Which director should do a very realistic film about the events of the 1938 Nuremberg Rally?

Which director should do a very realistic film about the events of the 1938 Nuremberg Rally?

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Well all that Lebensraum had to be filled with people somehow

900 german girls aged 15-18 as the girls
me as every guy

>you will never be part of a aryan reich orgy

imagine the smell

Wonder how their parents reacted to that, your daughters go off to some patriotic rally and it turns out they were just getting plowed by middle-aged politicians

Mike Stoklasa

>girls aged 15-18
prime breeding age no matter how much femnazis try to ignore reality

Mel Gibson

Actually they were being matched with Hitler Youth

A reminder that NatSoc Germany actually encouraged illegitimate pregnancy in teenagers because it meant more Krauts. It's idiotic that both people on the left and right think the Nazis were strict traditionalists. They did shit that would sit pretty rightly with the modern world, 2bh

Whoever this director is to be, he shouldn't have connections with (((Hollywood))) if you want a fair film.
Then again, if one doesn't have connections with Hollywood, then chances are his movie won't be much known.

Nazi youth programs were causing a lot of upheavals at home because they'd make girls do fucked up shit like this then teach them their parents are dumb moralfags christcucks for reacting badly to the news that their teen daughters are knocked up with bastard child, some of them of married Nazi officers three times their age.

>It's idiotic that both people on the left and right think the Nazis were strict traditionalists

They were trying to rebuilt the traditional family unit with this since so much degeneracy happened post WW1

and yet somehow those illegitimate huns still ended up being better additions to the community than the same scenario applied anywhere else

>Wonder how their parents reacted to that
Well they've just been through Weimar, anything is an upgrade from being force to prostitute your daughter by the Jews.

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

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They were trying to rebuild the traditional family unit by having elderly married men knock up unmarried teenage girls? Interesting strategy.


The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

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This. The guys who knocked them up were their boyfriends.

Absolutely disgusting! These German girls should have been used in interracial kike porn or married a black man and had little baby orc mutt monsters

men fucking women was the norm everywhere other than the 21st century clown world

Only Raimi could do it justice

Delet your post now goyim!

>anything is an upgrade from being force to prostitute your daughter by the Jews.
>being forced to let your daughter get railed by old men for free
>being poor, with a chance that your daughter might turn to prostitution out of desperation
At least in the Weimar scenario you're not being literally forced into it and it's not a certainty that it's going to happen

How the fuck is shitting out babies with no father and mother who expects to just hand it over to an orphanage and go on with her life like nothing happened supposed to rebuild the "traditional family?" Nazi higher-ups saw an opening to help themselves to fresh young pussy with no consequence, and they went for it. The supposed justifications came after the fact.

>nazi officer
What’s that? Or do you mean military officers?

>by having elderly married men knock up unmarried teenage girls?

Thats not the actual narrative but even if it was the case who else should? Theres always a men shortage after a war


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>The supposed justifications came after the fact.
Basically sums up a decent chunk of Nazi ideology tbqh

You know it

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>elderly men
[citation needed]

>How the fuck is shitting out babies with no father and mother who expects to just hand it over to an orphanage and go on with her life like nothing happened supposed to rebuild the "traditional family?

I dont know where you get this shit from these events were literally mixers for both young men and women

He probably means Nazi Party officials

A German orphanage in the 1930s would produce a young adult more intelligence than any produced by the current schools or universities in the first world

Nice fanfic.

I don't know where you are getting this "old man" thing. 90% of nazis were borderline supermodels compared to the goblin bloodlines we have today

I think it’s just some creepy Jew spouting his porn ideas.

It was real in his mind.

Without a new generation a nation will die, the objectivism of (((Ayn Rand))) has poisoned America and will poison the world.

Both are being forced, difference is one; you do it for the future of your country (even tho it's just an illusion) or two; you do it so the jews will pay you worthless paper that'll devalue the very next day.

>90% of nazis were borderline supermodels

Attached: himmler.jpg (590x845, 79K)

do you have any sources for this "elderly male" claim?

