern women go overseas to get plastic surgery that replaces their hymens?

face it dude, women are the same everywhere

Gotta fix up and pump those numbers, even the most basic bitches refuse to settle for less than a 6/10 guy. Not fair but it is what it is and the sooner you realize and internalize this the sooner you'll have what you think you want.

Elliot Hitler is the hero we need, not the one we deserve.

>just nice mentally stable girl who cares about me
Oh son, do you have no idea. Those are the hardest to get. You unironically have more chances to date 10/10 model with bipolar disorder who will absolutely wreck your life than genuinely good girl.

That's bullshit, dolbaeb.
>. His face doesn't look Russian though. His features are too sharp/angular
seeWe Russians are literally boxheads. It's what we're famous for. His face looks very Russian.
But yeah it's sometimes hard to distinguish a Russian and a Scandinavian.

t. Actual Russian
>some shitskin/butthurtbelter spouting nonsense
>educational value

whores if u have no game

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Bullying and abuse since childhood digging l stunting personality growth and causing introversion

Autistic people tend to not have empathy

>Life is 1 great experience, enjoy the ride

why is she talking about herself in third person? kek

I got a feeling that this woman is bisexual

how did you get lucky? be explicit

I'm bald (hairline started to recede at 16yo) and I had acne until 24-26. I lost my virginity at 17 and I've dated 6 girls since then (I'm 30 now), 4-6 months would be my longest period without a relationship.

Incels should unironically kill themselves, worthless pieces of shit.

This. What a fucking sad bunch of unlockable nobodies

>thought he was going to swim in kpop lookalike pussy instead has to settle with 4' goblina
you are an idiot, he was looking for love, not pussy, even in the movie back at home there were girls interested in him as “steroid fuck machine” but he wasn’t interested.


how tall are you?

Look at him, what kind of decent woman would "love" a freak like that? Just think about it for a second.

To be fair relationships based on pure sexual attraction are shallow as fuck. It's unsatisfying and may lead to depression in the long run. Ask any slut male or female. Why do you think degenerates use drugs and alcohol? Because they're happy and content?

>The girls want to marry you at 18 or 19 because they are horny virgins
kek, I met both French, Iranian and UK muslim girls on exchange and they were doing blwjobs and taking it into ass from Chads.Are you real?

Daily reminder.

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Unless you're 5.4 no one gives a shit. Look for other excuse.

It's not difficult at all, if you are decent looking and socially and emotionally somewhat developed, you just have to settle for fucking 5, 6 and 7 girls.

Why would anyone want to marry some headrag at 19, thats beyond me desu

it's a short movie you imbecile..

When is the Louis Theroux doc on incels and MGTOW happening

it already happened

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Is there anything more stupid than user who use the word "Asian" as if its means anything other than a geographical location where 4+ BILLION people live with varying phenotypes ranging from blonde Slavs to brown Dravidians to black Negritos? Of course we know why user does it because they can pretend they live in a fantasy (see OP picture) where they are getting Jap schoolgirls or Kpop stars rather than brown SEAMonkeys.

BTW SEANiggers are racially / ethnically categorized as Austronesians and not mainland 'Asians'.

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1. The typical AMWF in the world = East Asian male with attractive Central Asian, Russian, or Eastern European female
2. The typical WMAF in the world = BETA Anglo or Northern European with brown, goblin (flat face with jutting jaw), low-IQ, flat-chested midget from a 3rd world nation in Southeast Asia such as the Phillipines, Thailand or Indonesia.

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haha so funni leel X---DDD

The Thai brides agencies one would be a better fit, I would say

>they can pretend they live in a fantasy (see OP picture) where they are getting Jap schoolgirls or Kpop stars rather than brown SEAMonkeys
There's many white men living in Japan married to Japanese women. Stay mad.

How socially awkward are you?

I decided this off-topic post would be the perfect place to share my advice to anyone who feels no gf.

