It's a character gets a DUI and fucks up his life and ability to ever comfortably drink anywhere but home again episode

>It's a character gets a DUI and fucks up his life and ability to ever comfortably drink anywhere but home again episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's a DUI? Is it an American thing?

good fuck drunk drivers

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that's why you smoke weed instead dumb drunk it's practically impossible to get a DUI while baked

Driving Under the Influence, if your blood alcohol content level is above 0.8 while driving and a copy decides to pull you over for some reason, or you go to a DUI checkpoint entrapment, you're getting arrested.

Your license will be suspended for at least 6 months and then you will be required to put a breathalyzer in your car for another 6, this is if things go well.

Then basically you can never comfortably go out to a bar/friends place, etc. to drink if you plan on going back home, even if you are fine to drive because if for whatever reason youre pulled over and get a second DUI you may be going to jail.

t. fucking nerd

Pro-Tip: At least 80% of people who leave a bar, especially on weekends, are legally drunk when driving but will be able to drive a car fine.

DUIs should really only given to people who cause accidents or hurt someone desu.

Drunk drives are subhuman.

>got pulled over, three sheets to the wind
>cops lets me go with a warning because why not
We're gonna drink, we're gonna drive, and we're gonna pull it off.

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Here in leafistan you gotta pay for the installation of the breathalyzer in your car as well, I hear it's over a grand

>people should be as reckless as they want and only get in trouble when it involves someone else.
I hope someone you care about gets hit by a drunk driver.

>driving drunk off my ass going 90 in a 35 back road
>forgot about gate
>swerve to avoid gate
>go through 400 feet of forest and eventually stop
>cop tested me but let me off
>cop new I was speeding but just laughed
>guy drove me home and told me I missed every single tree that would've killed me
Gotta handle of scotch by my side, and I am ready to fucking ride.

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>t. Never watched Live PD

Dude, if you think anyone with a 0.8 BAC is actually "drunk" to the point of being incapable of driving, you're a fool.

> According to conventional wisdom, your BAC level will remain within safe limits if you consume only one standard drink per hour. As defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), a standard drink is half an ounce of alcohol. That means one 12-ounce beer, one five-ounce glass of wine, and one 1.5-ounce shot of distilled spirits each count as one standard drink.

If you think every adult should be forced to only have one beer per hour when out, fuck you.

Did you think it was all over?

Why the fuck did he let you off?

Cops here automatically want to start some shit

Literally call a cab or take a bus and stop whining like the world is so cruel to you for the decision you decided to make.

You're not forced, just don't drive afterwards

>did you think it was all over
Made a deal with the devil when I was 7, I cannot die until I am 25. Only thought I had while smashing through tree's and dirt was "i'm gunna have to fucking pay for this shit god damnit".
>why did he let you off
The "road" he drunk tested me on was "uneven" so he passed my wobbly ass. He laughed about the speed because apparently my car was SO fucking entrenched they needed two tows to get it out, which he found amusing.

This, seems like every Friday night I nearly get killed by some frat nigger swerving through a red light
>I can handle it bro I have better coordination than everybody else
I'd tell you to get fucked and explode in a head-on but that'd entail killing some mother and her kids.

>practically impossible
there's always brainlet exceptions

>americans drive to bars, gets shitfaced then crashes and dies and kills a family in the process
Have you fuckers ever heard about a cab? The buss? Getting a friend to pick you up? Americans truly live and die in their car.

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_niallmccarthy_files_2016_08_20160709_Drunk_Driving.jpg (960x684, 68K)

Good. Beerniggers must hang.

Russia is surprisingly low

>cabs and busses in non-cities
>the prices of Uber in non-cities


>Be American
>Traffic Stop
>The police officer has to spend 15 minutes making you do all sort of circus tricks
>They don't know that every person has different motor skills
>Some people can stand better on 1 leg drunk than they can walk sober
>No money for pic related because they spend it all on guns instead

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I got a DUI years ago and have a great paying comfy job. Granted I had mine when I was younger but no employer has ever really cared as Iong as it was just one and you own up to it in the interview as a mistake you made in past

>Americans can't go out to get drunk and back home without a car

Fucking kek

That guy is an idiot alcoholic just stop replying to him user

If you're the DD you should absolutely be keeping yourself at around 1 per hour after your first 2. Especially considering how dangerous the roads are when they're full of other drunk fucking retards on Friday/Saturday nights, and how variable the effects of alcohol can be depending on what's in your system at the time.
I'm a heavy drinker myself but if you can't bear to sit one out for your buddies once in a while you're a genuine alcoholic.

