/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Holly
Noms: Nick, P-Christie
Veto: TBD
Prankster: Nick

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:



>twist literally did nothing for nominations

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ebin twist

jfc shes eating that rank sushi that they got from a store like 12 hours ago and it had already been prepackaged and sitting on the shelf for hours before that

we were the ones who got pranked here

So if someone uses veto on Christie, Jackson gets put up right?

probably not, nick is too much of a cuck. he will put up jess

best case scenario jess wins the veto and he has no choice but to put up jackson... he will probably still puss out and put up cliff

isn’t that just always the way...

Christie gots to go
No. He thinks he can stay only against lesbo and whale

>campaigned against Nick week before hitting the block with him

even Grod and Bogdanoffs are scared of her

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nick kinda fucked himself with putting up christie

reminder that Jackson is a cuck.

Nick win veto challenge

Imagine being that much of a beta that wants a chad player gone because you're too emasculated by him and still calling others cucks.

maybe, if christie wins veto. he can put up jess and might be able to pull off some magic

then bog puts up jess and jess goes lol

I must say that this house is very retarded

Rothchilds AND Bogdanoffs bow to the Mistie

reset week tbqh

lol shutup tommy you fake sack of shit

best case scenario at this point, nick and christie both need to stay.

if you’re gonna be otb it’s nice that you can control the renom if the other person is taken off

yeah but if Christie gets taken off is there anyone Nick can put up that'll leave next to him? Tommy?

>nuh big game players making it to the end

who all did nothing

yeah i'm getting those vibes too, plus its ideal since we're likely gonna lose a power player this week.

reset weeks are FUCKING GAY

>a power player

lmao the delusion

as long as nicole is safe this week

Has every single twist this season flopped? none of them have changed the game in the slightest. Grod is losing her grip.

boring week

it has to be a reset week because production doesn't want THE JACK SHOW to be renewed for a second season

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>Has every single twist this season flopped?
yes and that's a good thing

so are they gonna pretend holly wasnt going to nominate christie in the episode?

(...) it's a wasted week

christies power got cliff to get bella out which is a flop from his hoh perspective but a win for the power being there. jut the threat of it changed the outcome

camp minority changed how exciting the opening game was

i honestly miss jack desu

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depends on whether nick can taco Tuesday someone again

>mfw chrisite is on the block

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Nick and christie are good noms, if he can't flip that vote he needs to git gud and stop being femdommed

Can Snackson win against anyone in the jury vote? his odds of getting to F2 are looking good, but I'm worried we are heading for another bitter jury bonanza.

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cliff and nicole have a deal with holly and jackson

yes michie


Only as a pawn. Hopefully Nick wins veto

they recycled the fieldtrip graphic for the prankster nomination

I think he comes off way more vulnerable, sadboi and josh in there than we'd think

the ultimate prank is our lives

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Where the FUCK is the double eviction? did Julie mention it and I missed it?

The voting website was rushed too. this was a last minute attempt by Grod to give power to the losers again, and as per usual, it was a complete flop

after this eviction

prison bitch already kissing ass

love it. boss hogg is going to win this cheddar

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The pattern of previous winners would indicate that Nicole and Tommy are the only people left that could win this game. This back half is a fucking mess though.

this guy actually gets paid to talk about BB

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Big Jess sweating again about her #1 ally on the block again

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how would that be a bad thing?

they would find out in about an hour from talking to each other that they were all told they won and it wouldn’t be funny at all

it could follow BB18 endgame pattern
>Game gets blown up and everyone unites against him - Paulie/Nick
>Stupid useless player that gets taken out so 2 other couples go after each other - Michelle/Jess
>Better competitor of each duo gets eliminated every round - Jackson/Cliff/Christie
>F3 - Tommy takes Nicole and loses because Christie blabs about their relationship

holly giving jess the 2 day old sushi

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I have no idea if he can actually win or not, I just want to see a chad archetype make it to final 2.



was tyler a chad? i never viewed him like that. thinking about it now, i dont even know how i viewed tyler.

well what would you call dan? i wouldnt really say hes a chad either

Tyler was a big brotherbot who expressed literally zero opinions on anything on the feeds that wasn't the angela gf or a game move that would directly benefit tyler.

Kind of like Andy Herren but Andy's probably cooler irl

quarky saying she would probably take nick down if she won veto.
>i know a lot of people would be mad at me. but it is what it is


Dan was a schemer with a bunch of charisma. Wouldn't really call him a chad. The chads of BB10 were Jessie and Memphis

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hope cliff gets put up

based quarky turning on F4 deal for a nickdick

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i was thinking that would be it. but holly/jackson really trust cliff. it would just burn quarkys bridge with them. holly would nom jess and want christie to be booted. which is what would happen

i enjoy the nick and quarky duo desu

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Don't forget the Alpha Chad Jerry.