It's vital that you have some other goal in life. If not, get one and make it your identity. Not getting a gf, something about a career or other big achievement. Center your life around that. Soon you'll realize whether you meet a hot chick or a dumpy chick, that they at best serve as a distraction between working on your goals. I've had a gf, meaningless sex and turned down women so this isn't some "cope" thing. Not having a gf, despite feeling lonely, is not some personal failure or defect in your life. It means an opportunity to work on other stuff. Stuff that will make you wealthy and better. You don't need a gf to be a complete, normal person. You just need some passion to carry you through life. If you find someone that won't obstruct or impede that passion, great, otherwise kick it to the curb.

It's like if I had some supermodel wanting to date me but the condition is I have to move far away from where my passion can yield results. It would be a waste of time and I would regret saying yes. This took me a long time to realize, I hope you sad anons can understand what I mean.

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This is easy to say when not having a gf is simply an option you've chosen to excercise.

unless you are some schizoid freak who is unable to empathize with people, eventually you will want some companionship in your life. It's just human nature.

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"Japan is among the most homogeneous societies in the world, with it estimated that Japanese peoples make up approximately 98.5% of the population."

The remaining 1.5% that isnt Japanese are other East Asians like Koreans or Chinese. Compare that to ... say ... 6% of the US population being Asian. Yeah, tons of white men are living in Japan despite all the actual evidence. What is with incels and their madeup fantasies about Japan?

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What is it with feminists and their made up fantasies? Yes, there are indeed white men living in Japan married to Japanese women. Just because you don't want this to be true doesn't mean it isn't. Stay delusional.

Listen Mr Chingchong, I've been to Asia many times but I never went to live there. I just went there and dick around and to get some sideways pusy and then I went back home because why the fuck would I want to spend the rest of my life surrounded by people with a stick up their ass? But keep posting those extra precious AMWM pics that you have collected over the years on your Huawei phone.

Acne and balding since I was 16 what do you think. Oh, I loved my interactions with the people of my class, through high school and university. Hell yeah they were all so polite, it was great no one ever insulted me mocked directly or behind my back...
And before you ask I'm not rich either, look for another excuse. I'll say it again, if you don't have some kind of physical abnormality, you're an incel and you think society or women are the problem, you should end yourself. You're an absolutely worthless individual failing in a time when casual sex is normalized by every piece of culture consumed by women.

lots of incels (especially weebs) have this idea that women should be the ones to make the first move, but also be virgins, and submissive. thats not including the ones who just dont talk to people period

>length instead of height
Why am I laughing at this so much?

>if you don't have some kind of physical abnormality, you're an incel and you think society or women are the problem, you should end yourself. You're an absolutely worthless individual failing in a time when casual sex is normalized by every piece of culture consumed by women.
You're wasting your time, incels are, by definition, coward mandchilds incapable of handling reality. They'll always find an excuse.

Incels are by definition involuntarily celibate, nothing more.

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>cultivate friendships with regular women
What the hell is this guy talking about
Unless you are working with a woman and get along due to proximity women aren't your friends

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

are all sluts this low iq?

I can say that but my options are pretty ugly, but it was the right situation for me to have this epiphany.
I wouldn't want to have a supermodel sugar momma if she asked me to abandon my dreams.

>are all sluts this low iq?

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Yes and that's still true but now I have the right mindset and others to depend on so it's no longer some emergency I need to fix.

Lmao at you loser i am 19 and i've literally fucked more women than anyone ITT,what is it with Yea Forums and incelposting seriously?

He can have my tight, fat, asian boipucci.

>defining Chad by how many girls he's slept with
True Chads find a good woman and settle down with her, the ones who fuck so much are semi-chads who physically might fit the picture but not mentally, they're looking for affirmation and not able to form real relation relationships.

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Unrealistic. Bodybuilders live on attention, they don't sulk home when girls mirin their body of work.

The guy in OP looks like a weirdo. When you stop fitting in a shirt it starts to go against you.

Ignore that dude. He bought into the male feminist programming. Poor deluded bastard.

that touched me

You know nothing. Many of them are introverts.

most body builders are incels
guys with girlfriends dont have time to work out

right in the feels


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The guy I knew was a sociopath. He loved the attention and the power of gains to beat up people. Went to prison for brutal assault many times. Scary motherfucker, always on the edge.

