Would you get a fully customizable JOI or a pleasure model replicant?

would you get a fully customizable JOI or a pleasure model replicant?

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I prefer cyberwaifus actually.

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Will this kind of thing become a reality or will feminists/autocrats/whoever ban them?

Pleasure model. Obviously.

I can jack off just fine as it is. I'd rather own people.

Does her name stand for Jerk Off Instructional? Cause that's why my older brother said.

post em boys

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All you need is Luv.

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Yes please

>Ethnicity: Cuban

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>you will never have a fully customized, dutiful replicant pleasure model to yourself for the rest of your life.

why live?

>Fire again
>go north
I didn't even find her attractive but this scene got me uncomfortably hard

Grow the fuck up /pol/.

worst girl

>tfw no drone strike waifu

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I crie evrytiem

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Why is there no age setting?

when are celebs going to start filming JOIs for us?

Here's mine.

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They'll just make sure they are seen as pathetic, where a female equivalent will be seen as beautiful and powerful.
Like with fleshlights and vibrators/dildos

A 6-foot-tall pleasure model with an athletic build and huge tits.

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Yes but sexbots are not going to be good for already a century. Also moralfags will absolutely ban Lolibots, otherwise they will not be banned too much potential money.

havent seen the movie, what exactly CAN you do with a joi?

What's the point when they can't spit you or sit on your face?

ready for the anime?

Look at it, talk to it.

That's about it.

have it make me holographic steak and fries

why did he buy a hologram anyway? couldn't he buy a female replicant for himself?

She's the best

maybe he didn't want to own one of his own kind?

>"oh, you dont like real girls"

maybe he was gay?

it depends on the kind of future we live in. If it continues to be rich and plentiful, with almost no major wars or disasters going on, then people will continue to look for problems and this will be come one for them.

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LOLi know she is but pretty sure most people dont see that when they think cuban

can i duel with her? can i maker her get naked and do poses?
details details

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>not paying the extra few credits for the seven foot tall amazon model

I only fuck real human women and Im strong enough to easily beat down Bautistas model.

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How much is the foot long cock addon?

I don't think intelligent replicants were allowed those types of relationships. Aren't the free thinking ones like K limited to being celibate?

I'd like one to train to play NetHack 3.4.3. Not 3.6+, 3.4.3. I might also allow her to play SLASH'EM. I'd want her to play right in front of me and only pay attention to the game.

If I could afford one... maybe, my GF is bisexual, after all.

>Aren't the free thinking ones like K limited to being celibate?
Why was Luv trying to fuck him then?

I'm so fucking lonely

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Honestly? Fine.

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I'm a manlet, that's unnecessary

replicant that I can feel. Hologram waifu you can't touch...
Ima go Replicant.


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Por que no Los dos?
>buy 10k sex doll
>buy vr gear
>download vr porn

What did Luv mean by this?

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>we will die before sexbots are perfected
Not a good feeling if I'm being honest

Any human with a brain or a heart, male or female, even living with a family, or a loner, would get one. The fuck kinda question is this? (Mine would be Eva Green though)

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>height: 135 cm
>body type: petite

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On the plus side surrogacy for single men is becoming extremely common and it’s getting somewhat cheaper. My children will see the robot age and theirs the android age.

Like this

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>would you get a fully customizable JOI or a pleasure model replicant?

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khazar milkers at your disposal


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For me it's
Height: 165 cm
Body: Petite
Tone: Pale
Eye: Blue
Lip: Neutral
Hair: Redhead
Style: Low twintails
Ethnicity: White
Language: English

Can I get the JOI that comes with a stockings fetish too?

Going into this movie I was already a huge fan of Ana but Sylvia was so enchanting

what a horrific doll

but with tits and ass

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>a female equivalent will be seen as beautiful and powerful.
For sure, but overall it won't be anywhere near as valuable for women as for men.
If this kind of tech becomes available, I think it will be a serious problem for women, and their average standard of living will plummet (relative to the alternate world where the tech doesn't exist.)
Honestly, they'll be finished. Let's hope this comes to pass.

>but with tits and ass
So Carice Van Houten, then?

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havent seen GOT, does she get fully nude?

dont have anymore of her

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why did he even need a hologram couldn't he just project it into his robot brain?

>havent seen GOT
How is that possible?
>does she get fully nude?
Well, you don't see her vagina, but it's close enough.

