Has there ever been a performer who has so quickly and voraciously captured the hearts and imaginations of the entire...

Has there ever been a performer who has so quickly and voraciously captured the hearts and imaginations of the entire world at such a precocious age? I believe him to be the Alexander of the modern era. The Ozymandias of Gen Z.

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He fell for the old Jamie Kennedy trick

This kid is ugly and the worst actor of the bunch in Stranger Things. Just because a couple fag pedos got obessed with him on Yea Forums doesn't mean he's hot shit.

Peak mutt
America is an ugly place

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Finn I know you're a zoomer who likes internet culture but don't make threads yourself. At least be like shatner and shitpost with the rest of us

Is Millie Brown still sexually harassing him every time they do Stranger Things press events together?

Hrs Canadian.

Not anymore

Same shit

Yes, and don't forget
Literally the heroes Generation Z deserves.

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He's gonna grow up to be super handsome, isn't he?

Ezra is not Gen Z, he’s practically a boomer FFS

They’re sexy as fuck. And by they I mean Ezra. That is their pronoun

It was super uncomfortable how many women were like "aww look how cute they are" when she was basically molesting him and he absolutely was not into it at all.

Macaulay Culkin in his prime.

Finn a qt

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ye a handsome devil

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How can she resist

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Based leaf

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based & dranopilled

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How the fuck did Millie age like 20 years in the space of a few months? Are bong genes really that bad?

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idk they cute or wtev

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A movie with all of them would be so powerful

He's a millennial


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He looks like your typical ugly jewish rat.

He got Nevile Longbottom treatment

stay mad

>OP sucks Jewish goblin dick for free

He’s uncircumcised

Ugly, please stop posting

based user

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how do you know?

If true, he should thank his parents.