Aaaaaaaaand that's why further poaching is actually good for species that have existed for millions of years but only...

Aaaaaaaaand that's why further poaching is actually good for species that have existed for millions of years but only became endangered within the past century. It's just natural selection!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>well herpes is mostly harmless and everyone is gonna get it eventually, so don't worry about getting it because at some point the stigma from having it will die down! Being unwilling to fuck someone that has it only perpetuates the stigma and makes you a bigot!
t: things this cuck has actually said on his show

Attached: c-U-K.jpg (1200x1200, 182K)

Attached: 1544523527844.jpg (600x600, 35K)

His Rogan interview was so painful to watch. 2 hours of him defending shooting up little kids with hormones to change their gender

>trans folks
>queer folks
>lgbt folks
>non binary folks
Why did he keep saying “folks” so much

user it turns out fucking kids is a natural normal part of life and uhhhh, i love bein jewish lol

Because if he say “guys” he’ll be misgendering and “people” is an extra syllable

Aaaaand that's why sneedposting produces creativity, fun and innovation on the Yea Forums board, and if you don't like it, well, you're a dumb janny who should seethe harder whilst all us sneedposters live rent free in your head. Cope and have sex!

these people unironically appropirated black slang like folks and y'all and etc

yes i know its technically southern but you get the idea. the amount of white kids speaking "soft-niggerese" as a i call it is quite astounding in progressive circles

thats not real. Theres no way

The one where he encouraged women over 40-50 to have kids is pretty fucked up.

Did he actually say this?

i think men are more in danger there

i know a couple of a *dubious moral nature* guy is 50+ girl is 30 ish. their kid might genuinely be a 'tismo

Folks is not black slang you fucking gigafaggot

"yes i know its technically southern but you get the idea"

do you not read or are you just genuinely retarded

lmao this bitch thinks we actually watch TV

Gawker-tier blogs have known for 15+ years now that if you write intentionally inflammatory shit you don't actually believe people will still click the article to rage in the comments
all daytime sports hot-take shows follow this same model
it doesn't surprise me streaming services are applying this concept to their programming

Imagine quoting Contra Points ever.

>him saying things makes me upset!

Attached: 1563684597670.gif (600x600, 203K)

>people will still click the article to rage in the comments
but 80% of those types of websites dont even have comment sections though

Southern is soft niggerese.

He was actually right about this

>the constitution was SOOOO flawed it needed amendments!
no shit you twat which is why it says itself it can be amended

Do you ever feel like that maybe, you are obsessed with politics?

That's correct though? Do you live in a third world where herpes is a problem like polio is?

Male sperm doesn't have the same age-related issues that female eggs do, since the supply is constantly replenishing.

I'd rather not get cold or genital sores if I can avoid it, at least as long as possible. Adam probably has both and is deeply insecure about that.

Cable news hosts say “folks” all the time in an effort to seem more down home authentically American. My family members who watch a ton of cable news have started saying folks and y’all despite being white west coast millionaires who have lived in cities since 1850. It’s super embarrassing.

They appropriated southern slang to make themselves sound more welcoming and "home-y". To evoke friendly southern hospitality and warmth. They're worms.

>I rather get a cold or genital sore
What do you think herpes is, you absolutely retarded faggot?

yikes, you sound like a propagandist.

They guy doesn't want herpes you freak, get over it.

found the roastie

how do you fuck up a quote?

I wish Rogan would’ve beaten him to a bloody pulp during the interview. Conover tried to deny beta and alpha males were a thing. Would be great to see Joe rip his jaw off and Adam would quiver like a little bitch


>recognizing propaganda is propaganda
Peak burgerpunk doublethink

>Conover tried to deny beta and alpha males were a thing
Right because it isn't a thing, human society is a bit more complicated than that.

Reading is hard for you

male sperm lasts basically until ED kicks in, while women start to fall off in their 20s

In 30 years, we will look at this the way we look at electroshock therapy.

Do you realize that if you ask your personal doctor to check for herpes, you'll either get laughed at or they won't even bother unless you have an outbreak? A doctor literally said to me that 80 percent of Americans have it and she shrugged it off.

This was an Indian doctor in private practice for 20 years. So either he's lying for an elaborate libtard conspiracy, or you're stupid?

It /was/ more complicated until people like Adam destroyed the concepts of marriage and pair bonding. Now women exclusively flock to a small group of alpha males.

>muh pair bonding
okay, "not an argument" meme man. Thanks.

