Why didn't Tarantino just write it so that Lee joined in on the Manson asskicking at the end so Asians could still have a cool hero to look up to?
Why didn't Tarantino just write it so that Lee joined in on the Manson asskicking at the end so Asians could still have...
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Why didn't Bruce Lee get to 1v1 Charles Manson?
>Everyone is forgetting that it's a dream sequence
I guess that's how big of a random BL has
That would've been cool. Perhaps Lee stalks Brad pitts character because he wants to even the score and just so happens to stumble in when the manson gang shows up.
That would've been awesome
Based daydream retarded poster
You guys are taking this too far
why didnt tortino have the two make up after the fight, go out for some beers, and then spit roast some black chick?
Bruce Lee would never fuck a black chick.
They are memetards zoomers without any grasp of reality or life commitment. Sooner or later they will mature, hopefully. Meanwhile, let them have some retarded fun.
well he's an asian male so chances are he wouldn't *really* ever fuck anyone, but it's a movie user.
Most people bitching about it haven't seen the movie.
Because Tarantino has some beef with a dead man, and wasn't expecting the backlash he got.
As if you could call anything an asian "male" could do to a woman actual fucking. If a woman has only slept with asian men she's basically still a virgin. It'd be like she inserted her pinky finger 1/4th the way in.
There was only four of them to kill. Ending was great but the frog brain in my wanted Cliff and Rick to go rampage the manson ranch
Apparently weeks before the film's release the Wikipedia summary described the Manson family kidnapping Sharon Tate with Booth and Dalton teaming up with Bruce Lee to rescue her.
It sounded kino
Kek, mad chinks.
I think Tarantula had Booth fight with Lee to establish to the viewers that Booth is, in fact, a bona-fide badass who can take anybody. The fight between Booth and Lee was a draw. Lee wasn't necessarily humiliated. When we get to the scene at Spahn ranch, and the scene at the end in the house, we believe that Booth will have no problem handling any threat, especially not from some fucking skinny hippies.
Tl;dr Booth had to be competitive with Bruce Lee in order to make his character more credible for his heroics at the end.
Case in point
>everyone who disagrees with me is Asian
Please stop
>Because Tarantino has some beef with a dead man
I thought that at first too, it seemed kinda petty the way he treated bruce's character but he did make kill bill, so he seems like a pretty big brucelee fan himself.
I'm not fucking Asian, retard
it's a flashback and QT wanted to show Cliff beat the shit out of Bruce.
Stop embarrassing yourself. We all know that you are some manlet chink. How mad are you?
whatever you say Ho Chi Minh
Yeah, kinda strange.
Don't feed the underaged trolls user.
>a draw
Round 1: Cliff just stands there and let’s Bruce get the first hit
Round 2: He beats the shit out of Bruce
Round 3: He effortlessly blocks every hit Bruce throws out until he gets told to stop beating up Bruce
Welcome to Yea Forums dude, the place known for invading children's games and spouting racist memes.
Love it or leave
Because while Tarantino gets sexually aroused by niggers, he hates chinks for some reason
So Tarantino is completely disrespectful to Bruce Lee but not the pedophile rapist Polanski.
Since he loves doling out justice in his alternate history you'd think he'd have a child rapist get his comeuppance.
He won't criticize his (((masters))).
Not my thread but OP is doing a great job with all these threads.
The fight didnt even have an outcome. People are overreacting over nothing.
Tarantino should end his career with his 10th movie as he announced years ago. If not, a legion of retards are going to hold him accountable for everyone whom he doesn´t kill as a form of ficticious revenge in every movie he will do in the future. How tiresome.
Because having Cliff and Bruce beat up 3 hippies would be kind of shitty. You'd have to make them go after the entire manson compound.
>However, it turns out that the original version of the scene would have proved even more controversial, as it would have shown Cliff (Pitt) win the fight — something that Pitt himself was "very much against," according to the film's co-stunt coordinator Robert Alonzo.
Kek, chinks BTFO. Brad Pitt was merciful towards that chink insect.
Tarantino missed a trick he should have had a black guy demolish Lee, SJWs would have started to fucking eat each other.
I do JKD but these are as hilarious as the KKK Holden memes. I nearly pissed my pants just now
'If you put sperm in the cup it becomes the cup, If you put sperm in the tea pot it becomes the tea pot'.