I think so, he's a smooth talker and if he somehow survives to get to final 2 he'll have a good case to win

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I swear to God this season is going to end with the entire jury house convincing themselves that Nicole was a secret mastermind the whole time.

this but large jess

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god. i want to vacuum seal those things with my mouth

Dr. Nicole Quarky
>I hate you all!

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nick basically keeping noms the same
who is christie's replacement?

also the funny part is holly would have done the same thing

one of these MFers needs to get shitcole the fuck out of the house

which would be funny gg get pranked on

I wouldn't even be mad, that would be hilarious. And at least Jess got Jack out.

Nick's definitely leaving this week unless he wins veto.

pretty much

damn nick and christie got evicted already?

Watch it buddy.

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they now hiding them getting hit with pies

They always over think every one, you gotta keep them stupid. The voting audience votes Nicole, or Cliff, don't fucking let Nick win it. Also force people to use their powers, like on the final week it just gets used.

Also please PLEASE rig it so Christie goes home, please have Zingbot say that her and Tommy are a team so we can move on from this crap.


>don't fucking let Nick win it.
>rig it so christie goes home
go back

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this post reeks of bimbo attitude
missed it all. fml. i might go back and cap but they have a whole week of this pie stuff.

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I just love seeing her bare back. I want to massage it!

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>tommy: nicole you have a sick body
fucking A right tommy. fucking A right

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A fucking right. There are boob guys, ass guys, but I love me some legs and back.

Well maybe it would be healthier if she ate something other than PB&J.

Lines no one would say about her face for $500

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yeah she definitely looks sickly

cliff put a dildo in christies bed

lol based

the applause and affirmation taran gets after he does his terrible impressions is frankly quite sad.
i was never fond of taran, but recently i have found him absolutely intolerable.
i was shocked when i found out rob gave him more responsibilities, and i cannot bring myself to listen to that travesty that is the taran show

and don't even get me started on mike bloom.
my god, it sounds like this man is a walking talking word-a-day calendar. he will use big words that really don't fit in what he is saying, and he lauded as some kind of podcasting wunderkind.

the applause and affirmation jack gets after he does his terrible impressions is frankly quite sad.
i was never fond of jack, but recently i have found him absolutely intolerable.
i was shocked when i found out christie gave him more responsibilities, and i cannot bring myself to listen to that travesty that is the jack show

she got them DSLs though dawg, look at the pic you posted

cute molenip

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she should know there IS an app for that

the applause and affirmation sneed gets after he does his terrible impressions is frankly quite sad.
i was never fond of sneed, but recently i have found him absolutely intolerable.
i was shocked when i found out chuck gave him more responsibilities, and i cannot bring myself to listen to that travesty that is the sneed show

he’s a good looking dude desu
his chill attitude is reminiscent of the chad meme

this but unironically

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if he fucks my backup waifu in addition to my first pick I will be PISSED

Her head shape is so unfortunate


i think you look pretty quarky

its unique. learn to appresh the different flavors of life user

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qute ole long neck too for qute kisses

i can't believe mistie has totally christied jackson. it's insane.

didnt help that nick didnt fight back in the argument and pretty much made christie look honest

every time I see ole quarky I smile

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dont even joke about that

prison quark

don't patronize me. it's ok, it gives me an excuse to post more quarkys

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wow that's really really rude coming from someone I thought I could trust lmao yeah, I love your quarky posts, I think I've stolen a bunch from you, but you probably don't mind since I'm spreading the love

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christie filling jessica in on the nick/christie fight in the hoh room so she doesnt feel left out

Me personally? I think quarky posters FUCKING SUCK

I bet you're a mole fag


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Jess was in the room, is she that fucking dumb that she can't form her own opinions?

Just got my shirt and ready for the live feeds

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I think mole posters suck too

based except for being a fan of taran


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What is your dead name?

Anyone got any cute moles on hand? I could use a quick pick-me-up.

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they were doing pimple/blackhead surgery on nick, gross!

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i think i've exhausted my moles

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fucking cliff is such a camera whore for BBAD, he's sitting there with orwell around stuff that makes him uncomfortable, what a camslut

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How come nobody in the house realizes that Nicole single handedly causes all their games to blow up with her loose lips and indecisiveness every week? If the jury is bitter, we should all acknowledge it's secretly Nicole's fault, because she'd feel "guilty" knowing someone was blindsided.
It's not even jury management either. She's not playing to win.