ECT is used today still user, cant remember quite what it regulates, but it’s got like two uses

not only did you fuck up reading but you somehow altered the greentext to fit your fuckup
youre so fucking dumb

god i hate this fuck

hes wrong all the fucking time while having that stupid smug ass expression

>Get diseases, it's not a problem!

>everything I don't like is propagander.
If I had a dollar...

I like how you're just missing the point.

You sure are stupid

dumbfuck or troll

I'm from Virginia and folk is a great word for people, but if you are from California fuck off, you can't use it.

Holy shit it just sounds like you have a bad doctor.

>Nah I won't check if you have something wrong with you, tee hee. :)

That's not black slang, it's Dixie slang that niggers culturally appropriated.

I get what he’s trying to say but how can you deny the difference between a man like Rogan and a man like Conover? Even if it isn’t biological, there’s clearly a social construct that Adam is a beta Male pussy and Rogan is more of a man’s man alpha

>herpes is mostly harmless
Take it from someone that got it fucking a bar skank, it isn’t “harmless”
>i wish i could get my virginity back

Adam is a liberal with some stupid opinions about gender but he also doesn't conform to literally every hippy faggot opinion liberals have.

>America should stop circumcising their kids
>Killing problematic/elderly bulls who literally white knight the females they never actually fuck from the males who want to reproduce is good

Adam is from New York.

He is right, STD ridden slut.

More like niggerese is a mutated Southern dialect, but I'll allow it.

Holy shit we actually found one.

It's more complicated than that in Animals, too, you retard. We simplify it to alpha and beta because we look at it from the outside and it looks like the "alpha" always gets his way, so we say he's the alpha.

Humans work exactly the same way, we're just in the middle of it so it looks way more complex. It is only slightly different. Alpha and beta exist in humans as much as they do in animals.

the point is that herpes really isn't a problem in a first world country, Ahmed.

I think for depression. But it's not like shock therapy they used to do, lol.

>wahh wahhh wahhh liberal liberal liberal
>male genital mutilation is good

That was when it went too far for me lmao. I could feel it coming too. Please don't mention contra, please don't mention contra
>Hey Joe, you should check out this fabulous youtuber called ContraPoints!

It's common knowledge that the more dicks get pushed into a woman's vagina, the more love gets pushed out of her heart.

It's a woman, so, yes.

>they exist because I said so
alright then, airtight argument.

Not him, but he means lefties started using it because they heard black people use it.

It'll be looked at like lobotomies, except this is way worse because we are normalizing mutilating children's bodies. I fully expect these doctors and shills to hang when we stop this tolerant nonsense.

>t. mgtow

Ofd contention when your original statement was provided with no proof.


>Hey white guys, you probably are thinking to yourself, I should have kids with a white woman!
>But, did you know that most of the world's inventions that produce green house gasses CAME from white parents?
>That's right! Construction equipment, the automobile, even modern agriculture...All white guys!
>You literally cannot argue against this!

making an unsubstantiated claim about muh alpha/beta relationships just because some people have dominant or submissive personalities is also a statement without proof. I'm not sure why people like you are so invested in believing this horseshit that science doesn't back up at all.

Do you personally think you're some sort of chad? Is that why?

I made a statement without proof in response to a statement without proof. Burden is on you, that's where we are at. You chose to say alpha and beta doesn't exist, I didn't come here to say they do.

>I'm going to test you for something I'm sure you already have that you won't even notice for probably 30 years and basic over the counter medication can deal with
I'm seriously asking, what third world are you from where this is an issue?

>a disease that lies dormant in literal billions of people that has a kill count as low as being eaten alive by sharks while on an airplane crashing

I don’t mind folks, but y’all fills me with disgust.

Hi Adam!

Look at other large mammals like wolves, lions, gorillas, etc. Usually there will be one dominant male who hoards a group of females, because the females all naturally want to mate with the strongest male. Lionesses are famous for doing the hunting while the alpha male lounges around all day and gets first dibs on the food, but why do you think that is? The females do that so they can have the opportunity to procreate with the strongest male who can save his energy to protect them and their offspring from other male lions. Male lions are known to cannibalize lion cubs after killing the cubs' father, which causes the females to immediately go into heat. Humans would basically behave the same way if we didn't have things like laws and social conventions and all that stuff.

>You chose to say alpha and beta doesn't exist
Because there isn't any proof? Are you autistic? It's not my job to argue a negative.

I don't know why others are giving you a hard time about this; you're right. Kind of hilarious that these are the same people who are so fond of "calling out" "cultural appropriation.

