Hahaha it's weird how the internet tries to distort reality

Hahaha it's weird how the internet tries to distort reality.

I actually have seen the flick and it's a easy 9/10.

The music is great (superb) and there's a western quality to the movie that is really kick-ass and makes me this is a franchise worth investing in.

I just can't see how any fans of Star Wars couldn't love this.

Let me say this, go buy the tickets when it opens in theaters, then judge the movie then.

You can't read spoilers here on website and expect to be able to experience Disney's true vision.

It's releasing on December 20, 2019, be ready to pre-order yours tickets.

Attached: star-wars-lego-the-rise-of-skywalker-the-mandalorian.jpg (1080x600, 73K)

Fuck off

They couldn't have even finished editing yet, you wouldn't have seen a rough cut if you were jj, too early for this user.

How did you see it so early? Your father works at Collider?

Wow, you've changed my mind.

I was completely indifferent to the film, but now I feel compelled to give away my money.

I want to experience Disney's true vision!

And you should too!!

Pre-order yours tickets guys!!


>Buy the tickets dumb goy don't ask any questions.

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You are correct but this /tv. Shitposting is what we live for, regardless if we go see/saw the actual result

Just consume the product then get excited for the next product.

Go home Rian, you're drunk

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The Rise of Skywalker is phenomenal. It has heart. It was riveting. Nailbiting. It is everything a movie should me.
And if anyone thinks I'm a shill I assure everyone in this thread that no one at Warner Bros paid me to post this.

you've got to cut this out user, it's not the first time youve been told.

>makes me this is a franchise worth investing in.
it's the final film

Final Skywalker film

>Hahaha it's weird how the internet tries to distort reality
Nigger please. You masters stock prices is taking a nosedive thanks to another disastrous public relation/business decision blunder. So now your on here with your legs spread, looking to gain interests in another IP those emissaries of Satan ran into the ground. Get the fuck out of here, shill. You're an embarrassment

Finn and Rey end up together in the end? Do they share a kiss?

>star wars
>Warner bros

???? Wat

Thank you for this helpful information, fellow human creature. I shall take your words into consideration as my organic human brain desires such wonderful information to absorb and process.


>You can't read spoilers here on website
Cant make me consume product

Would you call it a tour de force?

I like how it destroys the old to move the franchise to the next level, but at the same time it's respectful with the old fans and the classic movies.



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Keep going user, you're almost there

How progressive is it?

Oy vey, simon. I told you to read the script properly before posting on this forum.

Fuck off, Disneynigger. You have no power here.

I too have seen a film that isn't even close to finishing its editing and can say that it's definitely going to be the number smash hit of the year. You'd be a fool not to want to see it!

>Looks like the Skywalkers were the friends we made along the way
Bravo Disney

I legit have a friend that works at skywalker sound, it's actually almost entirely done. Williams has done the music, it's expected to be finished by mid september.


>and now for a shitpost so that Yea Forums can jerk off about hating Star Wars

Ill stream it when a good copy is available thanks


Why would Warner brothers shill a Disney property?

Fuck off reyloser. Finn and Rey will be togather and you know it. You precious boy is gonna rot beheaded by Rey with Finn's help.

>this poster is advertising or begging

>Let me say this, go buy the tickets when it opens in theaters
fuck off you disney shill, can't wait to pirate this piece of shit movie

You think this troller is a shill? you are even more retarded than op

Of course I'm going to see it in the theaters. Do I expect it to be good? No. JJ Abrams made it, so it will probably end with all of the characters inside of a church hugging each other or some shit. But I've come this far, and I plan to see the dumb shit on the big screen.

Great bait user, well done

Attached: Nyet Bait.jpg (308x450, 25K)

Even if it is genuinely good, it'll still be hated and boycotted.

Why are there so many sincere replies in this thread

Am I being trolled

Rise of the Skywalker was absolutely wonderful and continues to delight audiences all over the world

>B-but star wars is pandering sjw garbage now

No it's actually just modernised to meet the needs of a modern audience. I'm very happy to share films of the 21st century with all genders and races, for too long people have been discriminated against and left out

>B-buh star wars is for numales and women now

Wrong. Star wars is fun for all the family, adults and children alike

>Y-you're just a Disney shill

No? I don't need to shill for a massive multinational company. In fact I appreciate their movies and am glad they make such great entertainment for everyone to love.

>R-Rian Johnson is a hack

You may not enjoy his movies but a lot of people do. Many normal people appreciate his approach to subvert the genre with the last jedi. Sure some scenes were a little overindulged but it was still great cinema


There you've outed yourself to prove you're not even a star wars fan. The real fans grew up with all the films and that's why we get so excited to watch them to this day. I feel sorry for men like you. Men who waste their days feigning outrage and acting like entitled brats. You'll never be star wars fan and we'll never give in to your hate. I look forward to the release of Rise of the Skywalker and welcome all future star wars films

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Haha, I told you all J.J would do it. Normies, hard-core SW fans, all cinema goers come with me this Christmas!

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my uncle is the mayor of skywalker sound, and he says your imaginary friend hates you

Dude... There are RLM bros on this site!!?!?

Fucking sweet!

This user has a point

No Finn dies

>Star Wars (or at least major mainline films) will actually die in my lifetime
Sad that it's come to this, but happy that it's going to be put out of its misery.

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>Why would Warner brothers shill a Disney property?
Now you're really down the rabbit hole.

Ironic shillposting is still shillposting