HoH: Holly
Noms: TBD
Veto: TBD
Prankster: TBD
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Holly
Noms: TBD
Veto: TBD
Prankster: TBD
Previously on /bb/:
bog brother
Nick, Cliff and Nicole are the only one's playing the game.
Bog is a CUTE
>Cliff- If we can take out Tommy, how great would that be? That really opens things up and puts us in a really good spot. Nicole- Absolutely #BB21
Why was analyse making childish noises during her interview with Julie Chen moonves?
christie in the HOH with jackson and holly
christie under the illusion nicole/nick going up
tommy the gametalk cockblocker back at it again
>game assumed to be dead 100%
>hosts housemeeting and be reborn
>destroy allies games while secretly keeping connected with an important ally
>get all the votes to stay in the house
>now safe from hitting the block
isnt she about to be put up?
she seriously has a great body
tommy is going up because of nicole/cliff
>cant be nominated by prankster if you are already being nominated by the HOH
lol jackson bitter that hes not getting a good edit
thats true. forgot that
We need Nick and Christie to stay this week (atleast till final 4 tbqh), their rivalry/friendship has so much kino potential. Ideally Flopson gets BTFO by Nicoles power this week.
bogg still worrying that she made the wrong choice with voting anal out. the crowd gasping has her shook
Nick will tell Nicole to put Jackson up lol.
production manipulating jackson into keeping christie in return for a good edit
hes worried that hes gonna get fucked over by america in hollys hoh
i agree 100%
Told you like 5 days ago that snackolly are going to win hohes back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back
>how i feel for ever doubting you
>its another pngfag posting tons of images no one will use, save, or care about thread
Jess is such a fat stupid blob they really picked a great representation of the average goblina
Yeah I bet she models the effects of taco abuse.
Fat fucking idiot
Nick already at his next target at cams 3/4. Can he be stopped? Does his horniness has no bounds?
She would be cute if she was skinny, dumbass
christie hovering in the HOH
Shed look like a fucking deflated balloon but lucky for us that fat fucking moron will never lose the weight. Too bad she's stupid, fat, and ugly on top of being a shitstain
Jessica is one of the top ten dumbest people in big brother history and far and away the FATTEST contestant of all time
No, I mean if she never was fat. You can't really get skinny from that amount of fat at that age.
Do white people really do that?
holly telling christie she is going up as a pawn
No she wouldn't she'd max out at like a 6 tops under perfect circumstances and her personality is shit because she's so stupid
Except she isn't. She will put up nick and the prankster Tommy
>Jackson to Christie- You come to LA, everyone looks like Sis.
Problematic much?
>holly #1 target at start of week is nick
>come thrusday it will be tommy/christie
nicole and cliff want to edge holly to put up tommy with christie
Holly is going to be told she only gets one nom. She is putting up Nick.
nicole is going to tell nick all of their hiding spots for hide the veto
that'd be pretty sweet
Tinder 5.
bog/jackson already on the christie hate train
regretting keeping her
>uggh did we make a horrible mistake
they really are going to throw two weeks of power in the garbage
op's webm is getting me to watch the show lmao
if nick wins prankster, who does he put up? cliff?
id guess jess.
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /bb/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Christie (yes, THE Christie from the Six Shooters) getting evicted from Big Brother 21! Make sure to tune in to what should be some incredibly teary eyed AKA HILARIOUS feeds this week!