>>male genital mutilation is good
He said the exact opposite though.

>muh wolves
THE leading researcher on wolf social structure literally redacted his earlier claims about "muh alpha" when he saw the roles that both male and female pack leaders display.

You realize doctors are constantly being told what good practices are by the health board, which is run by who knows (guarantee it's jews), and they hold conferences and tell all the doctors the new best medicines they should recommend and what practices they should follow.

Your doctor is pozzed.

Folks is an Obama thing. Like how some right-wingers occasionally engage in Trump cult of personality by mimicking his mannerisms for fun, but these people do it unironically and without merriment because they are soulless children of the corn pieces of shit.

then why are you ironically greentexting that circumcision is good?

>your doctor is part of an e Jewish conspiracy
go back to your containment board, faggot.

Can't get anything of substance out of you.

>a health board exists
yes...? This is an issue for you because...?

"Everyone is gonna get it eventually" is incorrect. Just don't fuck skanks, what the hell is the matter with people

America, so I know you pay out the ass to even be graced by a fucking doctor.

>No, user, I WON'T test to see if you have something you're concerned about

Seriously, for your own sake, find another doctor. They're supposed to be working for YOU.

I'm just curious, what is your belief on the matter? Do you not believe that enough positive traits could make one person more desirable than another, intrinsically?

Why don't you just prove it exists then? Where are the actual facts?

Ok and the majority of my comment was about the social structure of lions, which is well known. I suppose it would be better to compare humans to bonobos and chimpanzees, since they are our closest relatives, but I personally believe humans would form a social structure very much like lions if we were simply thrown into the wilderness without any sort of prior concepts of civilization or morality. You can see it in the way people behave today. How many men have gone to jail for murdering their girlfriend's kid by another man? How many women are willing to "share" one man if they think he can be a good provider and protector, i.e. and alpha? Why do you think women prefer tall, muscular, and outgoing men? This is like common sense here.

I'm not being racist, I'm saying the facts. Your doctors go to conventions where jews tell them what they should be doing.

I never came here to talk about that. I just corrected you when you said something unsubstantiated. You can feel free to substantiate it, if you feel so inclined.

Jesus how fucking embarrassing

I believe that there are a variety of instincts and behavioral traits for different species that has led to pretty striking biodiversity where even close relatives like Bonobos and Chimps have noticeable differences in social structure. For instance, Bonobos are matriarchal, Wolves are dual leadership. It's not a "one size fits all" meme.

why are you so mad about this?

>you can prove a negative
No you retard.

>Ironically greentexting
I'm not though you stupid faggot. Are you such a wacky ironic shitposting newfaggot than using what was intended to be a fucking quote feature means you're ironically quoting?

>humans would form a social structure very much like lions
kek, what?

autists cannot into nuance.
the world is black or white to them, everything must be one thing or the other or it makes them incredibly uncomfortable.

Dude, you don't even have to go far back. In the days of nobility harems of women and infanticide was all over the place.

are you bad at greentexting or something? If you greentext a thing, the implication is that you dislike said quote or mean the opposite like going
>circumcision is bad!
really means you support it. Are you actually a stupid person?

roastie getting toastie
I can smell you from here

Surely you have a theory that replaces the alpha beta dynamic or you would have no reason to throw it out.

I don't have to have one.

how can such newfags exist?

>. In the days of nobility harems of women and infanticide was all over the place.
Do you honestly believe that?

a lot of bird species are monogamous

At least I know basic shit like how to greentext, perhaps you should take a moment to calm down and simply lurk moar? Come back when you're ready :)

Well I think in humans it's pretty simple. The biggest man and the sexiest woman rule. The biggest man in the room owns the room, period. And he will take the prettiest woman to be his. So in humans, at least, that is the alpha.

you’re wrong bro
quoting is quoting, it can have >implications but that’s not always the case, it can just be quoting a previous post.
please stop embarrassing yourself, it’s making me uncomfortable by proxy

And they say Yea Forums is the most reddit board.

>larping this hard

Among nobles, yes, it's documented so why not?

not the same dude newpal, go back to r/Yea Forums

>it's pretty simple because I want it to be

You are really insufferable.

If we didn't have laws against assault and murder or technology like firearms that allow physically weaker people to kill stronger people, yes.

>zoomers telling anyone else to leave

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>See adam? Hitler just crammed thousands of jews into these rooms and offed them with pesticide.
>Sorry, but with the technology we now know they used, that actually WOULDN'T have been possible!
>But aren't there mountains of evidence?
>Not true! Angela, meet Ben Garrison. He is a renowned holocaust expert.

nigga, you keep posting.