Ain't it fucking wonderful?

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This, those people are straight up scum

>Taxi's or Bikes don't exist in the USA

Do you ever drink and drive anymore?

Aka like literally even just going to a bar, having a few drinks then driving home

they just get run over or killed by flying bricks in such overwhelming numbers that it offsets the accidents caused by driving under the influence.

Why would you go to a bar instead of drinking at home?
If you're hanging out with your friends, why not get a designated driver so you don't have to limit yourself or gamble someone else's life?

>israeli guns

America doesn't have public transportation outside of major cities and even there it's pretty limited.

>proven to be an idiot who cant type a coherent sentance
Hurrr durrrr better move the goalposts

because F R E E D O M

>designated driver
Because being a designated driver sucks dick
But yeah, they are tons of ways of getting home, without endangering yourself and others

They don't have breathalyzers? Are you fucking kidding? They sell those for about 4€ on chinese stores where I live.

I don't give a shit about someone else's life lol. Hopefully I kill a car full of white kids one day

I try not to. I live in a city so I can walk to bars with friends or have one of them drive if needed. I’ll occasionally have a beer or two after work and drive home but never more than two

>France literally only one percent difference
>bitches like this is an American problem
The jokes are right, we really do live rent-free in Euro heads.

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>implying Northwest Europe doesn't scorn Med countries

>moving goalposts
I don't think you understand what that means.

feels good man i dont have friends or a drivers license or drink even

um sweatie you mean two percents :)

Nope they let people walk in a line and touch nose or say the alphabet or something

it really makes no sense, waste of time

the french have door to door vinyards and drink wine with every meal, even breakfast. Usually since age 8.

whats your excuse?

Dunno what he's smoking, we have them

It has something to do with laws in certain states meaning you don't have to submit yourself to one even if compelled so they just don't give a shit

>going to a bar

should be life in prison desu

Even the shitty irrelevant country where I live has busses/metro/trams from the city center to the suburbs at night

I unironically hope you die.

>let me just reply to every single post with retarded shit
Also every cop has a breathalyzer. Doesn't cost you shit

So do I friend.

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its .08, a BAC of .8 would mean your blood is 80% alcohol and you are 100% dead


Reminder to never do those roadside tests. Always deny them and ask for a breathalyzer.

brendan fraiser isnt looking so good

wouldnt .8 would mean you have a 8% alcohol? and you'd still be dead,
8.0 would be 80% which is pretty much impossible.

Why? A breathanalyzer is correct. A road test is easy to fool. And its not like they can arrest you for not knowing the alphabet right?

Or maybe they can, I dont know... americans can be retarded lol

>t. sober

I bet canada is so high cause of indians on ATVs

Probably too poor for cars

The personal Breathalyzers that most cops used to use aren’t that accurate and have serious flaws, such as, no bullshit, altered readings based on weather(humidity, wind conditions, etc.). The Field Sobriety Tests(stand on 1 leg, motor skills, etc.) are based on more than just motor skills and the courts recognize this by using other parts of the test than motor skills. You’re given a verbal set of instructions and officers log your reaction to the instructions.
>protip: most drunk people start performing the exercises before the instructions are completed and break rules of simple tasks assigned
When they violate these simple instructions that is an indicator of being overly intoxicated and is taken into account more than balancing or walking a straight line.
Prior to motor skills being tested, officers measure your Horizontal and Vertical Gaze Nystagmus(google it, cause I don’t feel like explain) TLDR: science has found that in most people your eyes are a giveaway to how drunk you are based on certain factors.
For the rare person who has messed up eyes, messed up balanced, or medical conditions which cause a hinderance to the testing process, officers include this into the predesignated questions in the report, which annotate these issues and that is also taken into account.

TLDR: breath is bullshit, blood is almost always taken(warrants for DUIs are almost always approved due to Supreme Court decision in 2013)
BAC content is down to a science that we have mastered. Yes, some people are better drivers with different BACs. No, DUIs aren’t always fair.
>hurr durr, mericans can’t buy breathalyzer cuz guns
Poster is a retard, don’t speak on shit you know nothing about.

.t cop

Because in the U.S, people can choose to submit to a breathalyzer test. Also they can dismissed in court if you get a good enough lawyer

this is what happens in any civilized country such as my little European country

>Cop has breath analyzer
>Gives indication if there is alcohol used or not
>If there is, then you go to the station where a real (better) breathanalyzer is
>Gives you the exact ammount of alcohol in your system

that american dance-at-side-of-the-road system is retarded as fuck

is this AA?