Yikes! That’s a large assumption. First of all, to put Taco Tuesday in the same breath as Dan's Funeral is an insult to all of Big Brother. There was no pre-meditated manipulation. There was no secret final 2 game. All there was that ee saw was some weepy little dyke crying because she wasn't playing the best game in the house. Plus, when you are past the veto, you have to do whatever you need to do to get to the next week. Dan was able to pull this off all before the Veto meeting. That's way more impressive. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I was shocked that the house flipped their votes. But the people in power are already regretting it! America hates Christie. There is no way she avoids the block. Imagine the shock on her face again when her retardation manifests herself on the block for the third week in a row!There's still a lot of time between now and the eviction. Unlike your “misted lol” posting, Holly will see this week as a golden opportunity to send Christie packing. It's going to take more than a Christie Funeral meltdown to convince the other houseguests to go against Bog's will this week. And while you’re busy obsessing over Christie, care to explain how she thinks the is the most truthful and self righteous person in the house and has even convinced herself of that in solo settings? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue your denial that everyone hates Christie and wants her our of the house. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
if noms are jess/christie and nick wins prankster
>pull down christie
>put up jackson, so jackson vs jess
if noms stay the same nick/tommy/christie are the 3 votes needed to evict jackson. also, the HGs will think christie won the power since she was pulled down. if jess wins veto, holly will nom christie. but let's face it, nick won't think it through
oh no. bogg just said she is out of face makeup and they didnt restock her
night /bb/ or morning =P
>nick wins prankster
He's a fucking raoist and whole muttrica hates him
I hope the prankster doesn’t wake up
that would be a good prank
hog is whining to camera again
is that fucker running water while he's talking or is this boosted mic sound?
>hog: (...) as long as I can trust christie, and I think I can
there is no saving these morons....
whats the boss hogg doing walking around at 4am
So, what are the chances of the hefty model going up in the next 2-3weeks?
i canceled my feeds, they expire in another week. no anal? no pay.
decent since there aren’t too many people left in the house and she isn’t good at most comps
>no Anal
Figures. Jess's time is running short and you can only bargain so much with certain people when the game's going down to the wire.
More pie/frontal humiliation shots if you got any.
jack in jury house thinking they are sending him these women because they all miss him
hefty? shes fat
Lucky bastard is probably having a threesome with kat and anal right now
>nick walks into jury house next week
>finds seven chairs in the shower
i don't get it
this person exists
Ahhhhhhh... Another day to dab on all Christie haters!
Imagine if she wore this tube top right and didn't have a bra on.
sleep tight quarky
you aiight whiteboi
So now that Holly’s HOH, they’re taking another shot at Christie, right?
Christie and Jessica are already nominated retard
That's all she ever made. Glad she's gone for my sanity sake.
>he hasn't been checking the polls
what polls? those that rate him lower than jack ever was? yeah, i've seen them
we are voting for michie for americas jokers to make a good love story rite?
No you retard not the fan favorite polls, the polls for who to vote for for Prankster. A lot of casuals are voting for Nick to put up Christie (which he may not even do)
Here he's leading this poll:
And 2nd after Nicole on this one:
This isn't a secret, gotta just look around the community for a few minutes
you're a retard
Nice points backing you up, you the headstrong fella who thinks this is the season of voting with the house?
good morning schizo
good post
retarded post
Know the difference
Wow you have problems lol, just because I prove you wrong you turn into...well... this.
>me bbo, me no brain, me a googoo gaga
Another valid point I see, tell me more about how I used a double negative when I actually didn't. Lil fuckboi.
based, totally retweeted and upboated. want another gold ?
of course bbo is the fucking autist that can't let anything go. bringing up things from multiple days because the autism runs too deep. how do you even sleep at night with all these grudges you hold
Aw heh, want to wait for Taran's Morning Update together? I'm excited about what he's going to make of the PЯANKSTER twist!
Yet you're the one 'not letting things go' and attacking others out of nowhere. All I did was point out that Nick is leading some of the polls, and I get attacked, for what? For nothing but the fact that my attackers are equally or more autistic than even I.
read through bbo's twitter he's the fucking retard last night that didn't know the power was done in secret lmao
go find another le community for you to post about BB in you shitposting autistic faggot
the? THE? There's plenty of posters here, user, I didn't post shit about it here last night.
And um, pretty sure none of the rules have been clarified. Feel free to prove me wrong but again, I'm going to doubt you have that ability. If you do, then great, I can admit defeat which is also more than I can say about some of you.
you guys are acting like fags js
read the rules page you cringy fuck
thanks, i try.
wanna suck my peepee?
