So whose ready for some woke kino?

So whose ready for some woke kino?

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Honestly if I met a capeshitter irl I'd beat the shit out of it


This is the writer. No really it is. Only 3 credits and things that came out this year.

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Good. Islam is B&R

>greatest generation man marching for all that shit

that would require leaving your room and we all know that will never happen

they are very based and redpilled when it comes to how to treat women

Is that a shit drawing or is there something wrong with her arms

Gee I can't wait for them to push some more WMBF couples on us.

Fucking telling you now, Ms. Marvel is gonna be some dumpy and homely looking mutt or muzzie and her love interest is gonna be Ultra Aryan Chad Thundercock.

You probably wouldn't and are just saying this to seem edgy online, because you would go to jail irl.

Looks like a swastika.

Her superpower is making parts of her body bigger or smaller.

>Captain Hydra supporting progressive causes



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That could allow for some... interesting possibilities.

Ms Muslim? Really? Marvel must be scraping at the bottom of barrel. No one likes this cunt.

2 of those are (additional comedy material) and the other one is being a staff writer.

Those are perfectly valid credentials to be a show-runner of a MCU related property!

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Nazi puncher?

Is that Sumail's sister?

Cap would recognize these people are just as bad as the Nazis.

>Suppress free speech and expression
>Literal witch hunts over language, books, and films
>Suggest that violent criminals dindu muffin for profit and narrative.

This is obviously brainwasy Hydra cap

She's an Inhuman who was hit by a Terrigen gas attack, her powers first manifested as her turning into Ms. Marvel, hence the name.

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Those are some big arms.

What is her special power? Blowing up?

>white character gets a movie
>brown character gets low budget TV

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That kid in the corner looks way too smug.

Western comics are hideous. Show me a panel that doesn't look like complete shit from the last ten years. Hard mode: no Clayton Crain or Alex Ross.

Imagine the handjobs

For something from the same book, i really enjoyed this specific issues art.

Attached: Wolverine and Kamala.jpg (1988x3056, 2.34M)

>white guy who grew up in the 1920s/30s would be on board with treating non-white people with respect
I get that he's supposed to be a symbol for America so he's supposed to be nice to all Americans, but it doesn't really make much sense with his whole "guy out of a different era" story. Hell, Steve should hate Tony for being a dago kraut.

This looks like dog shit. A woman drew this right?

isn't that in pic related the kid from deadpool 2?

For an entirely different direction

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umm sweaty all those old time characters need to answer for white privilege

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No? Jacob Wyatt drew the Wolverine crossover.

So the only time western comics look good is when the copy superior Japanese character designs?

whoah comic books are like THAT?!

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yea, i'm thinking that she's BASED

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Godzilla In Hell is amazing.

They just had to fuck over my girl didn't they.

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Private twitter, a website padded out with the nothing she's done over and over that also shows a calendar for gigs which is empty.


who buys this crap?

Yea Forumsmblr

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unironically nobody
all these comics flopped terribly

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so then are they still being made?

Oh I see, the hammer is a metaphor for the subtlety of the political message.

pandering points and for a company like marvel it costs fucking nothing
they dont even get good artists

Modern Marvel is a fucking joke.
Ms. Marvel is liked by librarians and cat ladies but there's only like 6000 of them in the whole country who actually buy comics. Turns out teenage girls don't like the idea of being a girl whose body can change in grotesque/goofy ways and also who cannot be in any heterosexual relationships because of her dumb religion.

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every panel is garbage

Who fucking buys these things?


>MCU series

So canceled in 2 seasons?

So much for the tolerant right.


What if she made her legs grow big and then sat on you haha

No you wouldn’t, pencilneck.

Did they draw that as a swastika for a reason? I know that the character is supposed to be muslim and hates jews, maybe that's why the cover to her comic has a swastika on it?

No you wouldn't. You'd just walk away like the weak pussy you are.

The group behind Cap are the ones usually seen burning the American flag

All diversity hires. I'm not exaggerating, comic book Marvel literally only hires new artists based on diverse backgrounds.

He looks like a hostage

Seriously fuck off with the Disney+ shit. I just want the movies.

Please don’t tell me this is a actual comic from marvel?

This literally isn’t real. This can’t be real.

Not just any marvel comics, these were their front runners for a while.

can't they afford artists anymore?

>writing about a Muslim who rejects Islam at various points
>is a degenerate herself
>this will never be a problem obviously
Are Disney actually retarded or do they want the next 9/11 at a Disney park? Comics are one thing but you make Kamala into a TV show and actually get it into the mainstream conscious nothing good will come of it.

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this is what happens with diversity hires, not even in the darkest age of comics would anyone do a literal ) as someones mouth

No one, good boy points are worth more when most of you're money comes from people above not people below

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I thought Wolverine's healing factor was what allowed him to have his adamantium-coated skeleton in the first place. Otherwise it would straight up kill him to have that stuff in his body.

It's not even subtle jesus christ

Can she be played by the girl that plays Dora the Explorer?

I hope she disrespects Islam and there is a massive fuckin outrage in the Muslim community. You just know it’s going to start becoming impossible to please everyone, will they continue to blame Russian trolls?

>Hating Gays? Sorry that isn’t very Islam of you sweety!


>implying SJW Marvel gives the slightest fuck about continuity

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This is genius. They are going to put all the Muzzies Good shit on the show and then only generic superheroics in movies where she'll aid Young Avengers or Captain Marvel or other shit. No Muzzie shit in movies or they would turn away overseas markets. Everyone - China, Russia, Europe, Oz - have problems with Muzzies. So that shit will be left out of the big screen, and only showed on streaming. Bookmark this.

