
4: Big bright eyes, seductive expression. Extremely beautiful. Body not necessarily the best of the four, but it's still good.
3: Also a seductive expression and hot body, but something isn't as perfect as 4. 4 screams fertility, 3 just says it.
2: Great body, but has a weird face with sallow cheeks and small eyes. Looks like an early-stage meth addict.
1: Shitskin. Nothing else to say.

Attached: very important debate.jpg (1280x720, 630K)

LiLo #1 and it's not really a debate

Attached: lindsay_lohan_mean_girls.jpg (300x450, 61K)

Chabert is 100% of european descent. she just has an olive complexion and used to tan back then.
kinda like Ariana Grande who went from italian to mutt supreme in a short time

This is literally the worst angle of prime LL I have ever seen. Goes to show you can make anyone look unattractive if you try hard enough. You've made a 10/10 look like a 5

>right to left
Back to Yea Forums filthy weeb

I have to admit, in this picture, she is the hottest one by far. But in the original pic, I maintain that 4 is hotter than her.

What went wrong?

Rachel McAdams > power gap > the rest
if you disagree you're a literal faggot

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OP here, and this is now officially a digits thread.

Holy shit

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Given what we know back then and today
>rank of their personality and behaviors
>rank current attractiveness
>rank of attractiveness in this photo

Therefore the overall ranking is
1>2Anyone who disagrees is a pleb.

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The holy gods of Yea Forums have blessed this thread with dubs

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left to right
1, 3, 2, 4

>1: Shitskin. Nothing else to say.

Have sex /pol/ faggot.

in the movie:
McAdams > Lohan > Chabert > Seyfried
at their peak:
Lohan > McAdams (but very close) > Chabert > Seyfried
Chabert > Seyfried > McAdams >>>> Lohan

Source of picture?

Someone post their current pictures

Fuck off niggers this is about dubs now

so where are yours, faggot?

imagine being this wrong.

Where the fuck are yours, cockboy?



>Looks like an early-stage meth addict.
Anyone else kind of like this

Bump for more dubs

> McAdams = Seyfried >>> The rest...
> Chabert > Lohan (?) > Seyfried >>> McAdams
> Mcadams (if pic related is real) >> The rest...
> Mcadams >>> The rest
Face overall...
> Lohan has the worst face easily especially now (she has that drowsy eyes half open sasha grey/emily blunt look), the rest are too close to call.

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>that ass

seyfried had some pretty solid tits and ass around the time she did Chloe, though now her tits have kinda deflated

Lacey is the best and aged the best, cope

Chabert > Lohan > McAdams > Seyfried

Benson > Hudgens > Gomez > Korine

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You know its true.

Seyfried for ever.

Attached: amanda-seyfried-pregnant.jpg (356x651, 33K)

more like seyfried chicken


>Chabert literally went off to do fucking Hallmark movies.

Wh-why must all the good ones leave.

And ended up becoming a huge Christfag

Today op was based and redpilled. Kino list and anyone who disagrees needs to kys them selfs

Attached: 1539639402296.jpg (1200x1599, 154K)

The fuck? That's not the picture I posted.

4 >>> 3 > 2 >

rolling to confirm

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all I know is that I find Rachel McAdams pretty unattractive these days, not as bad as Lohan of course but still. On the other hand Seyfried and Lambert

giv milk

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I concur

That's better

This look like something out of a horror movie, and it's kind of turning me on.

I miss the days when celebs would do bikini and lingerie shoots for magazines like FHM and Maxim.

Now you just hope for scraps on instagram.

Imagine Moner in a Maxim spread.

you literally just got it backwards
jump off a building you tasteless faggot

>shitskin first goddess Seyfried lasf
2/10 bait. Made me reply

presuming this is taking place back in 2004, I'd go with 3/4/1/2, but really the first three are pretty much interchangeable for me. Same level of hot.

McAdams back then was nasty, she's better as a milf nowadays.

I had a really intense dream where Lacey Chabert was my sex slave. We were on a private island, and I had kidnapped her to this same island before in the past.
At that time, I had chased her down and raped her for several nights until she realized that running was pointless because we were stuck on an island, and she just willingly gave herself to me, night after night.
Then, we got off the island somehow, since in my dream we were returning to it.
When my dream started, she had this grim realization that her lavish life in Hollywood was once again thousands of miles away, and she had no choice but to once again, either be chased down and violently raped, or to give herself to me.
Something about the desperation of the situation, along with the deception on her part, that of pretending to desire me and giving up her perfect body in order to avoid the consequences of resistance, made it stick with me in the morning, and afterward.
You know how you often forget details of a dream, usually seconds after waking? You suddenly can't remember most of it? I vividly remember every look she gave me, the feel of her body, it was as if I could smell her desperation.
To this day I remember every detail of that dream.

What age Lacey?
Late Party of Five? Lost in Space? Not Another Teen Movie? Mean Girls?

Correct although I feel Hudgens would be be the best in bed

definitely mean girls, this thread reminded me