Raimi's films are just so formulaic and cartoony I don't think any amount of swapping actors around would improve them greatly.
For the early 2000s, they were pretty good. I watched them at the time, and I enjoyed them moderately. But we've come a long way since then. Just look at the design of Raimi's Green Goblin vs. the Vulture in homecoming. In fact, never mind the design, look at the writing and performances for each of the two characters - one feels like a cartoon brought to live action, the other feels like a real man trying to keep his business afloat and provide for his family. These days the technology is better and the writing has evolved.
I respect Raimi's trilogy as decent for their time and a necessary stepping stone (although I think the X-Men films were better), but anyone still holding onto them is just doing so out of nostalgia.
>formulaic and cartoony That's a perfect description of the MCU franchise as a whole
Benjamin Stewart
I would say much more campy than cartoony ( like all of his other work). But there is a sincerity to the film’s that is unmatched in the modern spider flicks. At no point do I feel like the new Spider-Man as anything but a tool for marvel to extend their films beyond a single phase. The action in rami films are much better directed and actually carry momentum and weight. Green Goblin is far more intimidating than any MCU villain. That scene where he tricks spidey still gives me chills. The scores are much better as well. All MCU has going is better special effects. My main problem with the MCU is that there isn’t a scene that carries the emotional punch of that Aunt May Spider-Man 2 scene. They much rather undercut every serious scene with a joke. MCU flicks aren’t shit but they aren’t as good as Ramis.
Caleb Long
Disney/Marvel would never be able to come up with a villain like Doc Oc
Lmao Far From Good was cartoony as shit. No real emotions just le quippy dialogue
Logan Flores
>watching a comic book movie >complain about it being too cartoony That’s like complaining about all the nudity that’s a porn film
Austin Sanders
They had soul, unlike all the other capeshit
Ryder Carter
Raimi is instantly better thanks to not being an iron man circlejerk
Tyler Hughes
MCU Spidey sucked, FFH STILL won't beat SM1's unadjusted domestic box office because Raimi resonated with red-blooded Americans while bland MCU garbage pays the bills with soulless bug chinks. Enjoy your rerereboot that'll be TASM all over again.
>real man trying to keep his business afloat That was literally the Goblin's motivation.
Owen Morales
Boy shut yo stupid ass up, all the new MCU movies are literally soul less and utterly worthless fan fiction dribble. Why do you think Disney gave up spiderman so easily. It's fucking trash, and when I watch it, it makes me cringe that people actually believe it's good. Like at all. Jokes like "Penis Parker" spammed throughout the movie isn't funny, or creative, it's just dumb slapstick humor and bad writing.
Ayden Edwards
>People unironically believe that Iron Man 12, I mean Spiderman Home Coming is better than any of the original trilogy.
Austin Lopez
The MCU reboot is literally trash that barely resembles the comic version of Spiderman at all. He's not clever, charming, or interesting. Literally just a huge faggot, and the entire movie plays out like a Mickey Mouse flick.
Absolutely, compared to the MCU movies, Raimi's work shows its age. When you look at the final climactic fights of Spider-Man 1 and Homecoming, it becomes especially clear. Vulture's suit design and fight is amazing, and it is not only a visual spectacle, but a great moment of growth for Peter. But when you look at the fight with the Green Goblin, it's all off. The Goblin suit is already cartoonish enough, but Raimi seems incapable of keeping a consistent tone, with Norman's tragic death coming right after his five minute monologue about how niggers are ruining New York. Are we intended to sympathize with him after that? Tonally, Raimi's work is just all over the place and it simply doesn't tell as clean and meaningful a story as a movie like Homecoming did.
Brody Wood
Anyday of the week
Ian Allen
>nice costume, faggot. Did your tranny kike husband make it for you? It was pretty great.
Anthony Hernandez
Hard to argue with this
Joshua Moore
you're allowed to have nostalgia from 2 decades ago
Luis Stewart
Have a you
Connor Carter
>these levels of disney shilling Yikes
Asher Young
Nigger, the Raimi films are good BECAUSE they're cartoony. That's what comic books are. He perfectly captured the spirit of them in his films. Marvel in particular has always been maximum campiness, and Spider-Man was the campiest character in the Marvel stable.
The Raimi films have soul, the MCU is soulless.
Carter Bennett
mechanical web shooters are fucking gay and just make Spiderman an asshole who holds a legit useful substance to himself
Kevin Myers
kys shill
Jacob James
>Disney's Spiderman get's BTFO by sony >Suddenly there is a fuckton of hate for the raimi movies on Yea Forums But it's totally not shilling, though