Replicants are basically just genetically engineered vat grown humans. They're not machines in any real sense unless you want to be a pedantic shit and argue semantics over what constitutes a machine.

I thought they had to establish baseline and they would reprogram the replicants I get they're humands but I thought they had a certain level of engineering control of them

Base model but she has a super hairy pussy.

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>and they would reprogram the replicants
They just retire them if they fall outside of their established parameters. They have control over them prior to being born via genetics and implanted memories, but after that they're only able to be indirectly influenced through the same means you'd use on a normal human. Both the movies and all the supplemental material has the major theme of showing just how non-existent the line between replicant and human is.

The day humanlike sexbots in any form become commonplace is the day all wars and most crime ends, and it may lead to the extinction of humanity. Which I can't wait for. Hopefully there's some engineers in a secret lab somewhere solving >tfw no gf once and for all.

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>tfw no setepai hologram

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It will be hilarious to see female social power collapse.

could i buy body parts made the replicant way? cause i could just fuck a pillow girl while joi breaths heavily next to me

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replicant if I can afford it

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alright so they just send another blade runner in or ask them to retire themselves

That makes a seven foot model even more attractive though.

I've been such a bad boy and I need to be punished.

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Was she? I thought that was Yea Forums's wishful thinking. I only remember the cop lady wanting to fuck him.

Loli pleasure model replicant

>Was she? I thought that was Yea Forums's wishful thinking. I only remember the cop lady wanting to fuck him.
Luv was blatantly coming onto K the entire film.

>eye color: brown

what was /our goose/ thinking?

>or ask them to retire themselves
If they're off baseline even the newer Nexus 8s almost certainly won't do this, so it's bladerunner or ask them to turn themselves in and then just anyone can retire them.

yeah same shit really right? asking them to come in is asking them to come in to retire themselves

Brown eyes are real men choice, faggot.

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Well yeah in practice. The Nexus 8 replicants still seem to have a sense of self-preservation though, even if they can be ordered to ignore it like in one of the 2049 shorts.

kill yourself pedo

I kinda remember that. I thought she was just being coy. She was something special though wasn't she? I mean clearly K wasn't really into sex. I thought that was part of common replica programming. I guess he banged that prostitute though.

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He was thinking he wasn't a low IQ brainwashed /pol/tard.

Say what? She's not as pretty as Joi, but Luv was quite attractive.


Do you have loicense for that mate?

color of shit eyes are bottom tier
green > blue > grey > hazel > amber > brown

Did she really love goose or was she just programmed to love him? I always thought that the giant hologram of joi calling goose Joe meant she wasn't special at all and he wasn't special to her

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>Did she really love goose or was she just programmed to love him?
She was programmed. That was the entire point of the giant JOI scene.

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>being this much of a nigger faggot
Your mind is warped from too much anime and porn faggot, real women have brown eyes and they're beautiful. Go back to your shithole nigger
brown = amber > grey > blue > green

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im going to ejaculate to her

Do it, doesn't affect me one bit when I can sleep and cuddle with her every night.

this was the one i meant to post

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It's funny because there was a twilight zone episode that really sums it up perfectly. Guy was sent to jail on another planet for his crimes, but they smuggle him a waifu bot. At first he says she isn't human, but she cries when he is mean and he begins to love her. Time passes and guys come back to tell him he was found innocent and can go home, but there's not enough room for waifu bot, so they literally blow her up, and one of the rocket guys says she was nothing more than a machine. Puts the idea of loving something that isn't real into perspective.

Even if we had robot waifu bots, I don't think I could ever truly love them. They are programmed to love me, be everything I want them to be, they are flawless. Women are a meme but when one genuinely loves you, it's because all of the experiences in their lives led them to you and their love for you. I hope one day I can feel that love, but I know a robot programmed to be everything I want it to be will never truly love me.

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nope, sorry. You have the wrong opinion here.

The real trip is when they implant memories so that it's life story is literally exactly what you would want in a real person.

>They are programmed to love me
So are dogs but you love them.

Not a counter argument. Brown eyes are an icon of beauty. Dilate, tranny

They will exist but the catch is the bots will all be owned and issued by the government who will get occasional reports on your activities by the spyware installed in the gf-bot and when you make out or cum inside her, they also harvest your dna.