Excuse me. This is a Big Brother 21 thread. That's right, Big Brother TWENTY ONE (not 20). I'm going to have to ask you to stop posting irrelevant house guests.

just a thought i had. what if nick went to nicole and tommy and told them that he had the power and asked them if they could help him think of a way to stay using it and they were all on the same page. maybe even with christie to take a shot at jackson on hollys HOH

thats the obvious move in the future, it all depends on cliff staying loyal to the final 4 deal since he can ruin it
i really think the noms are gonna stay the same anyway

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she’s still qute in her own way

hes coming after her
he has lots of numbers
is protected
good social and comp threat

quark nation baby

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tommy and nick whispering in front of a snoring hogg is pretty kino

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>jackson walks in
>nick starts humping tommy
>jackson walks out
>continues gametalkin while cliff snores in the background

>1 veto and a crapshoot
>comp threat

pie please

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kat would never go to bed this early knowing that bbad is still on even if she had to play a veto tomorrow

holy fucking qute

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jackson just came out of the dr running to the hoh room

damn everyone is so scared of nick that they are sleeping early

No it's going to end with a Christy Tommy f2

they are showing hogg sleeping instead of bog getting railed for the 40 or 50th time

So Jess Jackson Tommy for Christie to stay? He needs the veto to win? Does cliff take him off?

cliff told him he wouldnt use it most likely. only if holly wanted something done with it basically. quarky told nick she would probably use it on him. she only trust nick and cliff she said. and nick leaving would be bad for her.

him or nicole 100%
lol no

is nick against the house

jack was right about nicole. girls like her never get to talk to hunky guys like him. look at her falling for nick. if only jack and his huge dick had spent more time with nicole...

he could've if he picked up the ball after they saved her. but none of the six shooters spoke game with her. just a we saved you cause we believed in you.

also. pie time

its starting to look like a reset week
hope the veto doesnt get used so people dont start whining about another week being rigged for christie

yeah just like nicole almost evicted cliff?

You got that from rhap. Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?

I hate Christie but fuck that's a good gif


literally everyone is preaching it


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holly wants nick gone so she can have quarky all to herself

Bog is gonna cut Jackson at F3 for Quarky.

quarky too cute

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way too qute

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>jackson: it makes me cringe talking about it(in the DR him cutting a deal with christie)

Feeds are boring as fuck tonight

yup, everyone wants to know the results of veto before popping titties and drinking farts

They could do fun things like talk about family or play backgammon with Cliff

hopefully it'll pick up tomorrow after the veto and people are feeling loose with how the week is going to go. but they are a pretty boring feeds cast imo

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Inspiring gif. Thanks for the mist.

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Yeah, it's so sick I can't stop vomiting

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pie time

What is your opinion on bb legend Morgan Bananas

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I’m watching 13 Reasons Why instead


I'm watching Law and Order

it's entertaining

why is it entertaining? give me reasons.

how many? 13?

good acting, drama, and addictive storylines

dont mind me

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I hope the nicolefags don’t wake up!

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /bb/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Christie (yes, THE Christie from the Six Shooters) getting evicted from Big Brother 21! Make sure to tune in to what should be some incredibly teary eyed AKA HILARIOUS feeds this week!


Yikes! That’s a large assumption. First of all, to put Taco Tuesday in the same breath as Dan's Funeral is an insult to all of Big Brother. There was no pre-meditated manipulation. There was no secret final 2 game. All there was that ee saw was some weepy little dyke crying because she wasn't playing the best game in the house. Plus, when you are past the veto, you have to do whatever you need to do to get to the next week. Dan was able to pull this off all before the Veto meeting. That's way more impressive. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I was shocked that the house flipped their votes. But the people in power are already regretting it! America hates Christie. There is no way she avoids the block. Imagine the shock on her face again when her retardation manifests herself on the block for the third week in a row!There's still a lot of time between now and the eviction. Unlike your “misted lol” posting, Holly will see this week as a golden opportunity to send Christie packing. It's going to take more than a Christie Funeral meltdown to convince the other houseguests to go against Bog's will this week. And while you’re busy obsessing over Christie, care to explain how she thinks the is the most truthful and self righteous person in the house and has even convinced herself of that in solo settings? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue your denial that everyone hates Christie and wants her our of the house. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Because we are all female here user and young females love this show

you should talk to the samfag pasta author to get some tips. I don’t even read yours

>I don't read this but I'm still gonna reply

this just another (you) to let (you) know that I don’t read the pasta

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her being in relationship during OTT really helped her to sell a picture of bland inoffensive innocent blonde
everything after clearly showcases that she is willing to fuck anyone/anything to get more opportunities

Very stupid post. If she was with him for opportunities she would have been on the latest season.


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it was just a prank

I was starting to lose hope

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I don’t either.