I meant if your actually sober, because you can still get a DUI in America if you pass the breathalyzer but the cop believes you failed the roadside test.

If I was drunk I'd just deny both and take my low chances but with a lawyer.

>because you can still get a DUI in America if you pass the breathalyzer but the cop believes you failed the roadside test.


I dont even know how to explain how that is retarded as fuck


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In the smallest province, Prince Edward Island, everybody drives drunk pretty much all the time. It's an accepted thing there. My dad lives in New Brunswick but works as a trial lawyer and he said there are people he's represented in PEI who have 30-40 impaired driving charges (DUIs) over the course of their life and they still do it.

>safer ride programs
>AAA sober transport programs
>taxi cabs
>call a friend
>call a family member
are u all niggers or need this to be written on your fucking foreheads?

got no family or friends user? sad

>he would rather get thrown in the slammer
How much of a dumbass are you?

in the U.S you have a choice if you want to submit to a breath test, they cant force you


Have you heard about English?

But they can force you to do dances at the side of the road and then whether or not you have good motor skills make for if you are guilty of a crime or not?

Oh wow no that makes so much more sense!

Also here you don't have to take the breath test either, but the only reason for not doing so is if you are indeed drunk so you lose your license anyway.

If you are sober you are soberl. I have shit balance and cant stand on one leg if my life depended on it.

Don't do that unless you're sure. You probably signed a legal agreement to give up your right to deny DUI tests since driving is a 'privilege to be granted at our will', it's considered an auto fail and you lose you license in my state.

>i have shit balance
Your poor genes are your own problem pal.

Oooh saaaay can you seee

At least I live somewhere where something completely unrelated isn't gonna prove me guilty of a crime I didnt commit lmao

We here use "Science" for proof. Such as micrograms of alcohol per liters of air. But I guess you don't know what that means.

I know what it means just fine friend, which is why I do not like it. I drive drunk as a skunk and the fact I can do some backflips (literally) to get out of a sentence is one of the MANY reasons I prefer the good ol' U S of A. Stay lesser.

Just don't drink and drive, it's literally that easy, moron.

Good, they should treat DUI's as attempted manslaughter and actually hitting someone as murder regardless if the person dies or not.

>retard cant leave his house anymore because he doesnt know how to walk, drive without a license, get a fucking uber...

did the drinking destroy your brain too?

Either you're retarded or just trolling i seriously can't tell

I got a DUI 2 years ago, it's just a misdemeanor charge and if you get your shit together you can still lead a great life. A second arrest will ruin your life though

No . One dui and your life is over. Are you retarded

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A drunk driver did this the other week in my city.

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It only becomes a felony if its your third DUI in ten years or fourth DUI or you hurt someone bad or kill them. I met a guy once that was drunk boating with a brother and sister, was speeding, hit a boo-ye, brother flew out of the boat and drowned. He got ten years with a decent lawyer.


It's a pickup artist (PUA) seminar

Drunk drivers are faggots

How hard is it to get an uber you careless nigger

At what levels of bob and vagene do you need to be at to attend one of these?

Do you know how much an Uber costs if you don't live in a city?

I'm a white guy who's fucked 300+ girls and I watch it

RSD + Alcohol did it for me, though that video in particular is about not using it

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If I put a revolver with a single loaded bullet, spun the chamber, put it to your head and pulled the trigger, should I be arrested for attempted murder?
I think this is an easy: Yes

Now if that chamber was very large, say it could hold 10 000 bullets, but I still only put in one. Should I be able to fire it at you without penalty?

>legally drunk
being legally drunk is a scale and your ability to do basic tasks is not majorly impaired when on the lower end of the scale its the same as being legally blind (they can still see well enough to function in day to day life but not enough to go into a profession that requires good eyesight) it's measured this way to lower risk of an accident

In Canada it's all the natives and Chinese people. They drive drunk constantly for some reason

If you have enough money to go out and drink for stupid prices, you can afford a fucking uber.
Otherwise, stay home, it's cheaper.

>Poster is a retard, don’t speak on shit you know nothing about.
it was very clearly a joke do you have some sort of condition that inhibits your reasoning
>.t cop
Oh sorry for asking
PS don't shoot your computer screen the gun is edited in

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>france literally only one percent difference
burgers dont know their own flag

Those are mac-10s retard. Made in the US of fucking A

Drunk driving is reckless but I never understood why people act like it's on par with serial killing. It's comparable to, I don't know, ruining someone's life by any other means and acting like it's justified because it's a government doing it...

I got high and picked up this 7/10 hottie last night. She dom'd me hard and made me call her mommy for two hours. On the way home I was doing 96 in a 65 high on weed.