>no source for OP's image
/film and television/

The Aryan ones, Himmler is from central asia

>Old Nazis knocking up young girls is bad
>Old Jews and "refugees" knocking up young girls is good

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>nazi charity for the poor.
>Pregnant white women.

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>raise your beatiful daughter in a functioning home for 15 years
>teach her how to be a proper housewife
>being sure that she will marry an intelligent and succesful man, who will confidently raise your grandkids
>some dweeb looking guy with a funny mustache wins the national elections based on revanschism and autistic utopianism
>daughter is peer pressured by her friends to go into some party rally
>think nothing of it, just teens being teens
>she comes back pregnant
>the father is some boot licker kid, who ends up dying in an eastern european swamp a few years later
>she gets forcibly married to some dusty local government official
>who then few years later eats a cyanide pill and shoots himself
>the soviets rape your daughter
>she gets pregnant again by some central asian mongoloid
>comes back home, soul completely gone from her eyes
>by this time you're completely jaded and have renounced God
>you raise her 2 bastard kids who turn out to become boring factory drones
>their malformed kids become gay and childless
>this is your legacy


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>old men
It was Hitlerjugend that porked them to create more German babbys for the future army and lebensraum


How is encouragement of illegitimate pregnancy reconstructing the traditional family unit? Also, Weimar Germany wasn't THAT fucking destructive, certainly in city centers it got bad, and all the political violence on the streets wasn't great (which the Nazis took a major part in), but it's treated like it was morally ripping Germany to pieces. It's worth keeping in mind that Luther & Schacht stabilized the Mark by the mid-20's.

I can at least sympathize with the Italians to a degree in regards to Mussolini, Italy was in such poor shape before him that they couldn't win a war against Ethiopia.

its ok since all the former allied forces nations are collapsing under their bullshit literally proving their old enemy right

karma is a bitch

thats the legal age for many (most?) countries in europe

Ok, so if they could gas 12million jews in 3-4 years, surely Hitler could fuck 900 girls in one week?

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>A 15 year old can not get pregnant
that's wrong though

>As in the HJ, separate sections of the BDM existed, according to the age of participants. Girls between the ages of 10 and 14 years old were members of the Young Girl's League (Jungmädelbund, JM), and girls between the ages of 14 and 18 were members of the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM) proper.[7] In 1938, a third section was added, known as Faith and Beauty (Glaube und Schönheit), which was voluntary and open to girls between 17 and 21 and was intended to groom them for marriage, domestic life, and future career goals. Ideally, girls were to be married and have children once they were of age, but importance was also placed on job training and education.

Literally Home Economics, I can't fund anything about whatever OPs image is saying

>How is encouragement of illegitimate pregnancy reconstructing the traditional family unit?

why are we still pretending that they did that? you are working yourself up over nothing

Stop making shit up you sorry shekel grubber

>see all this happening
>try and succeed in stopping it
>get the same fate for yourself anyway
wtf is this writing??

How fucking terrifying must it have been living in Germany in '44-'45, knowing exactly what's coming and knowing there's nothing you can do to stop it and really nowhere to run? Like the best case scenario has you spending time in an American POW camp while your family trades sexual favors for basic household goods. Worst case you're stuck in East Germany and your whole family is getting raped/murdered.

Shut up and let me write your history for you

feels like modern germany to be honest just alot more passive aggressive

>but it's treated like it was morally ripping Germany to pieces
A lot of the people who post here are literally nazis, you shouldn't be surprised they treat nazi propaganda like it's the word of god.

>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg during the Weimar period. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[2] "Hirschfeld's radical ideas changed the way Germans thought about sexuality."[3] Hirschfeld was targeted by the right-wing for being Jewish and gay, he was beaten up by völkisch activists in 1920,[4] and in 1933 his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was sacked and had its books burned by the Nazis, forcing him into exile.

