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>that gooch split scene


They were Indians.
Just degenerated cave-dwelling Indians.

This movie sort of felt like a tabletop RPG plot. Complete with Orcs.

i honestly enjoyed brawl in cell block 99 more than this. bone tomahawk was great but i felt like i was more consistently engaged with BiCB99. still haven't seen dragged across concrete but i'm really excited to.

This guy films are too violence. If you like it think what it say about you

Unironically my 2nd fav cowboy movie after The good the bad & the ugly

They were indians you absolute retard. There where certain tribes that painted themselves with war paint to scare their enemies.

Shut the fuck up you colossally retarded faggot

Eat shit your mother fuck

You sound like an Indian m8. Literal subhuman garbage. Stick to watching your Bollywood flicks which are tailored to your 80 IQ

Eat mother you shit fuck.

>main characters can take a whooping or two
>cave trolls die instantly to one gunshot

>Male troglodytes incapacitate the women so they can experience the joy of raising children by themselves.
Pretty wholesome.

Why why why why you say mother fuck, why you say?

If you really think this movie was trying to be PC then you might have brain damage

They were openly racist/hostile to blacks and indians, but were still portrayed as a group of men heroically going to save a damsel in distress. And they were still indians, just degenerated, and their solution was to wipe them all out so they wouldn't bother anyone anymore. That doesn't sound like PC culture to me. I was surprised they didn't mercy kill the women though.

The main characters get fucked up what are you talking about? Also of course a fucking gun is going to have a higher chance of killing someone than a bow. Did you even think about your post?

So hood niggas are trogolytes?

S. Craig Zahler is unironically /ourguy/

Poo in loo

brawl was one of the worst films i've seen in months, fucking stupid plot, vaugh can't act to save his life, practical effects looked atrocious. maybe one can get some enjoyment out of it pretending it's a parody(i know it's considered exploitation by some) but on it's own that shit was unwatchable.

Give an example of a main character taking a “whopping” and not getting very fucked up by it or dying

>brooder's low kill count before dying
totally disappointing

I very highly doubt it’s the most effective method of butchering someone.

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 25 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1275x637, 107K)

then you're a putz because that is how it is done. see deer or pig.

Yes, the instant death guaranteed from the weapons of primitives.
We aren't talking about 15th century longbows here, the cave prairie niggers are neolithic level.

it was just a better version of the burrowers

I liked the atmosphere.

Watched this with my mom thinking it was just a western movie.

Most awkward mood ruining twist ever

Fuck this movie


I'v only watched the hatefull eight and the revenant, post similar movies

The what?

it was a cool movie but I didn't really get the message it had, if it even had one. savages are bad? that's all I got.

That movie reminded me of this.

Attached: B8FED175-105A-4146-B43D-C2FB928299C5.jpg (960x1440, 377K)

Bone Tomahawk was the best film to come out that year. Disliking because of whatever mundane reason is just being a cunt.