We've already conducted these social experiments though and every time, human beings almost immediately create some sort of social structure to protect themselves. It's why when all the traffic lights go out on a 4 way intersection, it isn't complete and utter chaos.

Try refuting what he said.


It really is pretty simple. You just have to identify a few things. Desires versus ability to achieve them. A man needs cunning and strength and a woman needs to be desirable to a man. Everything that is complicated lies on top of very simple base desires.

>human beings almost immediately create some sort of social structure to protect themselves.
I don't see how this disproves what I said. Other mammals also formed social structures to protect themselves.

It proves that we don't just immediately devolve into killing and raping each other in the absence of written laws, brainlet.

soon it will be their teens, right?

Yes, because we have intelligence and the ability to reason. That doesn't mean we don't have animal instincts as well.

That's true. But order is always predicated on the knowledge that, when the chips are down strength is all that matters. Laws are like a credit system for strength.

Haha, roastie spotted. So funny to actually find them.

Yea Forums is the most reddit board, thats why its quality is so high

Rogan is a manlet, he csnt be alpha. His whole life is one big cope for being a manlet.

well... uhhhhhhhhh....

COPE STD ridden whore

Rogan is a manlet, and because of that he can never be a chad, but look at the world around Joe and tell me he isn't alpha. Joe has no fear, you can hear it when he gives advice to people. He gives awful advice because he cannot fathom the idea of failing. In his mind, every endeavor you try at will be a success because that's what life is like for him. He is an alpha. People wait in line to kiss his ass, his unfunny friends are all "top tier" comedians, somehow, he can do whatever he wants.

Rogan is the deffinition of a beta male

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Weird, to me Joe fits the alpha exactly and Brendan Shaub, Bret Kreisher and Tom Segura meet the beta criteria.

The modern day Penn and Teller's Bullshit except it's wrong about everything.

Alpha and chad are literally the same thing, you niggers dissected memes until you forgot what it was in the first place. He's fake confidence, hes a beta pretending to be alpha.

honestly, girls on Yea Forums are probably in the bottom 5% of desirability, I feel sorry for your cats.


I was making a little joke, but you clearly have some personal investment in whether or not Joe is an alpha, so I'll drop it.

>etymological related to the germanic cognate volk
>literally the north germanic rendering of the above

I literally am an omega. I fold under pressure and everything at work becomes my fault, even though other employees in the exact same situation can shift blame. I am currently on the chopping block at work, despite not being the problem. Fuck, that shit is depressing.

This is true though.
If you have ever gotten a cold sore inside or outside of your mouth, that means you have oral herpes.

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"A loser will always be a loser" - Neji Hyuga

Haha yeah bro i was all like "oooh please don't mention contra, please don't mention contra" with my eyes closed and fingers crossed, and then he mentions contra and I'm all like "daaaaarn! oh hamburgers, i didn't want him to mention contra! dang it all!"

You are right about the soft niggerese cultural appropriation. I'm Irish and I hear trustpunk Canadians use terms like fucckboi erroneously as "a hot guy who is mean" when it's actually the punk who finna get he ass tricked out for a honeybun, to use the colloquialisms of those upstanding melanated gentlemen.

I’m literally laughing aloud at some pimply incels sitting in a dark room on a Friday trying to call Joe Rogan a “beta” bc he’s “fake”. Thanks for the chuckles, user

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>Yea Forums: tons of omegas pretending to be gammas

It's safe to say i'm gamma as fuck

It's a good way to filter out the worst of the sluts


Something among the lines of that, he said that there was this story about a woman shooting a giraffe that upset people. But she didn't shoot it just cause, apparently the giraffe was very old and aggressive to it kept killing younger males while itself was to old to reproduce, so the wardens of the area put a bounty on it and the woman took it.

What is his stance on pic related?

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Tell me more Doctor B.Shit

The actual explanation is this one

peak delusion here, healthy men can conceive healthy children well into their 70s


If it's any consolation, going by that chart I would be le ebin gamma xd, but despite overwhelming most people in a torrent of autism, women and betas will always try to dogpile you if you're ugly or not clearly defined as directly superior to them in the ladder

>tfw might have herpes (the non std version)

when I rise to power those people will be sent to gulag for 25 years

>Both HSV-1 (which produces most cold sores) and HSV-2 (which produces most genital herpes) are common and contagious. They can be spread when an infected person begins shedding the virus. About 67% of the world population under the age of 50 has HSV-1. In the United States more than one in six people have HSV-2

Coping bald manlet, smallest dogs bark the loudest.