>The Institute housed Hirschfeld's immense archives and library on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations; the clinical staff included psychiatrists Felix Abraham and Arthur Kronfeld, gynecologist Ludwig Levy-Lenz, dermatologist and endocrinologist Bernhard Schapiro, and dermatologist Friedrich Wertheim.[47] The Institute also housed the Museum of Sex, an educational resource for the public, which is reported to have been visited by school classes. Hirschfeld himself lived at the Institution on the second floor with his lover, Karl Giese, together with his sister Recha Tobias.[48] Giese and Hirschfeld were a well known couple in the gay scene in Berlin, and as the latter liked to cross-dress, Hirschfeld was popularly known as "Tante Magnesia".[49]


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>Worst case you're stuck in East Germany and your whole family is getting raped/murdered.
Western Allies (especially the French) raped as much as the Soviets

It's not like modern germany at all, I get that you're trying to make a comparison with refugees but hundreds of thousands of dirt-poor people more likely to commit crimes than the native population isn't the same as tens of millions of well-armed, well-organized men who are literally all hell-bent on raping/killing everyone they can.

He's.. normal looking? Maybe you just have a thing for niggers.

That makes it kind of cute desu

user... The Ethiopia campaign was under Benito...

The Nazi party had plenty of gays among its senior figures until the mid-1930s as well though.
Head of what became the SS ran parts of it like his own little harem of muscular blonde men. IIRC it was Goebels and others who needed to convince Hitler to take a more traditional line on homosexuality, for the benefit of the party

This. Modern Italy has always been incompetent in warfare, Mussolini didn't really improve things there. It's like karma for how dominant the Romans were.

The first one that they lost, dingus. He said "before"

>unironically defending this degeneracy
Wow, /pol/ hit a new low

>doesn’t know what a traditionalist is

>Bund Deutscher Matratzen

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>The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.[7][8][9][10] According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.[11] At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports,[9] with an estimated 10,000 women dying in the aftermath.[12] Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000.[1][13]

>Which director should do a very realistic film about the occupation by the Allies and Soviets?


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> Also, Weimar Germany wasn't THAT fucking destructive,
Ah yes, 1920s Weimar Berlin with its 200 gangs of boys (Wild-Boys) who went around ferally raping anyone they could find and 200,000 child prostitutes (half of whom were boys), totally not destructive guys! (((Cunny)) is traditionalism after all!

based assi toni

The gay nazi sa leadership was propaganda used to smear nazi officials murdered by hitler in the night of the long knives in order to justify his takeover of the party

>Göring was fat

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>900 girls get pregnant at a rally
>Sex is bad m'kay

I guarantee more than 900 teens get pregnant during High school, and it isnt over some government mind games. More like "I'll always love you Tisha, and this gig at McDonald's is really taking off"

t. Hermann

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Was 18 considered prime age breeding stock back then or over the hill?

based historyposter
>mfw people still think Burgess invented A Clockwork Orange out of thin air

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They're shitty caricatures, thats all political cartoons are

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everything was red army breeding stock

>can't get a girl
>let the government do it for you
No wonder incels romanticize nazi Germany so much

I can cherrypick too.

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He was a Chad during World War One but let himself terribly go. That Morphine addiction wasnt really helping either.

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>in WWI
based retard


what a bunch of nonces thank god they got killed and now they're just a joke.

>this is considered a chad

They were never trying to "build traditional family", they were trying to grow mass of soldiers for the blutmühle

anyone who was a air force ace in WW1 is automatically chad

>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"

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To the people bitching about this thread, would you rather have this or more manchild crying about Sony/MCU capeshit?

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"Here is your first German girl. Aisha, this way."

>look who has finally out of his cave come!

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Basically this

And he had 22 aerial victories

Göring was Reichsjagdminister and created a strict set of rules regarding hunting to ensure it was relatively humane to the animals. The current German hunting laws are still pretty much the same as back then, just under a different name, of course.
In general, the were quite fond of animals and did a lot to protect them.

>2 million victims
>up to 60- 70 times
How do you recover from this? What happened to those women, did they all kill themselves?

Literally not an argument. They deserved it for attacking Soviet people.

>Those kids died in the war or grew up to live under a communist/western satellite state

Those krazy krauts didn’t think this one through!

"Soviet" is not a people

Himmler was a jew puppet though. Obviously an untermensch.

