Do I watch this film? my girlfriend wants me to see it but I have seen enough on Yea Forums to turn me off to it?

Do I watch this film? my girlfriend wants me to see it but I have seen enough on Yea Forums to turn me off to it?

What do you boys think?

Attached: MV5BMTk0MDQ3MzAzOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU1NzE3MjE@._V1_.jpg (1390x2048, 1.34M)


>my girlfriend wants me to see it

Am I missing something?

Oh boy. Dump her and block her number faggot.

i liked it

No but you'll be missing soon if you don't turn 540 degrees and run like your life literally depends on it.

>I have seen enough on Yea Forums to turn me off to it?

Are you retarded? It's a good movie.

It's good. Much better than Empire Strikes Back.

It's a great movie, but it's scary as hell, will make you want to run from your gf.

>my girlfriend wants me to see
cut all contacts and move to another country right now

so don't see it and drop her?

definitely see it, but first be atleast one continent away from your now ex gf

It's great and hilarious . She might like it for the wrong reasons, though.

It's a pretty good movie.

What are the right reasos for liking it?

Cinematography, Fincher's directing, the soundtrack and the film's opinion that women are psycho whores that should be gassed.

Don't pay attention to the memetards. It's a good movie. Not Fincher's best but very good anyway.

>Girls think this movie is empowering
Bunch of fucking retards, OP make her watch Sharp Objects first, she'll probably shut up and won't make you watch GG afterwards.

Attached: Amy's mommy and lil sis sharp objects.webm (768x432, 2.87M)

>and the film's opinion that women are psycho whores that should be gassed.
cool it partner

Lmao women are so fucking retarded

what is this miniseries about user?