Ahhh I remember
>Angela this is what our great leader Adolf would call "fundamentally Jewish". You see, facts aren't facts if they come from a kike! Another point for science!

>tfw when
Kys yourself

>>tfw when
go back

Reminder that genetics determine your worth in life and if you're on Yea Forums, youre already beta

And what determines good genetics?

>At least I know basic shit like how to greentext
No, you literally don't. That's why everyone is calling you out.


Sure but who or what decides what makes good genetics or not?

checked and accurate

Sexual preference in mates. Height is the most important trait because bigger = better candidate to protect a woman and her child.

>I'm not a newfag, I swear
Greentext can be used both as a quote and sarcasm, dumbass

>The biggest man
>Not strongest or handsomest, biggest
You're a fatfuck, aren't you user.

You forgot richest, but he isn't necessarily wrong. Tall, fit, handsome men are the most successful and are always born into successful families.

exactly what said. it's embarrassing.
obama was the first person i noticed doing it, but maybe others started the trend before him. i'm from the south and i feel dirty everytime i hear it from some new york or west coast cuck.

>Height is the most important trait because bigger = better candidate to protect a woman and her child
If that's the case then Gigantism should be a lot more common.

t, butt hurt he go btfo buy the trophy hunting video

>Implying it's not the most cunning man who truly rules the room

>Tall, fit, handsome men are the most successful and are always born into successful families
Lundgren came from a moderately shitty life. Hell you could look at Arnold's bastard vs. his legitimate sons and see that shit isn't true either. Being tall fit and handsome does help in life, but tall fit handsome men are not always born in successful families.
Also tall,fit, and handsome != Biggest guy in the room, that's a fatfuck idea.

Electroshock therapy is still used (with general anesthesia) to treat treatment resistant depression and bipolar disorder. IIRC it was always supposed to be used with anesthesia; it was just used without it as a form of torture.

Too tall leads to health defects, women are natures greatest gatekeeper
>yeah I'm the coolest guy here, I'm the strong silent type, women are drawn to my mysterious allure

It's not easy to get the treatment for kids.

People are very different from lions. So are wolves. You'd know this if you read about the subject.

Hunter-gatherer societies don't necessarily behave like lions.

Lionesses don't choose the leader based on the strongest all the time. They often choose him based on who has the longest mane. According to that logic, I should be hitting a barbershop/spa more than the gym.

>Too tall leads to health defects
How tall is too tall? Because you're making shit up as you go along
>Usually there will be one dominant male who hoards a group of females
You don't know shit
>Male lions are known to cannibalize lion cubs after killing the cubs' father, which causes the females to immediately go into heat.
Female lions are also know to kill their males should the male try to eat before them when food supply runs low
>humans to bonobos and chimpanzees, since they are our closest relatives
And bonobs are matriarchal

Hunter-gatherer societies in some cases do have higher prevalences of murder, but it's not total anarchy. People restrain each other.

Tsavo lions don't have manes

Depends on the nobility, but most nobility did not have a harem, too expensive. Chinese emperors did, as did Mongolian emperors and certain roman empires, but much of nobility throughout human history has practiced, or "practiced" monogamous relations.

Yeah, that's why they were such betas they had to resort to eating humans.

You say that but Tsavo lions has higher testosterone level then other lions

>They have higher test
>But they still are nameless betas who can only scrape by eating humans
I know this will shock you, but even if you injected test up the ass of a beta like
It isn't going to magically make him some tough manly dude.

>scrape by eating humans
>Scrape by eating the alpha species on the planet
I fail to see the issue

The only predators that eat humans are generally starving 99% of the time. Humans taste like fucking garbage, and generally aren't as good as other animals. The only times something like a lion would have to stoop to eating humans is if they've been chased out of prime hunting land claimed by other lions, or are starving since they can't hunt worth a damn.

Adam ruins Touhou

This thread is full of Adam apologists, or adamites. Alpha and beta don’t exist becuase Adam aid so, herpes isn’t a problem because Adam said so, I don’t need to show proof, but you do, bling blong blang, follow me on patreon

Humans dont taste bad you liar

Yes they do, compared to even an antelope they're lean as shit half the time and fatter ones taste gross in a different way

>Humans taste like fucking garbage
You know this how?

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I can't stand Adam. He ruined Collegehumor.

