So much for the leftist tolerance

>So much for the leftist tolerance...

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"Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."

>but, mein Fuhrer, you are a leftist.

Attached: Krebs.png (383x365, 104K)

Fight the alt right today

define alt right

Anyone right of left.

Instead of this paradox of tolerance gymnastics why don't they get to the point and use a different concept.
There are shit ton of things we already don't tolerate i.e. crimes. The bigots aren't intolerant they disagree with your values and expand that list.
"Tolerance" isn't a real self contained thing just like "degeneracy" isn't a real self contained thing.

This is really not that dissimilar of a concept to "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance." To protect freedom you've sometimes gotta inhibit the freedom of others.


I am confused by why western politicians are all about tolerance, you tolerate bad things. Nobody tolerates, say, an ice cream cone, because it's good in the first place, you want the ice cream cone. You tolerate something when you don't like it. Are they in favour of things that are not good?

Stop making sense. Language and power doesn’t work that way,

National SOCIALIST Worker's Party


National Sneed

This is a perfect argument why Jews shouldn't be tolerated in gentile society. You sound just like Hitler, bro.

Love leftist mental gymnastics. Even a worldview that promotes total equality is forced to adhere to hierarchy. Because hierarchy is natural, while equality isn't.

the question is if you tolerate someone that doesn't buy into an open society, but wants to deport, ban, and uproot foreign people. it's a grey issue

That is how tolerance works. You realise that exterminating anyone you don't like is more trouble than it's worth, for the same reason you don't shoot the homeless guy playing his instrument really badly

>leftie murder sprees: Stalin, Mao, Hitler
>right wing leader murder sprees:
can anyone hold a candle to those three? All dictators were lefties because dictators only existed in socialist tier countries

Wrong. You could wish for that to be the case, but they abandon their identity's interest in favor of the xenos

So are these foreign people not very desirable to have around? After all, we have to tolerate them... which implies they are a negative.

These ideals can't even exist in the real world without violating everything they stand for.

open society? since when and who decided US was an open society? the country was literally built on white supremacism/nationalism and that's what made it the greatest nation in the world.

>an open society
Is this a society where you can be thrown into prison for decades for making a joke? Because it seems like the people who support "open society" also praise the Soviet Union and support the implementation of Communism.

>the country was literally built on white supremacism/nationalism and that's what made it the greatest nation in the world
I agree with this notion, but the very presence of the blacks who were brought in for cheap labor shows that the seed for the fall of the Republic was already planted from the beginning


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Communism, Socialism, all these shit things are different sides of the same piece of shit.

What is your point, moron?

Lincoln should have just built a wall instead of going to war desu.

Even more of a paradox is that tolerance inevitably brings about conditions that breed more intolerance. If you tolerate people or things that antagonise others you will breed intolerance within them that will go on to spread that intolerance.

>The only thing I tolerate is waiting
for my nazi scalps every single day

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Any dominant order of power must fight against ideas that are incompatible with its maintence. The paradox of tolerance is a game of words. Liberal Democracy provides a ilusory sense of tolerance. It tolerates what comes from itself. Thats really it. This is why conservatism is a false reaction against progressivism. The fact that liberal democracy accepts it shows that it doesn't provide danger to the liberal elites. If you take a close look at the history of liberal democracy you will see that conservatism is a tool of the liberal elite. They were never able to conserve anything, just delay change. Their pourpose is to offer an enemy to progressives. To unite them against a common enemy, the current "order".

This is so true and well said. Nicely done.