It's almost like the whole thing was the work of a short-sighted egomaniac

>soviets dindu nuffin
This is your brain on /leftypol/ and HRT

No, it just proves they are Germanic little rape babies rather than Romans.


Mannerheim and Hitler discussed the war's progress in a recorded tape, during which he expressed surprise at how much war materiel the Soviets were able to aquire. Essentially the Lend-Lease helped save Stalin's regime.

>You will never live in the timeline where Germany won WWII/WWII never even happened.

Movies for this feel?

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Don't forget the muslim rape babies

>create a bunch of single mothers
>we saved traditional families guys

Sounds like a scam desu

Abortions and suicides skyrocketed, but a lot of them just got on with their lives and raised the rapebabies. It's kind of weird to think about, how many people living in eastern Germany today have a Soviet grandfather? Like France had such a huge issue with this (French kids having fathers from the US/UK/Canada/Germany/Italy) that they flat-out banned paternity tests nationwide.

still no proof itt

>this is the fastest moving thread on Yea Forums right now


>Italy was in such poor shape before him that they couldn't win a war against Ethiopia.
Reminder that the USA couldn't win a war against Afghanistan in the 2000s lmao

Who said were single?

The best timeline is the one where World War I never happens.

Reminder that if you are over the age of 25 and do not have a White wife and at least 2 White children you have failed as a White male.

The US won the actual war pretty easily, the Afghan army and government collapsed in a matter of weeks. The problem was the occupation, same as in Iraq.

What did Germany mean by this?

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Show one of these couples that actually got married

>Weimar Germany lasts through the depression after it reorganises and rids itself of poor leadership, curbing its worst excesses
>Germany becomes a world leader in enlightenment and progressiveness, bringing a new age of peace in Europe

Would have been beautiful

isnt that unironically the reason for anyone ever to get into power though?

well shit, I turn 27 soon and broke up with my white ex gf

Literally nothing wrong with getting pregnant.
In fact we could use some more of that.

With which White Women mein Führer?

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>the Soviet Union, with more time to prepare steamrollers through Europe, easily crushing a disarmed Germany along the way

He's conflating the encouragement of the SS to take mistresses with the youth camp mixers

>Bringing a white child into a world without National Socialism.

Would not want them to suffer so.

Nonsense. They simply underestimated the Soviets, lend-lease has nothing to do with it.

Italy was cock blocking Germany and Austria unifying at the time

>ywn be in the Hitlerjugend
>ywn learn true friendship and camaraderie as you go through training with your mates
>ywn be paired up with a blonde qt from the League of German girls and told it’s your duty to get her pregnant
>ywn defend the fatherland until your last breath

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Considering German pre-war intelligence service underestimated Soviet tank strength alone by several dozen thousand I'm sure it was quite a shock

You claimed theyre single. The burden of proof is on your side, faggot.

Seems likely that it was a bit of both. Underestimating the Soviets to begin with and then they start getting a shitload of trucks, planes, ammo, food, etc. . on top of that.

Berlin has been a cesspit of faggots and pedo's since good old Freddy the poofter was king of Prussia

So it wasn't Hitler's fault but the Abwehrs.

Lend lease quite literally won the war for the allies

Probably not many. We have their DNA. They are similar to Slavs, but that's mostly because of the fact that East "Germans" are just Germanized Western Slavs conquered by Germans in the Middle Ages.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a German daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a Fräulein for at least 15-18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another elderly nationalist socialist. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories of the Weimar Republic at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the Hitler youths that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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More like
>ywn scream in pain as you slowly bleed from shrapnel/gunshot wounds, surrounded by all of your already dead friends
>ywn have a limb amputated and be sent home to see society breaking down as basic things like food, rubber, and gasoline become scarce
>ywn see your wife getting raped before you're taken out back and shot
I will never understand why /pol/ types seem to unironically want to have been Germans during the Third Reich.

No. The Soviets alone would be enough to crush Germany.

But how do you recover from that? You hear from women that rape is worse than death. Any femanons here to explain this to me? Did they all go mad, fall into depresion and killed themselves after the war?