Once again, why does it feel like I'm the only person who sleeps in the BB community? It's so frustrating. Fucking sleep, people. Seriously, what were YOU doing up at 5 in the morning? Huh?! #BB21 #BBLF EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!!!
What rule are you referring to, not talking off topic? Then why are you only quoting me? What about you, and the people throwing in their little hate posts about me because I simply proved them wrong?
Back to topic, make sure to get in your final votes everyone. Me? I voted for Jackson to ensure Holly's HOH doesn't get Pranked.
>And um, pretty sure none of the rules have been clarified
>read the rules
holy shit this pure unfiltered retarded autism
Imagine being this angry, jesus christ.
Yeah the Prankster is anonymous which I forgot about when making a tweet but it still has not been clarified if it will be a surprise to the HOH or not before the ceremony - as in, will the HOH have 2 keys in the box and have 1 hijacked during the ceremony, or will they know ahead of time they only have 1 nomination to make?
>Imagine being this angry
read your posts lmao
i really hope that anal comes back
The angriest thing I've posted all day was adding in "No you retard" to the beginning of a post proving someone wrong about Nick not leading the Prankster polls. Anyways this is becoming ridiculous. Let's drop it, shall we?
I feel a Christie prankster manifesting.
>i really hope that anal comes
i assure you, she will
you look angry
>post proving someone wrong about Nick not leading the Prankster polls
too bad you didn't
even your polls of 20 people didn't show him winning
I'm not, I can assure you.
And I just realized when I was told to read the rules page they meant the prankster rules, not Yea Forums rules lol, my bad. Luckily these are just NEET hours we're shitposting during.
Thoughts on this week being a reset?!? Doubtful lol but some people are theorizing.
look at how much the angry sperg is typing lol
Hello Mr. Quadruple negative, the 2 polls I posted had thousands of voters and he was in 1st and 2nd in them.
wow that's very cool! how very exciting!
>>people really watch this shit?
I'm very happy I know nothing of this shit.
Stop posting this shit.
You think that's cool?
Imagine being the guy below your post!!
stop posting
voting just ended
>all access sub
>zero votes
>honestly dont care because cliff or nicole is gonna win
i voted all my shit to michie
based scOTT
God I hate you assholes. Because of you guys I embarrassed myself in front of my friends and cousin last night. We were all hanging out and watching Big Brother, and these casuals didn't know about America's Prankster yet, so when they mentioned it, they were all talking about who they were going to vote for and I said "oh yeah, I'm giving all my votes to quarky" and they looked at me like I was a fucking retard and asked me who I meant. I've never felt like such a weirdo in my life explaining what Yea Forums was
kek wtf just say 'oh thats what they call her online' or something. sounds fun though.
kek I almost called sis Anal when discussing the season with my mom.
not to mention the layers of separation from Holly to Bog.
but also yes, there is nothing worse than having to try to explain a Yea Forums meme to someone who doesn’t know and/or care. it cannot be done in a non-cringe inducing manner. basically the stuttering “y-you too” meme IRL
should have just said 'for the retard'
don't talk about my wife to your friends or else
I got drunk and screamed at my bro pothead roommate that big brother isn't scripted
he then saw me posting something about jackson being the watermelon king
I wish I had that post saved of the guy who fucks watermelons so you could show that to your brother
At 2:10 BBT - Tommy/Christie were talking in open bedroom. They are whispering about incident last week where someone used a loud speaker to announce outside that Tommy/Christie knew each other. Christie says she asked production to make sure it doesnt happen - lambily4life
again. Convo below:
Christie says they have managed to stay duo but then they set it over the loudspeaker. Christie says she can’t imagine how Tommy feels. Christie says she asked and they said they will have much better security. Christie says they promised they will take care of it.
(Lots of inaudible) then Tommy says he was upset becase they wanted to clip the convo of him promising Christie his vote at beginning of the week. Tommy says he was panicking because of that thing (loudspeaker thing outside) and he didn’t want to make it look like he was promising no matter what because it will show they do know each other. Tommy says they then asked so now you may not vote for Christie. Tommy says and they asked that he promised her so what changed. Tommy says she told them (DR) that it’s the incident but you are not going to show that so don’t make it seem like he is someone who goes back on his word.