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Yeah because when you beat a dog he just wants to be around you amirite. Robot would just forget about it and come crawling back because it's designed to love you no matter what.
And yet, it still is programmed to be perfect. Girls I meet and hang around have flaws that piss me off, but it's those imperfections that make them human. If a robot made those mistakes and you corrected them, they'd never do it again. And even if you told them to go back to doing it they'd only do it because you said so. Perfection is boring.

There's another twilight zone episode, funny enough, where a hypochondriac gets immortality. He goes to thinking his wife is conspiring against him to throwing her off a building because he wants the electric chair to try and gain a thrill. He became perfect, and no longer needed to care about anything, so he became so bored he just tried to kill himself. What I'm trying to say is life is a lot like the twilight zone.

I would hold off on that mate, bit risky ya ken?

I regret to inform you that, once again, you have the incorrect opinion.

>Yeah because when you beat a dog he just wants to be around you amirite.
There are women you can beat the shit out of that won't leave you over it and rationalize it away as their fault and you're complaining about a robot doing it?

but that's not how AI works. Every aspect of humanity can be simulated, even to a point beyond what human consciousness is right now. That's the whole point of Blade Runner. The high-tier replicants are beyond human in every way.

they will absolutely exist and it will be a very bad thing, it completely aligns with the 'jewish' things you all hate about society. but you'll eat it up.

>So are dogs but you love them.
Dogs are given affection and reciprocate affection. JOI is just a holographic self-help book.

this is your brain on politics

Some of them already want to ban the likes of RealDolls

it's called being aware of all the horrid neoliberal shit being put out by the technocratic oligarchs that are gearing up to be our overlords for the next hundred years. this is the new gilded age.

>every aspect of humanity can be simulated

Impossible. True sentient AI doesn't have the capability to stop learning, technically speaking, humans never do either. But an AIs memory doesn't degrade, it doesnt make errors because as soon as it learns the answer to 1657x5917, it won't ever forget it, and will be able to search its memory in milliseconds for the answer. You could argue that they can be programmed to have memory loss, but then, its not a true sentient ai, as it's programmed to be limited and fit a specific mold the creator has for it. A truly sentient ai, complete replication of humanity, is impossible. A calculator doesn't make mistakes.

ugly gook trash

Part of that giving affection is projecting qualities the dog doesn't have onto it. The dog's love as we perceive it is already a fiction, the importance of the fact it's less of a fiction than something entirely artificial is academic. Both hinge on an invented state of mind for the other. This is also true to an extent with other humans. although obviously much much less so in the context of a good relationship where neither party is withholding any significant amount of information about their thoughts or feelings.

Hence why a dog or a cat is not a sufficient replacement for actual human relations--like a JOI isn't.

.. all the colors I listed are real, I didn't say anything like purple or red or pink
>likes the color of shit
>calls someone else a nigger.

a calculator can make mistakes, depending on how it was programmed. A lot of AI currently is implemented using Neural Networks, which are trained on a problem until they are beyond a certain level of accuracy. For example, you could look at the MINST image classification data set, and compare accuracy of state-of-the-art models.

Personally, I think general AI will be accomplished in the same way, training some sort of neural net on a hive-mind of interconnected brains. After enough simulation, this will be able to simulate human behavior w/ high accuracy in the same way that modern neural nets are able to simulate image classification w/ high accuracy. It's not going to be a bunch of if-else statements, which is probably what you're imagining.

technocratic oligarchy wouldn't even be that bad, as long as you're not unlucky.

MNIST, I mean en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MNIST_database

currently, the best "calculator" for classifying images in this database has an error rate of .23%

go to bed mulbug your blog is gay

>Hence why a dog or a cat is not a sufficient replacement for actual human relations
That's a pretty broad generalization. Human vs animal relationships are basically just trading depth for complexity. If you don't need the depth why add the complexity?

Ah, but then it is not a truly sentient ai, as it's programmed to become inaccurate at a certain point. Imagine a man who for 30 years has done nothing but practice shooting a target dead center. Then we have an ai, who after 10 years, is programmed to have human failure rate. Humans are completely unpredictable, this man could get hit the target every single time, but the ai is programmed to have the chance of missing. There is no will power, no focus, it is all numbers and binary, no matter how small the margin of error is, the human can still out shoot the ai. AI that has a single limitation set on it is no longer replicating a human, a true AI will do nothing but improve and never make an error.