Well around 100% of people die, kinda strange when you are young though? Understand my analogy retard? It isn't common for younng people to have herpes.

Just read some stories on cannibalism. Humans, especially ones that have been starving for a while, are really fucking gamey and tough. And fat ones tend not to actually have enough muscle mass that the meat is tasty. Maybe a builtfat dude would taste nice, but idk.

They do. Where do you think sperm come from? An exact copy of your DNA as it was when you were in the womb like women's eggs? Or from cells that were copies of cells that were copies of cells that were copies of cells, etc. all the way back to those originals. Tiny errors here and there add up over time.

this user isnt wrong if only the south contained theie negros we wouldnt be valling their slang negro slang

being a delta is best

That is an awfully topical angle to make a value-judgment on part of our base nature from, a bit silly imo.

Please post your source for claiming age has a correlation with a man's proness to defects in his sperm in the way that has been proven with women and their eggs


You know diseases dont choose their hosts based on who is a skank or not, right? There are other ways to get it, you can be infected by sharing a drink with someone who has a leaking cold sore. I get your logic, but its not a disease contained to sexual activity and saying anyone who has it must be a skank is a retarded oversimplification

Meyers briggs tier shit

Yes and some unfortunate people got AIDS from blood donations in the 80s. It doesn't mean the vast majority of infections weren't from gay sex and drug use. People always look at the 1% of edge cases to make the argument "see, it's not just degenerates that get these diseases!" but they fail to realize that the point people are making is that "by and large these are ALMOST entirely degenerate diseases."

Did you even read your study? The conclusion just talks about likelihood of pregnancy, they draw no conclusions about deformities or defects

you dense motherfuckers, this is "Brave New World" lore not some social study
read a book weaboos

He was right about that, and you're misrepresenting his argument.

>6 million? While it may sound true, you may be shocked to learn that this is completely fabricated. It was written by a Jewish historian. There is not a shred of Nazi documentation that signifies a policy to exterminate jews in their concentration camps. However, a few hundred thousands jews did die due to typhus outbreaks, but the 6 million that they claim? That's just run of the mill fake news!

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>black slang
Jesus christ man

>everyone is calling you out
literally nothing like that is even happening you stupid faggot.

>and are always born into successful families
Lot of inbred manlets in human history from rich families who turned out absolutely autistic, user.

>6 million? While it may sound true, you may be shocked to learn that this is completely fabricated. It was written by a Nazi historian meant to downplay the scope of such atrocities committed by the extreme right-wing almost 80 years ago! The truth of the matter is, over 6 GORILLION perished at the hands of Adolf Hitler, who modern Historians now believe was a closeted homosexual transgendered vegan autistic Yea Forums user and one gonad incel who executed an elaborate plan of becoming a world leader and exterminating an entire race of people over his art school rejection!

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Polio is only not a problem because there is a vaccine for it. There is no vaccine or cure for herpes so it's widespread in the first world. Can you even analogy?

>It isn't common for younng people to have herpes.

What century do you live in? Modern medical treatment for herpes is so commonplace, that it's not even considered a life altering disease anymore and more like a skin disorder. It has quite literally been bumped down a classification due to medical science.

>Modern medical treatment for herpes is so commonplace, that it's not even considered a life altering disease anymore
When was it ever, you dumb mongoloid? It's just an annoyance and not something any sane person would want.

Why are people defending spreading herpes again?

>DUDE lots of people have it! Ever have a cold sore? Just spread it dude!
>What do you mean "No?" You're on the wrong side of history!

Okay so there is an alpha male and alpha female...

HSV1 (herpes type 1) is actually common as fuck and harmless. Many people get it as kids. Most people ITT probably have it unknowingly.

HSV2 (herpes type 2) is the one to worry about and what most people mean when you say herpes.

>everything is too complicated to understand so don't bother durr
Medieval tier retard

Chimpanzees (our closest relatives) are male-dominated hierarchies. Bonobos aren't though.

Not him but most people eat tons of junk food and medications.

>giving a shit about wolves instead of apes
You literally have to pretend wolves are relevant entirely because of how directly ape society reflects the average chantard's folk-sociological understanding of human interactions.
Literally zero sociology or psychology work exists that refutes this framework, because it's accurate and you're stupid.

Nobody is saying you should get it, illiterate retard. It's just not that big of a problem unless you live in an actual second or third world with shit access to basic medicine.

Bonobos are matriarchal, and are famous for living in hypersexualized social groups, so you can imagine what it would be like if humans were more matriarchal than we've already become. Hyenas are also matriarchal, interestingly enough.