Christie again wonders if it aired and Tommy said he asked if it will and will ask that they don’t air it because only reason she was considering voting Christie out was bc of the incident.
Christie says its not fair. Tommy agrees. Christie says it will compromise her game. Tommy says it should be fine now and its over. Christie tells Tommy but he needs to stop being afraid and its okay to have each others back. Says everybody has someone in here but they pretend that they are not close. Tommy says he knows etc...
lmao provide better security
so he never had any intention of voting to keep sis and production manipulated the entire thing
>Christie says it will compromise her game
oh no, some faggot is trying nullify one of the biggest advantages possible. how unfair ;(
the problem is the location of the house on the lot
if the house was in the middle of the lot, no problem. But it's right on the border between CBS Studio City Center & Residential streets
With CBS All Access feeds on your phone and a loudspeaker, it's very easy to relay information without technically breaking any laws except maybe "disturbing the peace". And the LAPD has better things to do than to throw 3 grand theft auto stars and send helicopters to follow you
they could have a security guard on a segway patrolling the parameter
feeds. most HGs in the LR
tommy with bog in the hoh sucking her ass
they were just told about how it works, nobody is OTB yet
>it's just a prank, bro
that dumb f-bomb thinks the prankster should go to bog and get her blessing for their nom
god these people suuuuuckkk
that's what he's TELLING her, that's not what he would do.
nick holly
CBS security guards can't detain you if you aren't trespassing on CBS property
>3 grand theft auto stars and send helicopters to follow you
kek good post
its like a scarecrow
holly not nominating nick is as dumb as jackson not evicting christie
did they told the prankster he's a prankster yet? i just turned it on.
i haven’t watched the last few episodes.
why is christie still in the house.
nick saying he wont let america interfere lol if he got the power
is tommy going to go the entire season without being nominated?
prankster is putting him up
nick already back to sucking christies clit
nicole or hogg are going to prank him today
hes getting evicted this week
they are actually going to let a showmance go to f4 lmao people saying this season has gotten good and the gameplay is good
i want the gay gone this week just so i can see anals face when she sees him in jury
holy shit I just checked out the big brother house on google maps, how the hell haven't they had a lot more interruptions like the loudspeaker incident? I know there were a few, like "DERRICK IS A COP" from his season, but it just seems... so fucking easy to get away with it? It looks like some residential areas just a block or so away from the house
I'm laughing at all of the people being like "LOL VOTE NICK HE WILL VOTE UP CRUSTY" in the reddit/Yea Forums threads last night
who cares if they're fucking? everyone in this house is in a duo, some in more than one. they only have each other
1. If they find out its you, you probably wont face any legal trouble but by god are you gonna be put on a blacklist.
2. Most fans actually have respect for the game, only selfish stans or people who want attention on twitter care enough to change the game AS I SEE FIT
because BB is not that important. in fact, it's not important at all
thats not how they see it though. if they were 100% sure christie and tommy were a duo they would have done something about it by now... or they are even dumber than previously mentioned.
dont reply to me anymore
are there any wall yeller/fan interference incidents that you guys are “happy” they happened?
its actually pretty far with the space between the outside wall and the yard. you need a really loudspeaker for them to hear anything with all the freeway and airport noise nearby
plus like get a fucking life if this is something you do lol
yes. last years wall yeller was pretty funny
anal extended
ugh bog is so fake its disgusting
i just watched the goodbye messages
ugh nobody plays them smart anymore
you gotta be like josh and blow up people's games with GBM info
I guess they all fear a battleback or something
stop typing like me
what about a showmance going to final 4 inherently makes the season not good?
I've cranked out two massive loads to the lewd quarky pic that was posted last night, my lord.
its bad gameplay. this isnt season 5 its season 21 even the most casual fan of the show should know its dangerous and bad for your own game to allow any showmance to blossom
that aside its one of the more repulsive showmances in bb history
>its one of the more repulsive showmances in bb history
I can't imagine what type of person you are that leads you to feel this way, but you have the right to your opinion...
