Watching chinese jail documentary

>watching chinese jail documentary
>they put a motherfuckin sponge soaked with coca cola in the prisoners mouth for the whole night
>the next day half of his teeth were gone

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i feel like thats not how cola works

Sauce? Sounds horrifying.

Nice I'm going to remember that one

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Sounds wonderful. May I see your selection of sauces please?

He's a blatant lier and a hoaxster.

It was in Vietnam and it was Pepsialso the guy was missing his teeth before the imprisonment

dude wtf? just drink the coke, lmao

>One drink that's gone in second vs tasting it all night
You capitalist pigs are so wasteful.

>watch north korean docymentary
>prisoner with smelly running
>guards put a butplug laced with honey in his butthole
>doesn't poop for days and the ants accumulate around the asshole
It is called the chingchong

Are these actual quotes from the show?

No. It's a clever meme.

Why does this feel like a fetish video

turns out that image was laced with jokes and and pop culture. Kids are callin it a meme

Chinese jails are based

I was wondering if there was a random generator that just took all of Ice T's dialog and tried to create its own content.

give me a rundown

enjoy your famine, commie cuck

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They make kids take a sleeping pill and a laxative before bedtime and make the kids play chicken in their sleep.

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>those chains on the wall
based fucking chinks

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im still mad at that one user who said he was gonna make a thread about this and then he didn't


You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 26 replies (not great, not terrible).

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Furries get the gas chamber.

for me, it's orange vanilla coke