Sinking of the Bismarck - Kino Possibility?

>2000 German Soldiers perished after the Bismarck, unable to continue operating after rudder controll loss, was scuttled
>after many claims the British took it out with one torpedo strike, underwater wreckage revealed evidence of scuttling
>british guns on a flat trajectory barely penetrated the massive and thick beltline of the Bismarck
>the true cause of it becoming a cold steel tomb for its sailors was ultimately coordinated suicide
>British ships sounded a Uboat attack alarm and fled the area
>no uboat had actually been in the area
>barely a twentieth of the Bismarck's sailors were rescued.

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Why did the Royal Navy suck so much in Kino War 2?

They were the actual baddies.

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Redpill me on Mers El-Kebir, Yea Forums.

Justified? Or did the Eternal Anglo just could not resist kicking the valiant, yet vanquished French?

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Of course it was justified but at the same time fuck the Brits

yes OP we've all seen the Sabaton MV

Daily reminder that Bismarck sank because """""neutral""""" (((Sweden))) tipped off the Royal Navy when they spotted the fleet leaving the Baltic Sea.

>no, we signed an armistice prohibiting us from doing so, if we do Germany would invade again and kill us all. Don't worry, if the Germans try to get the ships we'll scuttle them.
Of course it wasn't justified, especially in retrospect after the rest of the French fleet was indeed scuttled the very moment the Germans tried to get their hands on it.

They sunk it to= spite the RN and deny it victory, if you really think the Bismarck was going to survive indefinitely against Rodney and KGV, while cruisers were closing to torpedo range, and all it's weapon systems are fucked, and it can only turn in one direction you're delusional

>scuttle a boat you can't evacuate
Another win for the master race

Attached: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen.webm (630x352, 2.15M)

Attached: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen2.webm (572x320, 2.98M)

Did the Bismarck really have that giant ugly swastika on its aft deck?

Attached: Tirpitz launch.webm (640x480, 2.16M)

sink the bismarck! is a pretty good film

Switzerland and Sweden the "neutral" countries were the true baddies of WW2

Attached: Sinking the Tirpitz.webm (640x480, 2.14M)

The British always jerk off about managing to sink this lone, mediocre battleship.

yes, to help aircraft with identification.
Italian ships looked better with the red stripes

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It was pound for pound one of the best in the world when it was launched, and naval aviation was still playing second fiddle to battleships, so yeah it was a pretty big deal at the time

Wignat revisionism is really something to behold. The audacity of what they come out with.

I actually have an answer to this... its because they designed all their pre-war ships to fall in line with the Washington Naval Treaty while Italy and Germany tore that shit up and made the biggest battleships they could. England had decent battlships but at the cost of speed.

However the short comings of the british surface fleet was made up for their large carrier groups which operated in close coordination with the navy and combined made the British navy probably the 3rd most powerful navy in the world

Let's look at the Bismarck vs comparable IJN/RN/USN ships

Inferior to all others

Worse than IJN/USN, equal/worse with RN

About 2kn faster at 30kn

Good, maybe slightly superior

It wasn't a bad ship, but it wasn't better than any other BB class produced in the late 30s. As said before, a single mediocre battleship.

Completely justified, fuck the French.

Only if Sabaton does the soundtrack

>Italy and Germany tore that shit up and made the biggest battleships they could
Yes, the 41K ton Bismarck absolutely DWARFING those 42K ton KGVs

give it a rest

Why do germans suck so much in naval warfare?

Fellow hearts of iron iv player?

Too late to the game, they did pretty well at Jutland and had a pretty good go at submarine warfare, and that's all to be expected of them

Used to be.

Late next year we get the Ernest Evans biopic currently using the working title "Come Hell or High Water" but likely to change prior to release. This means we finally will see a hollywood depiction of the action off Samar. I am jazzed up about this. What I am NOT jazzed up about is the fucking Midway movie. We do not need another re-hash of Pearl Harbor and Midway. I guarantee you they won't even mention Sunda Strait, which is a travesty given that millions of Americans with a casual interest in WWII will tell you the Navy wasn't in any surface engagements until it arrived in Ironbottom Sound. We had an opportunity to make a 21st century "The Longest Day" covering Leyte from when Kurita's Center Force got Shrekt by Darter and Dace to Ozawa's decoys being mopped up by TF38 by means of both aircraft and main batteries and the submarine Jallao giving the final F.U. just before midnight on the 26th, when she sank a light cruiser. That is the movie we deserve.

Attached: Cmdr E. Evans.jpg (191x256, 12K)

>Trusting the French when half their country willfully collaborated with the invaders.
No thanks.

The Brits gave them 3 options, scuttle it now, sail into neutral ports or to Britain, or get fucking stomped. The French chose poorly

Because the germans sunk the HMS Hood, their flagship
it got them so butthurt they scrambled every plane and boat they could to hunt down the bismarck

Hood wasn't the flagship, it was the "symbol of the Royal Navy" because it traveled all around the world in the inter-war, it was an outdated piece of shit in the middle of a modernization when the war started

come now, stiff upper lip

>france gets invaded
>britain twiddling its thumbs safe on their island
>Petain works out a peace deal that avoids France getting completely fucked over in the event of German victory
>anglos butthurt that France didn't burn itself to the ground fighting Germany while Britain refused to lift a finger to help

>french surrender in less than 2 months
>quickly set up a collaborationist government

>Britain sends almost their entire army to Europe and fight in Belgium and France
>Twiddling their thumbs

>france gets overrun because britain stabbed france in the back
>france surrenders because germans are already spreading across the country
>reeeee why did the french surrender
Maybe if brits weren't cowards and had stood and fought alongside the french, you wouldn't have had that problem.

They were pretty good at submarine warfare, and given how important subs were in both theaters I wouldn't say they sucked all that bad.
I mean, look at the performance of the Italians, or the piss poor efforts by the Dutch against the Japanese.

>France can't look after the Ardennes

absolutely justified french are fucking cunts

>france gets overrun because britain stabbed france in the back
Ah yes, the Brits were responsible for France's military spending in the inter war years