Looks like Kino is back on the menu lads..

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Will scarjo go nude in the film bros?

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this movie is seven years too late

Her death in Endgame was comical. Literally shot the exact same way as Gamora's. Was it intentional? Probably. Still stupid.

What exactly is her superpower?

>What exactly is her superpower?

Tight pants.

I thought they were getting rid of her guns or any canon the feminist producer finds “discrimatorty”.

It's almost as if you fell for Yea Forums's clickbait!

It was. The whole point of that scene was that it was Deja Vu. Red Skulls lines are also nearly identical to Infinity War.

Farting is her super power?


Isn't Blacked Widow dead at the end of Endgame?

She's a "super" spy that does "hero"ic things.


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Yes, but the contract is still on. So, not dead.

Seems we got a genius over here, good job retard

Try a therapist dude, he'll help you with that mother need you got

>fat thot who can't act and looks nothing like the comic book version

It's a prequel.

I wish scarjo had a stunt background. Get ready for a thousand cuts an action scene. her stunt double is talented.

So when is this movie? In between Civil War and Infinity War or maybe Winter soldier to CW?
Why not do Widow and Hawkeye in Burma?

>secret agent assassin
yikes disnye

What's with the trashy tattoos?

>like 8 cuts in 2 seconds
fuck off

>Looks like Kino is back on the menu lads..

oh sweetie, no.

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During the gap in Endgame

>In between Civil War and Infinity War


is she going to be a female steven seagal?
only shots of her from the chest up for talking scenes, and all other scenes done by a stunt double?

probaly set before she even joins shield

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this is a test to see whether the marvel banner can be used to sell non-capeshit (e.g., bourne-like action films)

>woman lifting a man off the ground and slamming him into a cabinet
Who can watch this thinking it's realistic?Fucking bugmen subhumans

Reminder that THIS is the main villain Taskmaster and he is also her EX lover

Yes...she is getting BLACKED in the film. Thanks disney!

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Looks like absolute shit. Why post this?

more like crimemaster

Its no longer really necessary, CGI has been splicing faces onto actors since Jurassic Park and we live in an age where dead actors are on screen. You can do a long take with a stunt double and just CGI the face in and edit grunts and shit in audio.

Whatsamattah pussy, ya don't like tattoos or somethin

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Its her thats being picked up and tossed your worthless retard. How dumb do you have to be to embarrass yourself this hard? Open your fucking eyes moron

It's two women fighting, dumbass.

Isn’t Taskmaster a skeleton?

>tfw too stupid to see properly

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It's a mask.

Further reminder that they specifically mandated that Taskmaster be non-white
It’s deliberate
It’s accelerating
And absolute faggots on this board will dutifully hand over their shekels to Disney because they are fundamentally manchildren who are unable to resist missing even one of these shitty flicks, just like with Captain Marvel. You lot disgust me

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Its not during the gap in endgame moron. Its confirmed between CW and IW

i thought it was a flashback. are they going to use de-aging cgi on her?


Just rewatch Shazam bro, you'll feel better.

black widow is the second least like-able character in the mcu, captain marvel being number 1. this movie will flop hard

Make it a gif, i'm on a phone

>meanwhile over at DC

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My script idea is better.
So I'll just write my own damn movie.

3 of the next 4 superhero movies coming out are DC
The only Marvelshit coming out in the next 15 months is Blacked Widow
Disney just lost Spider-Man and other than the above it will be 2 years from now before Marvel puts out a movie with a non F-lister
What a failed post on every level

>3 of the next 4 superhero movies coming out are DC
zzzzzzzzz. What are those again? Nobody remembers. Remind us would ya?

kek, this. if she still looked as good as she did in iron man 2, then sign me tf up.

>this i-is our chance now!!

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *inhales* ahahahahahahahahahaha
Good to see you roaches crawling out lf the cracks after Captain Marvel smoothered FLOPzam and endgame buried DC forever. Here to pick up the whats left of the mcu's sloppy seconds for the rest of the yr

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Full Cast

>Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow, a former KGB assassin, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and member of the Avengers who returns to Budapest in the aftermath of the superhuman civil war to face her past.

>Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova / Black Widow, Romanoff's surrogate sister and another product of the Red Room, a secret program created by the KGB to train deadly assassins.

>Rachel Weisz as Melina Vostokoff / Black Widow, a seasoned spy trained in the Red Room and who is now involved in a secret scientific experiment.

>O-T Fagbenle as Rick Mason, a fixer for international spies who previously worked with Romanoff during her time with S.H.I.E.L.D. and is romantically interested in her.

>David Harbour as Alexei Shostakov / Red Guardian, the Russian counterpart to Captain America and a damaged supersoldier who has a history with Romanoff.

>Ray Winstone as General Ivan Petrovich, a high-ranking member of the KGB, creator and director of the Red Room and Romanoff's surrogate father.

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That's from Civil War.

That just looks like atomic blonde

They can just digitize her younger. Put dots on her face and CGI staple her old face onto it DeepFake style.
That's what these movies are going to become. It's what some of them already are. Civil War was a tech demo to prove they can make RDJ any age they want for any movies they want. CGI is the collar for these actors to stay enslaved to Disney so they can never make any real movies again.

