Why is noone talking about it?

Why is the new Invader Zim Movie not getting that much attention?

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Because nobody cares about your stupid boomer cartoon

We’ve talked about it a good deal here OP, everyone is generally pleased with it aside from some silly nitpicks. I personally fucking loved it and have watched it multiple times at this point. Seriously dense humor

go to Yea Forums

>Nick commissions tv-movies of 3 of their popular nicktoons to serve as backdoor pilots for potential series revival
>first one comes out, and don't advertise it
>are surprised that no one watches it
>assume this means no one wants them
>cancel the release of the other two and dump them on netflix with zero fanfare
who the fuck runs that channel

Because the show was overrated.

Reminder Gaz is a chuuni. Look it up.

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>personally fucking loved it
>watched it multiple times
>seriously dense humor

go back to you know where, faggot

Actually people are talking about it. There are like 4 threads on the cartoon board, Yea Forums

Better than I was expecting. Not just a nostalgia fest but actually mostly new stuff. Fucking Clembraine was overplayed though. Shoulda left him at the house.

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Make me, cuck

Invader Zim overrated and only liked by its cult fanbase. And Goth girl porn

She's coming around tho, matured a lot since the series

>tfw want a new season purely for more gaz
bros i think i finally understand waifu fags

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>I only torture you because I know you can handle it
Kino. Membrane family had some real depth in Florpus

>have cursory knowledge of Zim
>seems old, cringe, no thanks
>forced to watch it by retard friendo
>laugh like I'm going to die
this is why i can't trust any of you fucks, i don't care if the fanbase is reddit and shitheads, i enjoyed that and am now watching the originals, they are also funny, fuck you and fuck your lifestyles

Watched it with my wife who didn't see the originals, she didn't like it.
Dad watched it by himself because my little sister was too busy playing Roblox.

Not him but please go

random humor is so garbage

There wasn't any depth. It's like an alternate universe version where they aren't as abnormal

Because that show is disgusting and offputting. No one wants to see hideous people partake in disgusting activities.

I would argue that they had a lot less depth in the original in service of wacky antics, and in the movie they fleshed them out to make the dramatic moments resonate more which actually really worked for me

>No one wants to see hideous people partake in disgusting activities
why doesn't everyone on earth just kills themselves then genius?


Netflix mass exodus

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

>trusting Yea Forums to determine quality
You are still too new, my friend. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums tend to all have pretty shit taste and poor judgment.

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Heads up, you're here on Yea Forums

why is she so perfect bros?

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This summarizes my thoughts on Invader Zim back when I was a kid during the original run and my thoughts on it in 2019.

Disgusting show.

shut the fuck up

What has the one that got released to TV?

what are you gay or sensitive?

You guys sound like such pussies

Now this is cringe

Yeah I really liked it, I was surprised by how good it looked
I think Yea Forums have been talking about it quite a bit so I don't really see what you mean

Grotesque is the peak stylistic form of cartoons. Go back to your kawaii anime crap faggot

There were a billion threads on Yea Forums when it came out, and there are still some right now. Maybe try using the correct board you fucking dumpling.

Making them beaners was only the icing on the cake

this was funny