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at least America could finally have nice cities

it's not programmed to have the chance of missing. It's "programmed" in the same way that we are programmed. A truly sentient AI would understand every part of the human brain and it's development, and would be able to recreate any human mind at any point in it's life cycle. We could be inside an AI's dream right now, and there's no way we'd be able to tell. That's the power of simulation.

You say that, but said sentient ai, understanding the human brain or not, truly can't predict human error. A truly sentient AI can run a simulation of every possible outcome, but at the end of the day it's still choosing what simulation to go through with. There is no unpredictability when the AI itself knows what the people will do, the AI cannot create a human brain without already knowing what mistakes it will make, and knowing it will make those mistakes takes away the humanity because humans cannot know every possible outcome and make errors! THE AI, THROUGH SIMULATION, MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT HUMAN ERROR, IN WHICH CREATING A HUMAN BRAIN, WILL MAKE NO ERRORS KNOWING WHAT ERRORS THE HUMANS WILL MAKE! THE AI CANNOT IGNORE THE ERRORS AND SIMPLY WATCH OVER THE HUMAN BRAIN AS THEN THAT'S NOT TRULY CREATING A SIMULATION OF SAID HUMAN BRAIN AS IT WOULD HAVE TO KNOW ALL OF ITS INTRICACIES AND WHAT IT WILL DO!

can't go wrong with a classic

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not him, but if you rate green as anything other than god tier, let alone the lowest, you have shit taste and shouldn't be allowed to speak

the AI /will/ know the "mistakes" the brain will make. Once we're significantly post-singularity, AI is basically indistinguishable from God.

they probably will pass a bill that say you can't create a replicate based on their appearance without consent.

But user, if it knows the mistakes it will make, the AI itself cannot commit error, and without error it cannot be human! It becomes God, and God is not a human! An AI will never be truly human, user! Unless we are part of a simulation there is nothing we are programmed to be limited by, and if there are limits, then we are not even close to reaching them as limits are surpassed constantly! The only thing in life guaranteed is death and taxes, my friend. Humanity has no programmed limit, if it does we find a way to surpass it. What you have to ask yourself is if an AI rewriting it's own programming is the same as us editing our DNA. Can we truly reach a point where we ourselves no longer commit error? Perhaps, but an AI is not bound by physical limitations. AI will have ascended to a God like form faster than humans will.

user, this rabbit hole doesn't have a bottom. We are reaching pure speculation on a sentient AI becoming God, and whether or not it could be considered human. All I have to say is


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>height 135 cm
>body type: stacked

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it's not about whether a God-AI should be considered human, it's about whether or not it could behave like a human, which I argue it definitely could. If you remember, the root of this conversation was that you wouldn't enjoy a sexbot because it's not human enough. I think at this point we can both agree you were wrong.


why ana is so perfect bros?

Gender: Male

>An AIs memory doesn't degrade
That's complete poppycock. Everything degrades.

tfw it will take until i'm 70 years old to finally get an ideal tall, blonde mommy gf with big tits

ironic, isn't it? if it were the past, i would have entered society to reap the rewards, ie a house and wife and children. now i will only achieve a stand-in for this at the very end.


Just realised that's not even a stat. Fags and women BTFO

>that cartoony nigger ass

incels need to fuck off

>Computer, begin Deanna Troi rape program and seal holodeck doors.

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Which one is more likely to be customizable into a loli vampire that would dom me? Something tells me a replicant would not be an option but whatever.

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Thats a man man!


This is the best one

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I want something I can fuck.

cringe and bluepilled

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cringe and floppilled

I'd make mine a ditzy bimbo fuckdoll with massive fake tits, long smooth legs, a totally bald cunt, and plump lips made for worshiping my cock.

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Sex robots exist and have scream if they don't "consent".

I want a Monerbot

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It doesn't even make sense. Not only is it not an ethnicity, she isn't at all native. Both of her parents are from Spain.

shouldn't body type say caloreesi or something?

A fetish somehow more gross than feet.

Of course

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>hair: Dark Brown
>picture : green

>not disabling safety protocols

Based. Mine's similiar

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I'm not looking to kill myself, just plow some Betazoid-Greek pussy.

She didn't have purple eyes

she has in the books

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But she whined about contacts so they didn't do it. If you're going to pick the actual character then why don't you use a cosplayer that actually looks like her?

it's just a meme dude chill

Don't tell me to chill faggot

have relaxation

It doesn't matter. We're all programmed to love anyway

That may be true if you are a shitskin or an insect over here in the civilized world brown eyes are lowest tier

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Hell yeah

>lip color not white discoloration
missed opportunity

Nobody can replicate a fake copy of the IRL human girls I find hot. They will all look creepy.

