Where all are accepted, and none are rejected

where all are accepted, and none are rejected.

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I'm so glad I have channel 5

Can I have this magazine for free?
fuck that sandwich looked tasty


>haha look at this retard
>haha but no we really care about him
I remember there used to be a YouTube video of Tim and Eric behind the scenes where Tim was abusing the shit out of David. Mocking him and fucking with him. It wasn't one of their fake clips either.


Its pretty clear that he has no self awareness of his purpose in absolutely production. I felt pretty gutted that they used his genuine feelings about his mother's passing for a quick laugh in this show.

But at this point, theres nothing anyone can do to convince these people that they're being taken advantage of. At least they promoted David to go on tour to perform his songs, he was probably thrilled about that


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Literally all of the side characters other than Odenkirk, Weird Al, and John Reilly are mentally ill people who they've gaslighted into believing that they are tv stars

I stop watching Tim and Eric when I realized they were exploiting this guys mental disorder. They made him do stand up one time and it was cringe.....they weren’t laughing with him they were laughing at him. Special place in hell for those two faggot canooks

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It’s true faggot

fuck tha haters
DLH is kino


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There is nothing wrong with laughing at the disabled

They give David near complete creative control though. Almost all his Awesome Show segments were thought of and created himself, same with James Quall. It's not like Tim and Eric forced them to do things that made them uncomfortable. I don't think there's any segment that really portrays them in a negative light because the whole show deals with the bizarre.

It was a pretty big mindfuck for me when I realized all the post-irony, pessimism, and pedophilic imagery wasn't just an act but actually reflective of Tim's real personality.

As far as David goes though, christian scientists are the type to reject psychiatric help, so at least he's been given work and a creative outlet instead of worse outcomes.

He is kino, its just the circumstances that his content has been produced under that are distasteful

I agree. When I started getting into /pol/ especially there pedo tracking. I noticed that there was a lot of hidden symbolism in there show about pedo stuff and child sexual abuse. Even in the Tim and Eric movie there is uneasy seen with them taking a child away from his father and Eric being the “new daddy”

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> "all these links" to videos where tim and eric disrespect the talent
> no libks

dlh used to have his cell phome number available online and would accept calls from anyone
a bud and I called him once and talked to him while he was in line at ralphs and he complained about a mexican cutting in front of a pregnant lady in line


Sounds about right. I love his random outbursts of abrasiveness


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stay mad that MDE will be forgotten like the worthless pile of shit it was