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Because wolf research coined the term.

ape society is equally diverse depending on species so what even is your point other than dying on some hill defending an antiquated definition for complex behaviors?

God you are so fucking stupid. Get educated man, learn to do actual research and then learn how to interpret the data. You fucking moron.

Yes, leftists are basically bonobo-minded, that's why they're pedophiles and cucks.

>Did you hear about what happened at Sandy Hook?
>Yeah, that was terrible
>*Enter Adam stage right*
>*Everyone groans*
>Well actually we have a lot of reasons to doubt the story that the press fed us

>if you ask your personal doctor to check for herpes, you'll either get laughed at or they won't even bother unless you have an outbreak?
Where the fuck do you even live you absolute nigger. Do you get treated by actual witch doctors? Where in the western hemisphere would a doctor laugh at you at the mention of herpes check up?

>doctor literally said to me that 80 percent of Americans have it and she shrugged it off.
Stop writing fanfiction instead of arguments, roastie.

>most Americans having dormant type 1 herpes is fanfiction
It's like you live in a different century than I do, Muhammad.

>leftists leftists leftists leftists leftists

Great apes do not vary much across the alpha v oppressed ape model save for the aforementioned bonobos.
Declaring things "too complex" and therefor beyond reduction to certain generalizable rules is basically medieval philosophy, I think it was the Gnostics who said shit like that. Unless you are some tradcath mental case, you should feel stupid for defaulting to that. If a model doesn't work, you modify or clarify it, you do not reject it.
Orangutans, gorillas, chimps all have societies where domineering males have more and easier sex than weaker ones.
It only makes you sad how quantifiable you are because you want to feel somehow different and outside of definition, or you feel that way about some other person you know. There is literally nothing "complex" about this to the point of making it invalid.

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Yes, they (you) are pedophiles, cucks, etc.

>everybody is an STD ridden degenerate like me
Roastie coping delusions.

most pedophiles are either Catholic or Republicans though?

Uh, okay poindexter. Don't get your suspenders in a bunch.

>pedo leftist shrieks in deflection

Move to Saudi Arabia if you hate liberals than?

>everyone has herpes
yeah, MOUTH herpes

GENITAL herpes is a different viral strain and far less common.

Since when was alpha status about desirability? Are you fucking stupid? Are you actually a fucking retard? Alpha and beta has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power and hierarchy.

Incidentally, the reason they got rid of the alpha male/ female shit for wolves is because they realised that the alpha pair were actually the mother and father of the rest of the pack, and that’s the standard for most wolf packs - they’re actually family units

>largest organized pedo ring was in the Catholic Church
>last three sex scandals in the GOP have involved either underage boys or gay prostitutes
kek, I'm not even sure why you pretend to have the moral high ground when you ignore pedophilia and attempt to elect Roy Moore.

big oof

It never was a big problem. The fact that you're likening it to polio is proof that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Cremes barely do anything btw. They just shorten the duration of symptoms slightly. You're still gonna get outbreaks every couple of months.

Bill Gates? FDR? Angela Merkel?

You sound personally upset about this.

They're really not.

You seem well acquainted with pedophilia, tranny skinwalker

Yes, and they’re anarchists
They’ve been observed driving jeeps into other lion prides

Who are they then? An exclusively liberal strawman probably? Or basically "anyone I dislike is a pedo"?

>you tranny
there it is, the zoomer calling card.


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daily reminder that species die off every single second of every single day and selective concern is unwarranted

>he spent 50 posts defending herpes and liberal pedophilia on a Yea Forums board
Slow day at the discord heh buddy

you people are fucking pathetic and I wish you understood how constantly you're mocked here.

>so fucking mad he clicked twice with his autistic trembling hands
Have sex but not with kids

You aren't fooling anyone, Roy.

>Catholic church infected by liberation theologians is a "conservative" group
Lol. Literally the entire program of the left is to normalize sex of all forms, and from the 40s onward a major part of that push was to include children, as it was in childhood they understood sexual shame to develop. This is where groups like NAMBLA, co-founded by beat generation leader Allen Ginsberg, originated.
This whole sexual liberation thing being why I say leftists are basically bonobo-minded. Ever been to a big left-wing protest where there are naked chicks, dudes running around, or at least crude sculptures/puppets of the like? Usually there are leftist parents bringing their children toward such to expose them, speak in neutral or positive terms.
All of this is basically holdovers of 60s ideology.

