This was scary

This was scary.

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>guy in burning car is the one who suggested them to meet papilion

One the best atmospheric movies I've seen.
Plus I have claustrophobia so...the whole set wasn't very friendly

Yeah, it was much better than I expected. Might watch it again tonight.

It's really lame until they get to the Below, which is like 35 minutes into the film. I just skip that part during a rewatch because it's pointless, no exposition or character development or backstory

I liked intro, with that cow-god statue.


Were they in hell at the end?

I didn't like it. That poster and title is kino though.

Based . poster

Kind of, maybe a limbo between the earth and hell.

Recommend me some kinos with this feel anons. Yes I've seen the Descent

been thingken bout watchin this

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For a sec i thought it was fanmade Darkest Dungeon poster

That part with the fire. I was expecting a great shot of hell fire. I definitely think it was some kind of demon realm though obviously.

there are like 9 horror movies i've seen with this outline: going into a tunnel and there's a monster making a soi face.

is this the one with the skele crusader that gets all pissy cause they took his gold or whatever.

no, but go on, sounds interesting

That's Spy Kids 2

This. The Descent really popularized the formula.

its actually worth it

I always thought it was an alternate dimension / mirror world

6.2 for a modern day horror is pretty solid

i looked ot up definatly the same movie unless ive completly fucked my memory.
u sure there isnt an undead crusader in this?

For some reason i think about this movie from time to time. It had a pretty nice ending, but there was a lot of interesting shit that happened.

You mean the PURGATORY, user?

there is one but hes just a static corpse. doesn't wake up, doesn't move, he's in for 1 or 2 scenes and nothing more


must of had a dream where he wakes up. strange.

She's married irl to her faggot love interest in the film.

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This was scary.

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The sets were excellent, but the whole movie was pointless.

It was the Tomb Raider film we deserved

>that ending

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It has a lot of flaws but the second act is fun. It works better as an adventure movie than a horror movie

That movie had some top-tier qt's

Didnt they change the name of this movie

shit haunts me to this day, rest of the movie is decent but the ending itself was utterly horrifying

She was so annoying at the beginning with the guilt tripping people to do shit they didn’t want to do but she redeemed herself.

The French girl was also cute but she died early on
I'd have probably done whatever she asked to be honest

Well, hell or not hell, you know what they say... as above, so below

>tfw horror movies no longer scare you because you don't care if you live or die

cringe and blackpilled

The scary aspect is the thought that life goes on after death

>tfw already know the ending, don't really care for found footage

guess it's not worth it

>that ending
Jesus Christ I did not see that coming. Seen it twice. Even knowing what was coming it seemed more creepy the second time viewing.

All movies are pointless.

Its also known as Final Prayer.

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>tfw watched this dogshit thinking it was going to be of a similar quality

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For you it isn't it sounds like. Stick to comic book movies. I'm sure you will be more entertained by them. You wouldn't want to waste a night staring at your phone because you picked a boring found footage movie to watch. Imagine how awful that would be. Shitty movie with a known ending playing and you with nothing to do but check social media. If you do decide to watch it at least play it at 2x speed so you only waste half the time.

Its better then Decent at least.

the film by Neil Marshall? no it isn't

I dug it but it seemed like it was waaaay too easy to escape literal Hell. If ever a movie needed an unhappy ending, it was this one. Change a few mistakes and then crawl out of a manhole? Get the fuck outta here. They should have been trapped for eternity with maybe the final shot being a news broadcast or paper declaring them missing.

Definitely claustrophobic as fuck and a solid 7 though.

There is a found footage movie out there based on some true story or maybe an internet hoax story about someone getting stuck in a cave. The movie is pretty much fantasy. Its something like two brothers find their father's secret cave or something like that. They go down and find some weird shit. They leave and come back to get to the weird shit and everything gets all fucked up. That's as much as I can say about it with out spoiling it. I can't remember the name of the movie. Anyone know the name of it?

Was a long time ago, what happend now again?

they're in the beast itself? getting vored or something, what is the thing even supposed to be?

Actually it is. I can see how it would appeal to young people though. Its one of those movies as young viewer gets older and more experienced in cinema will look back to fondly but realize is trash non the less.

can you spoiler this movie and the happenings, watched it but ive forgotten and probably wont watch it again any time soon

you cannot seriously be trying to argue that this crap movie with CGI cats is the better film of the two

Maybe he only saw the American version

Autopsy of Jane Doe
A Dark Song
were also scary

bamp for interest

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Sucks they didn't go with the original ending of them popping out in reverse-Paris after they went deep enough. They thought they had found their way back until they tried talking to someone and he had demon face.

Fucking test viewers


The guy getting stuck with all the bones under him was the scariest part of the movie.

yeah that ending really bothered me desu

i like that creeper girl at the bar they go to too, first time i saw it i was like WTF is with that chick.

i think he grabs her leg or something when she goes back to get the stone.