It's Final 8 dude, you're thinking ahead. Remember how far the Austwins got? And none of them won. Plenty of room to make moves ahead. As someone else pointed out, they are just another duo just like most houses end up devolving to at this point of the game.
shutup bog fag
no power couple has made it this far
bogs okay, nothing special but there's plenty more 'repulsive' female counterparts
mark and elena come to mind, mark and jackson are both likeable dudes but elena is way more unlikeable than bog
is this actually your first season?
nicorey made final 4
markie is a thousand times better than bichie boy and a fucking legend around her dont ever post anything like this again
Boogie and Erika were literally F2.
so did tangela but they werent so open about it till it was too late
not a power couple, its like jack with anal
not a power couple also chilltown ran the season
You're a retard
what the mother fuck are you saying///?
Fuck, even Hayleigh/Fessy made it to 8, not counting the battleback...
Matt and fucking Raven made it to 8.
Nicole/Corey, Natalie/James, Austin/Liz, McCrae/Amanda... I don't know what your qualifications are for a "Power" couple but these are all showmances that have gotten further than this point in the game.
ive had my feeds on the static thumbnail preview and she's still talking to jesss... lol what could they possibly have to discuss for this long. she is the fattest dead weight in the history of bb
I absolutely knew you were gonna pull the "not a power couple" card
No one gives a shit about what you qualify as a power couple or not. Stop being autistic, this conversation is over because you're just going to shoot down any points anyone makes by making up your own rules on what a power couple is or not.
>not calling them tangela
big alliance got them there
wow spotted the fucking retard
did you forget the twin twist?
the first good answer
i feel like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like
wait... they really made them put pies on the other HGs facse while they slept in their beds? wtf
god when will jessica get out of the hoh room
"big alliance got them there"? You said no power couple made it this far which is wrong. Guess what got Jackson and Holly this far? Shocker, a big alliance, and then a string of HOH's.
See yourself out kindly my sir.
last time she was there, she stayed for at least 2 hours
are you also gonna say elena and mark is a power couple too?
>big alliance got them there
gigantic 4 people alliance that they were carrying for half the game?
>big alliance got them there
6 hoh's and 5 vetos... one could argue they are the reason for the alleged success of the big alliance
brett got 1 veto
rachel nothing
winston dick
Tyler and Angela are
>inb4 theres more to bb than winning comps
Tangela is the worst showmance in big brother history
>i knew it was going to smell because it was pushed with force and from the root (christie about nick's just laid fart)
yeah, playing and making deals, exactly what they were doing, where kc was sitting on her ass and brett playing his own game
agreed because they are not a showmance, they are the real thing
they didn't have much chemistry.
best showmance to watch unfold was cody/jessica, hands down, far and above was more interesting than any other couple. i remember telling myself i knew they would get married, without a doubt.
How are Cody and Jessica the best showmance? There was nothing unique about them. They fucked on the second day in the house and became house pariahs because of their own stupidity.
christie holly
who cares she has already decided she is putting up nick
I'm talking in terms of watching their relationship grow. Watching them grow togeher, make it through fights and adversity, and grow even stronger because of it.
Sure, you can say they're like any other showmance, but they are only the 4th showmance to get married out of BB, and the 1st I got to watch on live feeds. And lets be real, fucking Dani/Dom I'm sure were nowhere near as interesting. I'm sure J/J and B/R were fun to watch as a couple but even then, Cody and Jessicas complete underdog position in the game made their feelings all that more intense
If Nick or Christie wins this season we will have our best winner in ages, if Nicole or Cliff wins I will have to contemplate why I continue watching this show.
holy fuck go somewhere else
cliff's a good player. he's just trapped in a 54 year old body
holly telling christie shes the pawn
says shes the only one who can beat nick in the veto
Depends who Cliff is sitting next to.