>stretchy powers
>make hand big
Fuck off NuMarvel. Why is her power so disgusting . Who wants a giant gross hand?
Plastic Man>Reed Richards>Rita farr> elongated man>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meme Marvel

judging by the sales , no one.

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>love trump's hate
I've never understood this. I've always assumed they were being sarcastic about muh ebil hateful orange nazi or something.

Is this The Shadow? What in the fuck did they do to this character

ngl, she kinda bad

the font...

>movie suit
>liberal agenda pushing
Glad I grew out of comics

rita farr is elasti-girl.
unless you mean incredible's which case she would be between Farr and elongated man

got woke

>Recently selected for BAFTA's 2018 Elevate programme, she is currently based LA, writing on MGM and Universal’s adaptation of Four Weddings And A Funeral for hulu.
this stupid bitch doesn't even bother to use prepositions
how the fuck do these fat literal whos get gigs

All these pages and panels are from 3-4 years ago. It's interesting that Marvel actually haven't continued with this overt kind of SJW shite so presumably the writers have been told to rein it in as it was upsetting the main core of the readership. It's still there but as background and setup - they're just not outright using the pages in their books to attack 'the patriarchy' any more.

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most of them aren't, they've backpedaled on a lot of this shit or cancelled it entirely

>Turns out teenage girls don't like
Buying comics. And they don't, they just like posting about them on twitter and tumblr, they don't spend a cent on any of it and that's why black girl iron man, and the stupid black girl with a dinosaur, and non-sexy she-hulk, and that one with the fat girl who could fly and met hilary clinton all get cancelled or revert back to how they originally were.

>Marvel actually haven't continued with this overt kind of SJW shite

They have though, they've ramped it up even

They can but they deliberately chose this one
Also they fired all the top artist for being male and/or not lining up with the top managements political beliefs

>muslim family
>gay pride flag
These people are fucking ridiculous.

>hit by a Terrigen gas

Kek so her powers come from an alien fart. Figures given what a wet fart the comic is.

I want to leave this godforsaken rock

>Are Disney actually retarded or do they want the next 9/11 at a Disney park

times have changed innit

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I have a sneak suspicion that Muslims don't read Ms Marvel nor would approve. It's strictly for white wokes, how they imagine a woke Muslim - supports Pride, supports trannie toilets, supports feminism, is anti-patriarchy and anything Sharia Law stands for. Hmmm, that's anti-Islam.

The Ultimate Universe Cap was a racist till the end, but they eventually got him canned too.

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Wouldn't she get beaten by her parents for going outside by herself?

honor killed

Here's my fanfic of Ms. Marvel vs. the Aqua Teen Hunger Force from a while back

>Shake watching TV while eating a sausage scewered on a TV antenna
>*Knock at door*
>Meatwad opens door
>*Ms. Marvel standing in the doorway*
>*Shake slams door shut* go away we don't want any.
>*Frylock opens door again*
>Frylock: Goddamit Shake I invited over a real superhero to teach us how to be superheroes again so we can get real jobs and make actual money so we can have food to eat
>Shake: And they sent us this?! She looks like friggin 10 years old! And why is she one of those sand people on TV.
>*Shake slams door*
>Frylock: Shake you're going to get a fatwa declared on us again like that time you got in a fight with the guy at 7-11
>*Meatwad Opens door again*
>Meatwad: Which one are you? I like the wheelchair one
>Ms. Marvel: I'm a musli...
>*Shake slams door again*
>Shake: What did I tell you about answering the door?! When a guest arrives, you are to go into the hole I dug for you in the crawl space and not leave there until they depart
>Meatwad: I don't like that hole. Iz full of flour
>Shake: That is asbestos, and I had to put it somewhere.
>Frylock: What did I tell you about buying asbestos shake. It's a waste of money
>Shake: My sources tell me its market value will increase within 5 years. It is an investment.
>Frylock: No it won't! Nobody will ever want to buy it shake!
>Meatwad: It tastes bad
>*Frylock opens door again and does his weird braces smile at Ms. Marvel but she's gone*
>*Ms. Marvel standing at Carl's House*
>Ms. Marvel: I'm a musli...
>*Carl Slams door*
>Carl: Oh no no no, I ain't fallin for this again. That broad's gonna sweettalk me into buying her a pizza and then Chris Hansen is gonna leap out of the bushes. Yeah nice try asshole.

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Whatever's hip at the time will get represented the most

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This is pretty good

Kek fucking amazing user.

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There's not been any comics released in the last 2-3 years that have reached the level of those pages, or pic related:
>[unsolicited opinions on israel]
>[misogynist filth]
>sensitivity training

Jason Aaron's toned it down; they unloaded Bendis on DC to make their fans suffer; Marguerite 'unsolicited opinions on israel' Bennet is back at DC as well; Chelsea Cain and Gabby Riviera are both gone, back doing indie nothings. Marvel's bullpen just isn't as heavyhanded with that crap now.

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He's a Jihad

>we want the Yea Forums audience

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So she's Mr Fantastic?

Did an autistic neggress draw this?

>bathing suit is 1mm away from showing her snatch
ahahaha what the fuck is this

ohonoONoNONoNoNOnoNo tis the power of western comics haahahhahahahahahaha

Cast delicious, brown Ms Marvel

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i thought the point of comics was to look at beautifully drawn art, not as a medium to get words across and move to the next page. This is like the quick sketches in the background youre not supposed to pay attention too

So cool

It really is. Once again liberal ideology is so flawed they are gonna end with a conclusion that actually makes conservatives happy.

Conservatives and muslim ideology is actually very similar except for the advance of capitalism

Except the the part that muslims want to wipe out everyone who isn't muslim