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I still have no idea what gamergate was all about.

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Gamer incels got made when people pointed out the racist, sexist, and homophobic shit happening in the gaming community and sperged out for year

Its best you don't. Most of the idiots that fought for it didnt either.

the short version is a gril wrote a really shitty pretty much text based game, then banged 5 "reviewers" to give her positive reviews. And this made Yea Forums incels explode with rage at the corruption of gaming journalism.

fat female bloggers arguing with skinny geeks alone about women in tetris or some shit

>Gamer incels got made
Must be your hormones you retarded nigger faggot.

It was the final deathblow for an already-ailing Yea Forums.

a couple of dudes called some bitch a slut and said that game journalists were shitty at videogames and then an autism storm came in the rest was history


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Game journalists being in the pocket of game producers. Journalists would get incentives like merch and free trips to preview games to give games good scores. They'd also be threatened with losing those perks and getting blacklisted from attending press events or receiving review copies if they didn't give good scores. There was also concern over straight up nepotism going on, where journalists would have personal relationships (not necessarily sexual, friends count as well) with the developers whose games they were reviewing.

Of course all that got forgotten when a bunch of idiots decided to make it all about gender and screamed sexist slurs at everyone for as loud as they could.

No faggot, the way gayming journalists handled the situation made it explode.

Electing Drumpf


>got made
They're in the Mafia? Holy shit.

What could've been a important message about journalism turned into "SJWS REEE"

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What do you think was the first? Chanology?

Some people pointed out that certain gaming "journalists" were essentially in bed with devs.

These "journalists" then turned around and called everyone virgins.

And here we are.

>Of course all that got forgotten when a bunch of idiots decided to make it all about gender and screamed sexist at everyone for as loud as they could.
fify, nigger

This is why i said its best you dont even know. There are people out there that dont realize that nintendo power is printed by nintendo corp.

a guy pissed and moaned about his girlfriend being a slut and somehow this got stapled to the game promotion/review industry being corrupt as fuck. now if you mention that the game promotion/review industry is corrupt as fuck those with interests in it can facilely dismiss you as a misogynist. lol

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Post your favorite edits.

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Gamergate accelerated the sjwism in society.
Change my mind.

Incels yelling at clouds

Kind of. SJWs need to be victims, and the easiest way to be a victim is to be accused of something, whether it's true or not. So accusing game journalists of being corrupt (which they were), made them victims.

People still post Famistu scores like they're gospel despite it being well known it's a paid shill mag.

someone wrote something about an indie dev getting exposure after slutting it up, Yea Forums/internet people reacted, media reacted to reaction in force with "gamers are misogynistic and hateful" super quickly before shit had really happened. Turned into twitter war for ages and there was the usual shitflinging. You had one side moaning about SJWs and "why pac-man is sexist" clickbait, occasionally raising decent points about standards/integrity of gaming journalism. As far as I can remember the other side was just SJWs saying everyone that sympathised was sexist/racist or whatever

Gamergate accelerated both sides and made everyone retarded. Take shit like pic related gamergate was the jumping off point for tons of retarded nerds who unironically went full NEETSoc because of some screeching fat feminists bitches.

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mobile posting faggot

Why did Jim distance himself so hard from GG. Was it just that embarrassing?

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i don't remember incel being a common term or identity yet

It all went to shit when the furries and trannies joined in. Notyourshield was cringe and that catfish called Allison Prime was hilarious.

more like normalfags yelling at the dregs of society (incels) because they just discovered you could do that on the internet. Most human normalfag scum aren't smart enough to adapt to the glory of the internet and will just treat it like real life. That is why the incel uprising needs to take place already. Women shouldn't walk the streets with jean shorts. Every time I walk outside I have to clean my underwears

>"We need to get Donald Trump to endorse Gamer Gate."

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I heard it back then in connection to r9k.

>glory of the internet
have a (You)

Everybody on all sides of GG were embarrassing.

It made it easier to argue that gaming needed to be SJWified because there was a fight to be had. But the whole thing was inevitable, a big internet argument about gaming and politics was going to happen. It'd been brewing for years with shit like Anita Sarkeesian and there was always going to be some match to get the butthurt machine firing.

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The internet is like a masquerade but you don't have to be a rich aristocrat to attend. Normalfags who want to identify themselves online should be kicked off, or killed.

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It showed the inherent bias for feminists who could literally do whatever they want with impunity

then you a cancerous cunt kek

How much did this episode cost?
Did they think they would convince anyone with its message?

One side was Yea Forums and twitter pretending to be a social movement. Of course it got too embarrassing

I'm already home.

It's not nearly as fancy as you're making it out to be. I don't get the appeal of identifying yourself online either but anonymity doesn't really lead to anything profound or particularly discussion most the time. In my experience most the time it mostly leads to people calling each other niggers and shitposting which is based but I wouldn't exactly call it a "masquerade".

>the internet is like a masquerade. people who want an identifiable mask should be killed
cool argument bro

It was a time when Plebbit raided an butthurt
But they Sarkeesian was a sad slut wannabie ,NOW sucking off gamers now for a dime . Bet her senpai ily are SO _PROUD . if I wanted I would of spanked her bare butt more , now you think Yes !

>This was 4 years ago
It's been that long hasn't it?
The 2016 american elections was a bigger deathblow to Yea Forums (And also to 8ch as well) as a whole. At least Moot banned GamerGay from Yea Forums before it got really big.
>Implying that anons even care what Famistu says and not using Famistu's scores to get (You)s on Yea Forums
Mr. Metokur really did thought GamerGay became a mess after the "skeptic" community figure heads came in and turned it into all about "muh ethics" and PR only. Thankfully the "skeptic" community fell apart all together back when the kraut and tea situation happened & Sargon of Applebee's made a fool of himself in the UK elections this year.