I'd rather take a 1:1 copy of a female Draenei (Like Monara) or Blood elf (See: Alori) with an Alita model (basically the actor with a cute anime face to counter the creepy aspect) too.

Trying to replicate exact realism results in nothing but failure. Humans are extremely fucking intelligent and can spot fakery a mile away. Uncanny valley is real. The best thing is sexy inspired by the real thing, but back a step to dodge the creepy area.

>I'd rather take a 1:1 copy of a female Draenei (Like Monara) or Blood elf (See: Alori)
Christ, I'd never leave the house again.

maybe he wanted a MILF

They will be banned immediately. Just look at how scared and angry women get when the notion is even mentioned. They know inherently that a bot that can provide the only leverage they have in society is a bad thing

How big of a set of cock and balls can I install

They already banned the Real Dolls brothel in Italy I think.
They were fully booked two months in advance.

Because there's not enough braindead shitskins around already.

I think she became attached to him in more of a way than wanting to please him due to programming. I thought that would be a main take away for most but apparently not. I mean, the point of the original films made you question what it means to be human (as with replicants gaining humanity) and the next step, for me, was showing that AI without a body could make the step, too.


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Isn't it love either way? She even gets Goose to buy her shit, just like a real woman that "loves" you

but she's Jewish

>half french half japanese
La Creatura

First ever photoshop (GIMP)
r8/8 m8s

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this. replicant bryce 4 me. can clean my place for me. i'd like that. i'd like watching bryce clean my place. yeah.

breddy gud

She's actually martian, incel.

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She's actually really fucking weird, nigger
Thats what she is, ugly ass cgi actually made me not watch this movie

>Hopefully there's some engineers in a secret lab somewhere solving >tfw no gf once and for all.
there's a lot of money in it
and 99% of scientists and engineers are white or asian nerds, of course they want robot gfs

I'd rather have one of these

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she'd be too heavy.
Replicants are the same weight as normal humans since they're just bioengineered parts, not robots. A Terminator even with her lighter materials would still be 300 pounds easy.

Bad taste lmao

JOI so I can stuff her in my pocket when I don't need her.

JOI, but only if she comes with smart fleshlight compatibility

>Bad CGI
You honestly have no clue what your talking about, the CGI in Alita is 11/10 some of the best CGI ever made for movies to date.
But if its the stylistic choice of place big eyes on Alita your talking about, fine you're loss.

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Why not both?

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Who is this?



Wheres the Jazz edit?

unironically i would like a Haruhi Joi


LMAOOOO look at this dude

if you live in a caucasian country, you would know that light-colored eyes (blue, green) are the best colored. how is life in nigeria, user?

>female Draenei (Like Monara)

I see you are a man of culture as well

Looks like extra footage from The Ring. Kill yourself.

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It seems to me the critical component is the knowledge of its artificiality. What if someone you know bought one for you, introduced you to her as their friend, and it took off from there without your ever knowing it was not a real person? It would adjust to be perfect for you without ever letting on it was not real, and you would never know. Would that invalidate the heights of love and fulfillment you would receive from this experience? It only matters from a perspective of an outside observer that doesn’t exist. The so called truth would not be something you concern yourself with as you would not know it.


Girl version of myself.

Biofemales will be absolutely SEETHING either way.

unfunny porn addict americuck freak

Best calves ever. Retired too soon. Sad.

She is ethnically Spanish dumbfuck. She was only born in Cuba.

It comes standard and you have to pay to get it removed.

>Fury Road
>Blade Runner 2049
>Alita: Battle Angel
Dune is the next sci fi kino that will trigger the contrarian Yea Forumspolfaggots right?

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based tbqh

>face type: some pulp

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I wouldn't surprised if it did.

>lonely men can finally feel the joys of sex
fuck off

>>lonely men can finally feel the joys of not being lonely

One Cameron, please

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>the joy of sex can be experienced with an animated rubber doll

>animated rubber doll
Did you watch Blade Runner 2049?

Replace rubber with flesh and you've got a woman

Is there some kind of template for these jois? wanna make my own

>it's those imperfections that make them human
You can program those imperfections in.

