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Other urls found in this thread:


Go Bruins!

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Bruins sweep in 5


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>mfw da Kitties win da stanleyb owl

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>1 game suspension on a player who didn't even get injured

pretty dumb


>mfw da Avs win da Stanleyb Owl

Attached: superb.jpg (1600x1200, 993.92K)

God.. I fucking love playoffs! Can’t wait to see Ottawa to come back and play aggressively!

Those Florida faggots are gonna fuck up my bracket baka

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Winning it all next season desu

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>in the Year 2053



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howdy, cousin...

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>its been nearly a hundred years and the Toronto maybe leafs still haven't won a first round in the playoffs

>senaturd cant help but bring up big daddy laffs

leafs are a joke sens are soul


Digits and Tampa reverse-sweeps

5 and Tampa threepeat next year


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Based. Dorion tryna bring Fiala, Giroux and Chychrun in the offseason

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dorion said they're not spending until attendance improves. so never. enjoy the basement, senaturds


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With Melnyk out Sens fans will attend


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>mad at a get

win one round then we’ll talk

dorion finna bring more embarrassment to the senaturd franchise
as usual and as always

I said it before and I’ll say it again: the winner of this series will win the Cup. Place your bets accordingly.

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>Malkin was asked what makes Igor Shesterkin special. “I’m not a goalie coach. I have no idea.”
based dumb as rocks hockey players

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wild are winning tho

>with 1 cup

TBG was raped by the Governor of Stink Island in the chilly Easter evening of 2022


>Turbojew dead
>Talks about Lebreton picking up
>Young core emerging
Nervous >laffer knowing his team will be the second best in Ontario soon

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will not be elaborating

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Dorion often walks back on what he says

malkin is the king retard youtube.com/watch?v=cENAP6UrEPk

phonepost in hell dumbass

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sigma chad energy

lotta smugness coming from a lottery team. clock's ticking on those rookie deals, sens fans. doubt your poverty franchise can afford them all

Next year is steel year lad

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leafs are in the decline soon enough

also Brady is better than Mitch marner

he says with tears in his eyes


>we beat tampa in game 1, we're better
you literally angered the bull in game 1.

>this retard really tried to make us believe he wasn't a >laffs fan

Attached: averagelaffsfan.jpg (887x491, 50.33K)

tranpa just doesn't have it and vasy is washed

>pretending to be a retard

no one cares about your wife's boyfriend. stop bringing him up

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if one 5-0 win causes this much seething, i can't wait to see what us winning the cup will do

DeAndre is just a nice guy

make sure to cry extra hard for the camera this year

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Leafs fans are some of the biggest sore winners I've ever seen.

Might have to skip the r/hockey thread today the shit they are spewing in there is crazy.


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What are /hoc/'s favorites for tonight's games?
The Leafs need to win 4 games in the playoffs in order for me to take them seriously.
Do that, and then we'll talk.

just like my islanders

just like my islanders

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Dear Mat Barzal,

You are not a 1C


this man will make 10 million dollars next season

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for all the shit you say about "muttslaw", you sure were quick to think of that instead of an actual bull who sees red.


GM of the year

roe vs wade playoffs game

There's tonkotsu, shoyu, shio and tantanmen ramen. Miso is a breakfast/appetiser soup made from basedbeans

jeremy roenick vs. wade redden

Will Tampa get it together tonight lads?


>fox had a garbage game

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the gov is never wrong

According to what? A bunch of lines?

Tampa out in game 4

yes. i don't think tampa wants to get embarrassed again

> Between the first and second overtimes, Domingue ate a bowl of spicy pork and broccoli, which was intended for a postgame meal for the team.

>"It's not great," he said.

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Hard to say.
The first is going to be a big tell if Tampa wants this or not.