How many films did you actually watch this year? Be honest.
How many films did you actually watch this year? Be honest
I watch one per week, so 33 so far. This week (probably today) I'll watch either Godzilla King of Monsters or Brightburn.
25 films and 6 documentaries
32 episode of ~22 minute tv shows, 59 ~55 minute shows
>he doesn't write this shit down
get off my board
Don't watch movies much anymore. Spend a lot of time on Yea Forums instead. Movies are pretty dumb is why I guess.
He asked for films, not series though. Also, yes, anyone who at the very least doesn't have a .txt file on their computer logging what they've watched should leave this board immediately.
Nobody on this board actually watches movies. They just come here to shit post and fap to actresses feet.
Not everyone is an anal retentive autist.
At least 64 I’ve been able to document retroactively not counting rewatches or non-feature length
Where have you been? This was true 6 years ago. Now this board is capeshit central with wannabe /pol/ bait posted all the time.
What is this facial expression attempting to convey?
140 + 2 full seasons of Mindhunter
85, 13 that were released this year
You need to go back.
Fuck, you sound exactly like me.
Saw Godzilla 3 times in theaters, and oddly enough it was the small theater that had the loudest sound, not the nice big one.
Maybe one or two. I don't remember them anyways
>you sound exactly like me
How? I haven't watched Gozilla yet, and I don't spend money on it.
3 or 4
Millennials here don't even watch capeshit. They get all there info from YT clips and summaries.
Oink oink!
Probably two dozen or so.
2-3? idk
like 8
5 or 6
From this year I only saw one. I've seen about 10 total though.
At least one per week, usually more plus Patriot, The expanse, The boys and Chernobyl.