I just turned 19 2 days ago and haven't even kissed a woman or held hands consensually. I'm 6'3 and lanky build, I should be a chick magnet!


I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>I'm 6'3 and lanky build, I should be a dick magnet!
Fixed that for you

Sort yourself bucko

>fucking 2 girls by 19
You think that’s an accomplishment? Literal zoomer thinks he’s “good” at sex while only sleeping with 2 girls. What a faggot

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fucking based

as an addendum thot means anyone who isn't a man

same except im 29

Based and truthpilled

Lol where i live there is no empathy left only niggers and sandniggers.
Welcome to france.

Mate the entry requirements for 'model' in this day and age are not impressive, nor is spilling seed like a toddler spills drinks. I respect monks and nuns of all varieties and faith more than I respect you kek


Good for her though, no more abortions mean free sex. You go girl !
Joke aside she is now more equal to men bc they both can't carry childs.

I lifted 4 days a week for about 10 years through uni and the start of my working life. There are arseholes that lift weights, my gym had 3 or 4 bikies who were absolute pricks. But most dudes who lift are no different to anyone else. Some introverts, some extroverts, some funny buggers, some depressed cunts.

this if you're ugly and manlet

>Joke aside she is now more equal to men bc they both can't carry childs
She is now more equal to a machine in a factory.

Yeah that's why so many young ragheads went to get blown up in the Syrian desert and why so many of them revolted in the Arab Spring.

It's kinda of true. Women don't realise how gulible men are. A men can stay with the same girl even if he has better options, women will jump straight out the wagon when she sees a better option for her. Women don't know shit about love. Love is giving without expecting any returns receiving is nothing.
Woman love is so selfish.

Machines are more productive. She ain't even reproductive.

>I love kpop & JAV and have yellow-fever.
>Goes to Thailand or the Phillipines and gets a brown goblin midget

What do alt-right betas do this?

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>Social anxiety disorders are at an all time high
That's most likely not true. It's just that people are more aware of mental issues compared to eras of the past where you were labeled either crazy or not. On top of that, being sociable can often times be bypassed just by being rich or important enough for people to overlook it. I mean marriages in the past were often seen as a duty and you were expected to grow to love your partner instead of the modern day version of loving your partner and growing to understand each other.

Finding someone is always a crapshoot. Among mail ordered brides alone, you can get someone that's locked in shady shit or you can get someone that just wants a chance at a decent American job so they can send money back home.

Marriages was the only way to escape incelship.

Always amusing to read about strange behaviours from "eccentric" nobles that would be otherwise be classed as dangerous and a menace to society if it came from a regular peon.

Unless you're exceptionally pretty, women won't jump on your dick if you have no charisma or the will to use it. I've been above average to hot my whole life, but only started getting regular dates and most importantly, second+ dates after I worked on my personality.

I don't think it is. My whole point is that guy shouldn't be too amazed that people have sex just because he was a virgin until he was 26

>short film
Is this an actor or an actual irl introvert?

are you dumb?

Of course he is an actor. Do you think anybody who looks like him would really settle for a brown midget goblin form Thailand? That is reservered for beta White men who look like this.

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wew lad that was really awkward to watch

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the actor and his wife

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Come to Spain and you'll see. Girls here are shooting way over their head and the guys are ok with it apparently. I really hate to use numbers but it's easier to explain. I commonly see guy who are 6-7 with 2-5 landwhales here. There are always exceptions but this is the norm. And I'm not talking about thicc lanitas. Literally just fat women. Even my current girlfriend who is a properly thick attractive spanish girl, and what I believe is in my league told me she found me very unnatractive when we first started being friends (we work together so there was no escape from meeting me). All that while I had extreme success in my own home country and one other European country with pretty girls.

tldr don't go to spain unless you're extremely attractive, have dark hair or, like me, ready to put up with unreasonable amount of work to get a good looking girl.

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He's not incel. Look at him.

