Other urls found in this thread:
>Getting some ugly manface to play best girl Asuka
Get that ugly ass kike off of there
EVA would need to be done by Nolan I think.
>Shinji is a chad pretty boy
>Rei Asuka and Misato all want his dick
>gets into the robot right away
The movie would end in 10 minutes
Snyder is never getting works again
>Gendou, if you don't shut your mouth I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you.
What'd Kaji mean by this?
Honestly, go fucking die somewhere, you disgusting piece of shit jew.
>Finji Ikari
>white washing
oh so basically you want the worst movie ever made?
I don't think you could have picked uglier people
finn is a shit actor
>live action anime movie
it's shit by default
pleb cast
All the """children""" are too old for those roles. Get genuine 13-14 year olds or fuck off. Better yet, don't bother trying to adapt it at all.
>Everything needs to be 1:1
Have sex
bro you want another dragonball evolution? respect the source material or take a hike bozo
i dont believe anyone who would even want a live action has even watched evangelion
This. Don't even give a fuck about the rest after seeing that.
Virtually all your picks are terrible
The goose and kirsten dunst could maybe work but I think kaji is more personable than the goose
also this
Asuka would be black because she has red hair.
Eh sure, cant get much worse than the original anime anyways.
>American Evangelion
>live action Evangelion
Clearly whoever wants this doesn't actually like Evangelion. It worked as animation. And even then it was a chore to get right.
This, but unironically. Racebending a character is wrong, whether making them vlack or white or whatever. Evangelion in particular is rooted Japanese culture and Japanese characters. If you make the character American, it is not Evangelion. I think even taking it out of animation fundamentally changes it. This isn't some cosplay. It is fundamentally altering the telling of the story.
It is as stupid now as the fan castings in the 90s.
Asuka is half-white actually, making some of them niggers would be even worse.
anime and weeaboos belong in the trash
moar liek ERECTED by FAG RIDER amirite lel
Yeah. It is a parody. Still as dumb as serious fan wank casting suggestions. I include ones even I half joked about. Admit it was mostly about the juvinile want to seeing actresses you like in skintight suits. No. Lindsey Lohan should not be Asuka.
shit casting
fuck you OP
you are garbage
The only post of value in this thread
>wanting someone who wastes high budget on shitty directing to adapt a series famously saved by it's good directing despite running out of money.
Nah fuck off Snyder cuck
Why are people so against this? The anime won't stop existing if this becomes real.
better than ? bosh, flimshaw
you keep ruining our shit and you wonder why we
keep shooting up your school
Why are people so against Jonah Hill and Amy Schumer starring in a remake of Casablanca set amid Trump's fascist regime? The original won't stop existing.
As dad I want actor that played Bashir on ds9 and Ras al ghul in Gotham
>moner as rei
you have to go back
How nude scenes gonna work? Do we hire young looking 18 year olds?
Gee. Making a film about tortured child soldiers is tough. It is almost as if you should just do the film as animation. Oh wait. Someone already did.
holy soi
I don't know any of those who any of the animated people are cause I'm not a fucking loser.