About to watch pic related. What am I in for?
About to watch pic related. What am I in for?
eddie redmayne's career defining performance
Eddie Redmayne at his best. He literally gives a great performance in this.
lost opportunity due to casting
Something that's more enjoyable than about 70% of the Star Wars series. A fun and imaginative space opera inspired to equal parts by American and French space adventure stories.
Hasn't this movie sucked balls?
No, I thought it was actually really fun. Suffers a bit from a romance where the chemistry just isn't there but it's a fun, cheesy pulp Science Fiction story that still manages to convey some positive anti imperialist and anti colonialist morals. It's basically the Wachowski's doing a riff on Star Wars and while it has a bit of a juvenile "young adult" feel to it, it's still a pretty decent action movie. I mean, it's no Speed Racer, but what is?
Oh, it definitely sucks balls. It's laughably bad.
But I think the guy you're responding to wasn't really giving the movie any compliments.
>Something that's more enjoyable than about 70% of the Star Wars series
Because more than half of the Star Wars movies out there are also garbage tier.
It's fun and I enjoyed it
I really liked the design of a lot of the aliens
The space dragons in particular, iv never seen an on screen rendition of a dragonoid human before and I think they smashed it out of the park
I'm not a furry btw just appreciate the cool design.
It's like a young adult action movie geared towards preteen girls. It's terrible but I'm not the target audience.
was shit but my gf give a handjob in theaters
did you go opening weekend? i think i saw you
HAHA you fucking faggots, the most cringe inducing acting I've seen in a while. Didi you know he auditionned as Kylo Ren for TFA. KK watched this trash andt hought, yes a fucking tantrum throwin emo fag would be a great villain!
It sucks balls hard, don't believe the shills who are coming ut of the woodwork to defend the trannies because they need to hype up Matrix 4.
a bad time.
but the world is kind of interesting, I would like to know more about it.
I got about 30 minutes in and completely lost interest.
I sat through the Matrix sequels and Cloud Atlas, but for some reason nothing in this movie is able to warrant holding my attention for over 2 hours. Not even the visuals intrigued me that much. I'm probably being really harsh right now and I haven't completely ruled out finishing the movie so my opinion might mellow out if I finish it.
The sad thing is, I wanted this movie to be successful because this was supposed to the big comeback movie for the Wachowskis.
Cloud Atlas was ambitious, but it was still an independent movie and didn't need to be a knockout success. It was just their personal project.
Jupiter was supposed to be their next Matrix, and it completely bombed. Wachowskis even said on record that this movie has permanently destroyed their Hollywood careers and they will never be able to make a high budget film ever again. Sad because they've never made a visually uninteresting movie and I'm afraid we won't see talent like them for a long time.
No spark, nothing to hold you in.
It's a switch off at 20 minutes ez, then delete forever.
the Wachowskis are broken husks of their former selves, nothing's gonna bring them, if they had talent in the first place, which is something I'm beginning to doubt in many cases recently (tranny sisters, Pizzolato, the GoT kikes, directors of Stranger Things)
I once met Eddie at an Eton gathering. Being an earl from Morocco, I am quite the tall and rich black man. I didn't know who he was yet, but he got drunk off 2 teaspoons of champagne. By 10 pm he was on my lap begging for my huge cock.
I told him no, you're drunk. I won't do that to you. The last girl to get fucked by me had to get 7 stitches. "Eddie stretches, sir," he whispered seductively into my eardrum. And how could I not fall victim to the charms of this slender flame-haired freckley boy?
I brought him back to my penthouse apartment. He wobbled around like a cute girl with untied shoelaces. He'd been dressed impeccably, a double-breasted velvet Armani and I helped soothe him out of his clothes as he stared at me with glassy eyes. Something about his red, swollen lips took possession of me. I felt incredible shame for the graphic imagery that leapt into my mind from seeing them.
I asked him, how many have had the pleasure to wipe crystalline tears from your eyes? How many have gotten close enough to count the dots on your face? Too many, sir, too many, he told me sadly. He clutched at me, grappling like kim kardashian and her dignity. I held his dainty hands in mine, and told him, it was time for me to destroy his anus. He nodded and said yes sir, please do.
"Eddie Redmayne, you drive me positively mad," I whispered as I mounted him like a big black bull and penetrated the tightest cavity I have ever known, narrower than a root canal. He cried prettily and I soothed him while continuing to ravage that oscar-winning anus. his ivory skin contrasted my ebony flesh perfectly and i thought, what a man! willing to subjugate himself for one night to a black person... he was incredible.
We parted ways when he crept out of my bed the next morning to attend a casting call. Joked about needing a wheelchair after I'd been through with him. I'd asked him to stay, but he shook his head elegantly and said I would see him again someday. But he wouldnt see me
It both sucks and isn't that bad. I don't think I ever finished cloud Atlas
i cry evrytiem
Space Cinderella starring annoying nasal voice Russian Jew who larps as a latina.
scifi whackiness
only guys think that. having to choose between two hot, dangerous, physically mediagenic angry unavailable guys is every woman's fantasy. see also, True Blood, where Sookie had three.
Why are the low IQs always so smug?
so... it does suck balls?
Nigga matrix 4 literally just got announced
>from the tranny nannies who brought you the acclaimed sci fi series that confused soccer moms everywhere...
Yeah, fuck this. I watched until the hover roller blades made an appearance. I'm done.
A flop that can only be written by a trap in the middle of a fever dream after having his dick cut off.
I saw this on /tv yesterday less the before shots & the mention of matrix 4, I thought someone was making this up & was trolling. Alas, I was wrong, they really are trannys now & matrix 4 will suck like 2 & 3....
enjoy falling asleep
It's a really well made movie with beautiful visuals and a great OST and a ridiculous story and awful dialog
The ending is incredible. She just goes back to washing toilets despite the galactic genocide going on. It'd be like Neo going back to work at the end of the Matrix and just accepting that the machines is in charge. And it's framed as uplifting.
He really was the best part of the movie. Just having fun hamming it up. Everyone else took their roles way too seriously.
I feel like it could have the makings of a cult classic in the future. The basic story and setting are really fun, Eddie Redmayne is cool, the rest of the cast is kind of meh, but it helps if you look at it from a campy point of view.
Nah, it was just depressingly bad. You get a few cool visuals that imply how great the movie could have been and that's it. The rest is just painful to watch from start to end.