I told the cops I was rushing home because of a suicidal gf and he wrote me 89 in a 65 which probably will save my my story helped.

Snoochie boochies beer bitches.

Some parts of the US have wet and dry counties so people have to drive to the next county over to drink, and there's no public transportation, then of course Americans being Americans they complain that they shouldn't have to put in transportation infrastructure.



I keep a clear water bottle in my car with rum I sip on the way home from work. No issues thus far.

>No, DUIs aren’t always fair.
No surprise there

Which country?

>Then basically you can never comfortably go out to a bar/friends place, etc. to drink if you plan on going back home
Or just have a DD/get a cab like every other normal group of people, how is this hard?

Imagine drinking alcohol, the shittiest nastiest drug that exists and not doing small amounts of amphetamines and being a productive adult that feels like a god.

you have to drink at home if you have a DUI?

You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result right?

>Can afford to drink until you're fuckin legless
>But can't afford a taxi

so you think driving should be illegal?

Natives don't get charged with crimes like that in canada, a waste of time and money to arrest them, bring them in for a judge to let them off because the white man gave them alcohol and it's all our fault.

Thanks coach

>Percent of road accidents involving alcohol
What a fucking meaningless metric. China is the lowest because those insects literally cannot drive even sober. British are like the safest drivers in the world you'd expect a higher percentage of crashes to involve drugs. Where's the drunk driving incidents per 100,000 of the population graph?



No problem kid

unironically this

if you're such a shit drunk driver you get pulled over you deserve to have your license taken away. You're the retard killing people. I'm an artist when it comes to drunk driving. My mind stays right on the road, I don't rubber neck at stupid shit, my msg addled brain isn't trying to compute where the nearest fried food place is: I know where I need to go to sleep and I get there without incident. I've been black out drunk before and driven home just fine. One time I woke up drunk at a red light beside a cop who was looking over at me, and when the light turned green I just continued on and wasn't pulled over.

You have to be a literal sub 90iq retard to get busted for drunk driving. Even checkstops are wholly avoidable if you're not an idiot.

You deserve it

what I gather from this is in the US you're twice as likely to be killed by a sober driver

Your ass is going to jail

it's rounded

>Even checkstops are wholly avoidable if you're not an idiot



Wtf are you two on about, 0.08 means your blood is 0.08% alcohol why are you multiplying it

Include driving under influence of krokodil and it's higher


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Live PD is stupid addicting to watch for some reason. But there's one thing that pisses me off every time and it usually happens like once per episode. It's when the person gets stopped so they do anything they can to get out of trouble. Whether it be running or lying. And at the end of it all the cop says that total bullshit, patronizing line of "Bro, you would have gotten a single ticket and then been on your way".
Get the fuck outta here with that shit. There's no way you would have let them walk for that little bit of weed or driving without a license.

Well then drink at home you fuckin alchy




Get a designated driver then. It's literally a non issue and there is no excuse for driving drunk.

Why the fuck did you not call Uber or Lyft retard it only costs like $15?

Now you're going to pay at least $10,000

>Made a deal with the devil when I was 7, I cannot die until I am 25.
How has no one else asked about this? I wanna make a deal with the Devil, how do I go forward?

You actually don't even have to do the DUI balance test either. However, denying both, and being in a situation where the officer suspects you being drunk doesn't mean you get to walk away. I have a friend who denied both but was clearly drunk, so he just told he would arrested under the suspicion of DUI.

Lmao can't even spell sober correctly when saying he's sober

They're very expensive outside the cities

You know you can just not fucking drive?


they can handle their liquor

Denying any sobriety test is a non-admittal admission, in the eyes of the 'law' and earns you a one way ticket to jail.
You can fight it in court after the fact since you didn't incriminate yourself but you would have gone to county either way.

This desu, drinking and driving is pretty retard tier, not just for others but for yourself as well.

>hit someone
>this counts as a violent crime
>put into prison with violent offenders
>have to put in work to get by
>get more years added to your sentence for drug hooping, sticking someone, violence
>cause you didn't just get a cab

What was he driving, a tank?

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I'm not defending the act but I don't think drunk drivers should be kept with murderers and rapists. At least not in US prisons, where it's well known that torture, rape, and severe injury are tacitly accepted.

Reverse image search says it's the result of a gas explosion that occurred on collision.

Lmao fucking retard

If somebody you loved was killed by a drunk driver, you’d have a different mentality

>I’m an artist when it comes to drunk driving

It’s comforting knowing that we will never be as embarrassing as you.




