How did he get so much hot pussy? Surely this is not possible for a balding manlet

How did he get so much hot pussy? Surely this is not possible for a balding manlet

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He had charisma

Most of the bitches he fucked were 6/10 Jewesses. Once they're past 35 and unmarried they're willing to settle.

>posting the wrong image

He was leader of the aryan union, chicks dig leadership

Jewish writer fantasies.

Because he did the opposite of what his instincts told him to do.

he lied

he was a marine biologist. Also an architect.

He also worked at Vandalay Industries, a very reputable company as we all know.

Because it’s a fictional tv show you delusional tranny

What show did you watch?

Larry David has an insanely bloated self image

Isn't George a self-insert of Larry David

Let me tell you something about George. He is fast. He can run like the wind. And he's strong. I've seen him lift a hundred pounds over his
head without even knowing it. And you wouldn't know it to look at him, but George can bait a hook.

which episode is this from?

The fix up, the one with the skinny jewess that jerry and elaine set him up with.

Pre internet, he was funny, he tried.

>is there a pinkish hue?

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He'd much rather circle around multiple blocks looking for a free park than pay for it

>what about pers-
>great personality

He charisma and courage to start conversation with women.