What do you think of Broad City

What do you think of Broad City

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Post khazar milkies

more like broad titty

Its unfunny SJW propganda but I would dump a hot goy load in either of them.

I'd like to creampie those jewesses

is any of these ladies of Hebrew descent?

It sucks about as hard as I would on these fucking jewess tits

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Had a lot of funny episodes, last season was shit tho.

I would flood the one on the right in baby batter but the one on the left is busted.

>had a lot of funny episodes

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It's probably one of the funnier and more original comedies of the last decade, but I suspect that you're posting this as bait.

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I pump her so fucking hard in that dress. She knows well what brings the boys to the show

I'd fuck the nigga on the right

Theyre down with pegging too.

just like workaholics they fell victim to the comedy central curse. only the first two seasons are good

The only 2 good parts of this show.

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>wanting to get pegged

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I gave it a shot when it first came out. I'm pretty sure the first scene was a nigger fucking a (((white))) woman. I immediately turned it off.

Sorry, did you say something? I kinda lost concentration for a minute.


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All I said is that they we're into it, a fact that was referenced many times in their show. Any inference that I liked was completely fabricated in your mind, almost as if you have thought something along those lines yourself.

Why does Jared tag the titties now

>What do you think of Broad City

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