Women don't actually like that musclehead ogre look. The guy is a sperg as well

Women are not one person

You've obviously never been on /fit/

>Women are not one person
I don't buy it

Am I still incel if I never found other people attractive? I always found myself to be much more beautiful than everyone else. I've always loved looking at myself in the mirror.

Do you have proof to back up that claim?

When I had a gf it only created an artificial sense of happiness. Same way video games gave me artificial happiness as a kid and teen. It's all just distracting from what you really want or need to do to be happy.

Some women just want looks but for the vast majority it's a combination of factors including confidence, money, ability to protect, etc



Do people on fit actually ever get that muscly though? It's all talk on that board. I bet half of them don't even work out

for every asian guys that scores a white women theres hundres of white dudes with asian women
these asians that fuck white girls are all billionaires sons and shit

>Do people on fit actually ever get that muscly though?
Yes there are people on /fit/ that are on steroids and lift passionately. There is a steroid general at all times.
>I bet half of them don't even work out
This is also true.

Someone post the webm of that roid guy in a pool being all by himself with absolutely no one even glancing at him.

literally me, but at this point I don't care anymore.
Fucking a girl wouldn't change a thing

watch John Calhoun's rat experiments.

If you live your life, only doing things because you think it one ups other people or gets back at them, then you're going to always be unhappy

I find 99% of women unattractive and not as pretty as myself. Only girl I ever liked was this one girl from London. Her facial structure was very aesthetic

The sad thing is that he would make for a great bro.

They were all probably ugly. Also check for STDs fag

true love and bonding for life is a masculine concept that the media tricked us into thinking was for faggots and women, who watch fairy tales and sex and the city.

... Wich is slaying your ennemies and dancing on their tombs.

These women were throwing themselves at him. All he had to do is not be extremely awkward and run away.

Beta buckzzz

Women and faggots are more unfaithfull than straigt guys

Shut up piece of shit. We Incels will rule you basedboys, Chads, and Alt Right Copers one day.

Pathetic attractive white male.

Men marry around the age of 25 so I am still hopeful
Those guys are literally brainwashed idiots who unironically believe in 72 waifus as soon as they blow up. Even married and decently living men do that shit, see the California shootings from several years ago.
Yeah you totally described 100% of muslim females. Nice larp btw
Because that headrag is humble and appreciates you and wants to raise multiple children with you.
Revolts happened because of food. Literally ANY revolution starts after instability of food supply. People who are hungry have NOTHING to lose.
Careful what you wish for lol (jk, I hope I am not on some list now)

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literally this, unironically. you could take a girl on a walk through the park, mid day, not even with a cute dog, and still get laid. just have to play it right and not like a woman hating sperg.
also not like a top hat wearing pick up artist either, girls worth fucking can see right through that dipshit routine
just bee yourself

he's a psycho and people can smell it

>Is this an actor or an actual irl introvert?
is Yea Forums the lowest IQ board?

Anyone who wants a girlfriend truly has had no experience with them. Women aren't worth the effort.

You realise that most women don't want a social outcast, right? Even if you're big as fuck, it doesn't really matter. Women desire security, and they want someone who can provide a stable and secure environment for raising children. This is why rich guys get women, even if they're ugly / weak / fat - but again they have to not be weirdos. And it's why mentally unstable roiders only get mentally unstable chicks. Many chicks want nothing to do with them.

If you want success with women, try and be balanced. Have a job, do some form of exercise, eat well, whatever. If you do these things then you'll get a girl, it's not difficult.

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Mashalla Brother

All the things you mention are what women want in a long term relationship but body builder who's 6' and clean shaven should have no problem banging sluts or getting dates

>he doesn't want a thicc filipina widowslut

Don't measure you success or past by sexual partners or experience. Women ultimately rely on them being the centre of your world. Being aware of that power and controlling how you let a women affect your emotions and libido gives you a lot of power in life and yourself.

If you are over sexualised it will not help either detox off of porn and sort your mindset out.

Yep reinforcing the idea that couple bonding and true love are masculine ideals