Mfm is gay. Then regardless of which side you land in the debate it doesn't matter.
>You guys are taking this too far
I slightly disagree user
Round 1: Cliff gets (literally) kicked on his ass
Round 2: Cliff catches Bruce and throws him into a car
Round 3: They're pretty evenly matched, maybe Cliff even has the edge with his superb defense
That's how I saw it anyway. Agree to disagree
That's asian-americans for you. Dumb fucking mutts, HURR DURR REPRESENTATION MATTERS fuck all of you
I may be a manlet but I'm not a chink. I'm not mad, it's just a shitty meme and causes shitty threads. Tarantino is cringe and his movies are largely shit
He likes sucking on little girl's toes before raping them.
actual asians mostly do not give a fuck what a bunch of westerners on the other side of the world do so long as it is entertaining
westernized asian-american trash that try to imitate jews and collect oppression points are the ones screeching about this shit
checked and based. meanwhile the rest is backing up this old pedophile nigger lover
they aren’t aware of it and don’t think about what the cringiest white incels would meme about when they’re living their own lives in a totally different environment
a japanese dude thinking it would be cool to move to america one day isn’t accounting that some fat balding white clown is going to call him a chink and try to kill him for corrupting young white girls with kpop
This post disgrace your famiry
Imagine having a hero so fragile that jokes change your opinion of them. People have such a limp dick definition of hero, god damn. Shit's the most superficial title to have.
Would have been cool honestly. I thought this might happen going into the movie.
Get the Fuck outta here reddit
That was the most out of touch take on Yea Forums I have ever seen. Boomer or underage?
I read it ironically
Of coursh, what happens when you give a retarded child full attention
Omg, the main stream media got me. What do I do now?
if not leftist deconstructionists nobody would even give a fuck about that scene. People might debate about real Lee fighting prowess and keep on living. But because retard leftists see this as a white male power fantasy to oppress whole fucking race we have this stupid shit. Not to mention director is complete cuck, who already made hitler killed by jewish women, multiple black supremacy characters. Still leftist cannibalistic retards will use him as proxy to go at white proud cis men.
Don't be mad. All they have is jokes since Asians make up a third of the human population and will dominate the next century. Let them have this before we send them off to camps with the Muslims and gays.
chinks can't even feed themselves, amazon deforestation is largely due to chinese beef and onions demand as they themselves due to urban sprawl have not enough land for agriculture.
See Also Tarantino wanted Cliff to completely obliterated Bruce but Brad Pitt and the action coreographer beg him to change his mind and the best they could get was a "draw"
Hong Kong cares so much that they're accusing the movie of being part of a conspiracy lead by the CCP
it would be the most hilarious thing if some r/asianmasculinity Cho snapped and murdered that fat bloated greasy Italian nigger dick loving hack Quenchin Fartatino with a samurai sword Kill Bill style.
I haven't watched the movie. I don't watch any movies.
>China has dominated the SE waters
>US and EU are so dependent on Chinese rare minerals that Trump tried to buy Greenland just to remove American dependence and failed
>China has massive control of resources in Africa
>Hong Kong and Taiwan will fall to China completely in your lifetime
>EU falling apart
>Brazil submits to their Chinese overlords
China has a lock on all major resources and will continue expand.
I never knew how many asians posted on Yea Forums until this took off. So much asspain. It's like an untapped oil reserve, it's yellow gold.
Lee was friends with Tate, could have easily changed it that he was getting his nightly jog while hanging out with her and heard the commotion to join the fight.
based Tarantula BTFO'ing weebs
Haven't seen this movie yet, what's the deal with Bruce Lee wearing black gloves?
That’s unironically what I thought was going to happen when I heard the movie would feature Lee and also the Sharon Tate murder. I figured it would be like an inglorious basterds style revisionist history with Lee killing the Manson family and saving Tate given that they were supposedly friends IRL.
I think Margaret Cho is the only asian women QT dated
>mfw these threads draw away the CCP shills away from their actual shilling to defend Chinese honor
thank you Braddu Pittu
Because that's corny
His hands are registered as lethal weapons so he has to keep them holstered.
He wanted to fuck the girl from Battle Royale because her underage nude photos gave him a boner though.