Nicole should only win next to Jess.
it’s yet another example of people living worthless lives needing to do something to get them the attention they crave and the feeling that they’ve done something that actually mattered.
it’s incredibly selfish but people who would resort to this type of tactic literally have nothing else in their lives.
it’s why Twitter hatemobs are so popular these days
*anal distended
how can there be a pawn with only 1 nom
holy shit these people are retarded
hes playing a winners game no doubt, but hes such an unlikeable fag and i hate his phony hokey old man act.
>Nicole should only win next to Jess.
no she shouldn't
they are both equally retarded, but the whale at least did SOMETHING except for ruining all of her alliances
holly's an idiot
Ya was honestly thinking after posting that that's still not the case. Nicole has done less than even Jess. She...sucks!
everyone suspecting cliff or nick gonna be the prankster
Is this why Julie earlier in the season said "Settle down Bevis' to the houseguests?
holly telling christie about the crowd reaction to keeping her
big brother openly telling the hg that america is voting will make cliff/nicole put up jackson to blame it on nick
imagine tommy being obsessed with you
yes, the good old 'let's get rid of a guy in our alliance' play. classic
nick won prankster. he's just sang christmas songs to thank the King of Kings
evict jackson
keep nick as an ally
holly cant play in the next hoh
exactly. get rid of people working with you and leave your enemies in the house. 190 iq plays
nick wont but up bichie
he will take it as a sign that the american universe wants him to put up christie
>if cliff wins the power he wants to play prison bitch and work with holly
imagine voting for him to win
he won't put him up because he knows he would lose veto against him.
he would do crystie or jess
nick just exited the DR with a hard-on. i think he won
holly throwing christie under the bus to cliff
Nick BTFOs Jackson on Holly's HOH week.
Get rekt.
cliff actually wants to final 4 with holly and jackson lol
how can you tell? might just be a prank lol
because he thinks he can win against them in f2. that's why he wants tommy christie and nick gone asap.
Theres a very good chance Jackson will play in the veto regardless if he gets put otb. Might as well take your chances and put him up.
if cliff or nicole can get rid of holly at 4 jackson def takes cliff in final 3
nick won it
>the rapist actually got it
thanks grod, all according to the script
celebrating with a deuce
Truly /ourguy/.
>yeah i got the power, what the fuck you gonna do about it faggot
smart move is jackson. dumb move is christie. even dumber move is telling holly. christie will be crying at 6pm when feeds come back
of course png fag is the one that likes nick
>cliff would have went to holly like a prison bitch
>nicole would have asked nicole who to nominate
so glad nick won
based retard
As long as /ourguy/ takes a shot at Jessica or Jackson we good.
does anyone but nick know what the power is?
they pretty much described it fully to the houseguests
cliff just asked to campaign to nick
everyone knows
If they said "Nick got the least votes but since this was Prank Week we decided he won" that would be hilarious.
the big overpowered twist is gonna be used on jessica lol
that's such a great prank
i don’t hate nick but i have NO idea how he won this vote. as a matter of fact he was the last person i would’ve expected... can somebody explain
christie is chewing whip cream
i seen polls where he was #1
also the episodes focused on holly wanting nick out and holly won hoh
everyone hates christie, they think he hates christie
>also the episodes focused on holly wanting nick out
no words for how dumb this is
1. he's an underdog
2. people think he would target christie
3. he wasn't remotely as awful on the show as he was on the feeds
4. americans are retarded and with voting time so short, nobody explained them how it's not a good move
the whole house already knows its nick
now that nick won the power
how will nicole fuck it up?
nick telling nicole
nicole telling cliff
cliff telling jackson/holly
he is going to tell her and then she'll tell cliff who will play his designated role of prison bitch and tell holly and jackson
tommy cooking a plate of rocks in motor oil
does that slow the effects of aids?
its def happening the way this shitshow of a season is playing out
>taking out a guaranteed final 2 placeholder and opening up that spot
sounds like a 200 iq play to me
he wants the veto
he doesnt give a fuck about the rest
i dont know why you keep trying to perpetuate this retarded placeholder meme. stop posting all together not just here
new thread
imagine my shock and imagine the smell