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Media going ALL IN on controlling a narrative.

They never wanted to look at the issue from the other side. Why? Well the other side of the issue was literally "journalists are shit" (for all obvious reasons), of course they never wanted to look at it from that perspective. So it makes perfect sense that they never stopped forcing their narrative, even 5 years later.

Who's arguing? I'm not arguing I'm merely posting my opinion, which I can do because I'm anonymous.
That's because you've never dug deeper than Yea Forums. Come back to me when you're no longer an internet virgin.

The death blows were chanology, gamergate, fappening, election.

>At least Moot banned GamerGay from Yea Forums before it got really big.
If it had stayed a Yea Forums thing and not moved entirely to twitter it probably would have fizzled out a hell of a lot quicker.

calm down newfags ok
Im Telling you


type in american english you fucking communist nigger spy

moot shat his pants when the lawyers knocked on his door

you've definitely never been on a more obscure chan then maybe wizardchan

Election will always be the death blow for me. Been here since 2008 and haven't thought more about "Why am I still here?" than 2016 onward Yea Forums.

i got u senpai

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>That's because you've never dug deeper than Yea Forums.
I've been on this site longer than you've been alive kid. Once in a blue moon you might find a thread on the smaller boards like Yea Forums or /his/ that has some worthwhile discussion but 98% of this site is shitposts or underage zoomers discussing age old "redpills" ad nauseum. I love this site but don't pretend it's some sort of center for intellectual discourse. You're better off actually reading a book then "debating" with people here. Internet debating in general tho is fucking retarded.

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>a guy pissed and moaned about his girlfriend being a slut and somehow this got stapled to the game promotion/review industry being corrupt as fuck
don't let the media narrative influence you, there was an order to events, no one cared about some random dev (zoe quin or whoever it is) until journos went World War 3 on gamers. THEN we rose up.

It's absolutely ridiculous to think that a million gamers would get mad because a woman had sex.

>Sargon of Applebee's made a fool of himself in the UK elections this year
I won't lie, I've watched Jim's video about this maybe 10 times already and it still makes me laugh every single fucking time. Regardless of his politics, he did everything so fucking wrong across the board that it's absolutely insane. What a fucking idiot.

No one said anything about debating. Merely being introduced to topics that you would never encounter IRL is a great service for any wizard interested in attaining more power. "Intellectual discourse" lol you're such a pretentious projecting faggot. Kill yourself.

"Journalism" is a meme job that should be illegal in the current year when everyone can just post their views on Yea Forums or Faceberg. Every "journalist" should get a more respectable job like toilet cleaner/Yea Forums janitor

so this is how a gamer is created

>Of course all that got forgotten when a bunch of idiots decided to make it all about gender and screamed sexist slurs at everyone for as loud as they could.

it started with zoe quinn, it was always about that

No thats exactly what happened. It started as an outrage that how dare "gaming journalism" be corrupted. I tried to tell people they were retarded in the /pol/ threads (i have never posted on Yea Forums), but they continued on down the path. I told them it was leading them into an unwinnable position. Because gaming journalism doesn't exist and it is all paid advertising. Like 90% of "journalism".

But no one listened to me. And you won't either. But you are wrong.

You have to be new here to not know how the fappening put the final nail on the coffin. Moot had to sell the site and sell out to google.

The original comment you responded was talking about the sort of discussion that anonymity fosters. Discussion was the entire topic of the chain brainlet try to keep up.

anonymity leads to a lack of mineable data for glowniggers and chinks and thats a good thing no matter how awful the quality of discussion gets on this site

>It's absolutely ridiculous to think that a million gamers would get mad because a woman had sex

I see that on Yea Forums everyday

This. Anyone who thought there were any ethics in gaming journalism after Jeff Gerstmann got fired over giving Kane & Lynch a low score is foolish. Fucking the developer of "Depression Quest" shouldn't have been the hill to die on, but here we are.

>Fucking the developer of "Depression Quest" shouldn't have been the hill to die on, but here we are.
wow you fell for the media's lies. I guess they do write the history books after all.

Even the unpaid jannies can see your IP. And depending on the day there is normally 3 non Yea Forums cookies on this site. Do you really think you need to have an account to be tracked?

Then what was it then? I'll bite. Cause I remember Yea Forums getting fucking triggered over her not accepting Vivian James.

Maybe but it would of made a lot more crazies to come out of the woodworks if they all didn't went to 8ch.
>he did everything so fucking wrong across the board that it's absolutely insane. What a fucking idiot.
Pretty much. What Sargon of Applebee's did is what CWC would of done if CWC went into politics.
>Fucking the developer of "Depression Quest" shouldn't have been the hill to die on, but here we are.
To be fair like what the other user said earlier, the way the Journos handle the situation was extremely shitty on their part and they have no one but themselves to blame for the creation of GamerGay.

It's about people (fat women and fat men) who didn't have sexual partners in their life so they find other commodities like seething and losing their hair on Twitter about MUH WOMEN RIGHTS and MUH SJW MUST LEAVE MUH MANCHILDREN ESCAPISM.

but seriously, do they know that sex is very, very good? i mean sex is amazing but i dont think virgins know the taste and smell of sex, they just know the smell of being incarnated losers.

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The episode is what the media thought (and still think) about gamergate. Do you trust in the industry? In rotten tomatoes? In cinema critics?

It's so fucking obvious you discovered the internet in the last couple years you are so ignorant


it was about the gentrification of the nerdosphere

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I dip in and out but have been around for ages. I never paid much attention and never connected the dots. Or more likely, never read any posts explicitly laying out the connections between the dots

>gaming journalism
that's a yikes from me dawg