Quick, recommend me a good documentary to watch tonight

Quick, recommend me a good documentary to watch tonight

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Tower (2016)

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Enron Smartest Guys in the Room

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Unironically the scariest doco I've seen and should be seen if you're a fan of The Exorcist

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OJ Made in America

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Pic related

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Best I've seen in a while. Can't believe its all true.

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WW2 in Color is pretty good as far as surface level docs on WW2 go anyway. Watch World at War (the better doc imo) for a more in depth look.

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Requiem for the American Dream. You can watch it on YouTube.

Tyson (2008)

BBC The Death of Yugoslavia

The Price of Everything

H. H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer

Nigger, you're on MY time

best of enemies buckley vs. vidal

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The Power of Nightmares

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This and Unknown Known but Fog of War is way better

One of my more recent favorites

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>Fog of War is way better
Also a great soundtrack youtube.com/watch?v=FzifREiUCDo

>that part about Curtis Lemay wanting to nuke the Soviets even after the Cuban Missile Crisis
absolutely based

Some actual good posts in here, I’m going to check some of these out.

My favorite part is McNamara talking about destroying Japanese cities and how if America had lost the war, he and his compatriots would have been tried as war criminals.

While he is right the Japs were way worse as far as war crimes go. Fire bombing was bad but America never came anywhere near Rape of Nanjing tier

I wasn't making a judgement call. War is hell. McNamara is a stats guy so he does everything by the numbers and firebombing Japanese cities was an effective way to bring the Japanese to heel.

Yea unfortunately it seemed firebombing was the most effecient method along with the two nukes. From what I've read a land invasion would've been far more costly in terms of total human lives. By the way have you seen Oliver Stone's Untold History of the World? While nowhere near as good as Fog of War I found it pretty interesting if a bit biased.

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I have to add that this really crystallized what is wrong in our societies nowadays. I cannot overstate how important it is for people to see it. Also the music is very nice. Here's the theme music youtu.be/wJKHsDP3-ec

I've never seen it. I'll check it out. Oliver Stone has an interesting perspective on politics.


Wax, or the Discovery of Television among the Bees

it's on yooch yoob

The director of this shit is literally named Penny Lane. I kid you not.

Over 800 hours, but worth it.

Literally any other religion is even weirder and more manipulative but let's not talk about that oh look, Tom Cruise had some unpaid labor, ooooh nooooo: The Movie

>b-but what about those other guys!!!!

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They don't block Yea Forums at the compound?

Alright, so what?

Just because I believe in self-actualizing and clearing my Thetans from engrams, that doesn't make me a Scientologist.

they literally do what jews do while being WASPS how do they get away with it?

>it’s anuddah nanking!
>burning and nuking cities isn’t as bad as rape and 30k killed

based neal

i, Caesar