>If a robot made those mistakes and you corrected them, they'd never do it again
Don’t correct them

Try again with your bullshit “b-but muh HUMAN traits” garbage

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Language should be something like “GARBLED” or “DSHXBGURKSBXLE”

That's actually the day matriarchy would be a thing. All men nuttin' non stop and playing vydia while wymen would construct a society that takes care of the weak, never innovate and deteriorate structurally until buildings fall down.

>yfw the Great Filter is robot wayfus

I worry that this DLC would make me the slave.

I am ok with this

Not her

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Yes. But mostly just to have someone to talk to because I work from home. If I'm not playing music, I don't talk to anyone at all, all day.


Nah, femoids will be ignored and lose all their social power and men will have a lot easier time building and creating things for the benefit of humanity due to not having to waste time courting sluts and playing the social game which the entire purpose of is to get laid. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say coming home from a hard days work will be made a LOT easier if I'm walking in on a beautiful wife who causes no drama, doesn't require me to perform insane feats for sexual release nor is never 'not in the mood' and has cleaned the house and cooked a perfect michellin star chef tier meal she downloaded in a picosecond from the supernet.

Replicant tier sex bots will be the driving force behind the creative age and the next industrial revolution as men are freed from the social games to focus on creating an advanced society.

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Considering they try to ban or regulate anything white men like, yes.

>WHAAAT? WHITE MEN LIKE (thing)?! THAT'S (insert -ism)!!!

back to trash little retard

Holy shit the last time I saw this was like seven years ago and it has aged incredibly well.


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>Humans aren't also deterministic machines

Oh boy..

If someone designed a replicant tier sex bot I'd take out a loan as big as possible to buy one with no reservations. There is no amount of money that is too high to effectively replace women.

retired WAY TOO FUCKING SOON holy shit what a waste

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gay detected

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Enjoy your divorce. And your hair, while you still have it.

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Who is this absolute unit of a semen demon

>What is a light weight metal-alloy combat chassis

as I said. Cameron was still 300 pounds, even with her lighter weight materials.


no its not its literally explained in the tv show

she required 2 people to lift her.

It costs a lot but possible rn though bulky

waiting for the anime version of this

I think lolibot is the only solution for pedophiles.

What will the feminazi argue about on why shouldnt we allow pedos to have a lolibot???

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They'll exist in order to sate the unwashed masses' groomed desire for beautiful partners, but they'll be compartmentalized and feature stripped out the ass unless you pay
You'll only get an hour of free Joi time a day, with every consecutive hour rising in price. Your Joi will also automatically deduct $50 from your bank account any time it gives a positive response or asks a personal question, $200 for pretending to be interested in your opinions, and $1000 for saying it loves you

They explained that she was a light weight metal alloy combat chassis

Joi because she's a hologram and can't murder me in my sleep when she eventually realizes she doesn't want to be my servant

getting a robot girlfriend seems ironic to me as an incel
it would probably be cheaper just to keep watching porn at least untill i turn 30 next year and rid myself of this degeneracy
also if shes programed to be like a girl then what the hell would i talk about with her id rather just have the real ana to casually fuck every now and then and have cuddles and hold hands

Lighter weight than the T-800, but not as light as a human the same size. The T-850 in T3 weighed so much that a team of firefighters could not move him.

>he thinks turning 30 will completely vanquish his libido and biological need to get rid of excess semen
doesn't work that way buddy.

It's another episode of "incels will never have a gf because of their shit standars"
I came here to laugh at you pathetic cucks, brown eyes are beautiful just like women who have them. This is the real life, not some fantasy where all your women have green eyes which are gross btw, light colors make eyes look weird and crazy.

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>shit colored eyes
you might accept a girl who has them as a compromise but they're definitely not something you specifically look for.
You also sound like a nigger.

I'm actually caucasian so its my gf. Faggot

Pretty sure Cameron was exactly the weight that a girl her size would be. Thats what made her such a good infiltration unit. They even addressed it.

No Tane?

a girl that size wouldn't top 130. It took 2 people to lift her. Yeah no.

How do people manage to get such good hair selections in Photoshop?

I dont remember the 2 people to lift her all I remember is that she was light weight and the way she sat next to john on the bed etc didnt look like she was weighting more

after the car bomb and she had to reboot it took both of them to carry her from the car.

i dont remember

It's either at the end of season 1 or beginning of season 2, it was one of the bigger events. she gets in a car, starts it it blows up, they pull her from the wreck, she tries to kill John, and she reboots to avoid failing her mission.