Sounds pretty degenerate to me.

also the heroin capital of the world according david bowie
i've never been to the hauptstadt but i imagine it is full of unwashed hipsters that get up before noon once a month to vomit on a canvas to get a grant for being such inspirational artists

>woman in the 1930's NINETEEN THIRTIE got pregnant around 16 or 18 years old


Abwehr's and the SD's, neither of them did a very good job at this whole military intelligence thing, the Abwehr because they were actively sabotaging the war effort and the SD because they were fucking inept

Meme estimates. Here are other estimates:

>Other sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result.[98][99][100][106]
I think they are even from the same book claiming that 2 million German women were raped.

The soviet military build up was literally not possible without lend lease

The logistical advantage that it gave them alone was enough to greatly tip the scales in their favour

>The memoir describes a woman journalist's personal experiences during the occupation of Berlin by the Soviets at the end of World War II. She describes being gang-raped by Russian soldiers and deciding to seek protection by forming a relationship with a Soviet officer; other women made similar decisions. The author described it as "sleeping for food."[1] Conditions in the city were cruel, as women had no other protection against assaults by soldiers.[3] Janet Halley noted Hillers' work challenged thinking about rape, as she sometimes suggested it was not the worst thing in the context of the war's destruction of her entire world.[3]

A lot of the women just learned to deal with it. For some of them it was just practical, if your options are get gang-raped to death, starve to death, or fuck one Soviet officer, you're picking option 3 all day.

>really nowhere to run?
Ever heard of South America?

Except they had a much bigger army than the Germans even before the Germanss invaded.

>biggest country on earth with the biggest resource and oil reserves at that time and thrice the population is able to defeat goymoney.
japs were busy fapping to hentai and shooting woman and children in nanjing instead of attacking the main advisery


It’s like the exact parallel of broke redditors that unironically want full socialism in the west
They imagine they’ll be a higher up with power and not some worker-bee waiting in line for toilet paper and gets shot for wrong think

all half black of course

Because the current state of the west is even worse than that. Atleast the nazis tried to prevent the ethnic suicide whites are currently commiting. Whats the point of life when there's nothing worth dying for?

How do you plan on going from Germany to South America when you're a regular guy in the middle of WWII? Are you going to walk west and ask the Americans politely to let you through the lines?

Don't think the ratlines were an option for the average German family user

hop on a refugee-raft of the coast of libya and get rescued to argentina

Go south.

gtfo dumb retard

Suicides or death from internal bleeding and infections. Most carried on living. There horrific pictures of the dead raped women in some WW2 history books (and online).
The issue is mostly avoided in most books because Soviet Russia was such a power house in the 50's and 60's.

>more /pol/ shit

It did not and you are full of shit.
Most complaints came from urban communists who were treated better in Germany after the outlawing of their ideology than in France, where they were beaten in the streets by police and right wing paramilitary alike.
The rise of NAZIsm was never a consolidated terror as portrayed by (((Hollywood))), NAZIs knew they tread broken ground with the public, and it wasn't until the successful invasion of France that the people let them do anything remotely totalitarian.
I of course am not saying a National Liberal like myself would agree with any of it, its just portrayed incorrectly for (((propaganda))).

The Allies had already taken control of Italy and the Mediterranean by the end of 1943, you're not going to have much luck going south.

>nazis tried to prevent the ethnic suicide whites are currently commiting.
Right....that's why they killed more whites than any other group in history

>inb4 jews aren't white
Not talking about them.

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You will never be encouraged to have a pure wife and breed children with her for the benefit of your homeland.

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There's only 2 options and that's risk the Baltic and Russian submarines or try to get to Switzerland, both of these options also include the risk of being shot and hung as a defeatist

>tfw you were born in the wrong era
>tfw you'll never be able to go back to when a man could afford a 2 storey house and support a wife and 2 children on a shoe salesman salary

>source: wikipedia

>Because the current state of the west is even worse than that.
Lol. Would you rather live in Berlin in 1945 or Berlin in 2019?