They can't even escape it in death. They can just put Stan Lee in the new movies. What, they're going to suddenly respect his death and not profit from him? They're Disney. They'd superimpose Roy's face onto some B-list fucko just to make a commercial of how grand and glorious they are.

wow so dEEp
the symbolism man
glad my parent and her boyfrend left these movies on to let my big brain grow

Sure. We have a JoaQino Phoenix hard-R Joker film premiering at Venice Film Festival next week before it’s October release
Birds of Prey taking the Deadpool release slot to dominate Valentine’s Day
And Wonder Woman 1984 - the sequel to a film that handily made more at the domestic box office than any Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, or Thor flick - coming in June, all while Matt Reeves’ The Batman, James Gunn’s Suicide Squad, James Wan’s Aquaman, and Andy Muschietti’s Flash movie enter production
What does Marvel have to look forward to in the next 2 years? Shang Chi? LMAO

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>That's from Civil War.
New fag just shout shit out.

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How can it be a prequel if it was made after Endgame? Or did I miss a Marvel release?

How dumb are you?

I wouldn’t call Angelina Jolie an A-lister but she is playing an practically unknown superhero as well as her co-stars.

The puzzi.

At last she can use tight pants

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Because it takes place before endgame you stupid fucking retard. Jesus summer isnt over yet? These braindead tourists need to fuck off already

holy shit that guy is top heavy

>How can it be a prequel if it was made after Endgame?

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>all while Matt Reeves’ The Batman, James Gunn’s Suicide Squad, James Wan’s Aquaman, and Andy Muschietti’s Flash movie enter production
Neat. Can anyone name ANY director of ANY upcoming Marvel flick? Coogler, I guess. The rest are LITERAL who diversity picks and empty suit yes men. Remember back when they had Kenneth Branagh doing their films? What the fuck happened?

Another mediocre mcu movie, that will be forgotten a few weeks after release. Nothing interesting.

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Sure, I meant non F-list character. I’m pretty into comics and have easily read hundreds over my life, and I have absolutely no idea who any of these new Marvel properties are

based as fuck, as a mcu fanatic i knew lord disney would give us the kino we've been waiting for.
No more white male leads to lead a group of heroes now captain falcon is in charge and he's gonna keep all the women in check with his superior dominance that stark rogers or the numale thor couldn't even live up to.
When they bring in the xMan black wolverine cucking the cyclops who will look extremely onion much like my friends who all love the mcu!
Disney YASSSSss



All infinitely more creative than Matt Reeves and his forgettable monkey films. Also lel at the development hell Flash film ever seeing the light of day

>talking about summerfags
>cant recognize obvious bait
You might be projecting a bit there user

Based DC are going to dominate capeshit with Joker, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Harley Quinn, The Flash, Suicide Squad etc. While marvel are going to fade into obscurity, with shit that was left after Endgame.

>Taika Cohen
LMAO please tell me you’re not actually going to crawl to that shitty spin-off where Thor - in addition to having become the laughingstock pratfalling stooge of some odious negress - passes off his mantle to some 90 lb Jew
You have SOME self-respect - right, user?
But sure, you can have Gunn back when we’re done with him :P

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>i was just pretending to be retarded
Nice try retard

Based DChad, I can't wait for the new flicks man.

War for the Planet of the Apes was Kino and easily one of the top 5 blockbusters of the decade

I'm not even the guy you replied to faggot

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>the fat cop from stranger things who can only yell at women as "acting"

hard pass

looks really boring bro

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Thanks for the laugh, OP

God, Ragnarok was so terrible. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Is that the cuck from Handmaid's Tale? He sucks.

the mcu audience is numale and full onion
granted Josstice league tried to win that portion of the audience with it being almost exactly like avengers but mcu fanatics can see their brand logo aint on the product so they chimp out.
That's why you don't hire a hack to fill in the shoes of a real director.
You guys will be getting your own sloppy seconds then half of you cucks are gonna love Phase 4 and 5 and the other half will finally wake up and drop capeshit all together or turn on the numales and join dchads, but either way you'll get exposed by your own.
Phase 4 is blacked phase
Phase 5 is when they start bringing in cucking as they know they their more tistic audience will finally be prepubescent will get it stuck in their heads.
Yeah you guys are looking great, going through with the plan goyim, Igor's bonus looking spot on

>Is that the cuck from Handmaid's Tale?
Yep. His name is literally Fagbenle lmao. He’ll fit right in at Marvel

Ugh, he sucks

Sucking off the right producers

>Meanwhile at DC

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I will feel how this guy feels

>fucking your gf who has a kid who in her prime was gorgeous
>now her ass is drooping when nude etc

Feels bad man. I've seen pictures of my girlfriend when she was 18. I hope time travel is invented.

Imagine being this delusional. DC movies are always shit and Endgame is the highest grossing film of all time. Marvel can turn any character into a household name. They have another 20 movies planned/in development, it's over for DCucks

>Dude that’s trying vainly to hype people up for Blacked Widow and She-Thor and some other literal shit that he knows nothing about except that it’s made by Disney is calling other people “cucks”

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I was wondering why critics were fellating this guy’s awful anus jokes, but now it all makes sense


that's a great ass right there.

lol all those moneky movies were easily better than any mcu except maybe gotg
coogler made shitty rocky that's angry because he's black, nothing interesting about any of his movies
thor 3 is ok but that's it, aquaman blows it out of the water