What is your go-to movie for a sleepover?
What is your go-to movie for a sleepover?
>wh*te "people"
What a cuck
So this is white culture, huh?
We’re reaching levels of cuck that shouldn’t be possible
Caring for your loved ones is very white
Being a cuck is too, apparently.
no grown as man has a sleep over fucking zoomer
Cucks are not people.
No, its a jewish-american thing. There isnt even a word for cuckolding in my language.
Oh right, I forgot about how browned America is. There aren't any whites left at all.
Those are women.
damn those women are ugly. i feel bad for him
As much of a cuck as that dude is, fucking babybel for a platter? It's like they're trying so hard to be cultured but failing miserably
>letting a dog inside
Sounds about white.
Why would he keep feeding them?
Maybe he's friends with The Architect.
You people are all morons.
that's the fucking stupidest way of saying "my mom and her friend got shitfaced and now my dad has to deal with the fallout" I've ever seen
This. Fucking cuck.
I think you underestimate how retarded we really are.
fucking hell i though she was a man at first
go back
the word for cuckolding in hebrew is kike
That's cute and there is literally nothing wrong with this. You'll understand once you grow up and find someone special.
>le (You) faggotry
I dont need your upvotes reddit scum
This pretty much jesus christ, this board is so obsessed with cuck culture that it's the first assumption everyone jumps at. The two of them just got drunk and thought it would be funny for them to have a sleepover and now the husband has to take care of their drunk asses. You can even see in the guy's face he's thinking "jesus christ these dumb bitches making me stay up all night"
So that's what they told the daughter to cover up their threesome?
>Being this mad
Wow king
Never date a girl who doesn't have friends Yea Forums.
notice how the dog "disappears" on the second photo
white people are freaks
>still living with your parents at that age
>two women just having a sleepover
What's cuck about that?
I don't have a go-to movie we usually spend at least 25 minutes browsing netflix
White people age like milk, they're probably only 35.
tfw no friends for 10 years
Oh shut the fuck up.
Niggers shit out babies they can't afford then expect whute people to pay for them
Can someone explain what it is that I'm supposed to be seeing as cuck stuff here? Grown women having a sleepover is a bit childish but why "cuck" for that? Or are you so insecure that you think a man preparing snacks for his wife makes him a pussy?
And white people DO pay for them!
>Having wholesome fun and supporting your wife is bad for some reason
Unless they literally start fingering one another or scissoring, what the actual fuck is wrong with this
That's David Cross, you dum dums. This is from a comedy sketch.
Because Yea Forums is easily triggered and didn't even think the "friend" is another woman.
>fat slag mother goes out with other fat slag
>fat slags come home and get in bed
>cuck dad makes them a platter.
You're still on the autistic incel side of the argument. There is literally nothing wrong here.
>brainlets itt think he's a cuck
this boomer is about to have a threesome with his slampig and her brown female friend
THIS. Honestly the younger generation are a bunch of faggot beta pussies
Where do you tnink you are?
reddit nigger
I was expecting friend to be male. Americans didn't go full degenerate for once
If only your own house magically appeared when you reach a certain age.
I have sleepovers all the time with men I met on gay hookup apps
She's literally cockblocking her dad from rawdogging two fat sluts in the family bed.
>reddit nigger
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