What movies best encapsulate this sentiment?
What movies best encapsulate this sentiment?
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Lol I didn't graduate (college), I don't have a job, I don't feel like an adult (no drivers license, never went out drinking, still live with parents) and I can't say I didn't try.
My only way to cope is this sort of fantasy life I have where I made the right choices and had more qualities, only it creates a schism with real life and now my actual life doesn't even feel real either.
kinos where people obsess over something that doesn't exist?
This is dangerous bullshit. People who say this are likely people who have privileged easy lives.
You are not guaranteed anything in life. Everything can go wrong, and there is always a risk of failure.
I graduated, got a job, quickly became an adult. Now........?
My god I know the feeling. The pain of being able to imagine the life I wanted. It's torture.
500 Days of Summer, assuming he ended up with Autumn.
have sex
work until you die
Superbad, innit?
Liar, Liar
>graduated high school
>broke but went to trade school
>became a failed adult that lives in a single bedroom cabin alone I built by myself
>found one woman I’ve ever loved but she moved back to Pennsylvania to be with her parents
>32 and feel like life is quickly ending
Nothing is ever promised.
this is awful advice and unless things are handed to you on a silver platter by luck or connections, you're going to end up 30 and wonder why you're still stuck in the same place you were 10 years ago. all because you were waiting for the right opportunity to "grow up."
Teach me kung fu, O wise squirrel
That's not what happened to me. That post is a lie.
He left out the part where it all falls apart in front of your eyes and have nothing left but bittersweet memories and guilt all while desperately trying to create something new and meaningful as you watch the clock move faster and faster drawing you ever nearer to the sweet release of death.
imagine being this soulless, normies can go to hell
find someone who loves you, can't you read?
mad men
there's literally nothing stopping you from going out and doing what you want except your own piss-poor attitude
>t former shut-in who failed, reinvented himself, got two college degrees, and got married to the love of my life last year
>Dropped out of college
>Feel like only chance at a career is in a trade
>TFW I feel like I'll give it up the first time I have to work in shitty conditions or work more than 40 hours a week
At least I can squeeze a little bit more out of my future.
What a fucking faggoty platitude. I bet he patted his dick with contented glee when he posted that fucking drivel. I'd slap his ballsack with a leather belt.
None of those things are guaranteed and even then you'll still probably end up unhappy.
>go to college to get a trade because everyone says it's a guarenteed job
>graduate five months ago
>at least 60 applications
>2 callbackd
>no interviews
>everyone wants 3-5 years of experience in starting positions
>girls make fun of me because now I'm driving a forklift in a warehouse while they're in their 2nd year of university getting fucked out by diversity quota and sport scholarship douchebags
>all my older brothers are single and working jobs that had nothing to do with their degrees or certifications
>am now willing to join any cult or movement that has the balls to start tearing this society apart
Where's this magic hitler /pol/ keeps telling me is coming. I don't even care what their politics are, I'll join up with the first guy with a movement who wants to McVeigh society.
Holy based
You shouldn't be posting this on the internet.
Money is stopping me. I can't even find a regular min. wage job, how can I go back to college? And even then, to study what? I failed college once because I couldn't understand the classes past the first year.
As for the rest, I'm almost in panic everytime I go outside, and back when I tried to be outgoing and meet people it only resulted in bad experiences. I'm 23 now, it's too late. I just don't look sideways when I cross the street.
>you'll find someone who loves you
Women will find 100 men who love them, reject them all, then regret it when they're over 30 and it's too late
Men will just keep getting rejected, but if we do get a job we can buy a sexbot
modern life is hell for people like us. We're not good enough to have the life we want but smart enough to realize how shitty our life is/will be.
at this point i only want to live for few people i care about. i consider myself a failure and few things matter to me anymore. i recently suffered a heavy loss which perhaps took an additional toll on my soul. i would actually consider becoming a somewhat stable wagie to be an optimal scenario for myself because i cannot find a drive in whatever free time i might have. (i'm not exactly unemployed, but corporate freelancing for pennies is a demeaning existence).
What's the FBI gonna do take away the job I can't get and put me in jail with other angry young men? Least I'd get street cred and probably get an opportunity to join a mafia or gang.
*meaningless platitude
Depending on what your trade is in I might have a membership in a neutral spiritualist movement for you.
Forrest Gump
these things can/will happen, but only people younger than 25 write bullshit like this, telling people to "relax"
what you realise as you get older is that 90% of people are cowards who don't actively pursue anything and just wait for things to come to them.
I graduated, no job, no one loves me, no life, now what
This is true if and only if you didn't spend your formative years on the internet
A sentiment can be a meaningless platitude, however this sentiment is not
Graduated and got a job, any day now that girlfriend will fall in my lap hahaha. Just gotta be patient.