Did you recognize yourself in that post fren?

Where, discord?

>The Church having pedos in it is the result of an elaborate leftist conspiracy
You're an insane /x/ poster and you should go back there.

Why are you so mad about Discord that nobody even uses?

>you people
Oopse did tranny forgot he's not on discord anymore

What the fuck is this retard babbling about now? Click what twice?

awww man
nobody replied to my posts

Say Discord another ten times, I didn't hear you the first three.

Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

>dismiss rest of the post because it's irrefutably true
gg commie pedo, have fun at your next drag kids event

>hundred question marks
Calm down autismo you're doing it again. Do you have muscle spasms when you're mad?

>muh buzzwords, commie, pedo, liberal, leftist blah blah blah
You're just an honest to Christ schizoid who says goofy things. I'm ignoring it now, since I live in the real world. You are more than welcome to head back to /x/ or /pol/ if you want. That's probably more your IQ level anyway.

>it's irrefutably true
Probably because you personally believe it to be?

You will literally never have an iq high enough for /pol/, you middlebrow faggot

At least lurk before you write something this embarassing again, tranny.

You don't just defend generalization because a concept requiring unpacking to understand, like some knuckle-dragging retard. That's not an excuse to handwave complex things away. Complex things have sometimes complex answers and just repeating some pop sci "alpha/beta" terminology doesn't do the research justice.

Fucking brainlets, I swear.

The organization NAMBLA was indeed founded and supported by radical leftists for the purpose I described, and various Trotskyist chapters continue(d) to support them after they were booted from gay pride parades (this was literally as recent as 1994) so the fags could more easily appeal to blue collar Dems during the Clinton era. It was basically the sexuality/gender equivalent of the "Sista Soulja" event.

>You will literally never have an iq high enough for /pol/

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Nobody in this thread is even a tranny, /pol/zoomer.

Yeah this is one of those threads where you realize that some anons here are actually genuinely mentally ill people and it's not all shitposting. This guy is just rambling complete nonsense it doesn't even make coherent sense i don't know what he's even talking about.

uh huh. When will the dimensional merge happen to, so I can be with my OC?

You're saying "complex things" entirely for the purpose of hand-waving away concepts which do gel well with both ape and human psychology and sociology research. This is why the comparison to declaring something a "mystery of faith" to shut down the conversation is an apt comparison for your contributions here.
Literally 100% of psych and sociology is "generalization", even qualitative, case-study research is done for the purpose of fitting into generalizable models, you down syndrome middle school dropout

>You're saying "complex things" entirely for the purpose of hand-waving away concepts which do gel well with both ape and human psychology and sociology research.
No I'm not, learn to fucking read. The guy who even coined the fucking terms said it didn't work anymore. I'm not sure what more you need.

When you feel your father's love

He fucked it up, you fags, but it doesn't change the point. Niggers "appropriated" it from southerners, and progressive kids "appropriated" it from niggers. If groids and rednecks are both using the same slang, it's pretty obvious which one the Cali commie kids are impersonating.
You may well be that kind of fag yourself, since the first defense I get when I tell these people this is "i-it's not strictly black slang!" (but they're hesitant to admit it's southern because icky southern racists, it's always a fun conversation).

>Literally 100% of psych and sociology is "generalization"
No, it isn't. Wew.

>in wolves

Name an example where psych or sociology research is not done with the understanding that the findings be compared to some larger model or applied for some purpose beyond the self-contained study?


>retarded animals in the woods have more complex social structures than people have

Not sure what you're babbling about now but biopsych doesn't fit your earlier generalizations of how all psych fields work.

Quit while you're ahead, mate. You don't actually know what you're on about.

>aaaactually, that's not right. Despite making only 13% of the population

It's used to describe chimp behaviour, too. Flanged orangutans, Silverback gorillas also behave like "alphas", establish and enforce a sexual-social pecking order, it's just that with the Orangutan and Gorilla there seems to be more of a "winner-take-all" thing whereas the dominant chimp in a tribe will usually allow underlings to fuck some of the women. That's related to the fact that chimps form larger, more complex societies, engage in stuff like war.

Haha, hella epic friend!


The argument was that poaching is bad, but small numbers of permits to hunt some animals is better than doing nothing.
If the animals can be used to make money, they have incentive to prevent poachers doing it for free, they have money to protect the animals, and they can be encouraged to breed because they're a money maker.

>Accidentally drink out of my coworker's water bottle instead of my own the other day
>Notice a spot next to my lips this morning

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Can you read?