The feeds were so boring last night. Good morning quark nation

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good morning babes. let's hope for fun feeds today

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Is Nicole gone yet?


watch the n-bombs brahweh

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veto picks happening

welcome to 20 minutes ago

nick is going to spray cum everywhere in the comp, instead of looking for the veto

let's hope our queen gets picked to play in her SECOND veto competition!

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cliff playing
not nicole

looks like tommy is not playing

Nicole's chip is probably not in the bag :(

crying again

Who does Nick put up in Christie's place if she pulls herself down, and what does Jess do if she wins veto? everyone else just keeps noms the same.

You never have to throw comps if you don't get to play. Grod has been rigging her as a perfect goat winner since week 1.

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nicole can still win as a goat tho

i would officially stop watching then

terrible veto picks for nick
if he doesnt win, hes gone

That's why I said she was a goat winner. The jury is ripe for another bitter 5-4 vote.

Lol at the retard itt who said it would be dumb for Nick to nom Jackson because it would allow him to play in veto and then got asshurt because I said he would likely play in the veto anyway since 3 out of the 5 people left will play. I guess I was right dumbass.

nicole has been suffering ever since nick got nominated

Would they really keep Christie AGAIN? are they at least planning on bouncing her in the double for fuck sake?

quarky bummed out that she never gets picked for veto comps :(

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Seriously, why do people think le ebin backdoor plots in the back half of the fucking game are a good idea? the odds of it blowing up in your face are immense.

yup. next time instead of playing russian roulette he should just shoot himself. much easier

oh look the autist that can't let anything go is posting again

holly evicted her f2 goat for christie to take out nick

who is the bigger loser?
nicole in the house or bbo in the threads?

I would be upset if I were quarky too :(

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i'm not bbo

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Does anyone have a link to that noise this season's sam used to make all the time? Or at least a really good description. I feel like it has been lost to the sands of time

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why does nicole have no loyalty to cliff?

Whelp, Nick is a goner now.
Everyone is dead set on getting his ass out.
He won't win this veto.

The lesbian brigade is here to stay.

she's a disgusting zoomer bitch that looks like a tranny jew. what do you think?

it's a prank week, bro
nobody's leaving

>grod throwing away a twist on reset week
i don't think so

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man holly really wants christie gone
jesus christ what a fucking dumbass

the twist already failed so the reset twist will fix it

she could be out right now

christie is most dishonest with
>the house
>the viewers

This is why she's going to win

Nick is getting his ass evicted in the double then.

just like vanessa

they should do prank week no eviction but then proceed with thursday ep as though its a double

play the hoh and veto and then evict someone anyway... that would be kino

watch the hard J's, the hard T's, and the insults to our qute queen quarky.

Thank you,

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holly already thinking about her f2 speech

is big jess christie's meat shield?

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haha i played my own game separate from michie right? haha you believe me right?

that was actually funny from jess

If Holly backstabbed Michie in the F3 it would be kino though.

>christie: you not gonna take nick off right

she doesn't understand the concept

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what music is this?

I'm actually a relative of one of the evicted houseguests from this season. If you can guess who I'll reveal something really embarassing that happened to them 2 years ago.

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the body of a 21 year old with the face of a 50 year old

not interested at all unless it's anal

why does sam hate gay people?

who gives a fuck


Kids Bop.

tell bella hi

Call me Maybe

somewhat cute bog


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ok this is actually cute

go back

no it isnt

not wrong, except bridgette was 100x cuter.

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are you capping your reddit posts? fgs why?

I do not like nicole

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I'll just tell the story. 2 years ago this particular person was shopping and she accidently shit her pants. Rather then ho home. She stole a pair of panties and changed in the bathroom. Left the old ones behind. She was leaving the bathroom and was confronted by an employee and had to confess. Not only did she have to to do that. She alsonwas banned from going back for almost a year. She said she was going to pay for them but they said it was too late. I'll letvlbyou guys use your imaginations on who this was. See ya.

>big brother community
how precious

it sounds like a bbo post

A community of girls


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>wait Yea Forums has a big brother community?
reminder, we're 1-0 in big brother while reddit is like 0-5

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sounds like something kemi would do

no I just wanted to prove my hypothesis that all unironic quarkfags are also redditors

how about you fuck off.
nobody actually cares about that bitch. it's just a meme.
she's also not nice.
she's just a young rockwall that didn't evolve into being that spiteful yet

Probably fake, but if not, definitely Raven.
Which do bitches that hot have to be complete fucking trainwrecks?

new thread

If you didn't specify a gender I would have said Ovi.

raven was literally on the show two years ago


you're arguing about fake things so who cares

more like hoh hits

silly question, women don’t understand the concept of loyalty