That's a vole you retard
You have to get a job next. Op lays it out very clearly.
meditation and learning to cook well. maybe get a pet.
Does this still apply if I'm a 26 year old NEET
What kind of job and degree?
Put together some money a nice car get some swagger and the bitches will roll in
looksmax and develop game or settle for used up ladies who are “tired of boys” (too old for chad they mean). Those are your only two options now that you have a stable life.
>tfw about to be 30
It's too late to start my life now isn't it? I'm 12 years behind everyone else, what do i do?
How is it not?
Do things you like
I know people who have no parents, have been addicted to heroin and have all those things this guy listed.
I'm neck deep in debt and I'm forced to stay in a shitty job or else we'll be late on our payments. But hey, at least I'll be done in 25 years and enjoy life huh
yeah, none of this is true.
t. NEET wizard
Just do whatever the fuck you want in life. There’s no rules or things you HAVE to do. If your dream is to play bodies by drowning pool while shooting up a daycare, do it dude. Or rape a bunch of dudes and chicks. Who cares?
22 year old virgin with ugly dicklet. Am I fucked lads ?
Fuck, I came here to say this.
>dude just relax
I mean I'm sure the people getting hurt would care. Maybe keep that sperg rage contained to your own home.
I haven't even graduated high school and I'm 21. Never got my GED. Also don't have a drivers license or permit. Feel free to feel better about yourselves at my expense, i'm literally entirely to blame
Normalfaggots can just go on autopilot and get a gf automatically. They do not understand people for whom it doesn't work that way and legit think those people are just gay or something.
First of all stop thinking about it in terms of being “behind” everyone else. You have your life, it’s going in a certain direction. If you don’t like the direction it’s going, then what can YOU do to improve things? Even small steps can help build momentum, you should start right now though while your body is still in working order.
You're still young, man. It's not too late. If you don't have anything going on by 40 maybe start thinking things over.
Business MIS and I work IT at an elementary school. So I make shit money but its comfy. Hopefully chicks dig a guy that's good with kids.
Freddy got Fingered
The "love of your life" fucked tons of guys before you and continues to this day. She's only staying with you because of your wallet.
Why don't you try to get your GED now?
At least Guv'ment jobs get good benefits right?
Actually that sounds pretty good. You're getting experience and you'll be able to find a good job later, just start spreading applications, get interviews, and, again, put some money together and take care of yourself, the women will roll in
Thanks that's pretty good advice, I need to stop comparing myself to everyone else and then hating myself i guess.
Being an edgy faggot doesn't make you interesting. It's 2019 and boring as hell.
It's not a platitude, as it describes concrete things happening, and it's not meaningless, as it clearly means something, i.e. that these things will happen. It's just a wrong sentiment
Hitler is never coming back
Actually the most normie sentiment I've seen in a while
Complacency is a slow death for most people, if you don't freak out early and commit to constant effort and self-improvement you're just wasting time and making it harder on yourself when you eventually wake up
I wish I was a normalfag who can just live life on fucking cruise control. Yeah bro, all those things will come to you just naturally haha it's not like I'm going to be a virgin living in his parents basement at 30 with no degree and will die alone and miserable haha.
Lads I'm genuinely considering suicide because I know for a fact all of that is a lie.
Did you go to trade school? Are you applying for journeyman positions? You need to apply for apprenticeships user. Go to indeed and search for every entry level position in your field and apply to all of them. Also, apartment complex maintenance for some easy experience.
>i graduated years ago. a bachelors degree is useless and holds no real value
>can’t find a career because companies would rather hire a pair of tits. currently working as a seasonal laborer
>gf left after realizing i’m going to be poor forever
>32 years old
I recommend Castaway
You got really insecure and defensive really fast m8
user, if you have no money apply for section 8 and food stamps and stuff. They can get you the healthcare you need so you can conquer your fears and smash that depression. It’s a long road ahead but you can get back on track! Remember, every job is important! The world would be smelly if every garbage man and plumber became a doctor or lawyer! Entry level and labor jobs are important too!
Fucking this. I got a girl's number who is into me, I'm attractive and fit, I live alone in an appartment, I played it cool chatting with her on whatsapp, and still doesnt seem to be interested on going out on a date with me. I also gave her a sexual hint and didn't seem to respond positively.
Fuck women
Nobody is entitled to graduate or to get a job or have relationships much less "loving ones." (Especially in today's world where past ideas of human interaction are getting fucking murdered on the street) All we are entitled to is death and taxes.
You’re on my rape list now, user. Everyone is capable of murdering and raping. You should be afraid.
*unless your under 6ft, non white or ugly
Twitter is garbage for everything except porn.