There was a drunk driving accident in my town when I was in high school. You're being condescending and presumptuous.

Did somebody you love die in said accident?

Based schizoid alcoholic poster

If you get a DUI it's time to stop drinking

Yeah, but, what if for two seconds you fuck up and ram your car into a tree


Not someone I know, but I went to the wake that was held for the dead and I saw the grief left behind. For whatever reason I'm unusually empathetic and sensitive to people's emotions, so I 100% felt what was up.

So, you haven’t had the experience of somebody you love being ripped away from a drunk driver

>For whatever reason I'm unusually empathetic and sensitive to people's emotions

That’s just being a normal person user

Not directly, but I felt what it's like.
I've noticed I tend to be more empathetic than a lot of other people.

Cultural differences
In yankland everything is so far away because your country is so fucking gigantic that you basically have to drive from A to B. That includes driving somewhere to get shitfaced. On the other hand your alcoholic beverages tend to be watered-down pissjuice so you're never that drunk anyway.
Here in bongistan I can walk from the high street to the outskirts in an hour, and I have made that walk at 7am stumbling home after shagging a lass many times. So DUI - I can't even remember what we actually call it here - it's not such a big deal really. Although you wouldn't know it by the fuss they make over it - probably because we're much more tightly packed with shitty winding roads, so if you do drive pished you're much more likely to twat some fat cow eating her chippy sitting on the curb. No great loss but what can ye do

This. Drunk drivers are irresponsible shitheads, future man-slaughterers.

How are you more empathetic than other people user

I am sometimes overwhelmed when I sense a lot of people's suffering, and I tend to feel empathy for those who are left behind or not acknowledged as much.

And other people don’t do that as well?

you’re actual fucking scum

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>drinking alcohol more than once every six months

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Some people do. I've just been told that I'm unusually perceptive of and responsive to things like that.

lol who the fuck told you that?

More than one person for sure

You're the dumbass, not him. To not be able to make an impartial judgement on a situation without societies imput means your the retard.
Is driving drunk on the same level as a doctor that didn't get enough sleep and accidentally injured a patient during an otherwise standard procedure. Both made mistakes doing something they should not have been doing, as it was an ACCIDENT. Is one worse than the other in your mind?

The fact you’re comparing drunk driving to a doctor performing surgery is a little alarming


tfw an assistant DA and prosecute DUIs on a daily basis



I did it purposely to just show the blind hatred for certain situations without knowing anything about what happened.
And I've had a loved one who was killed by a drunk driver. And I've forgiven him in my mind as his situation truly left him with no choice but to drive inebriated. I'm just trying to make the point that not every instance of some bad happening is equal just because their outcomes were the same.

Let's say I refuse all tests and don't say anything or appear drunk. How will I fair with a public defender?

>tfw drunk driving for 20 years
>tfw never been pulled over
>tfw never been in an accident
get fucked, gayboys

Yeah i know, tho my friend did win his case and the smart move was to deny both tests and just straight ask for a lawyer. You get a spend a night in jail but better than getting a charge.

A refusal will automatically get you sent to jail. In addition, there's a common state statute which says that, if you refuse the SFSTs or breathalyzer, there's a presumption of guilt. Hard burden to overcome for the defense

I got arrested for weed and LSD so it's fine user.

Just pay your dues

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>don't say anything or appear drunk

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Drunk driving is disgusting but .08 is really a stupidly low BAC built to prey upon people. Any responsible driver could drive at .08 just fine.

Not sure if ironic CAPSLOCK posting or actual boomer, either way you're a fucking moron

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The problem is the majority of people aren't responsible drivers, how many times have you been cut off or almost rear-ended by some dumb fuck? The scary thing is they're usually sober, throw in alcohol and someone's gonna die

Drive sober, or get pulled over.

Any competent prosecutor will eviscerate the dumbass decision to deny the tests

I trust in your abilities but I'd be afraid of some dumbass texting and hitting me and then us both getting tested.

Just Uber to the bar, it's cheap as fuck.

yeah, always a possibility
that why i don't text and drive. i know my limits

Hey you get lucky sometimes

Zoomer scum.
COPS is the real kino

Well obviously, it's that low because if you even drink enough to feel a buzz then it's too much. .08 is like 2-3 beers.

DUI is fucking pre-crime and totalitarian as hell. Fuck soccer moms and their ugly autistic kids and fuck all the cucked beta males that go along with them on this shit.

I hope a family member of yours gets killed by a drunk driver just because you replied to everyone. Should be a bannable offense desu.

Half this country drives drunk and is perfectly fine. You just have to focus when doing it.